Sans titre - Charles Fréger


Sans titre - Charles Fréger
Charles Fréger
Version française disponible ici
Born in 1975, Charles Fréger is a graduate of the Rouen Art School. He has
devoted himself to the poetic and anthropological representation of social
groups such as athletes, school children, the armed forces, etc.
His work offers a reflection upon the image of contemporary youth.
Charles Fréger is also the founder of the artistic community Piece of Cake
( and of the POC publishing house.
Diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique, Graduate degree in Fine
(Ecole régionale des beaux-arts de Rouen), June 2000
Photographic Portraits and Uniforms:
A series of portraits taken within a collective environment requiring a uniform
dress code: cadets from the Salon-de-Provence Air Force school, Scouts,
French Navy, football supporters clubs, English Secondary schools, Technical
Colleges and Majorettes clubs...
Faire face — May 1999, Clubs — July 1999
Portraits of young individuals wearing different types of uniforms.
(French Air Force, Majorettes, Scouts, Football Club Supporters)
De l’herbe— September 1999
Portraits of middle class families from a small town, taken in their gardens.
Protocole — October 1999
Portraits of young volunteers in a pharmaceutical clinic, taken during a medical
3741, Les Tabliers— December 1999
Portraits of workers on an assembly line in a motor factory.
Majorettes — February 2000 - July 2001
Portraits of the entire Majorette assembly from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
Water-polo — March 2000
Portraits of swimmers after training.
Pattes blanches — May 2000
Portraits of students in the white smocks of l’école nationale d’industrie laitière
in Poligny (Jura).
Miss — August 2000
Portraits of a selection of beauty contestants, before the competition.
Notre-Dame— November - December 2000
Portraits of the pupils of a Catholic school in Norwich, England.
Camouflages — January 2001
Portraits of young recruits from a French Navy artillery regiment.
Liteau — February - April 2001
Portraits of future chefs, cooks, waiters and wine waiters.
Sagesfemmes — March - June 2001
Portraits of student midwives from the maternity in Rouen.
Légionnaires — work in progress
Portraits of young legionnaires and sappers.
Steps — August 2001 - February 2002
Portraits of synchronised skaters in Helsinki.
Glőgg — December 2001
Portraits taken during la Sainte-Lucie in a secondary school in the suburbs of
Merisotakoulu— January 2002
Portraits of young sailors from Finland.
Sihuhu— August 2002
Portraits of Hungarian Pioneer scouts.
Les hommes verts — March 2002 - April 2003
Portraits of road sweepers in Paris.
Bleus de travail — January 2002 - May 2003
Portraits of polytechnic students.
Trampoline — April 2003
Portraits of gymnasts from a trampolining club.
Rikishi — February 2002 – September 2003
Portraits of young sumo wrestlers.
LUX— February 2002 – May 2004
Portraits of the youth of Luxembourg.
Itzas’— February 2004
Portraits of the Itza’ population in Guatemala.
The Queen’s Guard — March 2004
Portraits of Grenadiers during the changing of the guard in London.
Menti — April 2004
Portraits at the Moscow Police Academy.
Museum of Modern Art, Luxembourg.
Commission for a series of portraits featuring the youth of Luxembourg.
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations / Centre Photographique de HauteNormandie /
Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain de Haute-Normandie.
Bleu de travail — Commission for a series of portraits of students wearing their
overalls within the industrial training sites of the Normandy region.
Town of Ferrare — May 2001 – June 2002
Commission for a series of portraits of adolescents during the ‘Palio de
Centre photographique de Cherbourg — August – September 2002.
Commission for a series of portraits within the Cherbourg Arsenal.
Festival des Arts de la mode de Hyères — April 2003.
Commission for a series of portraits of gymnasts in a trampolining club from the
south of France.
Festival international de la Mode de Singapore — March 2002
Commission for a series of portraits in diverse settings: « foodcenter », « face
of the future », Jean-Paul Gauthier exhibition.
Boston Consulting group — June 2003
Commission for a series of portraits of Consultants (“Matière grise”).
Festival photographique de Clermont Ferrand — May 2004
Commission for a series of portraits of wrestlers belonging to a club in
Centre régional photographique de Haute-Normandie
May – June 2000
Galerie P, Bruxelles, Belgium
15th February – 28th April 2001
Ecole des beaux-arts, Tours, France
8th March – 20th April 2001
Galerie du Bellay, Rouen, France
24th April – 19th May 2001
Festival International des Arts de la Mode, Hyères, France
27th – 30th April 2001
FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen, France
April – June 2001
Galerie 779, Paris, France *
3rd May – 29th June 2001
Va y avoir du sport, exposition-colloque, Galerie “Les filles du Calvaire” Paris,
October 2001
Galerie Pennings, Eindhoven, Holland *
October – November 2001
Mois de la photographie, Cherbourg-Octeville, France
(diaporama “de François Kollar à Charles Fréger”)
November 2001
Rencontres photographiques de Lorient, France *
9th November – 16th December 2001
Centre culturel français, Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany *
January – February 2002
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France *
January – Feburary 2002
Galerie 779, Paris, France
January – February 2002
Galerie 14/16 Verneuil, Paris, France *
May 2002
Galerie du Château d’eau, Toulouse, France
(produced for “le printemps de Septembre“)
May 2002
Mois de la photographie, Cherbourg, France
November 2002
Mois de la photographie de Cherbourg-Octeville, France
November 2002
Galerie P, Bruxelles, Belgium
November – December 2002
Workshop “Piece of cake,” Rouen, France
November 2002
Galerie Hippolyte, Helsinki (Finlande) *
January 2003
Centre Photographique de Oulu (Finlande) *
February – Mars 2003
Galerie Poller, Frankfurt (Allemagne)
March – April 2003
Festival International des Arts de la Mode, Villa Noaille Hyères
April – May 2003.
Le Plateau, FRAC Ile de France
“des voisinages“ May 2003.
Galerie du Pole Image, Rouen*
October – November 2003
Artothèque de Caen*
October – November 2003
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen*
January – April 2004
Stip Gallery, Amsterdam (Hollande)*
February 2004
Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne (Suisse)
“Je t’envisage“ February – April 2004
Culturguest, Lisbonne (Portugal)
“Made in France,“ February 2004
Galerie Nouvelles Images, La Haye (Hollande)
April – July 2004
L’imagerie, Lannion (France)
Estivales photographiques, June – September 2004
Hayward gallery, London (Angleterre)
“About face“ June – September 2004
* solo exhibitions
Photographic Portraits and Uniforms
Book co-published with la Société Française de Photographie.
Preface by Philippe Arbaïzar, director for, 20th Century Photography at the
Cabinet des Estampes, and Photography at the National Library of France.
Éditions 779 - Paris. June 2001.
Book combining one hundred and forty portraits from the Majorettes series.
Preface by Didier Mouchel, director of the photography gallery of Pole Image
de Haute Normandie.
Éditions Léo Scheer - Paris. January 2002.
Book combining seventy portraits from the Legionnaires series.
Preface by Raphaëlle Stopin.
Éditions 779/Château d’eau - Paris. September 2002.
Book combining forty portraits of workers at the Arcelor factories.
Preface by Pierre Etschegoyan.
Ponctuation éditeur - Nantes. October 2002.
Book combining sixty portraits of synchronised skaters from Finland.
Text by Rosa Liksom
Le point du jour éditeur/ POC éditions. December 2002.
Le froid, le gel, l’image : Merisotakoulu
Text by Jean-Paul Curnier
Éditions Léo Scheer
October 2003
Bleus de travail
Preface by Marc Donnadieu
POC éditions
September 2003
Preface by Chihiro Minato
POC éditions
December 2004