Union of International Associations


Union of International Associations
12 numéros par an, chacun de 76 à 150 pages, contenant
des articles, des études, des chroniques, des statistiques, des recensions bibliographiques, l'annonce de
création ou de projets de création d'organisations
internationales, les changements d'adresse des organisations internationales et
• le " International Congress Calendar " et
la " Bibliographie courante des Documents,
Comptes Rendus et Actes des Réunions internationales " (mensuelle)
est publiée par
Edition bilingue (français-anglais)
Abonnement annuel : 450 FB, 45 FF, 40 FS
Comité de Direction de l´UAI :
Executive Council :
Président :
Président :
F A CASADIO, Directeur, Societa Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale (Italie);
Vice-Présidents :
Vice-Présidents :
Sir Ramaswami MUDALIAR, President India Steamship
Company (India);
Pierre VASSEUR, Secrétaire général honoraire de la
Chambre de Commerce Internationale (France);
Membres :
Members :
Th CAVALCANTI, Président de l'Institut de Droit Public
de la Fondation Getulio Vargas (Brésil);
Etienne de la VALLEE POUSSIN, Sénateur, Délégué
belge à l'Assemblée Consultative du Conseil de
l'Europe (Belgique);
Dr Mohamed Aly RIFAAT (RAU), Secrétaire général de.
l'Organisation Afro-Asiatique de Coopération Economique;
S ROKKAN, Director of Research, Chr Michelsen
Institut (Norway);
T KOTARBINSKI, Ancien Président de l'Académie
Polonaise des Sciences (Pologne);
Louis VERNIERS, Secrétaire général honoraire du
Ministère de l'Education nationale (Belgique);
Secrétaire Général :
Secretary-General :
Georges Patrick SPEECKAERT, Docteur en droit;
Trésorier Général :
General Treasurer :
Roland RAINAUT (France).
Secrétariat général :
General Secrétariat :
1, rue aux Laines, Bruxelles 1, tél. 11.83.96
Provides articles, surveys, book reviews, notes on current
activities and plans for new international organizations,
changes of address, together with
• the International Congress Calendar, and
• the "Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports
and Proceedings of International Meetings " (monthly).
Autres publications :
• Petit répertoire des organisations internationales,
liste alphabétique en langue française avec adresses.
• International Initialese, 2nd edition with supplement.
• Select Bibliography on International Organization
(1885-1964), by G P Speeckaert.
Bibliographie sélective sur l'organisation internationale (1885-19S4) par G P Speeckaert.
« Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings
held in 1957, 1958. 1959 (3 volumes).
Bibliographie des comptes rendus des réunions
internationales tenues en 1957, 1958. 1959 (3 vol).
• Yearbook of International
1960-68 (in preparation),
• International Congress Science Series : 7 volumes in
English and French editions.
Collection " La science des congrès internationaux ";
7 volumes parus en éditions française et anglaise.
• Documents for the study of international non governmental relations (14 volumes issued).
Documents pour servir à l'étude des relations internationales non gouvernementales (14 brochures parues).
La liste détaillée des publications sera envoyée sur
Full list will be sent on request.
Each issue contains 78-150 pages. Bilingual (English/French)
Annual subscription: (Calendar year); US$11; 75/-; BF450
Other publications :
• Yearbook of International Organizations - 11th edition,
1966-67 (English)
is published by the
20' A N N E E
Un plan comptable pour les organisations internationales sans but lucratif,
par M. Mommen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New international organizations — Nouvelles organisations internationales .
Projets de nouvelles organisations internationales — Plans for new international organizations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Barcelona 1970 — Financial aspects of international congresses .
OF INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DES REUNIONS INTERNATIONALES . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Third Supplement to the Annual International Congress Calendar, 1968 edition —
Troisième supplément au Calendrier annuel des réunions internationales, édit. 1968
Index to the Calendar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
{Les opinions exprimées dans les
articles signés ne reflètent pas
nécessairement les vues de l'UAl.}
[The views expressed in the signed articles
do not necessarily reflect
those of the UAL]
MENSUEL publié par
des Associations Internationales
Published MONTHLY by
Union of International Associations
Annual subscription: $ 11 or 75/Editor,
Administration :
Brussels I (Belgium)
UK Business Office: Mrs. Fay Pannell,
184 Fleet Street, London EC 4
Advertising manager : Roger Ranson,
35, boulevard de la République, St Cloud,
Seine-et-Oise (France)
Abonnement 1 an : 450 FB, 45 NF, 40 FS
Rédaction, Administration : 1, rue aux Laines,
Bruxelles 1 (Belgique)
UK Business Office: Mrs. Fay Pannell,
184 Fleet Street, London EC 4
Délégué, Direction de la publicité: Roger Ranson
35, boulevard de la République, St Cloud,
Seine-et-Oise (France)
A plan of accounts for non-profit making
international organizations
Administrator General, Académie Internationale de Comptabilité
Administrative financial problems face every international organization in whatever country its headquarters are established,
whether or not it has legal status and whether it groups together
millions or a few hundred individuals.
In the following pages we publish, with the kind permission
of the author, an extract from a study on The Financial administration of international non-governmental organizations and all
other non-profit making organizations (with or without legal
The pilot plan in four languages outlined below is an adaptation of the International Plan of Accounts drawn up by M. Mommen. It is. of course, a model from winch each organization can
adopt or borrow what is most suitable or necessary in their own
K l a s s e1
1 — INVESTIERUNGEN (Investitionen)
Kapital u. Fonds das dem Verband langfristig zur Verfiigung stehen (in ilire abstrakten Form).
10 Kapital
12 Rücklagen
14 übertrage
16 Anleihen
18 Re-Investierungen
Class 1
Capital or funds at the disposition of the
Association (in their abstract form).
Klasse 2
Class 2
Comprises machinery, materials, etc., facilitating the organisation and administration
of the association. Write off period over
more than one year.
Der Organisation und der Verwaltung des
Verbandes dienende Einrichtungen, Werkzeuge, Maschinen, mit einer Nutzungsdauer
von mehr als einem Jahr.
20 Immatérielles, Anlagevormögen
(Konzessionen, Patente, Lizenzen, Marken- u. ähnliche Rechte)
21 Im Bau befindliche Anlagen
23 Gebäude
24 Installationen
25 Masehinen u. maschinelle Anlagen...
26 Mobilien
28 Abschreibungen
(Folgt Seite 162)
10 Capital
12 Reserves
14 Results brought forward
16 Loans
18 Re-investments
20 Incorporeal.
cences, etc.
Rights of exploitation, li-
21 In process (equipment)
23 Buildings
24 Installations, fixtures
25 Machinery, material...
26 Furniture
28 Depreciation
(Continued on page 162)
Un plan comptable
pour les organisations internationales
sans but lucratif
Administrateur Général, Académie Internationale de Comptabilité
Les problèmes de gestion financière se posent à toute organisation internationale dans quelque pays que soit établi son siège,
qu'elle ait ou non la personnalité civile, qu'elle groupe des millions ou quelques centaines d'individus.
Nous publions ci-dessous avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur,
un extrait d'une étude sur « La Gestion financière des organisations
internationales non gouvernementales et toutes autres sans but
lucratif (avec ou sans personnalité civile) ».
Le plan-pilote en quatre langues ci-dessous est une adaptation
du Plan Comptable International mis au point par M. Mommen.
Il s'agit évidemment d'un modèle dont chaque association adopte
ou emprunte ce qui convient, ce qui lui est nésessaire.
Clase 1
1 — INVERSIONES (investimentos)
Comprende todos los capitales o fondes que
se encuentran a disposición de la asociación
(en forma abstracta, inmaterial).
10 Capital
12 Réservas
14 Rémanentes
16 Empréstitos
18 Reinversiones
Clase 2
Classe 1
Tous capitaux et fonds se trouvant à la disposition de l´association (dans leur forme
abstraite, immatérielle).
10 Capital
12 Réserves
14 Reports
16 Emprunts
18 Réinvestissements
Classe 2
Agrupatodos los elementos, materiales o
màquinas que facilitan el desarollo de la
organizacion y funcionamento de la admïnistracion (cuyo estado de utilización — resistencia al desgaste — es superior a un ano).
Tous mécanismes, matériels, machines, facilitant l´organisation et l´administration de
l'association (dont la résistance à l´usure et
au temps s'étend sur plus d'une année).
20 Imnateriales (Patente, licencia, derecho
de explotación... )
20 Immatériels (Brevets, licence, droits d'exploitation. ..)
21 En curso
23 Inmuebles
24 Instalaciones
25 Materiales, màquinas...
26 Mobiliarios
28 Amortizaciones
21 En cours
23 Immeubles
24 Installations
25 Matériels, machines...
26 Mobiliers
28 Amortissements
(Continuacion pagina 163)
(Suite page 163)
K1 a s s e 3
Fl_ssige Mittel (Geldbestände) u. kurzfristige Forderungeii sowie Verbmdlichkeiten,
UNESCO Scheme.
30 Kasse
31 Banken
310 Postscheckguthaben
311 BankX...
34 Kurzfristige Forder. u. Verbindl.
36 Briefmarken, Wertzeichen...
38 Durcbgangskonto
Class 3
All means of payment at short term including cheques, UNESCO coupons dividend
30 Cash
31 Banks
310 Post Office Accounts
311 Bank X . . .
34 Short term
36 Various stamps...
38 Transfer of funds
K l a sse 4
4 — RELATIONEN (Verbindungen)
Beziehungen zn Dritten, Gläubiger u.
Schuldner, sonstige Forderungen und Verbindlichkeiten, Verpflichtungen...
40 Lieferanten
41 Kunden
42 Personal
43 Mitglieder
44 Sonstige Kreditoren
45 Sonstige Debitoren
Class 4
All debtors and creditors, eventually any
engagement entered into...
K1 a s s e 5
Class 5
Subsistenzmittel des Verbandes (von den
Mitgliedern eingeforderte Beitrage; Büromaterial und ähnliche Bestände und verschiedene Vorräte.)
50 Gebühren
51 Beiträge
510 Gewöhnliche
511 Ausserordentliche
512 ...
515 Lebensbeitrage
52 Spenden, Gaben
54 Unterstützungen, Subventionen
56 Insignien, Ehrenzeichen
58 Dokumente, Druckereibedarf u. Büromat.
580 Prospekte
581 Druckereibedarf
5810 Matrizen
5811 Papier
5812 Druckfarbe
5814 Uraschläge...
582 Büromaterial
(Folgt Seite 164)
40 Suppliers
41 Customers
42 Personnel, Staff
43 Members
44 Miscellaneous creditors
45 Miscellaneous debtors
Comprises any amount claimed
bers to assure the upkeep of the
Also other resources ensuring
nance together with assets and
stock or in reserve.
50 Admission fees
51 Subscriptions
510 Ordinary subscriptions
511 Special subscriptions
512 ...
515 Life membership
52 Gifts, donations
54 Subsidies, subventions
56 Badges, medals
58 Documents, stationery
580 Documentation, information
581 Printing material
5810 Stencils
5811 Paper
5812 Ink
5814 Wrappers, envelopes
582 Office supplies
from memassociation.
its maintematerial in
(Continued on page 164)
Clase 3
Todos los niedios de pago a corto plazo y
disponibles, tambien los cheques, bonos
UNESCO, cupones, etc.
30 Caja
31 Bancos
310 Cheques postales
311 Banco X
34 Corto plazo
36 Timbres varies
38 Compensaciones
Tous moyens de payement à court terme et
disponibles y compris chèques, bons UNESCO,
coupons, etc...
30 Caisse
31 Banques
310 Chèques postaux
311 Banque X
34 Court ternie
36 Timbres divers
38 Compensations
Clase 4
Todas las relaciones con « terceras personas », que deben recibir o pagar a la asociacion, eventualmente ciertos compromises.
40 Proveedores
41 Clientes
42 Personal
43 Miembros
44 Acreedores diverses
45 Deudores diversos
Classe 4
Tous tiers en relation avec l'association,
ayant à recevoir ou à payer, éventuellement
certains engagements.
40 Fournisseurs
41 Clients
42 Personnel
43 Membres
44 Créditeurs divers
45 Débiteurs divers
Clase 5
Classe 5
Toutes sommes réclamées aux membres
pour assurer la subsistance de l'association,
aussi d'autres ressources pour subsister, ainsi
que les biens et matières en stock ou réserve.
Todas las sumas solicitadas de los miembros
para asegurar la vida de la asbres asociacion,
también otras fuentes de subsistencia para 3a
misma, tales como bienes y materias en stock
o réserva.
50 Derechos de admisión
51 Cuotas
510 Ordinarias
511 Especiales
512 ...
515 Vitalicias
52 Donativos
54 Subvenciones
56 Insignes, medallas ...
58 Documentes, articules de oficina...
580 Documentación, informaciones...
581 Materias para impresos
5810 Stenciles
5811 Papeles
5812 Tintas
5814 Fajas para direcciones sobres...
582 Papeleria y articules en réserva
(Continuacion pagina 165)
Classe 3
50 Droits d'admission
51 Cotisations
510 Ordinaires
511 Spéciales
512 ...
515 à vie
52 Dons
54 Subsides
56 Insignes, médailles ...
58 Documents, papeteries fournit, div.
580 Documentation, information...
581 Matières pour impression
5810 Stencils
5811 Papiers
5812 Encres
5814 Bandes adress. envelop.
582 Fournitures de bureau
(Suite page 165}
5820 Schreidpapier
5821 Kohlepapier
5822 Farbbänder
5828 Sonstige Büro u. Schreibmat.
5820 Typing paper
5821 Carbon paper
5822 Typewriter Ribbons
5828 Miscellaneous
Kl a s s e 6
Class 6
Alle für die Aufrechterhaltung der Verbandsarbeit notwendigen Aufwendungen bzw.
Kosten, nach Arten gegliedert.
60 Löhne und Gehälter
61 Soziale Aufwendungen
62 Materialverbrauch (aus Vorräte)
All expenses necessary to assure the running
of the association (classified according to
their nature).
60 Salaries, wages
61 Complementary wages, welfare...
62 Supplies (out of stock)
63 Dienstleistungen Dritter
630 Kommunikationsmittel
6300 Telefon
6301 Porti
6302 Briefpapier u. Umschläge
(nicht aus Vorräte)
6303 Drucksachen, Rundschreiben
6304 Zeitschriften
6305 Anzeigen
6306 Ausstellungen
6307 Tagungen
631 Reiseaufwendungen
6310 Taxi
6311 Autoaufw. (Benzin, Öl, Reifen,
Steuer u. Versicherung)
6312 Garagen- u. Parkgebühren
6313 Auto-Abschreibungen
6314 Eisenbahn, Flugzeug, Schiff,
6315 Sonstige Verkehrmittel
6316 Gepäck-Transport
6317 Aufwendungen in Hotels u.
6318 Sonstige Reiseaufwendungen
632 Allgemeine Verwaltungsaufwendungen
6320 Raumkosten
63200 Miete
63201 Strom
63202 Heizung
63203 Wasser
63204 Reinigung
63205 Pförtner
6321 Versicherungen
6322 Reparaturen
(Folgt Seite 166)
63 Services (supplied by third parties)
630 Communications
6300 Telephone
6301 Postage
6302 Note paper, envelopes
(not from stock)
6303 Printed matter, circulars
6304 Periodicals
6305 Advertising and Publicity
6306 Exhibitions
6307 Lectures
631 Travelling
6310 Cars, taxis
6311 Petrol, tyres, repairs, maintenance, tax.
6312 Garage and parking fees
6313 Car depreciation
6314 Rail / Air / Shipping etc.
6315 Various visits
6316 Luggage, carriage, dispatch
6317 Hotel/Restaurant expenses.
6318 Other travel-expenses.
632 Management costs
6320 Hire of rooms
63200 Rent
63201 Light
63202 Heat
63203 Water
63204 Cleaning
63205 Caretaker
6321 Insurance
6322 Repairs and Renewals
(Continued on page 166)
5820 Papel màquina
5821 Papel carbón
5822 Cintas para màquina de escribir
5828 Diversos
5820 Papier machine
5821 Papier carbone
5822 Rubans machine
5828 Divers
Clase 6
Classe 6
Todos los gastos necesarios para asegurar
la actividad de la asociación (clasificados
según su naturaleza)
60 Salaries
61 Sobresalarios (Seguridad social...)
62 Aprovisionamientos (materias almacenadas)
63 Servicios (todo lo que proviene de « terceras personas »)
630 Comunicaciones
6300 Teléfonos
6301 Sellos
6302 Papel de cartas y sobres
6303 Impresos, circulares
6304 Periódicos
6305 Publicidad, anuncios
6306 Exposiciones
6307 Conferencias
631 Viajes y anàlogos
6310 Auto taxi y/o coche
6311 Gasolina, gas-oil, neumàticos,
6312 Garage, aparcamiento
6313 Amortización del auto
6314 Ferrocaril, avión, vapor, etc.
Tous les frais nécessaires pour assurer l'activité de l'association (classifies selon leur
60 Salaires
61 Sursalaires, charges sociales
62 Fournitures (prélevées ex stock)
63 Services (tout ce qui provient de tiers)
6315 Diligencias diversas
6316 Equipaje, acarreros, expediciones
6317 Varios gastos : hoteles, restaurantes...
6318 Otros gastos
632 Gastos de administración
6320 Locales y cargas varias
63200 Alquiler salas varias
Luz y electricidad
63202 Calefacción
63203 Agua
63204 Limpieza
63205 Portero
6321 Seguros diversos
6322 Reparac. diversas, pinturas, ...
(Continuación pàgina 167)
630 Communications
6300 Téléphones
6301 Timbres poste
6302 Papier à lettre et enveloppes
6303 Imprimés, circulaires
6304 Périodique (v. 70 détail)
6305 Publicité, annonces
6306 Expositions
6307 Conférences
631 Déplacements
6310 Taxi, auto
6311 Essence, huile, pneus, réparations, taxes
6312 Garage, parking
6313 Amortissement auto
6314 Chemin de fer, avion, bateau
6315 Démarches diverses
6316 Bagages, camionnages, expédit.
6317 Divers frais : hôtels, restaurants
6318 Autres frais
632 Frais administratifs
6320 Frais de locaux
63200 Loyer salles diverses
63201 Electricité
63202 Chauffage
63203 Eau
63204 Nettoyage
63205 Concierge
6321 Assurances diverses
6322 Réparations diverses, peinture...
(Suite page 167)
6323 Schreibmaterial
6324 Interne Drucksache
6325 Dokumentation (Bücher, Zeitungen, Beitrage zu... Kongress)
633 Diverse Bereiche
6330 Herausgabe... spezieller Veröffentlichungen
6331 Geräte-Miete
6332 Zubehör
6333 ...
634 Diverse Sonderkosten
6340 Geschenke, Blumen...
6341 Diebstahl Schadenfälle...
6342 ...
64 Finanzkosten (Geldverkehrsnebenkosten)
Banken, ...
65 Steuern und Abgaben
68 Abschreibungen (Gebäude, Maschinen,
N.B. : Diese Klassifikation muss nicht unbedingt typich sein; sie soll elastisch bleiben u.
den jeweilingen besonderen Informationsbedürfnissen des Verbandes und des einzelnen
Falles entsprechen. Der Informationsbedarf
hängt ab von der Grosse des Verbandes, dein
Grad der Rechenschaftslegung, dem Wunsch
nach Information oder den Erfordernissen der
6323 Stationery
6324 Printing (statutes, member
6325 Documentation (books, newspapers, subscr. to... congress)
633 Various organisations
6330 Editions and special publications
6331 Rent of Equipment
6332 Accessories
6333 ...
634 Special sundry costs
6340 Donations, flowers...
6341 Breakages, burglary, accidents...
6342 ...
64 Financial costs (bank charges, post office
account charges)
65 Income tax, taxes, duties
68 Depreciation : building, machinery, furniture. ..
N.B. : This is only an outline of the classification which must remain flexible. It must
be adapted to the need of the information
required in each particular case, having regard to the importance of each association,
the degree of honesty of the management, the
wish for information or the requirements of
the General Assembly.
Class 7
Klasse 7
(Evtl. weitere Aufgliederung der Aufwendungen). Um einen tieferen Einblick in die
Leistungen des Verbandes zu ermöglichen,
wie sie sich aus der Klasse 6 ergeben, kann
sich eine weitere Unterteilung, Aufgliederung
oder Umverteilung der Aufwendungen bzw.
Kosten in der Klasse 7 empfehlen. (Der in
der PCI-Terminologie für die Klasse 7 verwendete Begriff Produktion sollte aus Gründen der Einheitlichkeit und des Vergleichs
beibehalten werden; er würde insoweit eine
begriffliche Verallgemeinerung erfahren).
Soweit es erforderlich ist, könnten in der
Klasse 7 Neben einer allgemeinen zusätzlichen Aufgliederung der Aufwendungen bzw.
Kosten der Klasse 6 auch evtl. eine Budge-
To know the details of the services furnished or rendered by the association, noted in
Class 6, one allocates the Costs in class 7.
(The term Production should be interpreted
in a broad collective sense to permit eventual
comparisons and confrontations from which
the most useful lessons can be learned).
This analytical classification is only recommended when it is necessary to investigate
thoroughly the expenses of the management
or the overall cost of the management and of
the organisation. One can find in it more information to facilitate the preparation of
provisional budgets.
The purpose of the following accounts is
therefore to classify « by use » the expenses
(Folgt Seite 168)
(Continued on page 168 )
6323 Articulos de oficina
6324 Impresos administratives
6325 Documentación interior, libros,
cuotas por... congresos
633 Organisaciones diversas
6330 Ediciones documentas especiales
6323 Papeteries diverses
6324 Imprimés div. (Statuts, cartes de
6325 Documentation interne : livres
journaux, cotis. à... congrès...
633 Organisations diverses
6330 Editions, publications spéciales
6331 Alquiler de aparatós
6332 Accesorios
6333 ...
634 Varios gastos especiales
6340 Obsequies (flores, decoración
6341 Robo, roturas accidentes...
6331 Locations appareils
6332 Accessoires
6333 ...
634 Débours spéciaux divers
6340 Cadeaux (fleurs, décors, ...)
6341 Vols, casses, accidents...
6342 ...
64 Gastos financieros (Bancos, cheq. post.)
6342 ...
64 Frais financiers (Banques, chèq. post.)
65 Impuestos, contribuciones, tasas
68 Amortisaciones (v.C. 28)
65 Impôts, taxes, contributions
68 Amortissements (immeub., mater, mobil.)
N.B. Esta clasificación se indica a titulo
meramente enunciativo, pudiendo ser adaptada a las necesidades de información en cada
caso particular, según la importància de cada
asociación el grado de honrades de la gestion
y el deseo o las exigencias de la Asemblea
Cette classification n'est qu'indicative; elle
doit rester très souple et doit être adaptée
aux besoins d'information de chaque cas en
particulier, selon l'importance de l´association, le degré d'honnêteté de la gestion, le
désir d'information ou les exigences de l´Assemblée générale.
Clase 7
Classe 7
En esta clase se agrupan aquellas cuentas
que permitiràn couocer los detalles de los
servicios proporcionades o prestados por la
asociación, conforme a su clasificación en
« Clase 6 », pero distribuidos como aquí se
indican. (El termino « Producción » debe ser
interpretado ampliamente, con verdadero
deseo de comprensión colectiva y uniformidad
de miras, a fin de que permita, llegado el
caso, comparaciones y confrontacioues utiles
para el màximo aprovechamiento de sus ensenanzas).
Esta clasificación, aunque resumida, se recomienda cuando interese estudiar a fondo
los gastos de gestion o los costos globales
de gestion y de organización. En ella pueden
Pour connaître les détails des services fournis ou rendus par l'association, notés en Classe 6, on répartit les coûts dans la Classe 7.
(Le terme « Production » doit être accepté
dans un esprit de large compréhension collective, d'uniformité de vue, afin de permettre — éventuellement — des comparaisons
des confrontations et tirer profit de leurs
Cette classification dépouillée n'est recommandée que s'il y a utilité à investiguer de
façon approfondie dans les frais de gestion
ou les coûts globaux de gestion et d´organisation. On peut y trouver plus d'indications
facilitant l'établissement des budgets prévisionnels.
(Coníinuación pàgina 169)
(Suite page 169)
tierung vorbereitende Konten untergebracht
werden. Die folgenden Konten sollen daher
beispielhaft die in der Klasse 6 nach Arten
zusammengefassten Aufwendungen bzw. Kosten weiter aufgliedern.
ZB. Um die Kosten für Übersetzung bei
einem Kongress, einer Konferenz oder einer
Veröffentlichung fetsteilen zu können, wäre
es erforderlich, die vorläufig auf dem Konto
60 verbuchten Löhne und Gehälter in der
Klass 7 weiter aufzuzteilen, vgl. 7055, 7202,
732, oder 744.
70 Zeitschriften (Selbstverlag)
or charges accumulated « by nature »
Class 6.
For example the costs of translation paid
for a Congress, Lecture or a Publication, will
be found readily if they have been originally
allocated or extracted from account « 60 Salary, wages » and carried into sub division
7005 or 7202 or 732 or 744 in Class 7.
70 Periodical bulletin (unless printed)
700 Januar Nr
7000 Matrizen
7001 Papier
7002 Druckfarbe
7003 Drucksachen, Umschläge
7004 Versand
7005 Honorare Mitarbeit. Autor.
700 January n°
7000 Stencils
7001 Paper
7002 Ink
7003 Wrappers and envelopes
7004 Postage or delivery
7005 Paid to authors, contributors...
. 7006 Verwaltung (% Klasse 6)
7007 Abschreibungen (id).
7008 Sonstige Aufwendungen
701 Februar Nr
702 März Nr
703 ...
71 Veranstaltungen der Gesellschaft
701 Generalversammlungen
7100 Saalmiete
7101 Einladungen u. Drucksachen
7102 Reisekosten (Delegierte) ...
7103 Dekoration, Blumen...
7104 Empfänge (Speize, Getränke...)
7105 ...
711 Ausschusssitzungen
7006 Organisation and Management
7007 Depreciation (% Class 6)
7008 Sundry costs
701 February issue
702 March issue
703 ...
71 Association meetings
710 General Assembly
7100 Hire of rooms
7101 Convocations and printing
7102 Travelling exp. of delegates...
7103 Decoration, flowers, etc...
7104 Catering expenses (drinks...)
7105 ...
711 Committee meetings
712 Kommissions-Sitzungen
713 Ausserordentliche Zusammenkünfte
714 Sonstige Veranstaltungen
72 Konferenzen
720 Konferenz X auf ... datum ...
7200 Saalmiete
7201 Geräte-Miete
7202 Aufwendungen für Referate,
Leitung, Übersetzer...
712 Research and study groups
713 Extraordinary meetings
714 Various manifestations or ceremonies
715 ...
72 Lectures
720 Lecture... subject... date...
7200 Hire of room
7201 Hire of equipments
7202 Fees to lecturer, translat.
(Folgt Seite 170)
(Continued on page 170)
anadirse mas indicaciones que faciliten la
confección de presupuestos provisionales, pero
perfectamente ajustados a los costes reales.
Estas costes deben ser « afectadas » segùn
destino de los gastos y cargas por « naturaleza » detalladas en Clase 6.
Por ejemplo : Para conocer los gastos de
traducción pagados con niotivo de la celebracióu de un congreso, conferencia, etc., se obtendra fàcihnente la informaciôn si han sido
previaniente distribuidos o extraidos de la
cuenta « 60 Réniuneraciones diversas » o « Salarios » y llevadas en subdivisions 7005 6
7202, 732 6 744, en Clase 7.
Par exemple : Les comptes suivants sont
donc destinés à l'affectation « par destination » des dépenses et/ou charges « par nature » accumulés en Classe 6.
70 Boletin de información psriódica (salvo si
se encarga a la imprenta)
700 N° de Enero
7000 Stenciles
7001 Papel
7002 Tinta
7003 Fajas dirección y sobres
7004 Expédition
7005 Rétribution autores y colaboradores
7006 Organization, administration
7007 Amortizaciones
7008 Gastos varios
701 NO Febraio
702 NO Marzo
703 ...
71 Reuniones de la asociación
710 Asamblea general
7100 Alquiler salas o salones
7101 Convocatorias e impresos
7102 Gastos para delegados
7103 Décoration de salas, flores...
7104 Comidas y otros gastos
7105 ...
711 Juntas
70 Bulletin périodique (sauf si confectionné
par imprimerie)
700 N° Janvier
7000 Stencils
7001 Papier
7002 Encre
7003 Bandes et enveloppes, adresses
7004 Expédition
7005 Rétribution auteurs, collab.
712 Reuniones de Comisiones
713 Reuniones extraordinarias
714 Manifestaciones varias
715 ...
72 Conferencias
720 Conferencia sobre (tema, fecha)
7200 Alquiler de locales
7201 Alquiler de aparatos
7202 Retribucion del conferenciante
(Contimmción pagina 171)
Pour connaître les frais de traductions
payés à l'occasion d'un congrès, d'une conférence ou d'une publication, on les découvrira
facilement s'ils ont été préalablement répartis ou extraits du. compte « 60 Rémunérations diverses » ou « salaires » et portés en
subdivisions 7005 ou 7202 ou 732 ou 744 en
Classe 7.
7006 Organisation, administration
7007 Amortissements
7008 Divers frais
701 N° Février
702 NO Mars
703 ...
71 Réunions de l'association
710 Assemblées générales
7100 Location salles
7101 Convocations, imprimés
7102 Déplacements Délégués
7103 Décors, fleurs, etc.
7104 Restauration, buffet, boissons
7105 ...
711 Séances de ou des comités (à subdiviser)
712 Réunions de Commissions (id.)
713 Réunions extraordinaires (id.)
714 Manifestations diverses (id.)
715 ...
72 Conférences
720 Conférence de... (sujet, date)
7200 Location salle
7201 Location appareils
7202 Rétribution conférencier, trad.
(Suite page 171)
7203 Empfange
721 Sonstige Konferenzen
722 ...
73 Kongresse
730 Saalmiete
731 Geräte-Miete
732 Aufwendungen für Leitung, Referate
733 Repräsentationsaufwendungen, Empfänge
734 Drucksachen ...
735 Dokumentation, Berichterstattung
736 Sonderveranstaltüngen
7203 Reception, flowers, etc...
721 Other lectures
73 Congresses, conventions
730 Hire of rooms
731 Hire of equipment ...
732 Fees to lecturer, translator
733 Reception, banquet, flowers, etc.
739 ...
74 Ausstellungen
740 Saalmiete für... datum...
741 Miete Ausstellungsflächen...
742 Drucksache, Anzeigen, Kataloge...
743 Dekoration, Fahne, Blumen...
744 Gebühren, Aufsicht, usw.
745 Transport, Aufstellen, Vorbereitung
746 Eröffnungs-Empfang
747 ...
74 Eventuell erst unterteilen wie :
734 Advertising, convocations, print.
735 Record, documents, reports
736 Cost of approaches made to authorities or groups
737 Badges, medals, menu cards...
738 Official reception of public
739 ...
74 Exhibitions
740 Hire of room f or. . . date...
741 Hire of showcases, boards, etc.
742 Printed matter, advert, catalog.
743 Decorations, flags, flowers...
744 Wachtman, security, salaries...
745 Transport, removal, cleaning...
746 Inauguration, reception, refresh.
747 ...
74 Can also first be subdivided as follows :
740 Saal X (datum) Paris
741 Saal Y ( » ) London
742 Saal Z ( » ) New York
innerhalb dieser Gruppen weitere Unterteilung wie oben.
740 Room X (date) Paris
741 Room Y ( » ) London
742 Room Z ( » ) New York
and afterwards each of these accounts subdivided as shown above.
Klasse 8
Verhähnliehen mit Erlöse, Erträge, Vergütungen : Aufgliederung der von den Mitgliedern vereinnahmten Beträge (Anteile, Kostenbeteiligungen Tagungsgebühren, Eintritskarten) entsprechend der Dienstleistungen
des Verbandes.
80 Abonnements Zeitschrift
81 Anzeigen
82 Erlöse aus anderen Veröffentlichungen
83 Tagungs- und Eintritsgebühren
830 Konferenzen
Class 8
80 Subscription to periodical, sale by N°
81 Advertising revenue in periodical
82 Sale of other publications (books...)
83 Participation rights to ...
830 Lecture cards, tickets...
831 Kongresse
832 Ausstellungen
86 Sonstige Erlöse bzw. Erträge
831 Conventions
832 Exhibitions
86 Occasional sundry sales
737 Insignien, Menü, Gedenkmünzen...
738 Empfang von Behörden
(Folgt Seite 172)
Assimilate the Distribution : Services rendered to the Members against payment of a
quota, participation in costs, right of entry.
(Continued on page 172)
7203 Recepción, flores, etc.
721 Otra conferencia
722 ...
73 Congresos (organisados por la asociación)
730 Alquiler de locales
731 Alquiler de aparatós
732 Retrib, conferenciantes, traductor.
733 Recepciones, banquetes, flores
734 Publicidad, convocatorias, impresos
735 Expedientes, documentes, noticias
736 Diligencias cerca autoridades, organismos
737 Insignias, medallas, menciones
738 Autoridades pùblicas, gastos recepción
739 ...
74 Exposiciones
740 Alquiler local para... (fecha)
741 Alquiler vitrinas estanterias...
742 Impresos, publicidad, catàlogos
743 Decoración, banderas, flores
744 Retribución guardas, etc.
745 Transporte, mudanzas, linipieza...
746 Apertura, recepción y gastos inaugur.
747 ...
74 Eventualmente también podria subdividirse asi :
740 Sala X (fecba) en Paris
741 Sala Y ( » ) en Londres
742 Sala Z ( » ) en Nueva York
y clasificar despues en el siguiente orden como mas arriba se indica.
7203 Réception, fleurs, etc.
721 Conférence autre
722 ...
73 Congrès (organisés par l'association)
730 Location salles
731 Location appareils
732 Rétribut, conférenciers, traduct.
733 Réceptions, banquets, fleurs, etc.
734 Publicité convocations, imprimés, ...
735 Dossiers, documents, rapports, etc.
736 Démarches, près autorités, group.
737 Insignes, médailles, souvenirs
738 Autorités publiques, frais de réception
739 ...
74 Expositions
740 Location salle pour... (dates)
741 Locat. vitrines, panneaux, etc...
742 Imprimés, publicité, catalogues, ...
743 Décors, drapeaux, fleurs, etc...
744 Rétribution surveillants, etc...
745 Transports, déménagent., nettoyage
746 Vernissage réception, buffet, ...
747 ...
74 Eventuellement subdiviser d'abord comme
suit :
740 Salle X (date) à Paris
741 Salle Y ( » ) à Londres
742 Salle Z ( » ) à New York
et ensuite subdiviser chaque compte comme
au précédent exemple.
Clase 8
Se debe asimilar la « Distribution » a los
servicios prestades a los miembros, mediante
el pago de una cuota, participación en los
gastos y derecbos de acceso.
Classe 8
80 Boletin (abono, venta espec. al N°)
81 Publicidad en los Boletines
82 Venta de otras publicaciones
83 Derecbos de participaciones
830 Conferencias (venta de billetes entrada)
831 Congresos
832 Exposiciones
86 Ventas ocasionales diversas
80 Bulletin (abonnement, vente au n°)
81 Publicité dans les Bulletins (facture)
82 Ventes autres publications (livres)
83 Droits de participation
830 Conférences
(Continuación pàgina 173)
Assimiler la distribution aux services rendus aux membres contre payement d'une
quote-part spéciale, participation aux frais,
droit d'accès.
831 Congrès
832 Expositions
86 Ventes diverses occasionnelles
(Suite page 173)
Klasse 9
Einzel- und Gesamt-Ergebuisse in den verschiedenen Tätigkeitsbereichen des Verbundes
Verluste und Gewinne.
90 Ergebnisse vorige Jähren
Class 9
All the differences, debit or credit, of the
diverse activities of the Association. Profit
and loss and other exceptional items.
91Ergebnis aus Klasse l Investierungen
92 »
» 2 Ausrüstungen
93 »
» 3 Finanzen
94 »
» 4 Relationen
95 »
» 5 Basiselemente
96 »
» 6 Kosten
». 7 Produktion
98 »
» 8 Distribution
99Gesamtergebnis (Differenz 90/98)
90 Results of activity in previous years
» Investments (if any)
» Equipment
» Finances
» Relations
» Basic Elements
» Costs
» Productions
» Distribution
Totalresult (The difference 90/98)
Alphabetical list of pilot-plan accounts
Abgaben index 65
Abschreibungen 28-68
Acarreos 6312
Accesso(res)(ries) 6332
Accidents 6431
Acreedores 44
Admission (Droit) 50
Advertising 6305
Agua 63203
Air(ways) 6314
Alquiler 63200
Amorti(ssem.) (zación) 28-68
Amorti(ssem.) (auto) 6313
Anlagvermögen 2
Anleiben 16
Anzeigen 6305
Aparcamiento 6312
Aprovisionamienlos 62
Articules de oficina 58-6323
Assurances 6321
Aufwendungen (sozial) 61
Ausrüstungen 2
Ausstellungen 6306
Auto 25-6310
Autoabschreibungen 28-6313
Autoaufwendungen 6311
Avion 6314
Badges 56
Bagage 6316
Balance brought forward 14
Ban(cos) (ks) (ken) (ques) 31
Basic elements 5
Basiselementen 5
Bateaux 6314
Beiträge 51-6325
Benzine 6311
Bereiche 633
Beziehungen 4
Bon(ds) (s) UNESCO 36
Books 6325
Breakages 6341
Briefpapier 6302
Briefmarken 36
Bücher 6325
Buildings 23
Burglary 6341
Büromaterial 58
Clients 41
Communications 630
Compensa (lions) (ciones) 38
Concierge 63205
Conférence 6307
Congres (s) 6325
Contributions 65
Corto plazo 34
Costes 6
Cotisations 51
Court terme 34
Coûts 6
Credit(eurs) (ores) div. 44
Cuotas 51-6325
Customers 41
Cadeaux 6340
Caisse 30
Caja 30
Calefacciôn 63202
Camionnage 6316
Capital 10
Caretaker 63205
Carriage 6316
Cars 6310
Cash 30
Charges sociales 61
Chauffage 63202
Chemins de fer - Trains 6314
Chèques postaux 310
Circu(laires) (lares) 6303
Cleaning 63204
Debit(eurs) (oren) 45
Debtors 45
Démarches 6315
Derechos admision 50
Depreciation 28-68
Deudores 45
Diarios 6325
Diebstahl 6341
Dienstleistungen 63
Diligencias div. 6315
Dispatch 6316
Documenta(ción) (tion) 6325
Document(s) 58-6325
Dokumente 58-6325
Dona(tions) (tivos) 52-6340
Dons 52
Droits d'admission 50
Dritten 4
Glase 9
Todas las diferencias ( « deficit » o « superavit » ) de la diversas actividades de la asociación, incluso las Pérdidas y Ganancias
Toutes les différences en mali ou en boni
des diverses activités de l'association. Pertes
et profits autres, exceptionnels.
90 Resultados sobre actividades de anos anteriores
91 Resultados sobre Inversiones
» Finanz as
» Relaciones
» Elementes Bàsicos
» Costes
» Producciones
» Distribuciones
99 Resultados globales (Dif. 90/98)
90 Résultats sur activités des années antérieures
91 Résultats sur Investissements
» Equipements
» Finances
» Relations
» Eléments de base
» Coûts
» Production
» Distribution
99 Résultat global (differ. 90/98)
Liste alphabétique des comptes des Plans-pilotes
Druckereibedarf 58
Drucksache 6303-6324
Durchgangskonten 38
Duties 65
Eau 63203
Editions 6330
Efectos (diverses) 36
Effets div (36)
Ehrenzeichen 56
Eigenkapital 10
Eisenbahn 6314
Element(s) (os) Bas(e) (ïcos) 5
Emprestitos 164
Emprunts plus d'un an 16
Emprunts moins d'un an 4
En Cours 21
En cursos 21
Encres 58
Envelop(...) 6302
Equipaje 6316
Equip(ements) (os) 2
Erzatzteile 25
Essence 6311
Exhibitions 6306
Expéditions (ciones) 6316
Expenses miscell. 6315
Exposi(ciones) (tions) 6306
Fées (admission ) 50
Ferrocaril 6314
Finan(ces) (zen) 3
Financial costs 64
Finanzkosten 64
Flugzeug 6314
Forderungen (Kurzfrist.) 34
Fournisseurs 40
Fournitures bureau 582-6323
Frais divers 63...
Frais financiers 64
Furniture 26-62
Gaben 52
Garage 6312
Gas-oil 6311
Gasolina 6311
Gasthofen 6317
Gastos fïnancieros 64
Gastos varios 6317
Gebäude 23
Gebühren 50
Gebälter 60
Geldbestände 3
Geldinstitute 31
Gepäck 6316
Geräte (Miete) 6331
Geschenke 6340
Gifts 52
Gläubiger 45
Im Bau 21
Immaterielles 20
Immeubles 23
Impôts 65
Impresos 6324
Imprimés 6324
Impuestos 65
Income tax 65
Incorpo(real) (rel) 20
Information 580
Inmateriales 20
Inmuebles 23
Insign(es) (ien) (ias) 56
Instal(Iations) (laciones) 24
Insurances 6321
Inversiones l
Invest(iss.) (ierungen) (ments) l
Heat 63202
Heizung 63202
Herausgabe 6330
Hire (of rooms) 6320
Hotel(s)(es) 6317
Kapital 10
Kasse 30
Kongress 6325
Kontokorentkonten 4...
Konzessionen 20
Kosten 6...
Kreditoren (sonstige) 44
Kunden 41
Kurzfristige Forderungen u. Verbindlichkeiten 34
Lebensgebühren 515
Lectures (conferences) 6307
Libras 632S
Licences 20
Light 6320
Limpieza 63204
Lizenzen 20
Loan 16
Loca(ux) (les) 6320
Locations (objets) 6321
Löhne 60
Luggage 6316
Luz 63201
Machin(es) à 25
Maintenance 6311
Management costs 632
Markenrechte 20
Maschinelle Anlagen 25
Maschinen 25
Materialverbrauch 62
Matériels 25
Meda(illes) (lias) 56
Membres 43
Miembros 43
Miete 63200
Mitglieder 43
Mobil(ier) (ien) (Möbel) 26
Nettoyage 63204
Neumaticos 6311
Newspaper 6325
Obsequios 6340
Öl 6311
Organizaciones 633
Papel (de carta) 6302
Papeleria - Papeles 58
Paper (letters) 58-6302
Papeteries 58-6323
Papier à lettre £302
Papiers 58
Parkgebühren 6312
Parking 6312
Patente 20
Peinture 6322
Periodi(cos) (ques) 6304
Person(al) (nel) 42
Petrol 6311
Pförtner 63205
Plazo (corto) 34
Pneus 6311
Portero 63205
Postage 6301
Post office account 310
Postscheckguthaben 310
Printed matter 6303
Printing 6324
Prospekte - Druck... (stock) 58
Proveedores 40
Publici(dad) (té) (ty) 6305
Stamps 36
Steuern 65
Strom 63201
Subscriptions 51
Subsidies 54
Subventions(tionen) 54
Suppliers 40
Supplies 582-62
Sursalaires 61
Rail 6314
Raumkosten (Miete) 6320
Rechte 20
Reifen 6311
Reinigung 63204
Re-invest(ierung) (ment) 18
Reinversiones 18
Reiseaufwendungen 631
Rela(ciones) (tionen) (tion) 4
Rémanentes 14
Remunerations (complém.) 61
Renewals 6322
Rent 63200
Repairs 6311-6322
Réparat(tions) (turen) 6322
Reports 14
Reserves 12
Restaurant(s) (es) 6317
Rights of exploitation 20
Robo 6341
Roturas 6341
Rücklagen 12
Rundschreiben 6303
Tagungen 6307
Tapissage 6322
Tasas 65
Taxes 65
Taxis 6310
Télé(fono) (phone) 6300
Terms (short) (court) 34
Timbres-poste 36
Transfers (internal) 38
Transports 6316
Travelling 631
Tyres 6311
Sala(ires) (rios) 60
Schadenfälle 6341
Scheine (UNESCO) 363
Schiff 6314
Schreibmaterial 6323
Schuldner 4...
Seguridad social 61
Seguros diversos 6321
Sellos 36
Servic(es) (ios) 63...
Shipping 6314
Short terms 34
Sobresalarios 61
Socialaufwendungen 61
Sonderrücklagen (renvesl) 18
Special charges (staff) 61
Spenden 52
Staff (Personnel) 42
Stationery 58-6323
Oberträge 14
Umschläge 6302
Unfälle 6341
UNESCO (bons) (Scheine) 36
Vapor 6314
Varios gastos 6317
Verbindlichkeiten (langfristige) l
Verbindungen 4...
Verkehrsmittel 6315
Veröffentlichungen 6330
Verpflichtungen 4...
Versicherungen 6321
Verwaltungsaufwendungen 632
Viaje 631
Vitalicias 515
Vorräte 5...
Wasser 63203
Water 63203
Welfare 61
Wertzeichen 36
Werkzeuge 25
Zeitschriften 6304
Zeitungen 6325
Zubehör 6332
* L'astérisque devant un mot indique qu'il est mal répertorié.
N.B. — Les comptes « 7 » ne sont pas répertoriés, leur emploi est assez exceptionnel en ASBL ; s'ils le sont il
suffit de se reporter au plan-pilote. Ce qui importe d'abord ce sont les comptes « 6 » ou les COUTS groupés
< par nature ». Ils sont répartis en « 7 » s'il y a lie«, selon suggestions faites au plan-pilote.
Lorsqu'un mot est suivi de (...) c'est qu'il possède un même radical en diverses langues.
Deux intitulés de compte différents pour un même indice — on peut mettre ces opérations analogues dans un
même compte, ou on subdivise l'indice.
Lorsqu'il y a deux indices différents pour un même mot, il s'agit de deux comptes : ordinairement l'un concerne
l'objet mis en STOCK, l'autre l'utilisation dans les coûts. C'est toujours le premier chiffre qui indique la CLASSE.
Nouvelles organisations
New international Organizations
La mention d'une organisation dans la présente
rubrique n'implique en aucune façon une prise de
position de l'UAI à l'égard de celle-ci, pas plus
qu'elle ne préjuge de l'insertion de cette organisation
dans la prochaine édition de l' « Annuaire des Organisations Internationales ».
This month's batch of
international bodies are concerned with :
Bibliography - Connective
Tissue - Containers - Development Bank - Earthquakes - Euratom information - The Future - Housing
- Kidney - Laity - Legal
Systems - Marine Biology
- Mechanical Engineers Nutrition - Ocean Stations Physics - Marine Pollution
- Press - Public Services Reproduction - Research.
European - Scientists, developing countries - Sociologists - Space, European Teachers - Tourism - Trade
- Tsunami - Weeds.
Since the current (196667) edition of the Yearbook
of International Organizations closed for press four
similar surveys have appeared in International Associations (November 1966,
April, July and November
1967 respectively).
Mention of an organization in these columns does
not imply, in any way, a judgment of it by the UlA ;
nor does it necessarily mean that an entry on the
organization will appear in the next edition of the
Yearbook of International Organizations.
Nutrition in Central America :
In February 1967 at the Institute of Nutrition of Central
America and Panama (INCAP),
Guatemala, the first meeting
took place of the International
Liaison Committee on Nutrition for Central America on a
regional level. The meeting
was attended by representatives of I1CA, INCAP, ICAITI,
ROCAP, UNICEF, and of the
Panamerican office of WHO.
The committee will promote
the exchange of information
on specific projects and joint
consideration of national food
programmes, particularly from
the point of view of international
will be responsible for arranging the periodical meetings
of the committee.
Un comité de liaison pour
l'alimentation et la nutrition
de l'Amérique Centrale est
chargé de promouvoir la coopération internationale dans
ce domaine. Ses réunions périodiques seront préparées par
l'Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama.
Les organisations internationales
créées touchent ce moisci les secteurs suivants :
L'Avenir - Banque de développement - Bibliographie Biologie marine - Commerce - Constructions - Containers - Coopération scientifique européenne - Espace - Euratom - Exode des
savants - Ingénieurs mécaniciens - Laicisme - Mauvaises herbes - Nutritior Physique - Pollution des
mers - Presse - Professeurs - Reproduction - Services publics - Sociologues
- Stations océanographiques - Systèmes juridiques
- Tissu conjonctif - Tourisme - Tremblements de
terre - Tsunami - Urologie.
C'est la cinquième liste
publiée depuis la parution
de la dernière édition du
" Yearbook of International
Organizations " : les quatre
premières ont paru dans
nos numéros de novembre
1966, avril, juillet et novembre 1967.
Professeurs de français : On
compte actuellement près d'un
de français dans le monde.
Désormais ils auront la possibilité de se grouper en adhérant à la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français qui vient de se constituer
à l'occasion de la deuxième
Biennale de langue française
au Québec, et dont le but est
de fournir des informations
aux professeurs sur l'enseignement du français dans chaque pays et sur la vie actuelle
des pays de langue française.
Elle contribuera également au
perfectionnement des professeurs, elle participera à la
recherche pédagogique, elle
échanges entre enseignants
ou étudiants, et à promouvoir
l'enseignement du français. Un
comité prépare un programme
de trois ans, y compris un
congrès à Paris en juillet 1968,
la publication de plusieurs
journées pédagogiques et la
création d'un centre international d'information et de documentation. Pour tous renseignements,
Bureau d'études pour l'enseignement de la langue et civilisation française (BELC), 9,
rue Lhomond, Paris 5°.
For information concerning
the newly-formed International Federation of FrenchTeachers Write to BELC at
the above address.
Tsunami : Commander Robert
C Munson will direct the International Tsunami Information
Center which the Environmental Science Services Administration (USA) has set up at
the University of Hawaii in
Honolulu. Its purpose is to
cooperation in making tsunami
(seismic sea wave) warnings
more timely and effective.
The Center will also encourage research into seismic sea
waves and promote the exchange of scientific and technical personnel of participating
nations, besides improving the
collection of tsunami information and the dissemination of
Un centre international d'information pour les tsunami
vient d'être créé à l'Université de Hawaii sous la direction du Commander Robert C
Strengthening the law : With
an initial financing from the
Ford Foundation sufficient to
provide for its first six years
of operation, the International
Legal Center, whose President
is John B Howard, formerly of
the Ford Foundation, has been
established in New York for
the purpose of assisting developing countries to strengthen their systems of law.
The Center's three main aims
are 1) to give systematic and
continuing attention to the role
of law in the development of
modern nations; 2) to provide
an international vehicle for
development assistance and
exchange of information; 3)
to help in the creation and
mobilization of greater competence and resources of personnel, in the United States
and abroad, for the solution
of legal problems in the international field. Responsibility
SAILER programme (Staffing
of African Institutions of Legal
Education and Research),
which was formerly located in
the Institute of International
Education, will be assumed by
the Center.
Un centre juridique international, dont le but principal
est d'assister les pays en voie
de développement à améliorer
leur système juridique, a été
créé à New York.
El (atomic) Cid : Since 1961
Euratom has operated a Centre for Information and Documentation on an expérimental
basis for its own establishments. This inquiry service
has from September
extended to every interested
party. CID has the task of
improving the dissemination of
knowledge, both that acquired
by Euratom from research and
that available throughout the
" Euratom
Information ", published monthly in
five languages, provides summaries of all scientific papers
of European origin, together
with details of how to obtain
the quarterly
" Euratom Bulletin " deals
more generally with the peaceful development of nuclear
energy. In addition, "Transatom Bulletin " provides a
monthly list of papers of Slavonic or Oriental origin of
which translations are available. CID has also developed
system whereby all published
papers in the nuclear field are
filed in a computer, and this
system enables the organization to offer a rapid service
Les services du Centre d'Information et de Documentation de l'EURATOM sont
désormais à la disposition de
EUROMECH; In the wake of
EUCHEM, and with the help
and encouragement of the
Royal Society, mechanical engineers in Europe have set up
a body to organize informal
smaller, conferences on theoretical and applied mechanics,
these conferences to be held
in various European centres.
The organization has a committee of four under Professor
G K Batchelor (Cambridge),
with Dr D Kuchemann (Royal
Aircraft Establishment) as secretary. It is hoped to run
the conferences on a selffinancing basis, with participants paying their own expenses. Details of EUROMECH's
plans for 1988 may be found
in the 1968 edition of our International
which appeared as the December 1967 issue of "International Associations ".
L'EUROMECH, fondé par les
ingénieurs des pays d'Europe,
a pour but l'organisation de
congrès spécialisés et restreints.
European marine biology : Under the auspices of the International Union of Biological
Sciences, the Committee for
Symposia (CEMBS) was set
up at Heligoland in 1967. Its
President is Dr A Barnes of
Millport, Scotland.
Le président du comité européen pour les colloques sur
la biologie marine est le
docteur Barnes de Millport,
Railway container traffic :
formed by certain of the European railway networks to stu-
dy all the problems, technical
and commercial, relating to
railway container traffic. In
past months this traffic has
increased notably, particularly
wholly or partly by sea, no
doubt because of the advantages of the container
method : rapid turnround of
ships, reduced handling and
diminished risk of theft or deterioration. The railways have
now completed their plans for
an adequate complementary
service. Suitable rolling stock
and containers have been introduced and on May 1st of
last year an international scale
of charges came into force.
Plusieurs réseaux ferroviaires
européens ont décidé de s'associer, au sein d'une société
INTERCONTAINER, afin de coordonner
leurs efforts dans le domaine
des transports par containers.
Writing for tourism : The tenth
congress of COTAL (Confederation of Latin American
Tourist Organizations) saw the
birth of the Inter-American
Federation of Journalists and
Writers in the Tourist Trade
(Federacion Interamericana de
Periodistas y Escritores de
Turismo - FIPET). The new
organization is a result of the
growing awareness of the
need for a unifying force behind this young and forceful
industry, and will attempt to
modernize its machinery and
methods. The 1st FIPET congress was held last November
(4-12) at Buenos Aires. The
idea for the inter-American
organization was first promulgated by the Argentinian national association, and doubtless in recognition of this,
FIPET's first President, elected
unanimously, is Senor A Córdova Alsina, President of the
Argentinian association. The
address of the Federation is :
Rodriguez Pena 80, Buenos
La Fédération Inter-américaine
des Journalistes et Ecrivains
du Tourisme (FIPET} est née
lors du 10e congrès de la
Pacific earthquakes : The
Seismological Society of the
South West Pacific is being
formed in order to devote
attention to the earthquakes
of South East Asia, Australasia and Oceania. Further
information may be obtained
from the Convener, Seismological Society of the S-W
Pacific, Box 8005, Wellington,
New Zealand.
Une société consacrée à l'étude
des tremblements de terre au
Sud-Est asiatique, en Australie
et en Océanie a été formée.
Tous renseignements à l'adresse ci-dessus.
Asian weeds : The Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society,
which will seek to stimulate
research into how extensively
weeds limit food production in
the tropics, giving major attention to rice in Asia and coconuts in the Pacific, was organized by a weed conference
held in Honolulu, June 12-22,
1967 and jointly sponsored by
the University of Hawaii's
College of Tropical Agriculture
and the Institute for Technical
Interchange of East-West Center. The Society will also
promote the design and application of weed control programmes, including training
programmes, best suited to
emerging countries. It is planned to hold a training programme at the University of
the Philippines College of
Agriculture this year. Chairman of the Society is Dr M R
Vega, of the above College of
Agriculture, and the Secretary
is Dr R R Romanowski, of the
University of Hawaii College
of Tropical Agriculture. The
Institute for Technical Interchange will serve as the Society's information distribution
Une société pour la recherche
sur les mauvaises herbes en
Asie et dans la région du
Pacifique a son siège à l'University of Hawaii, College of
Tropical Agriculture, Honolulu.
Asian press : On Aug 31, 1967,
newspapers conference held
at Manila, the Press Foundation of Asia was formed, with
the aim of advancing journalism in the region. The foundation will be based at Singapore.
The conference also passed a
resolution urging the establishment of newsprint mills
and set up a sub-committee to
study the possibility of organizing an audit bureau of circulation in member countries,
of promoting advertising, of
establishing readership surveys and of creating a standard reference book on Asian
print media.
Le 30 août 1967, à Manila, les
éditeurs et rédacteurs d'une
d'Asie ont créé la Fondation
de la presse d'Asie.
Reproduction and fertility :
The International Cell Research Organization has set
up a working group for the
co-ordination of research into
the biological aspects of reproduction and fertility. The
group will operate from the
same address : Département
pour l'avancement des Sciences, Unesco, Place Fontenoy,
Paris 7°.
Un groupe de travail pour coordonner les recherches sur la
biologie de la reproduction et
de la fécondité a été fondé
par l'Organisation internationale de recherche sur la cellule.
Replacing the crystal ball :
The future will be largely determined by what man chooses to make it. This is the
belief of the members, drawn
from all spheres of life, of the
World Future Society, formed
in 1966 with the aim of presenting man with future possibilities. Thus he will be able
to " decide more rationally
which possibility to try to
realize ". The Society will
attempt to stimulate serious
investigation of the future, and
will channel the findings of
studies to the teaching profession,
government officials and others. In
its newsletter, "The Futurist",
the Society has already reported on, for example, " Women and the Year 2000 ",
"The Berlin Crisis of 1999"
and a submobile journey to
New Atlantis. Annual membership costs $5. Further information may be obtained
from the Society at P O Box
19285, Twenthieth St Station,
Washington DC 20036.
Les adhérents à la « Société
du monde futur » croient que
l'homme est en mesure de
déterminer l'avenir. Ils veulent
donc lui présenter toutes les
possibilités pour qu'il choisisse les meilleures de celles-ci.
La Société a son siège à Washington.
" Snap " : Anticipating and
shaping the future is also the
aim of the International Future
held its inaugural meeting last
year near Oslo, and which is
to try a group approach to
the problem of studying the
trends and choices in current
research. The next congress
will be held in Holland in the
Spring of 1969, but already a
series of working groups is
being arranged to consider
such aspects as priorities for
future research, international
systems for peace, and images of the future. The chairman of the continuing committee, Mr Nigel Calder, lays
proper stress on the importance of internationalism in
such a project — there are
obvious dangers in the unilateral pursuit of some choices.
Le 2e congrès international
pour les recherches sur l'avenir aura lieu l'année prochaine
aux Pays-Bas. Un Comité de
l'intervalle des congrès.
Russian language : At an international conference of teachers of the Russian language
held in Paris on 7th September last year, it was
agreed to set up an international association. Delegates
from countries including Britain, Bulgaria, Belgium, Hun-
gary, Poland, Australia, Yugoslavia and the USA elected
Prof Franticek Malirj of Czechoslovakia president of the
new organization, members of
the French and Soviet delegations being called upon to take
the posts of vice-presidents.
the Apostolate of the Laity
will cease its activities, which
are to be absorbed into that
of the Council on the Laity,
set up by Pope Paul in January
1967, on an experimental
basis, as an organ of the
Roman Curia.
Le premier président d'une
association internationale d'enseignants dé langue russe,
créée récemment à Paris, est
le professeur Malirj de Tchécoslovaquie.
Le travail du Comité permanent des congrès internationaux pour l'apostolat des laïcs
sera désormais assuré par le
Conseil des laïcs, créé l'année
dernière par le Pape Paul VI.
Laity : With the publication
this year of the proceedings
of the 3rd world congress,
the Permanent committee for
international congresses of
Sociologues de langue espagnole et portugaise. L'Association de Sociologues de
Langue Espagnole et Portugaise a tenu sa première as-
semblée générale, du 19 au
24 juin 1967. L'organisation
étroite avec les institutions
consacrées à l'enseignement
des sciences sociales dans
les territoires ibériques, à savoir le Bureau d'Education
Ibéro-Américain, l'Association
Latinoaméricaine de Sociologie, l'UNESCO, l'OEA et les
universités. L'Association s'efforcera d'obtenir le statut consultatif auprès du Bureau
qui lui accorde actuellement
un statut provisoire.
The Association of Spanishand Portuguese-speaking Sociologists is seeking consultative
status to the Iberoamerican
Bureau of Education.
Projets de Nouvelles Organisations Internationales
Plans for New International Organizations
European kidney bank : Members of the British medical
profession would like to see
a change in the law concerning the removal of kidneys
from a dead persons. At present it is permissible to remove kidneys from a cadaver
provided the patient or nextof-kin has given permission
and provided the death is not
being referred to the coroner.
However, kidneys remain viable for only about an hour at
room temperature, so permission may arrive too late. One
London Hospital estimates that
it could do 70 to 80 transplantations a year if only it had
the kidneys : this year it has
carried out 21 operations, has
16 applicants on the waiting
list, and has had to turn away
a further 20 applicants. Urologists would like to see enacted a suggestion that kidneys could be legally removed
from persons dying in designated hospitals, provided that
the patient before death had
not forbidden the procedure
or belonged to a religious
group that forbade it. One
ambition is a European kidney
Des urologues britanniques
souhaitent l'établissement éventuel d'une banque européenne
de reins.
Connective tissue : Discussions are now under way with
a view to making the next
meeting of the French and
clubs, to be held in Britain
this year, the first full meeting
of a new European Federation
of Connective Tissue Clubs,
an arrangement which it is
felt would be an improvement
on the present situation where
European workers only meet
each other as guests in the
USA, and that very rarely.
The existing national clubs
will retain their identity and
local interests, and it is hoped
that the federation, in arranging regular meetings, will provide a new impetus for the
European biochemists, pathologists and others involved in
the expanding field of connective tissue research.
On a entamé des entretiens en
vue de former une fédération
européenne de clubs de tissu
European co-operation : At
the invitation of the British
Royal Society, a conference
was held in London in December 1966 to discuss possibilities and methods of closer
international co-operation in
European research projects.
A similar conference was recently held by the German
aim of the bodies involved is
to improve relations between
scientists in the various countries, to use facilities for
further training more effectively, and to organize smaller
scientific conferences on special fields of research.
Suite à une réunion tenue en
décembre 1966 à Londres et
traitant de la coopération
scientifique en Europe, une
deuxième réunion s'est tenue
récemment à Bad Godesberg.
Europhysics : The inaugural
conference of the European
Physical Society will be held
in Florence, Italy, between 23
and 29 September 1968. An
earlier meeting of the steering
committee will discuss and
doubtless approve the draft
constitution of the proposed
society which has already
been circulated to the councils
of national societies. The new
society will most likely begin
as a loose federation of the
various national elements :
problems of integration arise
out of the diversity of possible
members, and the organizers
of the society see its immediate future in the organization
of meetings. Gradually the
various member societies will
gain enough experience of
each other's needs to know
which parts of their activities
can be integrated.
La conférence inaugurale d'une
société européenne de physique aura lieu du 23 au 29
septembre 1968.
European space (1): A market
survey just completed for the
Eurospace group of aircraft,
electronics ans space companies concludes that a satellite
system for the distribution of
Eurovision programmes would
offer immediate prospects of
positive financial return. The
European Broadcasting Union
would like a first satellite to
be operational in 1972, which,
it is thought, would allow
enough time for the ground
installations and the Europe
launcher to be available. Such
a system would simplify exchange procedures throughout
the network and allow coverage to be extended to
African countries and others
such as Greece, Iceland and
Turkey who could not otherwise be covered. The survey
also covered the other communications fields : telephonic
traffic, telex, etc. Eurospace
proposes the creation of an
organization which might be
called Eurosat, financed by
governments and private capital, and which would act for
Europe in a similar way to that
in which Comsat acts for the
Le premier satellite de communications européen pourrait
faciliter l'échange des émissions Eurovision à partir de
Services publics : L'Internationale du personnel des postes,
l'Internationale des services
publics et le Secrétariat professionnel de l'enseignement
demandent la création immé-
diate de la Commission du
BIT sur les services publics.
Déjà, en 1967, ces trois organisations ont obtenu une décision favorable de la part du
BIT, mais au début de cette
année la commisison n'avait
pas encore été créée et sa
première réunion ne figurait
pas dans le programme du
BIT. Il existe déjà au BIT le
Comité consultatif pour les
employés salariés et les travailleurs professionnels, mais
les trois organisations estiment que, les domaines envisagés étant si nombreux, celui-ci n'a pas eu la possibilité
de consacrer une grande partie de son travail aux problèmes des employés des services publics. Les organisations
soulignent que la nouvelle
commission faciliterait la tâche du comité consultatif en
lui permettant de se concentrer plus particulièrement sur
les problèmes
The PTTl, PSI and IFFTU are
seeking the immediate settingup of an independent 1LO
commission for the public services.
European space (2) : The British Interplanetary Society has
recommended the establishment of a European space research agency to guarantee an
effective contribution to space
research by Britain and her
partners in such projects as
ESRO and ELDO. The proposed organization would act
as a central planning and contractual authority with its own
wants to see the adoption of
the Franco-German Symphonie communications satellite
project, as well as the development of a "second genera-
tion " network suitable for
commercial applications, and
the setting up of the proposed
Eurosat corporation.
On propose la création d'une
agence spatiale pour l'Europe
qui contribuerait aux recherches et qui coordonnerait la
planification des ' projets
actuels tels que ceux de
l'ESRO et du CECLES.
Housing : At its 41st session
in August 1966, the UN Economic and Social Council recommended the setting up of
an expert group to look into
the question of documentation
on housing, building and planning. This group has now
suggested the establishment
of an international institute at
Delhi. First of its kind, the
institute would collect, sift and
sort information and distribute
it among its members.
Une commission d'étude des
Nations Unies a proposé l'établissement d'un institut international pour la documentation sur le logement, la construction et la planification qui
serait établi à Delhi.
Avec l'aide d'une subvention
de la Fondation Ford, l'Institut
Fetter Lane, Londres EC4) a
organisé une conférence internationale sur la bibliographie
africaine, qui s'est tenue au
mois de décembre dernier en
Afrique. Cette conférence était
l'aboutissement d'une recommandation faite à la Conférence des Etudes sur l'Afrique
tropicale qui s'est tenue en
avril 1964 à l'Université d'Ibadan, demandant la convocation d'une réunion internationale pour examiner la situation
des services bibliographiques
dans le domaine des études
provisoire de cette nouvelle
conférence on trouvait les propositions suivantes : la mise
sur pied d'un bureau central
d'information international et
interafricain pour le fonds documentaire sur l'Afrique, qui
serait chargé de l'enregistrement central de la documentation, de la coordination des
données contenues dans les
bibliographies nationales et
autres, de la tenue à jour des
répertoires, et de fournir la
documentation ad hoc relative
à des régions et à des sujets
d'une association des bibliothécaires africanistes.
Proposals for the creation of
a central information bureau
for bibliographies and librarians specializing in African
studies were on the provisional agenda of a conference
held last December by the
International African Institute.
Les pollutions marines : Au
cours du troisième colloque
médicale tenu à Nice, M. Platier, de l'Ecole des hautes études, a signalé la formation
éventuelle d'un groupe d'étude de l'économie marine au
Centre d'études et de recherches de biologie et d'océanographie médicale (CERBOM)
qui sera chargé d'étudier les
médicale en général, et de la
lutte contre les pollutions en
particulier. D'autres recherches qui vont être entreprises
prochainement seront, d'après
le docteur Aubert, directeur
du CERBOM, l'étude des phénomènes allergiques ou toxi-
ques dus aux êtres marins,
aux pollutions marines d'ordre
chimique et bactériologique ou
dues à la radioactivité.
A French study group is to lie
formed to do research into the
possible applications of marine
medicine and of the knowledge
obtained from the battle
against marine pollution.
Oceanography : The fifth session of the Intergovernmental
founded by Unesco, closed on
28 October 1967. In an expanded research programme,
which includes two new major
international studies in the
Mediterranean and the Caribbean, the Commission voted
to establish
a permanent
Working Committee for an Integrated Global Ocean Station
System to co-ordinate and facilitate the collection of data.
Also recommended was the
establishment of a West African Marine Science Centre,
which might be situated at
Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and,
apart from continuing exploration of the Tropical Atlantic,
would train oceanographers as
well. At the same meeting,
members of the Commission
called for increased co-operation between the IOC and
other interested international
organizations, such as FAO
and WMO, with the aim of
joint action on specific problems as a response to the
UN resolution on the resources of the sea.
Lors de sa cinquième session
plénière, la Commission océanographique
intergouvernementale a décidé l'étude d'un
système mondial de stations
océanographiques ainsi que
l'établissement en Afrique occidentale d'un centre d'exploration et de formation.
Cooperation commerciale :
Lors de la deuxième session
de la Commission des articles
manufacturés, commisison de
la Conférence des Nations
Unies sur le commerce et le
développement et du Conseil
du commerce et du développement, on a noté avec intérêt
le début d'une coopération
entre les secrétariats de la
CNUCED et de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et
le commerce (GATT) à propos
d'un Centre de commerce
international commun, dans le
cadre du programme des Nations Unies relatif aux exportations. On estime que l'approbation de ce projet pourrait
entraîner un progrès décisif
pour une collaboration future
dans d'autres domaines.
GATT and CNUCED are considering the setting up of a
centre for the aid of exporters.
Bank : At the end of consultations with the governments
of 13 countries and territories
in the region, a United Nations
Programmesponsored mission to the Caribbean has further advocated
the setting up of such a bank.
Regional governments would
hold 60 per cent of the capital
and the remaining 40 per cent
would be subscribed by nonregional
countries who have shown an interests in the proposed institution, namely Canada, the United Kingdom and the United
States. It is hoped the Bank
will play an important part in
mobilizing foreign and domestic investment, and in the financing of large undertakings.
Thinking of the Caribbean's
and its present limited financial resources, the mission
foresees the Bank making " a
economic growth and cooperation. ".
L'établissement d'une banque
de développement pour les
Caraïbes est de nouveau proposé par une mission de
Common market combination :
The 11-nation Latin American
Free Trade Association (LAF
TA) and the Central American
have set up a Coordinating
Commission to study ways of
integrating the two organizations. This step follows the
declaration on economic integration issued by the Punta
sought are the Inter-American
Economic and Social Council,
the Economic Commission for
Latin America, and the InterAmerican Development Bank.
At its meeting in August 1967
the Commission also discussed
margins of preference agreements, the gradual reduction
of tariffs over a 15-year period, and the freezing as of
December 31, 1967 of preferential tariffs among LAFTA
Une commission établie par
l'Association latino-américaine
de libre échange et le Marché
commun de l'Amérique centrale étudie les problèmes que
poserait la fusion de ces deux
Brain drain : Among proposals
discussed at the 17th Pug-
wash conference last September was one aimed at reducing
the brain drain of young
scientists from the developing
Science Foundation would bo
set up together with a scholarship programme for students
from the developing countries.
The developed nations, it was
suggested, should be asked to
produce more scientists than
they need, thus making a certain number available to work
in other parts of the world.
Similarly there should be a
study of ways of encouraging
the transfer of technology
from industrial enterprises in
developed countries to their
La 17e conference Pugwash a
proposé la création d'une fondation internationale scientifique dont le but serait d'encourager les jeunes chercheurs
et savants des pays en voie de
développement à rester chez
L'enseignement supérieur en
Afrique : Lors de leurs travaux
qui ont eu lieu l'année dernière à Abidjan et plus tard à
Paris, les ministres de l'Education nationale d'Etats francophones d'Afrique noire et
de Madagascar ont discuté
l'adaptation aux réalités africaines de la réforme française
de l'enseignement supérieur,
sur le coût et rendement de
l'enseignement primaire, ainsi
que sur l'introduction de l'enseignement de la technologie
dans les établissements du
second degré. Les ministres
ont décidé de créer un conseil
consultatif interafricain dont
le triple rôle sera de coordonner l'action des diverses uni-
versités, leur donner une certaine complémentarité pour
éviter la multiplication excessive des établissements et
leur conférer un statut régional, leur attribuant compétence pour plusieurs Etats. En
plus, le conseil assurera auprès de la conférence un rôle
permanent de proposition et
La conférence a également
aprouvé la création d'une association interafricaine et malgache des enseignants d'histoire et géographie.
Ministers for Education of
French-speaking African States
and Madagascar have decided
to set up a consultative committee for higher education
and an association of history
and geography teachers.
Latin American Tourist body :
Included in the resolutions
passed at the tenth congress
of the Confederation of Latin
American Tourist Organizations (COTAL), held at Miami
Beach, and which dealt with
such topics as credits for the
industry and the inclusion of
tourism in school curricula,
was one recommending the
formation of a specialized organization within the OAS for
the development
Lors de son dixième congrès,
la COTAL a souhaité la mise
sur pied au sein même de
l´OEA d'une organisation pour
le développement des régions
Tourisme mondial : Vers la fin
de janvier, le serétaire-général
de l'ONU a reçu une délégation de l'Union internationale
des organismes officiels de
tourisme. Celle-ci l'a informé
de sa décision de renoncer au
statut de droit privé pour se
transformer en un organisme
de droit public sous l'appellation d'Organisme mondial du
tourisme (OMT), laquelle organisation pourra, sur tous les
plans relatifs au tourisme international, prendre dés mesures que les 102 pays membres
seront tenus d'appliquer. En
I'UIOOT élaborera une convention internationale du tourisme et convoquera d'ici à
la fin de 1968 une conférence
dé plénipotentiaires.
The International Union of
Official Travel Organisations
intends to change its legal status to that of an inter-govern
mental organization and to
adopt the name of World Travel Organization.
International texts : At the
seminar of the World Confederation of Organizations of
the Teaching Profession held
in Vancouver delegates urged
the setting up of an international committee to study texts
of all the participating nations
to evolve a form of basic texts
in geography and history.
Such a standardization of
school textbooks, it was
thought, could be a major step
in improving international relations.
Les délégués au séminaire de
Vancouver organisé par la
Confédération mondiale des
organisations de la profession
enseignante ont souhaité la
création d'une commission internationale pour la normalisation des livres scolaires de
géographie et d'histoire,
Les régions sinistrées : Lors
de la 10 e assemblée de l'Union
Internationale des Architectes
la résolution suivante a été
adoptée : " L'UIA devrait soutenir la création d'une organisation internationale pour l'assistance technique des régions sinistrées. "
The 10th assembly of the VIA
adopted a resolution calling
for the setting up of an international organization to give
technical assistance to disaster
Barcelona 1970
Financial Aspects
of International Congresses
The 5th International Congress on Congress Organization will be held at the Palacio
de las Naciones in Barcelona from Wednesday 6 May to Saturday 9 May, 1970. The
theme will he the study of the ways of financing a congress and the most rational distribution of expenses.
This theme has been chosen because many
international organizations have increasing
difficulties finding the necessary resources
for holding their congresses and must consider methods of providing finance which they
have not previously used. In addition, many
would like to make use of new equipment
and new organizational and working methods
or to call upon the help of auxiliary services
— that is to say, to improve their congresses
while, at the same time, making the maximum economies and distributing expenses as
fairly and as efficiently as possible.
In particular, the following six questions
will be studied in sectional meetings : 1) contributions and expectations of national, regional and local public authorities (interaction
between congresses and tourism ; 2) ordinary
or special equipment and auxiliary services;
3) printing and distribution of working documents : methods, expenditure and revenue;
4) technical and budgetary implications relative to the number of written and spoken
working languages; 5} registration, reception
and programme of social events; 6) organization of accommodation and technical or tourist excursions.
This Congress is being organized jointly
by the Union of International Associations,
which is assuming the responsibilities of Congress Secretariat General, and the International Association of Congress Centres, with the
collaboration of various specialized professional international organizations and the
Barcelona Congress Centre.
Yearbook of International
All Secretaries-General
Congratulations are in order. At the beginning of
February a circular concerning the forthcoming 12th
(1968-69) edition of the Yearbook of International Organizations was despatched to 2,200 Secretaries-GeneralBy the middle of February seventy-three per cent had
sent in the up-dated proof of their entry, togeher with
appropriate additional material.
If the remaining twenty-seven per cent take similar
action without delay the Editor and his team will be
the happiest of mortals.
current list
of papers, reports
and proceedings of
international meetings
/ des documents, comptes
rendus et actes des
/ réunions internationales
Volume 8, No 3
March 1968
The following list provides the essential bibliographical details concerning newly-published reports
arising out of international congresses. Entries are arranged in chronological order according
to date of congress. The customary bibliographical practice has been adopted of giving name
and locality of the publishing house In the case of commercially produced volumes. In other
cases the material can be obtained direct from the international organizations responsible for
arranging the congress. Full information about such organizations, including of course their
present address, can be obtained from the current (1966-67) edition of the Yearbook of International
Organizations (UAI, 1 rue aux Laines, Brussels 1; 1008 p. 27x21 cm. $ 20).
The chronological listing is followed by a keyword Index.
The UAI first ' introduced, in 1965, the system of indexing by date, in connection with its
" Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings held in 1959 ". The system's practical
advantages, particularly as regards speed of production, led to its adoption from January 1966
onwards in the monthly " Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and Proceedings of
International Meetings ".
Entries for which precise dates are not available have been placed at the end of the relevant
month or year, and they have been given a running number, prefixed by the letters " ND "
(no date) from 1 upwards; the entry appears in the form " 1968 May (ND 1) " as does the index
entry at the appropriate keyword.
The monthly magazine International Associations, complete with ail Issues of the
monthly Bibliographical Current List, costs ? 11 (450 Belgian Francs or 75s sterling)
per annum.
The Bibliographical Current List can be supplied separately by itself at the rate
of $ 8 (300 Belgian Francs or 50s sterling) per annum.
1, rue aux Laines - Brussels 1 - Belgium - Tel. 11.83.96
Volume 8
No. 3
Bibliographical Current List of Papers,
1964 Jul 20-29
Oxford (UK)
Food and Agriculture Org of the United Nations/Int
Union of Forestry Research Orgs. Symposium on Internationally dangerous forest diseases and insects.
Documents. FAO, Rome, 3 vols. In English, French,
1965 Jun 21-22
London (UK)
Int Council of Scientific Unions/Special Cmt for the Int
Biological Programme. Symposium on natural selection
and transmissible disease.
Report. The Cmt, London, 1965, 13 p.
1965 Sep 22 - O6t 2
New York (NY, USA)
United Nations. Inter-regional seminar on the economic
application of water desalination.
Proceedings. UN, New York, 1967, 367 p.
1965 Oct 3-9
Washington DC (USA)
United States Department of the Interior. 1st int symposium on water desalinization.
Proceedings. The Dept, Washington, 1967, 3 vols.
1965 Oct 23-25
Hengelhoef, Houthalen (Belgium)
Int Institute for the Human Problems of Labour/Int
Bureau for Research on Leisure. Int symposium :
leisure in the modern world.
Comunications et interventions : loisirs et monde moderne/De Vrijetijdsbesteding in de moderne wereld. The
Institute, Namur, 1967, various pagings, 27 X 21 cm,
illus, stenc. In French, Dutch, German.
1965 Nov 15-19
Istanbul (Turkey)
1965 Dec 6-10
Caracas (Venezuela)
1966 Feb 28 - Mar 4
Lucas Heights (Australia)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. Meetings of a study group
on research reactor utilization.
Summary reports. IAEA, Vienna, 1967, 89 p, 24 X 16 cm,
1 fig. $2; 14s 2d; A Sen. 52; BF 100; FF 9.80; SF 8.60.
Technical reports series, No 71.
1965 Nov 22-26
London (UK)
Int conference on plutonium (3rd).
Proceedings. Edited by A E Kay, M B Waldron. Chapman and Hall, London, 1967, 1114 p.
1965 Dec 6-10
Caracas (Venezuela)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. See entry 1965 Nov 15-19.
1966 Feb 28 - Mar 4
Lucas Heights (Australia)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. See entry 1965 Nov 15-19.
1966 Mar 24-28
Bariloche (Argentina)
Glaucoma Club. 1st South American symposium.
Proceedings. Edited by R Sampaolesi. S Karger, Basel,
1968, 246 p, 25 X 18 cm, 64 figs, 43 tables. SF 64.
Modern problems in ophthalmology. Vol 6.
1966 Mar 30 - Apr 2
Utrecht (Netherlands)
Int Asn of Microbiological Socs, Permanent Section of
Microbiological Standardization. Int symposium on adjuvants of immunity.
Proceedings. Edited by R H Regamey, W W Hennessen,
D Ikic, J Ungar. S Karger, Basel, 1967, XIV + 375 p,
25 X 18 cm, 87 figs, 88 tables. Symposia series in
immunobiological standardization, Vol 6. SF 48.
1966 Jun 6-21
Stuttgart (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Fed of Landscape Architects. 10th congress : the
role of the landscape architect in the re-arrangement
of rural settings.
Report. Djambatan, 1968, 30 X 24 cm. In English,
1966 Jun 6-25
Varenna (Italy)
Int school of physics " Enrico Fermi ". 37th course :
theory of magnetism in transition metals.
Proceedings. Edited by W Marshall. Academic Press,
New York, 1967, 454 p.
1966 Jun 7-10
Strasbourg (France)
Council of Europe, European Conference of Local Authorities. 6th ordinary session.
Report of debates. The Council, Strasbourg, 1966,
IX + 114 p.
1966 Jun 28 - Jul 2
Munich (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Dairy Fed. 51st annual meeting.
Reports. " Annual Memento 1967 ", the Fed, Brussels,
180 p, 30 x 21 cm, tables, stenc. Restricted distribution.
1966 Jul 5-8
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Int Planned Parenthood Fed. 5th European and Near
East conference on preventive medicine and family
Comptes rendus. IPPF, London, 1967, 293 p, illus. In
186 Asn-Association; Cmt-CommJttee; Cnfed-Confederation; Exhib-in conjunction with exhibition; Fed-Federation;
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings
1966 Jul 24-30
Oxford (UK)
Int Ornithological Congress. 14th congress.
Proceedings. Edited by Dr D W Snow. The Congress,
Oxford, 1967, XXIV + 405 p.
1966 Jul 25-29
Vienna (Austria)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. Study group on co-ordination
of research in the use of neutrons in seed irradiation;
working group on recommendations for a neutron seed
irradiation programme.
Report. IAEA, Vienna, 1932, 122 p. Technical reports
series, No 76.
March 1968
1966 Sep 26 - Oct 15
Washington DC (USA)
Pan American Health Org. 17th Pan American sanitary
conference; 18th meeting of regional cmt of WHO for
the Americas.
Minutes of plenary sessions and cmts. Pan American
Sanitary Bureau, Washington, 1967, X + 601 p, illus.
Official document No 77.
1966 Sep 27 - Oct 4
Teheran (Iran)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. 55th conference.
Compte rendu. Vol I : documents préliminaires. The
Union, Geneva, 1967, 214 p, 24 X 16 cm. In French.
1966 Aug 22 - Sep 2
Bangkok (Thailand)
United Nations. 4th workshop on problems of budget
reclassification and management
Rapport du quatrième groupe d'études sur les problèmes
de reclassification et d'administration budgétaires. UN,
New York, 1967, 46 p. In French.
1966 Sep 27 - Oct 4.
Teheran (Iran)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. 55th conference.
Compte rendu. Vol II. The Union, Geneva, 1967,
XV + 584 p, 24 X 16 cm. In French.
1966 Sep 8-10
Leiden (Netherlands)
Int Soc of Geographical Pathology. 9th conference :
myocardial infarction.
Proceedings. Edited by Prof Dr J R Rüttner. S Karger,
Basel, 1967, 321 p, 25 X 18, cm, 91, figs, 99 tables.
Pathologia et Microbiologia, Vol 30, No 5. In English,
French, German.
1966 Oct 10-13
Strasbourg (France)
Council of Europe. 2nd seminar on int voluntary service:
the role of non-governmental orgs in African development
Proceedings. The Council, Strasbourg, 1967, 45 p,
27 x 21 cm. In English, French.
1966 Sep 9-10
Gothenburg (Sweden)
Scandinavian Neurosurgical Soc. 19th annual meeting.
Report (abstracts). " Acta Neurologica Scandinavica ",
Vol 43, 1967, (separatum), Copenhagen, pp 239-256,
24 x 16 cm.
1966 Oct 10-15
Berlin (Germany, Dem Rep)
Int Org of Journalists. 6th congress.
Proceedings. lOJ, Prague, 1967, 132 p, 20 X 14 cm,
1966 Sep 12-16
Evian (France)
Int Social Science Council. Symposium on quantitative
ecological analysis in the social sciences.
Report. MIT, Cambridge (Mass), 1968.
1966 Oct 18-21
Athens (Greece)
Org for Economic Co-operation and Development. Int
management seminar on emigrant workers returning to
their home country.
Rapport final du séminaire patronal : les travailleurs
émigrés retournant dans leurs pays. OECD, Paris,
1967, 122 p, tables. Séminaires int 1966-4. In French.
1986 Sep 26-27
Basel (Switzerland)
Int Union of Pure and Applied Physics. 12th general
Report/Procès-verbal. The Union, London, 1967, 47 +
45 p, 24 x 16 cm. IUPAP 14. In English, French.
1966 Sep 26 - Oct 4
Geneva (Switzerland)
United Nations, Division of Economic and Social Affairs.
Study course on the organization and administration of
public enterprises.
Rapport du cycle d'études des Nations Unies sur l'organisation et l'administration des entreprises publiques.
UN, New York, 1967, 38 p. In French.
1966 Oct 23-29
Tokyo (Japan)
Int Union against Cancer. 9th congress.
Proceedings. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1967, 2 vols. In
English, French.
1966 Oct 24 - Nov 4
Pittsburgh (Pa, USA)
United Nations. Inter-regional seminar on development
policies and planning in relation to urbanization.
Report. UN, New York, 1967, IV + 74 p.
Inr-Inrernational; Org-Organization; P-number of participants; Soc-Society; stenc-stenciled, duplicated
Volume 8
No 3
Bibliographical Currant List of Papers,
1966 Nov 7-9
Lyons (France)
World Health Org, Regional Office for Europe. Working
group on the teaching of physiology in medical education.
Report. The Office, Copenhagen. 1967, III + 27 p,
24 X 19 cm, stenc. Not for sale. EURO 207 (3),
1966 Nov 7-9
Lyons (France)
World Health Org, Regional Office for Europe. Working
group on the teaching of physiology in medical education.
Rapport. The Office. Copenhagen. 1967, III + 28 p,
24 X 19 cm, stenc. Hors commerce. EURO 207 (3).
In French.
1966 Nov 7-9
Lyons (France)
World Health Org, Regional Office for Europe. Working
group on the teaching of physiology in medical education.
Report. The Office, Copenhagen. 1967, III + 28 p,
24 X 19 cm, stenc. In Russian.
1966 Nov 21-25
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. Symposium on radioisotope
Proceedings. IAEA, Vienna, 1967, 700 p, 24 X 16 cm,
301 figs. $14.50; A Sch 375; BF 725; FF 71.10; SF 62.60.
Proceedings series. Papers in original English, French,
Russian; abstracts in English and original; discussions
in English.
1966 Nov 28 - Dec 7
Bogota (Colombia)
United Nations/World Food Program. Seminar on the
use of food aid in projects for economic and social
development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Report. UN, New York. 1967, 30 p.
1966 Dec 12-16
Int Atomic Energy Agency. See entry 1956 Jul 25-29.
1967 Jan 18-25
Lomé (Togo)
Int Institute of Law of French-speaking Countries. 2nd
Compte rendu. " Revue juridique et politique : Indépendance et coopération ", 21° année, No 1, janvier -mars
1957, Librairie générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence,
Paris, 210 p, 25 X 16 cm. In French.
1987 Jan 18-25
Lomé (Togo)
Int Institute of Law of French-speaking Countries. 2nd
Le droit du travail et la famille, par Martin Kirsch;
Famille et sécurité sociale en Afrique, par PierreFrançois Gonidec. " Revue juridique et politique : Indépendance et coopération ", 21° année, No 2, avril-j uin
1967, Librairie générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence,
Paris, pp 231-262, 263-272, 25 X 16 cm. In French.
1967 Jan 18-25
Lomé (Togo)
Int Institute of Law of French-speaking Countries. 2nd
Le droit pénal de la famille dans les Etats africains
d'expression française, par Gilbert Mangin (1° part ie);
Le chef de clan et le droit de la famille dans les
coutumes du Bas-Dahomey, par Adrien Houngredjf. " Revue juridique et politique ; Indépendance et coopération ", 21e année. No 4, octobre-décembre 1967, Librairie
générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, Paris, pp 589-602,
603-624, 25 X 16 cm. In French.
1967 Jan 18-25
Lomé (Togo)
Int Institute of Law of French-speaking Countries. 2nd
congress : the family in African states.
Le droit pénal de la famille dans les Etats africains
d'expression française, par Gilbert Mangin (2e partie);
Le mariage dans la pensée kabré, par M. Verdier; Le
projet de code du mariage et l'abandon du domicile
conjugal en Haute-Volta, par M Nikyema. " Revue
juridique et politique : Indépendance et coopération ",
22° année, No 1, 1968, Librairie générale de Droit et
de Jurisprudence, Paris, 25 X 16 cm. In French.
1967 Jan 30 - Feb 3
Yaounde (Cameroons)
Org for Co-ordination and Co-operation in the Control
of Major Endemic Diseases in Centra! Africa. 2nd
technical conference.
Rapport final. Tome I. The Org, Yaounde, 1967,
pp 1-309, 27 x 21 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 Jan 30 - Feb 3
Yaounde (Cameroons)
Org for Co-ordination and Co-operation in the Control
of Major Endemic Diseases in Central Africa. 2nd
technical conference.
Raport final. Tome II. The Org. Yaounde, .1967,
pp 311-565, 27 X 21 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 Mar 27 - Apr 1
New Delhi (India)
int Social Science Council. Conference on comparative
research on social change and regional disparity within
and between nations with special reference to Southern
Report. The Council, Paris, 1937, various pagings, 28 X
21 cm, stenc.
1967 Mar 28 - Apr 1
United Nations. Conference
Summary proceedings. UN,
Geneva (Switzerland)
on olive oil.
New York, 1967, 14 p.
1967 Apr 1-5
Toronto (Canada)
Inter American Music Council. 5th general assembly :
symposium on music education.
Actas, recomendaciones y otros documentos. The Council, Pan American Union, Washington, 1967, 68 p, 28 X
22 cm. 780-ES-7500. In Spanish.
1967 Apr 10-21
Rome (Italy)
Associated Country Women of the World. Seminar on
better living In community, country and continent
Report. The Org, London, 1967, 32 p, 23 x 15 cm.
188 Asn-Association; Cmt-Committee; Cnfed-Confederation; Exhib-in conjunction with exhibition; Fed-Federation;
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings
1967 Apr 11-12
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
European Asn of Editors of Biological Periodicals. Foundation assembly.
Report and constitution. Dr Jan Bures, Institute of
Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague,
1967, 15 p.
1967 Apr Î7-22 .
Madrid (Spain)
Int Asn for Educational Guidance.
seminar on educational and vocational guidance.
Report/Rapport/Bericht. « Bulletin », No 16, 1967, the
Asn, Luxembourg. In English, French, German.
1967 Apr 24-26
London (UK)
European Atomic Forum. 3rd congress.
Reports and discussions. British Nuclear Forum, London,
19S7. Reports in English, French, German; discussions
in English.
1967 Apr 25 - May 8
Kingston (Jamaica)
United Nations, Division of Human Rights. Seminar
on the effectiveness of civil and political rights at the
national level.
Report. UN, New York, 1967, IV + 61 p.
1967 Apr 27-30
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
World Wildlife Fund. Congress : nature and man.
Lectures. Netherlands national soc, Amsterdam, 1967,
55 p, 26 X 14 cm, illus.
1967 May 9
Ghent (Belgium)
Int symposium on phytopharmacy and phytiatry (19th).
Landbouwwetenschappen, Ghent, 1967, XXXII, No 3/4, pp 253-1061,
25 X 16 cm, illus, figs, tables. Papers in original Dutch,
English, French, German; summaries in all four languages.
1967 May 9-12
Budapest (Hungary)
Trade Unions Int of Chemical, Petroleum and Allied
Workers. 5th world conference.
Compte rendu. " Bulletin d'information ", special issue,
1967, the Int, Budapest, 105 p, 29 x 21 cm. In Frenc.
1967 May 16-27
Universal Postal
Bern (Switzerland)
session of Executive
Report " Union Postale ", 92nd year. No 9, Sep 1967,
tnt Bureau of the UPU, Bern. SF 0.80. In Arabic
(pp 174-181), Chinese (pp 132-138), English (pp 134-140).
French (pp 216-223), German (pp 140-147), Russian (pp
142-149), Spanish (pp 140-146).
March 1968
1967 May 19
Montreal (Canada)
Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the
Int Chamber of Commerce. 15th session.
Proceedings, The Commission, Tokyo, 1967.
1967 May 23-24
Dublin (Ireland)
Int Union of Food and Allied Workers Asns. Tobacco
workers' sectional conference.
Procès-verbal. The Union, Geneva, 1967, various paglngs,
30 x 21 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 May 30 - Jun 3
Madrid (Spain)
Int Olive Oil Council. 16th session.
Rapport. Le Conseil, Madrid, 1967, Iv + 28 p + annexes, 28 X 22 cm, tables, stenc. Limited distribution.
Document COI/R 16-11/28. In French.
1967 Jun 1-12
Budapest (Hungary)
Danube Commission. 25th session.
Procès-verbaux (No 133-135). The Commission, Budapest, 1967, 397 p., 24 X 17 cm. CD/SES 25. In French,
1967 Jun 2-3
Strasbourg (France)
Europa Nostra, Fed of Private Asns for the Preservation
of Natural and Historic Monuments and Sites. 4th general
Proceedings. The Asn, Rome, 1967, 59 p, 29 X 22 cm,
stenc. In English, French.
1967 Jun 4-7
Edinburgh (UK)
European Fed of Finance House Asns. 7th annual
Proceedings. The Fed, Brussels, Nov 1967, 151 +
xxii p, 28 X 22 cm, illus, tables. Publication No 9.
In English, French, German.
1967 Jun 6-16
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
Int hydrologlcal decade : 3rd session of the Co-ordinating council.
Rapport final. Unesco, Paris, 12 Sep 1967, 52 p +
13 annexes, 27 X 21 cm, stenc. SC/CS/75/64 (IHD-lll).
In French.
1967 Jun 12-17
European Nuclear Energy Agency/Org for Economic Cooperation and Development. Symposium on radiation
dose measurements, their purpose, interpretation and
Report. The Agency/Org, Paris, 1967, 597 p, Illus.
In English, French.
Inf-lnternotional; Org-Organization; P-number of participants; Soc-Sbciety; stenc-stenciled, duplicated
Volume 8
No 3
Bibliographical Current List of Papers,
1967 Jun 12-21
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Int Cotton Advisory Cmt. 26th plenary meeting.
Proceedings. The Cmt, Washington, 1967, 27 X 21, cm.
$3. In English; separate French, Spanish editions.
1967 Jul 6-14
Int Bureau of Education/Unesco. 30th conférence on
Health education in primary schools (research in comparative education study). The Bureau, Geneva, 1967,
Ixiii + 188 p, 24 X 16 cm. Publication No 304.
1967 Jun 13
Washington DC (USA)
Pan American Health Org. 6th meeting of the advisory
cmt on medical research, special session on immunologie aspects of parasitic infections.
Proceedings. Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Washington, 1967, v + 166 p, illus. Scientific publication
No 150.
1967 Jul 10-15
Int Cmt for Org of Mining Congresses. 5th congress.
Report. The Cmt, Warsaw, 1937, 4+ 8 p, 30 x 21 cm.
stenc. In separate English, French. German, Polish,
Russion editions.
1967 Jun 18-24
Oslo (Norway)
Int Union of Academies. 41st annual meeting of cmt.
Compte rendu. The Union. Brussels, 1967, 164 p, 24 X
16 cm. BF 20. In French.
1967 Jun 20-21
Org for Co-ordination and Co-operation in the Control
of Major Endemic Diseases in Central Africa. 3rd interstate ministerial conference.
Rapport final. The Org, Yaounde, 1957, 191 p, 27 X
21 cm, illus, stenc. In French.
1967 Jun 21-25
Vienna (Austria)
European League for Mental Hygiene. 17th annual meeting : instruction and training in mental health for those
with educational responsibility.
Communications. " Santé mentale ", No 3, 1967, Ligue
française d'hygiène mentale, Paris, pp 5-12, 28 x 21 cm.
FF 2. In French.
1987 Jun 29
Brussels (Belgium)
European Economic Community. 63rd plenary session
of the Economic and Social Cmt, on the occasion of
Walter Hallstein's departure.
Allocutions. " Bulletin d'Information ", No 3, 1967,
EEC, Brussels, 30 p, 30 x 21 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 Jul 6-9
Stockholm (Sweden)
Int Cnfed for Disarmament and Peace. World conference
on Vietnam.
Rapport. Standing Cmt for the World Conferences on
Vietnam, Vienna, 1967, 15 p. In French.
1967 Jul 6-14
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Bureau of Education/Unesco. 30th conference on
public education.
Compte rendu analytique des séances plénières, rapport et recommendations adoptées. The Bureau, Geneva,
1967, 188 p, 24 X 16 cm. Publication No 305. In French.
1967 Jul 10-15
Moscow (USSR)
Int Cmt for Org of Mining Congresses. 6th congress.
Report. " Archives des Mines ", 1967, 32 p, 30 X 21 cm,
stenc! In Polish.
1967 Jul 10-15
Int Cmt for Org of Mining Congresses. 6th congress.
Report/Rap port/Informe/Bericht " Schlagel und Eisen ",
No 9-10, Sep -Oct 1967, Düsseldorf, pp 302-212, 30 X
21 cm, illus. In English, French, German, Spanish.
1967 Jul 7-8
Moscow (USSR)
Int Cmt for Org of Mining Congresses. 6th congress.
Report. " Ugol " (Coal), No 7, 1967, Moscow, 88 p.
26 X 21 cm, illus, tables. 60 kopeks. In Russian.
1967 Jul 11-14
United Int Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual
Additional Act of Stockholm, of July 14, 1967, to the
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or
Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods; Madrid
Agreement concerning the. Int Registration of Marks,
Stockholm Act signed on July 14, 1967; complementary
Act of Stockholm, of July 14, 1967, to The Hague
Agreement concerning the Int Deposit of Industrial
Design. " Industrial Property ", 6th year. No 11, Nov
1967, BIRPI, Geneva, pp 290-301.
1967 Jul 11-14
Stockholm (Sweden)
United Int Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property,
revisde; reports on the work of main cmts III and IV.
" Industrial Property ", 6th year, No 9, Sep 1967,
BIRPI, Geneva, pp 211-224.
1967 Jul 11-14
United Int Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual
Convention de Paris pour la protection de la propriété
industrielle, revisée; rapports sur les travaux des Commissions principales Nos NI et IV. " La Propriété
industrielle ", 83° année, No 9, septembre 1967, BI RPI,
Geneva, pp 219-238. In French.
Asn-Association; Cmf-Committee; Cnfed-Confederation; Exhib-in conjunction with exhibition; Fed-Federation;
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings
1967 Jul 11-14
Stockholm (Sweden)
United Int Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual
Rapport sur les travaux des Commissions principales
Nos III et IV. «Le Droit d'Auteur», 80° année. No 1 0.
octobre 1967, BIRPI, Geneva, pp 230-238. In French.
1967 Jul 11-14
United Int Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual
Acte de Stockholm du 14 juillet 1967 additionnel à l'arrangement de Madrid concernant la répression des
indications de provenances fausses ou fallacieuses sur
les produits; Arrangement de Madrid concernant l'enregistrement international des marques, Acte de Stockholm
signé le 14 juillet 1967; Acte de Stockholm du 14 juillet
1964 complémentaire à l'Arrangement de La Haye concernant le dépôt des dessins et modèles industriels.
" La Propriété industrielle ", 83° année, No 11, no vembre 1967, BIRPI. Geneva, pp 311-322. . In French.
1967 Jul-17-23
Leningrad (USSR)
Int conference on the physics of electronic and atomic
Abstracts. Lauka, Leningrad, 1957, 666 p.
1967 Jul 29 - Aug 5
Malmo (Sweden)
Nationless Worldwide Asn. 40th congress.
Report. " Sennaciulo ", 38th year, No 749, Oct 1937,
Rotterdam, 10 p. In Esperanto.
1967 Aug 2-9
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Universal Esperanto Asn. 52nd universal congress :
20th session " o f the Int Summer University.
Abstracts. The Asn. Rotterdam, 1967, 15 p. 21 x 15 cm,
illus. In Esperanto, Dutch.
1967 Aug 11-17
Seattle (Wash, USA)
Boy Scouts World Bureau. 21st world conference.
Report. The Bureau, Ottawa, 1967, 95 p, 28 X 22 cm,
1967 Aug 12-22
Montreal (Canada)
Int Co-ordinating Cmt for the Presentation of Science
and the Development of Out-of-School Scientific Activities. 1st world conference.
Rapport. The Cmt, Brussels, 1967, various pagings.
28 X 22 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 Aug 15 - Sep 9
Geneva (Switzerland)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
5th session.
Resolutions and decisions. UN, New York, 1987, iii +
9 p, 28 X 22 cm. Trade and Development Board official
records. TD/B/159, supplement No 1.
March 1968
1967 Aug 15 - Sep 9
Geneva (Switzerland)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
5th session.
Résolutions et décisions. UN. New York, 1967. iii +
9 p, 28 X 22 cm. Conseil du commerce et du développement.
supplément No 1. In French.
1967 Aug 16-25
Montréal (Canada)
Int Cnfed of Free Trade Unions. 1st world conference
on education in the labour movement.
Conclusions and statement. " ICFTU bulletin ", Jul-Sep
Brussels, pp 1-25, stenc. B/28.
1967 Aug 16-25
Montreal (Canada)
Int Cnfed of Free Trade Unions. 1st world conference
Conclusions et déclarations. " Bulletin de la CISL ".
juillet-septembre 1967. ICFTU, Brussels, pp 1-27. stenc.
B/28. In French.
1967 Aug 18-20
Green Lake (Wis, USA)
Int Asn of Y's Men's Clubs, Inc. 43rd convention.
Report. The Asn, Downers Grove, .1967, 44 p, 28 X
22 cm, appendices, stenc.
1967 Aug 21-26
Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
African Development Bank. 3rd meeting of Board of
Report (1966). The Bank, Abidjan, 1967. v + 23 p,
27 X 21 cm, annexes, stenc. Document ADB/BG/lll/3.
Limited distribution.
1967 Aug 21-26
Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
African Development Bank. 3rd meeting of Board of
Rapport (1966). The Bank, Abidjan, 1967, v + 26 p,
27 X 21 cm, annexes, stenc. Document ADB/BG/lll/3.
Limited distribution. In French.
1967 Aug 21-26
Ripon (UK)
Int Peace Bureau. Conference : relevance and functions
of the peace movement today.
Report. The Bureau, Geneva, 1967, 58 p, 30 + 21 cm,
1967 Aug 21-28
Wiesbaden (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Fed for Medical Psychotherapy. 7th congress.
Abstracts. S Karger, Basel, 1967, 84 p. Psychotherapy
and psychosomatlcs, Vol 15, No 1, 1967.
Inf-InternationaI; Org-Organization; p-number of participants; Soc-Society; stenc-stenciled, duplicated
Volume 8, No, 3
Bibliographical Current List of Papers,
1967 Aug 24-29
Chicago (Illinois, USA)
Int Hospital Fed. 15th congress.
Proceedings. " World Hospitals/L'Hôpital dans le monde ", Vol 3, No 4, Oct 1967, Pergamon Press, London,
pp 235-302. In English, French; summaries in German,
1967 Aug 30 - Sep 6
Madrid (Spain)
Int Institute of Refrigeration. 12th congress.
Comptes rendus. 1IF, Paris, 4 vols to be published late
1968. .
1967 Sep 1-2
Uppsala (Sweden)
Scandinavian Neurosurgical Soc. 20th annual meeting.
Summaries of papers. The Soc, Copenhagen, 1967, 15 p,
30 x 21 cm, stenc.
1967 Sep 3-8
Tel Aviv (Israel)
Int Dairy Fed. 52nd annual meetings.
Reports. " Annual Memento 1968 ", the Fed, Brussels,
188 p, 30 x 21 cm, tables, stenc:
1967 Sep 12-20
Montpellier (France)
Int Asn for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency.
1st congress.
Abstracts of papers/Resumes
1967 Oct 4-6
Brussels (Belgium)
Int Cnfed of Free Trade Unions. 43rd session of the
Executive Board.
Décisions. " Bulletin de la CISL ", octobre 1967,
Brussels, 11 p, stenc. B/29. In French.
1967 Oct 9-10
Rome (Italy)
Int Council of Scientific Unions. 7th meeting of the
Executive Cmt.
Report. The Council, Rome, 1967, 193 p, 21 X 14 cm,
annexes. -
1967 Oct 9-12
Washington DC (USA)
Asn of Official Analytical Chemists. 81st annual meeting.
Papers. " Journal ". Vol 51, 1968, the Asn, Washington,
26 x 18 cm, illus.
1967 Oct 9-12
Washington DC (USA)
Asn of Official Analytical Chemists. 81st annual meeting.
Abstracts. The Asn, Washington, 1967, 26 p, 23 X
15 cm.
1967 Oct 9-13
The Hague (Netherlands)
World Veterans Fed. 12th general assembly.
Report. " World Veteran ", 16th year. No 163, Oct-Dec
1967, the Fed, Paris, pp 3-15, illus. $0.50; 3s 9d.
Excerpta Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, 1967, xv +
126 p. $7.50. Int congress series 153. in English,
1967 Oct 11-18
Rome (Italy)
Permanent Cmt for Int Congresses for the Apostolate
of the Laity. 3rd world congress.
1967 Sep 21-28
Actes. Vol I : le peuple de Dieu dans l'itinéraire des
hommes. COPECIAL. Rome, mars-avril 1968. $5; FF
30; Lire 3,000 (3 vols). In French; separate English,
Spanish editions,
Vienna, Salzburg, Bad Gastein (Austria)
Int Fed of Thermalism and Climatism. Annual delegates'
Rapport. The Fed, St Gallen, 1967, 6 p, 30 X 21 cm,
stenc. In French.
1967 Sep 25-26
London (UK)
Int Graphical Fed. Technical conference.
Proceedings. The Fed, Bern, 1968, 84 p, 21 x 15 cm.
1967 Oct 4-6
Brussels (Belgium)
ïnt Cnfed of Free Trade Unions. 43rd session of the
Executive Board.
Decisions. " ICFTU Bulletin ", Oct 1967, Brussels,
11 p. stenc. B/29.
1967 Oct 11-18
Rome (Italy)
Permanent Cmt for Int Congresses for the Apostolate
Actes. Vol II : l'homme d'aujourd'hui. COPECIAL,
Rome, mai-juin 1968. $5; FF 30; Lire 3,000 (3 vols). In
French; separate English, Spanish editions.
1967 Oct 11-18
Rome (Italy)
Permanent Cmt for Int Congresses for the Apostolate
of the Laity. 3rd world congress.
Actes. Vol III : les laics dans le renouveau de l'Eglise.
COPECIAL, Rome, juillet-août 1968. $5; FF 30; Lire
3,000 (3 vols). In French; separate English, Spanish
Asn-Association; Cmt-Committee; Cnfed-Confederation;
Exhib-in conjunction with exhibition; Fed-Federation;
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings
1967 Nov 1-5
Tunis (Tunisia)
Int Co-ordinating Cmt for the Presentation of Science
and the Development of put-of-School Scientific Activities. 6th general assembly.
Rapport. The Cmt, Brussels, 1967, iii + 23 p +
6 annexes, 28 X 22 cm, stenc. In French.
1967 Nov 10-12
Louvain (Belgium)
Int Fed of Institutes for Social and Socio-Religious
Research. Symposium : inter-disciplinary reflection
and research in the dialogue between Church and
Compte rendu provisoire : réflexion et recherche Interdisciplinaires dans le dialogue église-monde. Etabli par
F Houtart CIREC, Paris, 1968, v + 203 p, 24 X 16 cm.
stenc. In French.
1967 Nov 14-17
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Labour Org. 170th sesion of the Governing Body.
Rapport du Secrétaire-général de l'Organisation internationale des employeurs sur la session. The Org,
Geneva, Jan 1968, 26 p, 30 X 21 cm, annexes, stenc.
Doc 1968/3. In French.
1967 Nov 15
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Fed of Master-Craftsmen. 38th session of the
Procès-verbal. The Fed, Rome, 1988, 14 p, stenc. In
1967 Nov 21 - Dec 8
Rangoon (Burma)
Colombo Plan Council for Technical Co-operation in
South and South-East Asia. 18th meeting of Consultative
Report. Colombo Plan Bureau, Colombo, 1968, 64 p,
23 X 18 cm. Illus.
1967 Nov 22-23
Geneva (Switzerland)
fnt Amateur Cycling Fed/Int Cyclists' Union/Int Fed of
Professional Cycling.
Executive cmt meetings and
Procès-verbaux. " Le Monde cycliste " + complément,
No 64, décembre 1967, the Union, Paris, 6 + 4 p. In
March 1968
1967 Dec 3-5
Berlin (Germany, Dem Rep)
Int Fed of Resistance Movements. General council.
Bericht. " Der Widerstandskämpfer ". 1968, the Fed,
Vienna, stenc. In German.
1967 Dec 4-7
Strasbourg (France)
Asn of the European Economic Community and the
African and Malagasy States. 4th annual parliamentary
Rapport. " Informations ", 1967/6, European Parliament,
Luxemburg, 22 p, 21 X 15 cm, illus. In French.
1968 Jun 5-27
Int Labour Org. 52nd session of the Conference.
Communication : amélioration des conditions de vie et
de travail des fermiers, des métayers et des catégories
analogues de travailleurs agricoles. ILO, Geneva, 1967,
45 p. Rapport IV (1). In French.
1968 Jun 5-27
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Labour Org. 52nd session of the Conference.
Paper: labour inspection in agriculture. ILO, Geneva,
1967, 77 p. Report V (1).
1968 Jun 5-27
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Labour Org. 52nd session of the Conference.
Communication : inspection du travail dans l'agriculture.
ILO, Geneva, 1967, 84 p. Rapport V (1). In French.
1968 Jun 5-27
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Labour Org. 52nd session of the Conference.
Revision of conventions Nos 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance. ILO, Geneva, 1967, iv + 80 p. Report
VI (1).
1967 Nov 23-24
Düsseldorf (Germany, Fed Rep)
Cmt of Agricultural Orgs in the EEC. Extraordinary
general assembly.
Risoluzione. The Cmt, Brussels, 1967, 10 p, 27 X
21 cm, stenc. In Italian; separate Dutch, French, German
1968 Jun 5-27
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Labour Org. 52nd session of the Conference.
Revision des conventions Nos 24 et 25 concernant l'assurance-maladie. ILO, Geneva, 1967, iv + 89 p. Rapport VI (1). In French.
1969 Sep 1-4
1967 Dec 3-5
Berlin (Germany, Dem Rep)
Int Fed of Resistance Movements. General council.
Rapport. " Résistance unie ", 1968, the Fed, Vienna,
stenc. In French.
Societas Liturgica. Int conferecne.
Preparatory document No 1 : post-Conciliar renewal of
language In Roman Catholic worship. The Soc. Lismore, 1968, 6 p, 29 x 21 cm, stenc.
Int-lnternational; Org-Organization; P-number of participants; Soc-Society; stenc-stenciled, duplicated
Volume 8, No. 3
Bibliographical Currant List of Papon,
Academies 67 Jun 18-24.
Adjuvants of immunity 66 Mar 30 Apr 2.
Agriculture 68 Jun 5-27.
— (Europe) 67 Nov 23-24.
Analytical chemists 67 Oct 9-12.
Atomic collisions 67 Jul 17-23.
— energy (Europe) 67 Apr 24-26;
67 Jun 12-17.
Bank, development (Africa) 67 Aug
Biological periodicals, editors (Europe) 67 Apr 11-12.
Budget management (UN)
22 - Sep 2.
Bures, Dr Jan
66 Aug
67 Apr 11-12.
Cancer 66 Oct 23-29.
Chemical workers 67 May 9-12.
Chemists, analytical 67 Oct 9-12.
Church and society 67 Nov 10-12.
Colombo plan
67 Nov 21 - Dec 8.
EEC, Africa/Madagascar 67 Dec
— Economic and Social Cmt, 67
Jun 29.
Electronic collisions 67 Jul 17-23.
— agriculture 68 Jun 5-27.
— Governing Body 67 Nov 14-17.
— sickness insurance 68 Jun 527.
Employers (ILO)
Immunity, adjuvants
Apr 2.
67 Nov 14-17.
Esperanto 67 Jul 29 - Aug 5; 67
Aug 2-9.
Europa nostra
67 Jun 2-3.
Family, law (Africa) 67 Jan 18-25.
— social security (Africa) 67 Jan
— working rights (Africa) 67 Jan
Family planning
66 Jul 5-8.
— forest diseases and insects
64 Jui 20-29.
Finance houses (Europe) 67 Jun 4-7.
— transmissible 65 Jun 21-22.
Ecological analysis, social science
66 Sep 12-16.
Education in the labour movement
67 Aug 16-25.
Educational guidance 67 Apr 17-22.
Insurance, sickness
67 Jan
68 Jun 5-27.
Isotope tracers, radio
66 Nov 21-
Labour, human problems 65 Oct
— movement, education 67 Aug
Laity, apostolate
67 Oct 11-18.
Landscape architects
Graphics, printing trade unions
Sep 25-26.
Intellectual property 67 Jul 11-14.
Kirsch, Martin 67 Jan 18-25. •
Glaucoma 66 Mar 24-28.
Disarmament 67 Jul 6-9.
Diseases, control (C Africa) 67 Jan
30 - Feb 3; 67 Jun 20-21.
Industry, radioisotope tracers
Nov 21-25.
Forestry, diseases and insects
Comparative research, social science (S Asia) 67 Mar 27 - Apr 1.
Development bank (Africa) 67 Aug
Industrial design, Hague agreement
67 Jul 11-14.
— property, Paris convention 67
Jui 11-14.
Geophysics, radioisotope
66 Nov 21-25.
Council of Europe
— local authorities 66 Jun 7-10.
— NGOs and African development 66 Oct 10-13.
Craftsmen 67 Nov 15.
Cycling 67 Nov 22-23.
Dairy 66 Jun 28 - Jul 2; 67 Sep 3-8.
Danube 67 Jun 1-12.
Desalination, water 65 Sep 22 - Oct
2; 65 Oct 3-9.
Immunology, parasitic
(America) 67 Jun 13.
Food program (L America/Caribbean) 66 Nov 28 - Dec 7.
Commerce (Asia/Far East) 67 May
Cotton 67 Jun 12-21.
66 Mar 30 -
66 Jun 6-21.
Language, worship 69 Sep 1-4.
Hague agreement, industrial design
67 Jul 11-14.
Law, family (Africa) 67 Jan 18-25.
— French-speaking countries 67
Jan 18-25.
Health (America) 66 Sep 26 - Oct
15; 67 Jun 13.
Leisure 65 Oct 23-25.
— education, schools 67 Jul 6-14.
Hénnessen, W W 66 Mar 30 - Apr 2.
67 Aug 24-29.
Houngredji, Adrien
Houtart, F
67 Jan 18-25.
67 Nov 10-12.
Human rights 67 Apr 25 - May 8.
Hydrology (Unesco) 67 Jun 6-16.
— radioisotope tracers 66 Nov
— research reactors, utilization
65 Nov 15-19.
— seed irradiation 66 Jul 25-29.
Ikic, D 66 Mar 30 - Apr 2.
© Union des Associations Internationales - 1968 - All rights reserved.
Liturgy 69 Sep 1-4.
Living in the comunity 67 Apr 1021.
Local authorities (Europe)
66 Jun
Madrid agreement, marks of origin
67 Jul 11-14.
Magnetism, transition metals 66 Jun
Mangin, Gilbert
67 Jan 18-25.
Marriage (Africa) 67 Jan 18-25.
Marshall, W 66 Jun 6-25.
Medical education, physiology
Nov 7-9.
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings
Medicine, preventive 66 Jul 5-8.
Mental deficiency 67 Sep 12-20.
— health, education 67 Jun 21-25.
Metals, magnetism 66 Jun 6-25.
Microbiological standardization
Mar 30 - Apr 2.
Mining 67 Jul 7-8; 67 Jul 10-15.
Monuments and sites, preservation
(Europe) 67 Jun 2-3.
Music (America) 67 Apr 1-5.
Myocardial infarction
66 Sep 8-10.
Nationless Esperantists 67 Jul 29 Aug 5.
selection, transmissible
disease 67 Jun 21-2.
Neurosurgery (Scandinavia) 65 Sep
9-10; 67 Sep 1-2.
NGOs, African development 66 Oct
Physiology, medical education
Nov 7-9.
Phytopharmacy and phytiatry
May 9.
Plutonium 65 Nov 22-26.
Post 67 May 16-27.
Psychotherapy, medical 67 Aug 2128.
Public education 67 Jul 6-14.
— enterprises 66 Sep 26 - Oct 4.
Radiation measurements 67 Jun 1217.
Radioisotope tracers, industry and
geophysics 66 Nov 21-25.
Radiological protection
67 Jun 12-
Reactors, research utilization
Nov 15-19.
Refrigeration 67 Aug 30 - Sep 6.
Regamey, R H 66 Mar 30 - Apr 2.
Nikyema 67 Jan 18-25.
Nuclear energy (Europe)
24-26; 67 Jun 12-17.
67 Apr
— emigrant workers returning
home 66 Oct 18-21.
— radiation 67 Jun 12-17.
Olive oil 67 May 30 - Jun 3.
— (UN) 67 Mar 28 - Apr 1.
Ornithology 66 Jul 24-30.
Parasitic infection (America) 67 Jun
Parenthood, planned
March 1968
66 Jul 5-8.
Resistance movements 67 Dec 3-5.
Rural planning, landscape architects
66 Jun 6-21.
Rüttner, Prof Dr J R 66 Sep 8-10.
Sampaolesi, R 66 Mar 30 - Apr 2.
Schools, health education
- Oct 4.
— trade and development 67 Aug
15 - Sep 9.
— urbanization and planning 66
Oct 24 - Nov 4.
— water desalination 65 Sep 22
- Oct 2.
— health education 67 Jul 6-14.
— hydrology 67 Jun 6-16.
Ungar, J 66 Mar 30 - Apr 2.
Urbanization, planning
66 Oct 24
— Nov 4.
Verdier 67 Jan 18-25.
67 Oct 9-13.
Scientific activities, out-of-school
67 Aug 12-22; 67 Nov 1-5;
— unions 67 Oct 9-10.
Voluntary service (Africa)
Parliaments 65 Sep 27 - Oct 4.
Snow, Dr D W 66 Jul 24-30.
Pathology, geographical 66 Sep 810.
Social science
Physics, electronic/atomic collisions
67 Jul 17-23.
— pure and applied 66 Sep 26-27.
— budget management 66 Aug
22 - Sep 2.
— food aid (L America/Caribbean) 66 Nov 28 - Dec 7.
— human rights 67 Apr 25 May 8.
— olive oil 67 Mar 28 - Apr 1.
— public enterprises 66 Sep 26
Vietnam 67 Jul 6-9.
Scouts, Boy
Petroleum workers 67 May 9-12.
Trademarks 67 Jul 11-14
Science, presentation 67 Aug 12-22;
67 Nov 1-5.
Paris convention, industrial property
67 Jul 11-14.
Peace 67 Jul 6-9; 67 Aug 21-26.
67 Jul
Trade and development (UN) 67
Aug 15 - Sep 9.
— unions, education 67 Aug 1625.
— free 67 Aug 16-25; 67 Oct 4-6.
— printing 67 Sep 25-26.
67 Aug 11-17.
Seed irradiation
66 Jul 25-29.
66 Sep 12-16; 67
Mar 27 - Apr 1.
Surgery, neurological (Scandinavia)
66 Sep 9-10; 67 Sep 1-2.
Thermalism, climatism
67-Sep 21-
Tobacco workers 67 May 23-24.
Vocational guidance 67 Apr 17-22.
66 Oct
Waldron, MB 65 Nov 22-26.
Water desalination 65 Sep 22 Oct 2; 65 Oct 3-9.
— physiology, medical education
66 Nov 7-9.
67 Apr 27-30.
Women, country 67 Apr 10-21.
Workers, emigrant (OECD) 66 Oct
Y's men
67 Aug 18-20.
The UAI wishes to express its gratitude to the many international organizations who send in, on publication, the
reports of their international meetings, as well as the Library of Congress and the Columbus Memorial Library in
Washington, the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Berlin, the Bibliothèque Royale of Belgium, the University Library of Helsinki
(Finland), the National Library of Canada, the Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa (Portugal), the Library of the International
Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, and the Scientific Information Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR for their
valuable co-operation.
The Union of International Associations wishes to thank the National Science Foundation of the United States for
the financial assistance It gave with respect to the preparation and publication of this bibliography during the first
three years.
Publications devoted to international organization in general. Research and work by
or on intergovernmental organizations. Research and work by or on international non
governmental organizations.
Ouvrages généraux sur l'organisation internationales. Etudes et travaux par ou sur les
organisations inter gouvernementales, par ou
sur les organisations internationales non gouvernementales.
This bibliography does not mention the proceedings
of international meetings. These are given by the
UIA in its " Bibliographical Current List of Papers,
Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings "
(see pages 185-196 in this issue) and its annual bibliographies of proceedings of international meetings.
Cette chronique bibliographique ne mentionne pas
les comptes rendus des réunions internationales. Leur
description est donnée par l'UAI dans sa « Bibliographie courante des documents, comptes rendus et actes
des réunions internationales » (voir pages de couleur)
et ses Bibliographies annuelles des comptes rendus
des réunions internationales.
1. Research and Work by Intergovernmental Organizations
Etudes et Travaux des Organisations Intergouvernementales
Association Européenne de Libre Echange.
de l'AELE 1967. Genève, le Secrétariat de
l'Association européenne de libre échange,
1967, 24 X 16 cm., 58 p., tabl., graph.
Association Européenne de Libre Echange.
Septième rapport annuel de l'Association
l'E.F.T.A., 1967, 23,5 X 16 cm., 54 p.
Banque des règlements internationaux. Trenteseptième rapport annuel » 1er avril 1966 31 mars 1967. Bale, la Banque, 1967, 29,5 X
21 cm., 226 p., tabl., graph.
Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction
et le Développement/Association Internationale de Développement. Banque Mondiale et
IDA. Rapport annuel 1966-1967. Paris, la Banque Mondiale et IDA, s.d., 27,5 X 21 cm.,
77 p., tabl., graph.
Bureau International d'Education. Bibliographie pédagogique annuelle du, Bureau International d'Education, Genève, Bureau Inter-
national d'Education, 1965, 24 X 15,5 cm.,
Publication n° 295, 212 p., Index alphabétique.
Bureau International de la Cour Permanente
d'Arbitrage. Rapport du conseil administratif
de la Cour Permanente d'Arbitrage sur les
travaux de la Cour, sur le fonctionnement des
services administratifs et sur les dépenses de
l'exercice 1966. 66e année. La Haye, le Bureau
International de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage, 1967, 33,5 X 21,5 cm., 40 p., tabl.
Central Treaty Organization. Multilateral
Technical Cooperation Fund. A Unique and
Successful Experiment in Cooperative Technical Assistance, Ankara, CENTO, s.d.,
20,5 X 13 cm., 12 p., photos.
Centre du Commerce International du GATT.
L'étude des marchés d'exportation des pays
de développement. Genève, le Centre du Commerce International du GATT, 1967, 28 X
22 cm., iii + 85 p., report., note bibl., schémas.
Centre International de l'Enfance. Rapport
présenté par le Directeur Général à la Réunion du Conseil d'Administration à Paris les
10 et 11 mars 1967. Paris, le Centre International de l'Enfance, 1967, 27 X 21 cm., 37 p.,
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de
l'Acier. Haute Autorité. 15e rapport général
sur l'activité de la Communauté (1er février
1966 - 31 janvier 1967). Luxembourg, la C.E.
C.A., 1967, 23 X 15 cm., 15e rapport, 451 p.,
tabl., graph., Prix : FF. 15,-; FB. 150,-; DM.
12,-; Lire 1.870; Fl. 11,-.
The Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economie
Development in South and South-East Asia.
Commemorative Volume. Karachi, the Colombo Plan, 1966, 23,5 X 18 cm., 17th meeting of the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee, 76 p., photos.
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de
l'Acier. Chronologie des années 1950-1966 de
la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et
de l'Acier. Luxembourg, la C.E.C.A., 1967,
24 X 18 cm., vol. n° 68, p., bibl. sommaire.
Plan de Colombo. Horizons nouveaux. L'action du Plan de Colombo. Le Plan de Colombo, 1966, 24,5 X 15 cm., photos.
Intergouvernementale. La Commission océanographique
intergouvernementale (cinq années d'activité).
Paris, l'UNESCO, 1967, 26,5 X 21 cm., Série
technique n° 2. 43 p., cartes, graph., Prix :
$-l; 5/- (stg.); FF 3,50.
Communauté Economique Européenne. Commission. Dixième rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (1er avril 1966 31 mars 1967). Bruxelles, la CEE, 1967, 23 X
16 cm., 430 p., tabl., Prix : FF. 7,50; FB. 75,-;
DM. 6,-; Lit. 930; Fl. 5,40; £0.10.9; $1,50.
Communauté Economique Européenne. Commission. Introduction au dixième rapport général sur l'activité de la Communauté (1er
avril 1966 - 31 mars 1967). Luxembourg, la
C.E.E., 1967, 23 X 17 cm., Supplément au bulletin n° 7-1967, 48 p., Prix par supplément :
FF 1,50; FB 15.-; DM. 1,20; Lit. 180; FI, 1,10;
£ 0.2.6; $ 0,30.
Communauté Economique Européenne/Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft/ Communita
Economica/Europese Economische Gemeenschap. La Coopération agricole dans la C.E.E.
(Etude n° 21 - Série Agriculture). Bruxelles,
la C.E.E., 1967, 27 X 20 cm., 233 p., Prix :
FF. 30; FB. 300; DM. 23; Lit. 3.750; Fl. 22,-;
£ 2.30; $ 6.00.
Editions en allemand, italien, néerlandais et
Conseil d'Association entre le Gouvernement
du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et la Haute Autorité de la
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de
l'Acier. Onzième rapport annuel - 1er janvier
1966/15 janvier 1967. Bruxelles, la C.E.E.,
1967, 23 X 14,5 cm., 43 p., tabl.
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de
l'Acier. Haute Autorité. Rapport financier
pour l´année 1966. Luxembourg, la C.E.C.A.,
1967, 29,5 X 21 cm., n° 12, 23 p. + annexes,
Conseil de l'Europe
Conseil de la Coopération Culturelle et Fonds
Culturel. Rapport annuel 1966. Strasbourg, le
Conseil de l'Europe, 1967, 23 X 15 cm., 96 p.,
tabl., photos.
Conseil de la Coopération Culturelle. Les éducateurs d'adultes - Statut, recrutement et formation professionnelle. Strasbourg, le Conseil
de la Coopération culturelle du Conseil de
l'Europe, 1966, 23 X 15,5 cm., Série « L'éducation en Europe » - série III - Education
extra-scolaire - n° 5, 118 p., Prix : FF. 6,-;
£ 8/6; US. $ 3.00.
Existe en langue anglaise, sous le titre :
Workers in Adult Education - Their status,
recruitment and professional training.
Fozzard P.R. Activités para-scolaires et éducation civique. Strasbourg, le Conseil de la
Coopération Culturelle du Conseil de l'Europe, 1967, 26,5 X 20,5 cm., 57 p., Prix : 3 FF.
Fozzard P.R. Out-of-Class Activities and Civic
Education. Strasbourg, Council for Cultural
Co-operation of the Council of Europe, 1967,
26,5 X 20,5 cm., 55 p., Price : 3 FF., sterling
area : 4/6; S.US. 1,50.
Luft, E. Les auxiliaires audio-visuels dans les
pays en voie de développement. Strasbourg,
le Conseil de la Coopération culturelle du
Conseil de l'Europe, 1966, 27 X 21 cm., vol.
SC/IV/4, 31 p., prix: FF. 3,-; £ 4/6; DS.$ 3.00.
de développement. Aménagement des ressources halieutiques. Rome, la F.A.O., 1967, 28 X
21,5 cm., C. 67/4, viii + 223 p., tabl., graph.,
Prix : FF. 19,25; S 5,50.
Existe en tangue anglaise sous le titre : Audio-
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture. Conseil. Examen
de la structure générale de l'organisation. Note d'envoi du Directeur général. Rapport de
l´équipe chargée de l'étude. Recommandations du Directeur général. Rome, la F.A.O.,
1967, 27,5 X 22 cm., Cl. 49/16 (Point 6 de
l'ordre du jour - 49e session, Rome, 30-101967), iii + 96 p., Annexe : organigramme
Visual Aids in Developing European Countries.
Roger, Yves. Le cycle d'observation et d'orientation. Strasbourg, le Conseil de la Coopération Culturelle du Conseil de l'Europe, 1967,
23 X 15,5 cm., Collection « L'Education en
Europe », Série II - Enseignement général et
technique - n° 7, 140 p., tabl., graph., Prix :
6 FF.
Existe en langue anglaise : The Observation
and Guidance Period. Price : 3 US dollars.
European Conference of Ministers of Transport. Thirteenth Annual Report. Paris, the
E.C.M.T., 1967, 24 X 15,5 cm., 81 p., tabl.,
Conférence Européenne des Ministres des
Transports. Treizième rapport annuel. Paris,
la C.E.M.T., 1967, 24 X 15,5 cm., 87 p., tabl.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. Terminology and Reference
Section. Translation Branch. Publications Division. Dictionaries, Glossaries, Nomenclatures and Terminology Bulletins available in
the Terminology Reference Library/Dictionnaires, Glossaires, Nomenclatures et Bulletins de terminologie disponibles à la Bibliothèque de terminologie et références /Diccionarios, Glosarios, Nomenclatures y Boletines
de Terminologia disponibles en la Biblioteca
de Terminologia y Referenda. - 1966-1967.
Rome, the F.A.O., 1967, 27,5 X 21,5 cm., PU :
Bib. 1, iii + 51 p.
Groupe de la Banque Mondiale. Le groupe de
la Banque Mondiale à l´œuvre. Paris, le
Groupe de la Banque Mondiale, 1967, 29,5 X
22 cm., 35 p., photos.
Existe en langue anglaise : The World Bank
Group at Work.
Inter-American Development Bank. Seventh
Annual Report 1966. Washington, the InterAmerican Development Bank, 1967, 28 X
21,5 cm., 147 p., tabl., graph., photos.
Inter-American Development Bank. Activities 1961-1966. The Inter-American Development Bank, 26,5 X 20 cm., xii + 133 p.,
tabl., maps, photos.
Inter-American Juridical Committee. Work
accomplished by the Inter-American juridical committee during its 1966 regular meeting (July-October). Washington, Pan American Union, 1967, 27 X 21,5 cm., OAS Official Records - OEA/Ser.I/VI.2 (English) CIJ-86, vi + 156 p., Price : S 0.10.
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture. La faim mondiale
de protéines. Importance de la production
animale. Railway (USA), la F.A.O., s.d., 23 X
22,5 cm., 91 p., photos.
Inter-American Statistical Institute. Progress
Report on the Activities of the Inter American
Statistical Institute. Washington, Journal of
the Inter American Statistical Institute, 1965,
22,5 X 17 cm., Vol. XXIII - n° 89, /Supplément/, pp. 881 à 958, tabl.
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture. La situation mondiale de l'alimentation, et de l´agriculture
1967. Situation et perspectives mondiales. Mesures propres à stimuler ou à décourager la
production agricole dans les pays en. voies
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
Annual Report 1966/Comisiom Interamericana del Atun Tropical. Informe Anual 1966.
La Jolla, California, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1967, 25,5 X 17 cm.,
138 p., tabl., graph.
Intergovernmental Committee for European
Migration/Comité Intergouvememental pour
les Migrations Européennes. People for progress/Les hommes du progrès. Genève,
l'IC.M./C.I.M.E., 1967, 29,5 X 21 cm., n° 3,
16 p., photos.
International Civil Aviation Organization.
Annual Report of the Council to the Assembly for 1966. Supporting Documentation for
the Sixteenth Session of the Assembly. Montreal, the I.C.A.O., 1967, 26 X 20 cm., Doc.
8660 AI6-P/2, 154 p., tabl., graph., Price :
US.S 2.50.
International Commission on Whaling. Seventeenth Report of the Commission (covering
the seventeenth year 1st June, 1965 to 31st
May, 1960). London, the Office of the Commission, 1967, 24 X 15,5 cm., 137 p., tabl.,
International Monetary Fund. Eighteenth
Washington, the International Monetary
Fund, 1967, 23 X 15 cm., x + 717 p.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Annual Report 1965. Vancouver, the
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, 1967, 26,5 X 21 cm., iii + 129 p.,
tabl., graph.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Annual Report 1966. Vancouver, the
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, 1967, 26,5 X 21 cm., iii + 117 p.,
tabl., graph, maps.
International Sugar Council. Sugar Year Hook
1966. London, the I.S.C., 1966, 4 X 9 cm.,
vi + 364 p., tabl., Price : £ 2 Os. Od.
International Tea Committee. Annual Bulletin, of Statistics 1967. London, the I.T.C., 1967,
29,5 X 24 cm., 56 p., abl.
Council, 1968, 27,5 X 21,5 cm., 89 p., tabl.,
Conelusions in English, French, Spanish and Russian.
Klawe, Witold L. and Miyake Makoto Peter.
An Annotated Bibliography on the Biology
and Fishery of the Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus Pelamis, of the Pacific Ocean/Bibliografia
Anotada sobre la Biologia y la Pesca del
Barrilete, Katsuivonus Pelamis, del Oceano
Pacifico. La Jolla, Inter-American Tropical
Tuna Commission/Comision Interamericana
del Atun Tropical. 1967, 25 X 17 cm., Bulletin/Boletin - Vol. 12, n° 4, pp. 139 à 363.
Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques. Agence Européenne pour
l'Energie Nucléaire. Législations nucléaires.
Etude analytique. Responsabilité civile nucléaire. Paris, l'O.C.D.E., 1967, 24 X 15,5 cm.,
81 p., Prix : FF. 9,-; FS. 9,-; DM. 7,50; 14 s.;
$ 2,30.
Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques/Organisation for Economie Co-Operation and Development. Catalogue des sources bibliographiques disponibles au Service de Documentation-Bibliothèque au 1er janvier 1967/ Catalogue of Bibliographie Aids in the collection of the Documentation Service-Library as of 1st January,
1967. Paris, l´O.E.C.D./O.C.D.E., 1967, 29 X
20 cm., v + 63 p.; bibl., index géogr.
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture. Le rôle du facteur humain dans le développement des pays
nouvellement indépendants, avec bibliographie annotée. Paris, UNESCO, 1967, 27 X
21 cm., 117 p., Bibliogr., Index géogr.
International Wheat Council. Annual Report
1966/67. London, the International Wheat
Council, 1968, 23,5 X 15 cm., 28 p., tabl.
Organisation Européenne et Méditerranéenne
pour la Protection des Plantes/Enropean and
Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation.
Rapport annuel 1966-67 Annual Report. Paris, l´O.E.P.P., 1967, 24 X 15,5 cm., Série C.
n° 17, 41 p.
International Wheat Council/Conseil International du Blé/Consejo International del
Trigo. Review of the World Wheat Situation/Etude de la situation mondiale du blé/
Examen de la situation triquera mundial 1966/67. London, the International Wheat
Protin, R. Situation de la Viticulture dans le
monde en 1965. Paris, Office International de
la Vigne et du Vin - 11, rue Roquépine, Paris 8e., 1966, 24 X 16 cm., extrait du « Bulletin de l'O.I.V. » n° 428 - d'octobre 1966, pp.
1206 à 1247, tabl.
Société Européenne pour le Financement de
Matériel Ferroviaire. Rapport Annuel 1966.
Bale, EUROFIMA, 1967, 30 X 21 cm., 10e
exercice social, 27 p., graph., tabl.
Estados Americanas, 1967, 27 X 21 cm., Examen del primer quinquenio, 1961-1965, ix +
199 p., tabl., Price : $ 3.00.
Société Financière Internationale. Rapport
annuel 1966-1967. Paris, la S.F.I., 1967, 27,5 X
21 cm., 37 p., tabl.
Union Panamericana. La orientation educativa y profesional en Chile, Guatemala, Panama y Venezuela. Washington, Union Panamericana, Departamento de Asuntos Educatives, 1967, 27 X 21 cm., iii + 114 p., tabl.,
Price : S 1.00.
UNESCO. Teachers for Africa/Professeurs
pour FAfrique. Paris, l'Unesco, 1967, 27 X
21 cm., Vol. n° 6, 49 p.
Union Panamericana
Cardona, Carlos Rainirez. La Administration
Publica como Instrumente del Desarrollo.
Colombia. Washington, Union Panamericana,
1967, 27 X 21 cm., x + 96 p., tabl., Price :
S 0.50.
Union Panamericana. Aspectos sociales de la
poblation en America Latina. Washington,
the Union Panamericana, 1965, 21 X 18,5 cm.,
Revista interamericana de ciencias sociales,
segunda época, volumen 3 - numéro 3, ii +
148 p., tabl.
Union Pan Americana. Anuario del Desarrollo
de la Education, la Ciencia y la Cultura en
America Latina 1964. Washington, Union Pan
Americana, 1966, 27,5 X 22 cm., vii + 232 p.,
tabl., Price : S 0.50.
Union Panamericana, Corrientes de la Education superior en America. Washington, Departamento de Asuntos Educatives, Union
Panamericana, 1966, 27 X 21 cm., vi + 122 p.,
tabl., Price : $ 0,50.
Pan American Union. Inter-American Treaties
and Conventions. Signatures, ratifications,
and deposits with explanatory notes. Washington, the Pan American Union, 1966,
27 X 21 cm., Treaty Series n° 9, x + 160 p.,
tabl., Price : $ 0.75.
Union Panamericana. La alianza para el progreso y las perspectivas de desarrollo de America Latina. Washington, Union Panamericana, Secretaria General, Organizacion de los
Union Panamericana. Reforma Tributaria
Para America Latina III Modela de Codigo
Tributario. Preparado para el Programa Conjunto de Tribulation OEA/BID. Washington,
Union Panamericana, 1967, 27 X 21 cm.,
xiii + 162 p., bibl., Priée : $.2.00.
Union Panamericana. - Institute Interamericano de Estadistica. America en Cifras 1965.
Situation cultural : Education y otros Aspectos Culturales. Washington, 1967, 27 X 21 cm.,
x + 263 p., bibl., tabl., Price : $ 1.00.
Union Panamericana. Instituto Interamericano de Estadistica. Secretaria General. America en Cifras 1965. Situation Economica. 5.
Precios, Salarias, Consuma y Otros. Washington, Union Panamericana, 1967, 27 X 21 cm.,
xii + 162 p., bibl., index, tabl., Price : $.1.00.
Weitz, Raanan. Programmation del desarrollo
régional. Washington, Union Panamericana,
Secretaria General, Organizacion de los Estados Americanos, 1966, 21 X 18 cm., estudios
y monografias, XVIII, 86 p., Prix : $.0.75.
United Nations Children's Fund. General
Progress Report of the Executive Director.
New York, United Nations, 1967, 28 X
21,5 cm., E/ICEF/558, 82 p. + annex, tabl.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Rules of Procedure of the Industrial
Development Board. New York, the United
Nations, 1967, 23 X 14,5 cm., v + 29 p.,
Price : S U.S. 0.75.
United Nations Institute for Training & Research. Report of the Executive Director on
the UNITAR Research. The Unitar, 1967,
1967, 27 X 21 cm., stenc. Unitar/Ex/8, p. +
12 annexes, tabl.
2. Miscellaneous - Divers
Ankcr-Ording, Aake. Betriebs-demokratie in
Norwegen. Weg zür sozialistischen Gesellschaft. Preface par Prof. Dr. Peter von Oertzen. Frankfurt a.m., Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1966, 20,5 X 12,5 cm., 132 p., graph.
Hôtel Sales Management Association. 1967-68
H.S.M.A. Hôtel Motel Directory and facilities
Guide. New York, the H.S.M.A., 1967, 22 X
10,5 cm., 307 p., alphabetical Indexes of
HSMA Membership.
Belgique. Ministère de l'Education Nationale
et de la Culture. Enquête relative à la formation, professionnelle des jeunes handicapés
de rouie dans quelques pays de civilisation
occidentale. La Commission Nationale belge
de l'UNESCO, s.d., 24 X 16 cm., 140 p.
International Agrarisch Centrum. Jaurverslag
1966. Wageningen, International Agrarisch
Centrum, 1967, 29,5 X 20,5 cm., 47 p., illustraties, tabl., graph.
Centro Italiano di Ricerche e Documèntazione. Italie 1966 Annuario dell' economia
dela politica della cultura. Milano, Etas Kompass S.p-A., 1966, 24 X 18 cm., Prima edizione, 1191 p., Indice, bibl., tabl., Prix : Lit.
Comité de la Qualité Française. Made in
France Magazine. Préface de M. Michel Debré, Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances,
Paris, le Comité de la Qualité Française,
1967, 24 X 16 cm., encyclopédie de la qualité française, 6e édition, 680 p., photos, Prix:
en France : 50 FF.; à l'étranger : 35 FF.
Demol Ch. Vous saurez tout sur les « Relations Publiques » (Les relations humaines au
sein et autour de l'entreprise). Bruxelles, les
Editions C.I.B., s.d., 21 X 13 cm., p. 274.
Espana. Subsecretaria de Turismo. Promocion
del Turismo. Madrid, le Subsecretaria de Turismo, 1966, 21.5 X 15,5 cm., 172 p.
France. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Direction des Services d'Information et de
Presse. La politique étrangère de la France.
Textes et documents 1966. Paris, La documentation française. Secrétariat général du
Gouvernement. Direction de la Documentation, 1967, 30,5 X 21 cm., Notes et études
documentaires n° 3384 à 3387, 307 p., Index.
Mettrick Hal. Aid in Uganda-Agriculture.
London, The Overseas Development Institute
Ltd., 1967, 21,5 X 14 cm., 135 p., abbr., index,
maps, tabl., Price : 20 s Od.
National Academy of Sciences. National Academy of Engineering. National Research
Council. Organization and Members 19651966. Washington, NAS/NAE/NRC, 1966,
22,5 X 15 cm., 168 p., index.
National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Annual Report. Fiscal Year
1963-64. Washington, National Academy of
Sciences, 1967, 23 X 14,5 cm., Senate Document n° 31, vii + 276 p., tabl.
National Science Foundation. Nonconventional Scientific & Technical Information Systems in Current Use. Washington, the National Science Foundation, 1966, 23 X 15 cm,,
Vol. n° 4, xxx + 558 p., Index of individuals
and authors, Classified Equipment Index, System Size Index, List of Acronyms, Index of
Geographical Locations, Alphabetic Subject
This is the fourth in a series of compendia on
nonconventional scientific and technical information systems in current use in the United
States of America. The series, inaugurated in
1958, consists of descriptions of technical information systems based on the use of either
some mechanical or electronic means of index
manipulation or some unusual or unique indexing system.
The annual international
C o n g re ss
Third supplement
In 1965 the UAI introduced the system of indexing by date in connection with its " Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings
held in 1959". The system was adopted from
January 1966 onwards in the monthly "Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and
Proceedings of Internationa! Meetings ".
Its practical advantages, particularly as reqards speed of production, have led us to use
it for the " International Congress Calendar "
also. As the entries in the Calendar are in strict
chronological order, any particular item can
be found immediately from the date given after
the appropriate keyword in the index starting
on page 225.
Entries for which precise dates have not been
fixed are placed at the end of the relevant month
or year, and they have been given a running
number from 1 upwards; the calendar entry
appears in the form " 1968 May (ND 1) " and the
index entry at the keyword or keywords is
This supplement gives details of new congresses announced after the annual Calendar
(which appeared as the December 1967 issue
of International Associations) closed for press.
The insertion of " • " after the date indicates
that previously published arrangements have
been modified.
Ma r s
Troisième supplément
En 1965 l´UAI introduisait pour la première
fois le système d'indexation par date : il s'agissait de la Bibliographie des Comptes Rendus
des Réunions Internationales tenues en 1959.
Le système fut étendu, à partir de janvier 1966,
à la " Bibliographie Courante des Documents,
Comptes Rendus et Actes des Réunions Internationales ".
Les avantages pratiques de ce système, notamment en ce qui concerne la rapidité de
production, nous ont amené à l'introduire également dans I' " International Congress Calendar". L'index des mots clés qui complète non
seulement le Calendrier annuel, mais désormais
également chaque supplément mensuel (voir
page 225), réfère donc à des dates, et non plus
à des numéros d'ordre comme précédemment.
Ces dates sont aisément repérables dans le
Calendrier puisque celui-ci se présente dans un
ordre strictement chronologique.
Les annonces de réunions pour lesquelles
des dates précises ne sont pas indiquées sont
placées à la fin du mois ou de l'année en question et reçoivent un numéro d'ordre précédé des
lettres ND (no date). Par exemple, une réunion
annoncée pour mai 1968, mais dont les jours
exacts ne sont pas encore précisés porte les
références " 1968 May (ND 1) " aussi bien dans
le Calendrier lui-même que dans l'index.
associated exhibition
expected participation
exposition associée
nombre de participants attendus
The reproduction of the whole of this Calendar, or
of a major part thereof, is prohibited. Partial reproduction limited to meetings held in a single given country
or to meetings concerned with a specific subject, is
permitted provided mention is made of the source
" Calendar of the Union of International Associations,
1 rue aux Laines, Brussels 1, Belgium".
La reproduction de tout ou partie importante de ce
limitée aux réunions se tenant dans un seul pays
déterminé ou dans le cadre d'une matière est autorisée
sous réserve de la mention de la source " Calendrier
de l'Union des Associations Internationales, . 1 rue aux
Laines, Bruxelles 1, Belgique ",
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 cd)
1968 Feb 5 - Mar 8
New York (NY, USA)
United Nations Commission on Human Rights. 24th
United Nations, New York 10017, NY.
t968 Feb 28 - Mar 3 •
Huizen (Netherlands)
Int Student Conference. 3rd European conference on
higher education. Theme : social background and higher
education. P : 50.
Nederlandse Studenten Raad, POB 296, Leyden,
1968 Feb 26 - Mar 9
Lagos (Nigeria)
Commonwealth Education Liaison Cmt. 4th Commonwealth education conference.
Marlborough House. Pall Mall, London SW1, UK.
1968 Apr 1-5
Lagos (Nigeria)
Asn of Medical Schools in Africa. Conference.
University of Lagos Medical School, Private Mail
Bag 12003, Lagos.
1968 Apr 4-6
Int symposium against alcoholism. P : 200.
Genesungsheim Kalsburg, Mackgasse 7-9, A-1237,
1968 Mar 3-8
Î968, Mar 25-28
Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
Int Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Symposium
on the African Atlantic continental shelf.
The Council, Charlottenlund, Denmark; or R Letaconneux, Institut des pêches maritimes, 59 Avenue
Raymond-Poincaré, 75-Paris 7.
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
6th Inter-American savings and loan conference.
c/o Int Union of Building Socs and Savings Asns,
Suite 812, 425-13th street NW, Washington DC. USA.
Ï968 Mar 4-7
Int Conference of
sultative Assembly.
Paris (France)
Meeting of Con-
1968 Apr 8-10
Dr L J R Ort, 118 Oost-Kinderdijk, Albasserdam,
1968 Apr 8-11
c/o UNESCO, place de Fontenoy, 75-Paris 7.
Bonn (Germany Fed Rep)
Int Asn for the History of Religions. Conference.
Cayenne (French Guiana)
11th int medical congress of French-speaking countries
of the American hemisphere.
1968 Mar 5-9
Dakar (Senegal)
Dr Henriot, 31 rue du Ct. Brasse, Cayenne 97-3.
2nd Panafrican psychiatric conference.
Dr J P Moreigne and Dr D Bartoli, B P 5097, DakarFann.
1968 Apr 8-13
Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
West African Science Asn. 6th biennial conference.
1968 Mar 7-8
Freiburg-im-Breisgau (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int symposium on thoracic transposition of the spleen.
Prof H H Gruenagel, Chirurgische UniversitatsKlinik, Hugstetter str. 55, 78 Freiburg-im-Breisgau.
1968 Mar 13-14
Piriapolis (Uruguay)
Cnfed of YMCAs of South America. South American
conference on YMCA administration.
J C Ceriani, Colonia 1864, 2° Piso, M ontevideo,
Dr J A Braun, Asn Scientifique de la Côte d'Ivoire,
B P 4322, Abidjan.
1968 Apr 13-16
Toulouse (France)
Nationless Worldwide Asn. 23rd congress of Frenchspeaking countries. Statutory congress and conferences.
Sat-Amikaro, 67 Avenue Gambetta, 75-Paris 20.
Î968 Apr 14-17
Carmelo (Uruguay)
Int Soc of Hydatid Disease. 9th int congress.
Dr A Ferro, Lavalle 636, Azul, Argentina.
1968 Mar 15-17
Cnfed of YMCAs
convention. P : 80.
America. South American
J C Ceriani, Colonia 1864, 2° Piso, M ontevideo,
Report ; The Cnfed, Montevideo, April 1968.
1968 Apr 15-21
Dakar (Senegal)
Inter-Parliamentary Union. Meeting.
Place du Petit-Saconnex, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Apr 16-19
Catania (Italy)
Sociétés Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Latina, 17th congress.
Prof G B Catalane, Clinlco O.R.L. dell'Universita,
Ospedale Garibaldi, Catania.
1968 Apr 16-19
Turin (Italy)
World Education Fellowship. Int Round Table on Education Counselling. 3rd int counselling and guidance
44 Onslow Square, South Kensington, London SW7,
1968 Apr 23-24
London (UK)
Central Treaty Org. Ministerial Council meeting. 15th
Old Grand National Assembly Building, Ankara,
1968 Apr 30 - May 5
Berlin (Germany, Fed Rep)
European Fellowship of YMCA Youth Workers. 12th
Giovanni Hohl-Rüfenacht, Weingartenstr. 27, 4300
Olten, Switzerland.
1968 Apr 16-20 •
Rome (Italy)
Int Cmt on Neutrality of Medicine. 3rd congress.
Dr Raphaël Ellenbogen, 1 rue de la Ville-l'Eveque,
75-Paris 8.
1968 Apr 19 •
Mexico City (Mexico)
Inter-American Indian Institute. Cth congress. Theme :
social Anthropology and Indian community. P : 300.
Dr Alfonso Caso, Institute Nacional Indigenista,
Av. Revolution 1279, Mexico 20, D.F,
1968 Apr 19-21
Oxfam supporters conference.
Oxfam, Banbury Road,Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK.
1968 Apr 21-28 •
Geneva (Switzerland)
World Assembly of Youth/Int Labour Org. Int young
workers seminar.
37 rue d'Arlon, Brussels 4.
1968 Apr 22-25
Permanent Int Cmt on Canned Foods.
3 rue de Logelbach, 75-Paris 17.
Lisbon (Portugal)
1968 Apr 22-26
Salzburg (Austria)
World Health Org. Symposium on prevention of accidents
in the home. P : 60.
8 Scherfrgsvej, Copenhagen 0, Denmark.
1968 Apr 22-26
Weimar (Germany, Dem Rep)
Int Asn for Shell Structures. Symposium. Theme :
pipes and tanks. P : 200.
Generalsekretär Dipl, Gewi. Ing. Bittnick, Kammer
der Technik, Hauptausschuss-Fachverband, Bauwesen
D D R, Clara Zetkin Strasse 117, 108 Berlin,
Germany, Dem Rep.
1968 May 1-5 •
Scheveningen (Netherlands)
European Industrial Research Management Asn. Annual
38 cours Albert 1er, 75-Paris 8.
1968 May 2-9 •
Munich (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Asn for Mass Communication Research. World
congress on film and television research.
18 B, Petit Chêne, 1000 Lausanne, Switzerland,
1968 May 6
Paris (France)
Int Vine and Wine Office. Meeting on the microbiology.
of wine.
11 rue Roquépine, 75-Paris 8.
1968 May 6-19
Boston (Mass, USA)
3rd int conference on electron and ion beam science
and technology.
Dr R Bakish, Bakish Materials Corp, 151 E Palisades
Avenue, Englewood, N J, USA.
1968 May 6-10
Vienna (Austria)
European Asn for Animal Production. Int Symposium.
P : 100.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Osterr. Fleckviehzüchter,
Volksgestplatz 1, 4910 Ried i/lnnkreis.
1968 May 6-15
Salzburg (Austria)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. Symposium on medical
radioisotope scintigraphy. P : 600.
Witold Dominiak, IAEA Kärntnerring 11, 1010, Vienna.
1968 May 7-8
Paris (France)
Int Vine and Wine Office. Meeting on the methods
of analysing wines.
11 rue Roquépine, 75-Paris 8.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 May 8-11
Bogota (Colombia)
Int Planned Parenthood Fed. Western hemisphere regional council.
51 East 42nd Street, New York 10017, NY, USA.
1968 May 8-11
Los Angeles (Cal, USA)
15th int technical comunications conference. Theme :
new developments lin technical communications. P: 1,000.
Burton P Sauer, STWP-1968, International Hotel,
6211 West Century Blvd, Los Angeles, Gal 90045,
1968 May 20-22
Paris (France)
Int Consultative Cmt of Orgs for Christian-Jewish Cooperation. Int Consultative Crnt meeting. Theme :
advancement of the cause of Jewish-Christian understanding by educational means.
41 Cadogan Gardens, London SW3, UK.
1968 May 27-31
Paris (France)
Int Rubber Study Group. 20th general assembly. P : 200.
Brettenham House, 5-6 Lancaster Place, London WC2,
Report : The Group, London, end 1968.
1968 May 11-17
Lutheran World Fed. Regional social responsibility
Route de Ferney 150, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
1968 May 28-31
Paris (France)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Int symposium on
the evolution of the altitude and stabilization of satellites.
129 rue de l'Université, 75-Paris 7.
1968 May 12-18
Fed of Asns of Technicians in the Paint Varnishes,
Enamels and Printing Ink Industries of Continental
Europe. 9th congress.
1968 May 29-31
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Int symposium on blood transfusion.
Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst
van het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis, Plesmanlaan
125, Amsterdam W.
28 rue Saint-Dominique, 75-Paris 7.
1968 May 13-19
Vienna (Austria)
Permanent Int Cmt on Acetylene, Oxy-Acetylene Welding
and Allied Industries. Congress. P : 100.
Osterr. AGA-Werke und Donau-Chemie AG, Am Heumarkt 10, A-1030, Vienna.
1968 May 31 - Jun 2
Juan-les-Pins (France)
Int Asn of Master Mariners of Cape Horn. 24th int
Commandant Everard, Sint-Denyslaan 401, Ghent,
1968 May 16-18
Int congress on laboratory animals. P: 1,000.
Wiener Medizinische Akademie, Reisedienst Stadiongasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna.
1958 May 16-19
18th Middle East medical assembly.
Dr A K Kurban, American
1968 May 17-19
Int conference on drunkenness
c/o Int Council on Alcohol
Postale 140, 1001 Lausanne,
1968 Jun 3-8 •
Biarritz (France)
Int Union of Photo Engravers and Stereotypers. 22nd
annual int congress. P : 150.
Mllo Eliane Lucas, 117 Bd Saint-Germain, 75-Paris 6.
University Hospital,
1958 Jun 4-11 •
Munich (Germany, Fed Rep)
Permanent Cmt for Int Actuarial Congresses. 18th
9 rue des Chevaliers, Brussels 5.
London (UK)
and Alcoholism, Case
1968 Jun 5
Vienna (Austria)
Int Asn of Philatelic Journalists. Meeting. P : 60.
IFA Wien 1968, Universitätsstr. 8, Postfach 79, A-1096
1968 May 19-22
Landskrona (Sweden)
3rd Nordic conference on peace research.
Swedish Institute of Int Affairs, Sveavägen 163,
Stockholm Va., Sweden.
1968 Jun 6-8 •
Stockholm (Sweden)
15th Scandinavian congress of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Dr J Asplund. St Erik's Hospital, Stockholm K.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Jun 10 •
World Health Org. 21st assembly.
OMS, Av Appia, 1211 Geneva 27.
Geneva (Switzerland)
1968 Jun 10-12
Int University Contact for Management Education/European Asn of Management Training Centres. Int seminar.
Theme : education in marketing. P : 60.
de Clercq, Instituut voor Postuniversitair Onderwijs,
Prinsstraat, Antwerpen.
1968 Jun 10-15
Milan (Italy)
Int Council on Alcohol and Alcoholism. 14th int institute
on the prevention and treatment of alcoholism.
Case Postale HO, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.
1968 Jun 11-13
. Lyons
World Health Org, Int Agency for Research on Cancer.
Sutherland, 16 avenue Maréchal Foch, 69-Lyons 6.
1968 Jun 17-21
UN Economic Commission for Europe. Conference of
European statisticians, 16th plenary session.
ECE Statistical Division, Palais des Nations, Geneva 10.
1968 Jun 18
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Int Org against Trachoma/Ligue contre la Trachome.
Joint meeting.
Fondation A de Rothschild, 29 rue Manin, 75-Paris 14.
19S8 Jun 25-27 •
Bonn (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Soc for Horticultural Science. Symposium on cherry
and cherry culture.
Prof Dr F Hilkenbaumer. Institut für Obstbau, Auf
dem Hügel 6, 53 Bonn.
1968 Jun 26-29
Munich (Germany, Fed Rep)
American College of Surgeons/German Association of
Surgeons. Meeting of European and American surgeons
and symposia.
Dr Robert J Kamish, American College of Surgeons,
55 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60511, USA.
1968 Jun 30 - Jul 5
Arnoldshain Nr Frankfurt/Main
(Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Council of Scientific Unions, Cmt on Date for
Science and Technology. 1st int conference.
Guy Waddington, CODATA, c/o National Academy
of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20418, USA.
1968 Jun (ND 1)
Paris (France)
UNESCO. Coordination Council of the Int Hydrological
Decade, 4th session.
UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, 75-Paris 7.
1968 Jun (ND 2)
Food and Agriculture Org of the UN. 2nd world food
Int Agency Liaison Branch, FAO, Via délie Terme
di Caracalla, Rome, Italy.
1968 Jul 2-5
Scheveningen (Netherlands)
Seminar on int relations.
Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijke Werk, Steenvoordelaan 370, Rijswijck ZH,
1968 Jul 4-7 «
Int Philatelic Fed. 37th general assembly. .
Féd des Philatélistes Tchécoslovaques, Jindrïsska 18,
Prague 1.
Report : The Fed, Geneva, end 1968.
1968 Jul 9-12
Tarbes (France)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Int symposium on
the utilization of pyrotechnical and explosive elements
in space systems.
129 rue de l'Université, 75-Paris 7.
1968 Jul 19-26
Theosophical Society in Europe.
50 Gloucester Place, London
Swanwick (UK)
European congress.
W1. UK.
1968 Jul 21-26 •
Paris (France
Int Standing Cmt on Physiology and Pathology of
Animal Reproduction. 6th congress on animal reproduction and artificial insemination.
E Pernikoff, 7 rue Auber, 75-Paris 9.
1968 Jul 22-29
Bauge (France)
Int seminar for executives of Esperanto orgs.
Château Grésillon, 49-Baugé.
1968 Jul 22 - Aug 1
Dingden, Westphalia
(Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth.
World council meeting. P : 22.
Ernest Pietsch, 24 Diestsevest, Leuven, Belgium.
Report: The Movement, Leuven, Sep 1988.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Jul 23-26 •
Iowa City (Iowa, USA)
American Soc of Pharmacognosy. Annual meeting.
Rolf S Westby, Eli Lilly and Company, 740 South
Alabama Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206, USA.
1968 Jul 28 - Aug 6 •
Sofia (Bulgaria)
Int Union of Students. 9th world festival of youth and
students for solidarity peace and friendship.
Jean Diard, P O Box 91, Sofia.
1968 Jul 31 - Aug 6
Washington DC (USA)
World Org for Early Childhood Education. 12th world
assembly. Theme : the rights of the child - the realization of his potentials. P : 750.
Dr Amy Hostler, 81 Irving Place, New York, NY
10003, USA.
Report: The Org, Oslo, 1968/69.
1968 Aug 25-31 •
Salzburg (Austria)
Int Music Centre. 7th int congress. Theme : " music "
- a test for television. P : 80-100.
1030 Vienna III, Lothringer Strasse 20, or Dr Scheib,
Osterr. Rundfunk Schellingg. 7, 1010 Vienna.
Report : The Centre, Vienna.
1968 Aug 26-29 •
Helsinki (Finland)
Int University Contact for Management Education. 15th
annual conference. P : 125.
Prof J Honko. Helsinki School of Economics, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki.
Report: IUC, Rotterdam. 1969.
1968 Aug (ND 1)
Canberra (Australia)
Int Wheat Council. 3rd int wheat genetics symposium.
Heymarket House, 28 Haymartket, London SW1, UK.
1968 Aug 11-14
Kuopio (Finland)
Int Council on Social Welfare. Seminar on Finland.
P: 200.
Org Cmt of the 14th ICSW, KT 10175/19781/2.
Eerikinkatu, Helsinki 18, Finland.
1968 Aug 11-17
Stuttgart (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Congress of Americanists. 33th congress.
Dr Alberta Rex Gonzalez, Museo de la Plata,
Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Paseo del Bosque,
La Plata, Argentine.
1968 Aug 12-30 •
Jerusalem (Israel)
Int Asn of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 17th
congress. (Exhib).
Dr B Hepher, Fish Culture Res, Station Dor, O.N.
Hof Hacarmel, Israel.
Report : E Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Germany, Fed Rep,
1968 Aug 14-17
Helsinki (Finland)
Int Fed of Social Workers. Meeting prior to the int
conference on social welfare.
2 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA.
1968 Aug 24-31
Prismoten (Yugoslavia)
Int Epidemiological Asn. 5th int scientific meeting.
P : by invitation only.
Prof R M Acheson, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, Conn 06510, USA.
1968 Aug 24 - Sep 6
Edinburgh (UK)
Fed of European Biochemical Socs. Summer school on
computing techniques in biochemistry.
Dr J H Ottaway, Dept of Biochemistry, University
of Edinburgh Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh 8, UK.
1968 Sep 1-7
Hong Kong
Int Soc for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. 4th PanPacific rehabilitation conference. Theme : new talent
for the community.
Hong Kong Joint Council for the Physically and
Mentally Disabled, PO Box 16536, Hong Kong.
1968 Sep 1-7
Rome (Italy)
Int Fed of Socs for Electron Microscopy. 4th European
regional conference.
Prof D S Bocciarelli, Istituto Superiore di Sanita,
Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome.
1968 Sep 1-7
Vienna (Austria)
European Malacological Union. 3rd European congress
and symposium.
Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, A-1014
1968 Sep 2-5
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
Postal Telegraph and Telephone Int. Asiatic regional
24 rue du Lombard, Brussels 1.
1968 Sep 2-14
St Augustine (Trinidad)
Commonweatlh Education Liaison Cmt. Commonwealth
specialist conference on mathematics in schools.
Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SWl.
1968 Sep 3-6
Toronto (Canada)
Int Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, tnt symposium
on macromolecular chemistry.
Dr J E Guillet, Box 932, Terminal A, Toronto.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Sep 3-6
Zagreb (Yugoslavia)
European Rhinology Soc. Congress followed by surgery
course. Theme : physiology and pathology of nose.
P: 100. (Exhib).
Prof Krajina, ENT clinic. Medical Faculty University,
Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
Report: Int Journal of Rhinology, Dec 1938.
1968 Sep 5
Int Vine and Wine Office. 48th general assembly.
11 rue Roquepine, 75-Paris 8.
1968 Sep 8-14 •
Tubingen (Germany, Fed Rep)
5th int congress on the optics of X-rays and microanalysis.
M P Deschamps, Département de Physique, IRSID,
185 rue du President-Roosevelt, 78-Saint-Germainen-Laye, France.
1968 Sep 9-12
Salzburg (Austria)
Council of Europe. Symposium. Theme : press rights.
P: 200.
Bundesminist. für Auswartige Angelegenh., Ballhausplatz 2. 1010 Vienna.
1968 Sep 9-13
London (UK)
Int broadcasting convention 1968 and television. Conference. (Exhib).
Int Broadcasting Convention, Savoy Place, Victoria
Embankment, London WC2.
1968 Sep 10-13 •
Versailles (France)
Société Française des Electroniciens et Radio-Electriciens. Int symposium on nuclear electronics.
Société Française des Electroniciens et RadioElectriciens, 10 Av Pierre-Larousse, Malakoff, Seine,
1968 Sep 10-18 •
Warsaw (Poland)
Int Org of Legal Metrology. 3rd int conference. P :
Bureau Int de Métrologie Légale, 11 rue Turgot,
75-Paris 9, France; or Centralyy urgad Jakosci iriar
Elelztralna 2, Warsaw 1.
Report: The Org, Paris, Apr 1969.
1968 Sep 13-20
Salzburg (Austria)
European Cnfed of Agriculture. General assembly.
Theme : Salzburg manifesto. P :600.
Dr H Kleisz, Seilergasse 16, 1010 Vienna.
1968 Sep 16-20
Milan (Italy)
Int Asn of Microbiological Socs. 11th meeting.
Prof de Barbieri, Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese,
Via Darwin 20, Milan.
1968 Sep 16-20
Paris (France)
Human Rights conference of NGOs in consultative
status with the Economic and Social Council.
United Nations, New York, NY, USA.
1968 Sep 18-20
Brussels (Belgium)
North Atlantic Treaty Org, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Symposium on
Prof P Rylant, Institut de Physiologie Solvay, Universtié Libre de Bruxelles, 115 Bd de Waterloo,
Brussels 1.
1968 Sep 19-20
Share European Asn. Congress. Theme : computers.
P: 200.
Dr Giovanni Kacin, Centro Di Calcolo Del Politecnico Di Milano, 32 Piazza Leonardo de Vinci,
Milan. Italy.
1968 Sep 20-29
Sonnenberg (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int teachers' conference. Theme : basic human rights
and freedoms.
Helmut Sonnabend, Sonnenberg Int Centre, D-3161
Dollbergen uber Lehrte, Germany, Fed Rep.
1968 Sep 22-25 •
Bucharest (Rumania)
European Asn against Poliomyelitis and Allied Diseases.
12th symposium. Theme : vaccination - clinical and
virological problems - poliomyelitis and allied diseases.
P: 250.
Dr P Recht, 30 Bd Général Jacques, Brussels 5.
Report : Dr Recht, Brussels, 1969.
1968 Sep 24 - Oct 1
Vienna (Austria)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. 12th regular session of the
General conference. P : 400.
Kärntner-Ring 11, A-1010 Vienna.
1968 Sep 24 - Oct 4
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs Co-operation Council, Permanent Technical Cmt.
61st/62nd sessions.
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1968 Sep 26-28
Salzburg (Austria)
Int Study Group on Cerebral Circulation. Symposium.
P: 100.
Dr Eichhorn und Dr Lechner, Universitätsklinik,
Auenbruggerplatz 22, Graz, Austria.
1968 Sep 26-29
Spa (Belgium)
1st int symposium on the detection of cancer.
Dr A Liégeois, Secrétariat du Symposium, Quai de
Barbou 4, Liège, Belgium.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Sep 30 - Oct 3 •
Berlin (Germany, Fed Rep)
European Academy of Allergology. 7th European congress.
Universitäts-Asthma-Poliklinik, Dr Stresemann, Augustenburger Platz 1, Berlin, 65.
1968 Oct 8
Geneva (Switzerland)
Council for Int Orgs of Medical Sciences. 2nd round
table on evaluation of drugs. P : by invitation only.
6 rue Franklin, 75-Paris 15.
1968 Sep 30 - Oct 4
Vienna (Austria)
European health congress.
Intercongress GmbH, und Wiener Medizinische Akademie, Reisedienst Stadiongasse 6-8, A-1010 Vienna.
1968 Oct 8-10
Customs Co-operation Council.
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1968 Sep 30 - Oct 4
Washington DC (USA)
Int Bank for Reconstruction and Development/lnt Development Asn/lnt Finance Corp oration/Int Monetary Fund.
Annual meeting of Boards of Governors.
Intermeet, 19th and H Streets NW. Washington DC
1968 Sep (ND 1)
Groningen (Netherlands)
Fed of European Biochemical Socs. Summer school on
size and confirmation of biomacromolecules.
Professor M Gruber, Biochemisch Laboratorium der
Rijks-Universiteit. Bloemsingel 10, Groningen.
1968 Sep (ND 2)
New York (NY, USA)
Transplantation Soc. 2nd int congress.
Prof F T Rapaport, New York University Medical
Center, 550 1st Avenue, New York. NY 10016.
1968 Sep (ND 3)
New York (NY, USA)
United Nations. General assembly, 23rd session.
United Nations, New York, NY 10017.
Brussels (Belgium)
Contact Cmt.
1968 Oct 8-11 •
Lausanne (Switzerland)
Int Asn for Hydraulic Research. Int symposium of
section hydraulic machines, equipment and cavitation.
Theme : present research, answering management problems of hydraulic machines,
Dipl-lng Hans Würger, Baldernstrasse 15, CH-8802
Kilchberg, Switzerland.
1968 Oct 15-25
Customs Co-operation
Brussels (Belgium)
Valuation Cmt, 47th
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1968 Oct 20-25
Lima (Peru)
Inter American Planning Soc. 7th congress.
Secretaria Ejecutiva del Institute Peruano de Estudios del Desarrollo, Casilla Postal No 6125, Lima.
1968 Oct. 21-22
Berlin (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical
Energy. Session.
Berliner Kraft- und Licht (Bewag)- Aktiengesellschaft,
Stauffenbergstrasse 26, 1 Berlin 30.
1968 Oct 1-3
Geneva (Switzerland)
Int Union of Psychological Science. 12th meeting of
the French-speaking Asn.
P Fraisse, Institut de Psychologie, 28 rue Serpente,
75-Paris 6.
1968 Oct 1-5
Nicosia (Cyprus)
Int Union of Architects. Conference of Eastern Mediterranean countries.
4 Impasse d'Antin, 75-Paris 8.
1968 Oct 7-11 •
Montevideo (Uruguay)
Int Fiscal Asn. 22nd congress. Themes : relation of
fiscal systems and economic development in developing
countries; territorial limits of fiscal authorities on estate
duty and wealth taxes.
Dr Ramon Valdes Costa, Rincon 438 - Esc 2a 6,
1968 Oct 23 •
Mexico City (Mexico)
Asn of Track and Field Statisticians. Biennial congress.
P: 60.
Jorge Molra Celis, Tajin No 600, Colonia Narvarte,
Mexico 13 DF.
Report: The Asn, Kingswood, late 1968.
1968 Oct 25
European Org for Civil Aviation
general assembly. P : 60.
16 rue de Presles, 75-Paris 15.
Report : The Org, Paris, Jan 1969.
Rome (Italy)
Electronics. Annual
1968 Oct 26-29 •
Montreal (Canada)
World ORT Union. Central board. P: 200.
Paul Bernick, American ORT Federation, 222 Park
Avenue South, New York, NY 10003.
Report : The Union. Geneva, 1969.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1968 Oct (ND 1)
Mar del Plata (Argentina)
Latin American Asn of Socs of Nuclear Biology and
Medicine. Congress. P : 300.
Dr Vitorio Pecorini, Sociedad Argentina de Medicina
Nuclear, Avenida Santa Fé 1145, Argentina.
1968 Oct (ND 2)
Postal Telegraph and Telephone Int. 6th Inter-American
regional conference.
24 rue du Lombard, Brussels 1.
1968 Oct (ND 3)
Postal Telegraph and Telephone Int.
European regional
1968 Nov 20-21
Int Office of Epizootics. Int congress.
Congresbureau, Burgemeester de Monchyplein 14,
The Hague.
1968 Nov (ND 1)
Lisbon (Portugal)
Int Psycho-Analytical Asn. 29th congress of psychoanalysts of romance languages.
Dr P Luquet. 187 rue Saint-Jacques, 75-Paris 5.
1968 Nov - Dec (ND 2)
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
South West Atlantic Fisheries Advisory Commission
Technical meeting. Theme : fisheries in the area.
Acisolo Miyares del Valle, FAO, R Jardim Botanico
1008, Rio de Janeiro.
24 rue du Lombard, Brussels 1.
1968 Nov 6-8
Grenoble (France)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Int symposium on
the viability of spatial electronic components.
Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires, Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment B, Chemin des Martyrs, 38-Grenoble.
1968 Nov 10-16 •
Caracas (Venezuela)
4th Latin-American congress of zoology. P: 150-200.
C E Machado-Allison, Apartado 10098, Caracas.
Report : Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1969.
1968 Nov 11-23
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs Co-operation Council. Nomenclature Cmt. 21st
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1986 Nov 15-18 •
Barcelona (Spain)
Int Asn of Women and Home Page Journalists. 3rd
congress. P : 300.
65 rue de Hennin, Brussels 5.
1968 Dec 3-6
Paris (France)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Int symposium on
computers on board satellites.
129, rue de l'Université, 7S-Paris 7.
1968 Dec 9-13 •
New Delhi (India)
Food and Agriculture Org of the UN. 2nd session of
the Asia and Far East Commission on agricultural
FAO, Statistics Division, Via délie Terme di Caracalla, Rome.
1968 Dec 10
New York (NY, USA)
United Nations. Special meeting of the General Assembly to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and award of
prizes for major achievements in the field of human
United Nations, New York, NY.
1968 Dec 14-17 •
Pondicherry (India)
Int Commission for Small Scale Vegetable Maps. Symposium. Theme : vegetation mapping and plant geography of the Deccan (India). P : 30. (Exhib).
Dr P Legris, Institut Français, PO Box 33, Pondicherry.
Report, Institut Français, Pondicherry, 1969.
1969 .
1968 Nov 15-24
4th Asian congress of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Asian Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
c/o Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore 8.
1968 Nov 18-22
Vienna (Austria)
Int Atomic Energy Agency. Symposium on nuclear
desalination. P : 200.
Kärntner Ring 11, A-1010 Vienna.
1969 Jan 12-Î7
Dakar (Senegal)
6th Dakar medical meeting.
Prof Agr B Diop, Pavillon Laveran, Hôpital Le
Dantec, Dakar.
1969 Jan 21 - Feb 1
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs Co-operation Council. Chemists' Cmt, 15th
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1969 Jan (ND 1) Berchtesgaden (Germany, Fed Rep)
Forschungsgesellschaft für das Strassenwesen. Int congress on winter traffic conditions. (Exhib).
43 avenue du Président Wilson, 75-Paris 16.
1969 Feb 11-21
Customs Co-operation Council. Valuation Cmt, 48th
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1969 May 17-23 *
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Int Bureau for Precast Concrete. 6th congress.
W Simons. 207-209 Bd A Reyers, Brussels 4.
1969 Jun 8-13
Athens (Greece)
Int symposium on genetic polymorphism.
Prof C B Krimbas, Dept of Genetics, Agricultural
College, Athens.
1969 Mar 11-21
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs Co-operation Council. Permanent Technical Cmt,
63rd/64th sessions.
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1989 Jun 8-14
Venice (Italy)
Int Asn for the Protection of Industrial Property. 27th
Dr Rudolf E Blum, Mühlebachstrasse/Kirchenweg 5,
Zurich 8, Switzerland.
1969 Mar 31 - Apr 4
Tunis (Tunisia)
World Union of Orgs for the Safeguard of Youth. 4th
conference. Theme : psycho-social family aid with a
view to preventing juvenile maladjustment in a rapidly
developing world.
28 Place Saint-Georges, 75-Paris 9.
Report : The Union, Paris, 1970.
1969 Jun 10-13
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs- Co-operation Council. Council meeting, 33rd/
34th sessions.
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1969 Apr 14-26
Brussels (Belgium)
Customs Co-operation Council. Nomenclature Cmt, 22nd
1969 Jun 22-26 •
Stockholm (Sweden)
Int Soc of Nephrology. 4th triennial congress.
Dr F Berglund, Box 272, Stockholm.
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1969 Apr (ND 1)
Montevideo (Uruguay)
12th interamerican congress of psychology.
Dr L Natalicio, 7790 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas
78209, USA.
1969 May 5-9
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
3rd int congress of medical librarianship.
Excerpta Medica Foundation, 119-123 Herengracht,
1969 May 5-10
Customs Co-operation
Brussels (Belgium)
Finance Cmt, 34th
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
1969 May 13-23
Customs Co-operation
40 rue Washington, Brussels 5.
Brussels (Belgium)
Valuation Cmt, 49th
1969 Jun 26-28
Bergen (Norway)
Scandinavian Soc of Anaesthesiologists. 9th congress.
Dr L Andersen, Dr C Thorshauge, Rigshospitalet,
Tagensvej 18, Copenhagen.
1969 Jun (ND 1) •
Düsseldorf (Germany, Fed Rep)
European Asn of Training Programmes in Hospitals and
Health Services Administration. General assembly during
the 16th Int Hospital Fed congress. P : 30.
Prof Dr Blanpain, Vital Decosterstraat 102, Louvain,
1969 Jun (ND 2) •
Düsseldorf (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Hospital Fed. 16th congress.
The Hospital Centre, 24 Nutford Place, London W1.
1969 Jul 2-10 •
Leningrad (USSR)
3rd int conference on protozoology.
Dr I B Raikov, Institute of Cytology. 32 Pr Maklina.
Leningrad F-121.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1969 Jul 7-12
Edinburgh (UK)
European Orthodontic Soc. 45th congress. P : 200-300.
S Haynes, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Associated
Hospitals, 3 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh 1.
1969 Aug 28 - Sep 5 9
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Int Union of Nutritional Sciences. 8th int congress.
Dr Z Slabochova, Institut d'Alimentation Humaine,
Budejovicka 800, Prague 8.
1969 Jul 13-19 •
Int Soc of Clinical Pathology. 7th int congress.
1969 Sep 2-5 9
Edinburgh (UK)
Social Psychiatry. Int Multi-Disciplinary Fed. Conference on the healthy community. P : 300.
Dr H B Wright, 10 Belgrave Square, London SW1.
Dr D P Hill, Dept Pathol., Faculty of Medicine,
Ottawa, Canada.
1969 Jul 26 - Aug 2
Universal Esperanto
Helsinki (Finland)
annual congress. P :
G G Pompilio, Nieuwe Binnenweg 165, Rotterdam 2,
Report: The Asn, Rotterdam, Sep 1969.
1969 Jul 30 - Aug 3
Rome (Italy)
Int Psycho-Analytical Asn, 26th congress.
Dr L Z Gairinger, via Salaria 237, 00199 Rome
1969 Jul (ND 1)
Minas Gérais (Brazil)
Latin American Asn of Physiological Sciences. Meeting.
Theme : physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and
medical education. P :600.
Dr W Beraldo, Faculdade de Medicina de Belo
Horizonte, Minas Gérais, Brazil.
Report: Acta Physiologica Latino Americana, 1969.
1969 Jul (ND 2)
22nd congress of French-speaking pediatricians.
Prof Sacrez, 2 quai Fustel de Coulanges, 67-Strasbourg.
1969 Aug 10-14 •
Mexico City (Mexico),
Int Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 9th congress.
Dr Bustamente Gurria, Medellin 94-3, Mexico 7 DF.
1969 Aug 17-27 •
Int Soc of Blood Transfusion. 12th congress.
Dr E Zotikov,
1969 Aug 24-29 •
Washington DC (USA)
Int Asn of Gerontology. 8th triennal int congress.
Prof N W Shock, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda,
Md 20014, USA.
1969 Sep 2-5 •
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Int Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for
Materials and Structures. Symposium on frost liability
of concrete and its resistance to sulphates.
M Valenta, 12 rue Brancion. 75-Paris 15.
1969 Sep 2-7 •
Moscow (USSR)
Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology.
9th int embryological conference.
A S G Curtis, Department of Cell Biology, The
University, Glasgow W2.
1969 Sep 14-20 •
San Diego (Cal, USA)
Int Fed of Socs for Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology. Int congress.
Dr Antoine Remond, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, 47
Bd de l'Hôpital, 75-Paris 13.
1969 Sep 15-20
3rd int congress on chemical engineering, machinery and
Dr Ing J Marek, Czechoslovak Chemical Society,
Chemical Engineering Section, Stepanska 15, Prague 2, Czechoslovakia.
1969 Sep 22-27 •
Tokyo (Japan)
Permanent Commission and Int Asn on Occupational
Health. 16th congress: P : 2,500.
Japan Asn of Industrial Health, c/o Koshu Eisei
Bldg, 78 Hanazono-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
1969 Sep 28-30
Madrid (Spain)
European- Asn of Anti-Poison Centres. Scientific meeting.
P: 200-300.
Prof Dr Guilermo Tena Nunez, Institute Nacional
de Toxicologia, Farmacia (9), Madrid 9.
1969 Sep 30 - Oct 5
Paris (France)
Europrotection. 1st int biennial session on the prevention of air and water accidents and pollution.
Europrotection, 8 rue de la Michodière, 75-Paris 2.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1969 Sep (ND 1)
Paris (France)
Association of French-speaking Doctors. 37th congress.
Prof Coury, Asn des Médecins de Langue Française,
30 cours Roosevelt, 69-Lyon, France.
1970 Apr 9-17
Int Fed of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 6th
Maternité, 1205 Geneva 4, Switzerland.
1969 Oct 1-4
London (UK)
Int Asn for Suicide Prevention. 5th conference. P : 400.
Dr Erwin Stangel, Department of Psychiatry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
1970 May 22-29 •
Houston (Texas, USA)
Int Union against Cancer. 10th congress. (Exhib).
Dr Murray Copeland, Anderson Memorial Hospital.
Houston, Texas 77025.
1969 Oct (ND 1)
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
Int Road Fed, African regional meeting.
1023 Washington Building, Washington DC 20005.
1969 Oct (ND 2)
Mexico City (Mexico)
European Asn of Rhinology. Congress.
Dr G H Drumheller, 1515 Pacific, Everett, Washington 98201.
1969 Oct (ND 3) •
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
Int League against Rheumatism. 12th congress on rheumatism diseases.
c/o American Rheumatism Association, 10 Columbus
Circle, New York, NY 10019, USA.
1969 Nov (ND 1) •
New Delhi (India)
World Council for the Welfare of the Blind. General
4 Place de la Concorde, 75-Paris 8.
1970 Mar 8-14
Mexico City (Mexico)
Int Fed of Ophthalmological Socs. 21st congress.
Prof J François, 15 Place de Smet de Naeyer, Ghent,
1970 Mar 13-17
Tel Aviv (Israel)
6th int colloquium on plant analysis and fertilizer problems. Theme : recent advances in plant nutrition. P :
Prof R M Samish, National and Univeristy of Institute
of Agriculture, POB 15, Rehovoth, Israel.
1970 Mar 18-26 •
Tel Aviv (Israel)
Int Soc for Horticultural Science. 18th int congress.
Theme : horticulture in all its branches and disciplines.
P: 1,000.
Mrs L Roman, Technical Assistance and Foreign
Relations Bureau, Hakirya, Tel Aviv.
1970 May (ND 1)
(Germany, Dem Rep)
Int Asn for Cereal Chemistry. 5th world congress of
cereals and bread.
Schmidgasse 3-7, 2320 Schwechat, Austria.
1970 Jun 28 - Jul 4 •
Evian (France)
Int Soc for Radiation Research. 4th int conference.
Dr R Latarjet, Institut de Radium, 26 rue d'Ulm,
75-Paris 5.
1970 Jul 12-18 •
World Org of Gastroenterology. 4th world congress.
Prof M Andreassen, Universitatets Kirurgiske, Rigshospitalet Klinik C, Copenhagen.
1970 Aug (ND 1) •
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
World Fed of Socs of Anaesthesiologists. 3rd European
Société des Anesthésistes de Tchécoslovaquie,
Anestesiologicke oddeleni Ukech, Budejivicka 800,
1970 Sep 19-22 •
Canberra (Australia)
World Fed of Socs of Anaesthesiologists. 3rd Asian
and Australasian congress.
Dr J Nicholas, 175, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW,
1970 Sep 21-30 •
Cologne (Germany, Fed Rep)
Int Social Security Asn. 17th general assembly.
Direktor Dr Hans-Albrecht Bischoff, c/o Badische
Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik AG. Karl-Bosch-Str. 38, 67
Ludwigshafen, Germany, Fed Rep.
1970 Sep (ND 1)
Athens (Greece)
European Fed of Chemical Engineering. 3rd European
symposium. Theme : fresh water from the sea.
Working party on fresh water from the sea, POB
1199, Omonoia, Athens.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
1970 Sep (ND 2) •
Bucharest (Rumania)
Int Dental Fed. 58th annual assembly.
64 Wimpole Street, London W1.
1970 Oct 4-10 •
Montreal (Canada)
Int Road Fed. 6th world meeting.
1023 Washington Building, Washington DC 20005.
1970 Oct (ND 1) 9
Madrid (Spain)
World's Poultry Science Asn. 14th world congress.
Major lan MacDougall, Agriculture House, Knightsbridge. London SWl.
1970 Nov (ND 1) •
Institute of Transport Aviation.
4, rue de Solférino, 75-Paris 7.
Parts (France)
4th int symposium.
1971 Oct (ND 1)
Paris (France)
Europrotection. 2nd int biennial sessions on the prevention, safety and protection of mankind, air, water
and property.
Europrotection, 8 rue de la Michodière, 75-Paris 2.
1971 Oct (ND 2)
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
World Fed of Neurology. 3rd Pan American congress.
Dr R E Fiol, University Hospital. Dept of Medicine,
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
1971 Dec (ND 1)
Bombay (India)
World Fed of Neurology. 3rd Asian and Oceanian
Dr Gajendra Sinh. Ben Nevis, B Desai Road, Bombay-26.
1971 May 8-13
Vienna (Austria)
Int Social Security Asn. 6th world congress on prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.
ISSA, 154 rue de Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland.
1972 May (ND 1) •
Madrid (Spain)
Int Bureau for Precast Concrete. 7th congress.
W Simons, 207-209 Bd A Reyers, Brussels 4.
1971 Jun 14-18
The Hague (Netherlands)
European Asn of Radiology. 2nd congress. P : 2,000.
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie, c/o Holland
Organizing Centre, 16 Lange Voorhout, The Hague.
1971 Jun (ND 1)
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Int Fed of Park Administration. 3rd European regional
The Grotto, Lower Basildon, Reading, Berks, UK.
1973 Oct (ND 1)
Paris (France)
Europrotection. 3rd int biennial session on the prevention, safety and protection of mankind, air, water
and property.
Europrotection, 8 rue de la Michodière, 75-Paris 2.
Accidents, air/water 69 Sep 30 Oct 5.
— in the home 68 Apr 22-26.
— occupational 71 May 8-13.
Allergology (Europe)
Oct 3.
68 Sep 30 -
research and development (NATO) 68 Sep 18-20.
America-India 68 Apr 19.
Americanists 68 Aug 11-17.
(Asia/Australasia) 70 Sep 19-22.
— (Europe) 70 Aug (Nd 1).
— (Scandinavia) 69 Jun 26-28.
Agriculture (Europe) 68 Sep 13-20.
Air pollution 69 Sep 30 - Oct 5;
71 Oct (ND 1): 73 Oct (ND 1).
68 Apr 4-6; 68 May
17-19; 68 Jun 10-16.
Animal production 68 May 6-10.
— reproduction 68 Jul 21-26.
Animals, laboratory 68 May 16-18.
Architects (E Mediterranean) 68
Oct 1-5.
Actuaries 68 Jun 4-11
Aerosols (Europe) 68 Oct 9-12.
Artificial insemination 68 Jul 21-26.
Atlantic continental shelf. African
68 Mar 25-28.
Aviation 70 Nov (ND 1).
— electronics, civil (Europe)
Oct 25.
Biochemistry (Europe) 68 Sep (ND
2); 69 Apr 7-11.
— computers (Europe) 68 Aug
24 - Sep 6.
Biology, nuclear (L America)
Oct (ND 1).
Biomacromolecules 68 Sep (ND 2).
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
Bionics (NATO)
Drugs, evaluation
68 Sep 18-20.
68 Oct 8.
Blind, welfare 69 Nov (ND 1).
Drunkenness offence 68 May 17-19.
Blood transfusion
Education (Commonwealth) 68 Feb
26 - Mar 9; 68 Sep 2-14.
— counselling 68 Apr 16-19.
— early childhood 68 Jul 31 Aug 6.
— social background 68 Feb 28 Mar 3.
68 May 29-31:
69 Aug 17-27.
70 May (ND 1).
68 Sep 9-13.
Cancer 68 Jun 11-13; 68 Sep 26-29;
70 May 22-29.
Electroencephalography 69 Sep 1420.
68 Jul 22 - Aug 1.
Central Treaty 68 Apr 23-24.
Electron beam technology 68 May
— microscopy (Europe) 68 Sep
Cereal chemistry 70 May (ND 1).
Cerebral circulation
68 Sep 23-28.
Chemical engineering 69 Sep 15-20.
— (Europe) 70 Sep (ND 1).
Chemistry, macromolecular
68 Sep
May 20-22.
Computers 68 Sep 19-20.
— biochemistry 68 Aug 24 - Sep
— satellites 68 Dec 3-6.
Concrete 69 Sep 2-5.
— precast 69 May 17-23; 72 May
(ND 1).
Customs co-operation
68 Sep 24 Oct 4; 68 Oct 8-10; 68 Oct 15-25;
68 Nov 11-23; 69 Jan 21 - Feb 1;
69 Feb 11-21; 69 Mar 11-21; 69
Apr 14-26; 69 May 5-10; 69 May
13-23; 69 Jun 10-13.
Data, science and technology
Jun 30 - Jul 5.
70 Sep
Developing countries, fiscal systems
68 Oct 7-11.
Development 68 Sep 30 - Oct 4.
Disabled, rehabilitation 68 Sep 1-7.
Disease, occupational 71 May 8-13.
Doctors, French-sepaking
(ND 1).
69 Sep
Horticultural science 68 Jun 25-27;
70 Mar 18-26.
(ND 2).
69 Jun (ND 1); 69 Jun
rights 68 Feb 5 - Mar 8;
68 Sep 16-20; 68 Sep 20-29; 68
Dec 10.
Hydatid disease 68 Apr 14-17.
Hydraulic research
68 Oct 8-11.
Hydrology 68 Jun (ND 1).
IAEA 68 Sep 24 - Oct 1.
— nuclear desalination 68 Nov
— radioisotope scintigraphy 68
May 6-15.
ILO, young workers
68 Apr 21-28.
community (India-America)
68 Apr 19.
Engineers 68 Mar 4-7.
Industrial property 69 Jun 8-14.
— research management (Europe)
68 May 1-5.
Epidemiology 68 Aug 24-31.
International relations 68 Jul 2-5.
Ion beam technology 68 May 6-9.
68 Nov 20-21.
Esperanto executives
68 Jul 22-29.
— universal 69 Jul 26 - Aug 2.
Estate duty 68 Oct 7-11.
Family planning 68 May 8-11.
— agricultural statistics (Asia/Far
East) 68 Dec 9-13.
— food congress 68 Jun (ND 2).
Fertilizers 70 Mar 13-17.
Films, mass communications 68 May
May 20-22.
understanding 68
Journalists, philately 68 Jun 5.
— women and home page 68 Nov
Juvenile maladjustment 69 Mar 31
— Apr 4.
Legal metrology 68 Sep 10-18.
Librarianship. medical
69 May 5-9.
68 Aug 12-30
Loans (America) 68 Mar 3-8.
Finance 68 Sep 30 - Oct 4.
Fiscal asns
Malacology (Europe) 68 Sep 1-7.
68 Oct 7-11.
Fisheries (S W Atlantic)
Dec (ND 2).
68 Nov-
68 Jun (ND 2).
— canned 68 Apr 22-25.
70 Sep (ND 2).
Desalination of sea water
(ND 1).
68 Nov 6-8.
Embryology 69 Sep 2-7.
Communications, mass 68 May 2-9.
— technical 68 May 8-11.
Electronics, civil aviation (Europe)
68 Oct 25.
— nuclear 68 Sep 10-13.
— space
Cherry 68 Jun 25-27.
Childhood rights and potentials
Jul 31 - Aug 6.
Council of Europe,
Sep 9-12.
Electricity, producers and distributors 68 Oct 21-2.
History, religions 68 Apr 8-10.
70 Jul 8-13.
Genetic polymorphism 69 Jun 8-13.
69 Aug 24-29.
Gynaecology 70 Apr 9-17.
— (Asia) 68 Nov 15-24.
— (Scandinavia) 68 Jun 6-8.
Health (Europe) 68 Sep 30 - Oct 4.
— occupational 69 Sep 22-27.
— services (Europe) 69 Jun (ND
68 May 11-17.
Maladjustment, juvenile 69 Mar 31
— Apr 4.
Management education 68 Aug 2329.
— training 68 Jun 10-12.
Mankind, protection 69 Sep 30 Oct 5; 71 Oct (ND 1); 73 Oct
(ND 1).
Marketing 68 Jun 10-12.
Mass communication research
May 2-9.
mariners. Cape Horn 68
May 31 - Jun 2.
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 cd)
Materials, testing 69 Sep 2-5.
Medical librarianship 69 May 5-9.
— schools (Africa) 68 Apr 1-5.
— sciences, drugs 68 Oct 8.
Medicine (Middle East) 68 May 1619.
— Dakar 69 Jan 12-17.
— French-speaking countries
(America) 68 Apr 8-11.
— — doctors 69 Sep (ND 1).
— neutrality 68 Apr 16-20.
— nuclear (L America) 68 Oct
(ND 2).
— radioisotope scintigraphy 68
May 6-15.
Metrology, legal
68 Sep 10-18.
Microbiology 68 Sep 16-20.
Monetary fund 68 Sep 30 - Oct 4.
Morphology, experimental
69 Sep
(French68 Apr 13-16.
NATO, bionics
68 Sep 18-20.
69 Jun 22-26.
Neurology (America) 71 Oct (ND 2).
— (Asia/Oceania) 71 Dec (ND 1).
Neurophysiology. clinical
69 Sep
NGOs, human rights 68 Sep 16-20.
Nose, physiology and pathology G8
Sep 3-6.
Nuclear biology and medicine (L
America) 68 Oct (ND 1).
— electronics 68 Sep 10-13.
Nutritional sciences
Sep 5.
69 Jul 7-12.
Religions, history 68 Apr 8-10.
69 Aug 10-14.
68 Apr 16-19;
Oxfam 68 Apr 19-21.
Paint technicians 68 May 12-18.
Parenthood, planned 68 May 8-11.
Parliaments 68 Apr 15-21.
Pathology, clinical 69 Jul 13-19.
— nose 68 Sep 3-6.
(ND 2).
68 May 19-22.
French-speaking 69 Jul
(America) 68 Jul
68 Jun 3-8.
69 Aug 28 -
Plant analysis 79 Mar 13-17.
— geography (India) 68 Dec 1417.
— nutrition 70 Mar 13-17.
Poison (Europe) 69 Sep 28-30.
68 Sep 22-25.
Post, telegraph, telephone (America)
68 Oct (ND 2); 68 Oct (ND 3).
— (Asia) 68 Sep 2-5.
Poultry science
70 Oct (ND 1).
Press rights (Europe) 68 Sep 9-12.
Romance languages, psychoanalysts
68 Nov (ND 1).
Rubber 68 May 27-31.
Satellites, attitude and stabilization
68 Jun 5.
— computers 68 Dec 3-6.
Savings (America) 68 Mar 3-8.
Scientific data 68 Jun 30 - Jul 5.
Physiological sciences (L America)
69 Jul (ND 1).
69 Jan
Science (W Africa) 68 Apr 8-13.
Philately 68 Jul 4-7.
— journalists 68 Jun 5.
Photo engravers
Road conditions, winter
(ND 1).
Roads 70 Oct 4-10.
— (Africa) 69 Oct (ND 1).
Parks 71 Jun (ND 1).
Peace research
69 Oct (ND 3).
Rhinology (Europe) 68 Sep 3-6; 69
Oct (ND 2).
Planning (America) 68 Oct 20-25.
Music, TV 68 Aug 25-31.
Orthodontics (Europe)
Micro-analysis 68 Sep 8-14.
Microscopy, electron (Europe)
Sep 1-7.
Rehabilitation, disabled 68 Sep 1-7.
ORT 68 Oct 26-29.
Mathematics education (Commonwealth) 68 Sep 2-H.
69 Jul 2-10.
Psychiatry (Africa) 68 Mar 5-9.
— unions
68 Jun 30 - Jul 5.
Sea, exploration
68 Mar 25-28.
Shell structures 68 Apr 22-26.
Social anthropology, Indian community 68 Apr 19.
— security 70 Sep 21-30.
— welfare (Finland) 68 Aug 1114.
— workers 68 Aug 14-17.
Solidarity, youth 68 Jul 28 - Aug 6.
Space, electronics 68 Nov 6-8.
— systems, pyrotechnical and
explosive elements 68 Jul 912.
Spleen, thoracic transposition
Mar 7-8.
Statisticians (Europe) 68 Jun 17-21.
— track and field 68 Oct 23.
Stereotypers 68 Jun 3-8.
— social 69 Sep 2-5.
Psycho-analysis 69 Jul 30 - Aug 3.
— romance languages 68 Nov
(ND 1).
Structures, testing 69 Sep 2-5.
Students 68 Jul 28 - Aug 6.
— higher education 68 Feb 26 Mar 3.
Obstetrics 70 Apr 9-17.
— (Asia) 68 Nov 15-24.
— (Scandinavia) 68 Jun 6-8.
science, Frenchspeaking 68 Oct 1-3.
Occupational accidents and diseases 71 May 8-13.
— health 69 Sep 22-27.
Radiation research 70 Jun 28 - Jul
Surgeons (Europe/America) 68 Jun
scintigraphy, medical
68 May 6-15.
Ophthalmology 70 Mar 8-14.
Optics. X-rays and micro-analysis
68 Sep 8-14.
Psychology (America) 69 Apr (ND 1).
Radiology (Europe) 71 Jun 14-18.
and development
bank 68 Sep 30 - Oct 4.
Suicide prevention
69 Oct 1-4.
68 Oct 7-11.
Teachers, human rights 68 Sep 2029.
Technical communications 68 May
Third supplement (additions and amendments only) to annual International Congress Calendar (1968 ed)
Technological data 68 Jun 30 - Jul 5.
UNESCO, hydrology 68 Jun (ND 1).
Women journalists 68 Nov 15-18.
Television 68 Sep 9-13.
— mass communications 68 May
— music 68 Aug 25-31.
Vegetable maps (India) 68 Dec 14-
Workers, young 68 Apr 21-28.
— youth 68 Apr 30 - May 5.
Vine and Wine 68 May 6; 68 May
7-8; 68 Sep 5.
Theosophy (Europe) 68 Jul 19-26.
Water pollution 69 Sep 30 - Oct 5;
68 Jun 18.
Traffic conditions, winter
(ND 1).
71 Oct (ND 1); 73 Oct (ND 1).
69 Jan
Transport, aviation 70 Nov (ND 1).
— assembly 68 Sep (ND 3).
— human rights 68 Feb 5 - Mar
8: 68 Dec 10.
68 May 13-19.
Wheat genetics
68 Sep (ND 2).
Wine, analysis 68 May 7-8.
— microbiology 68 May 6.
A l'attention des
Secrétaires généraux
des Organisations
concerne :
Au début de février 1968 une circulaire en
vue de la 12° édition (1968-69) du Yearbook of
International Organizations a été envoyée à
2.200 secrétaires généraux.
Au 15 février, 73 % de ceux-ci avaient envoyé
à PUAI la notice mise à jour sur leur organisation ainsi que les éléments d'information complémentaires.
Si les 27 % qui n'avaient pas encore répondu
suivent cet exemple, le rédacteur du Yearbook
et son équipe seront les plus heureux des
68 Aug (ND 1).
— accidents in the home 68 Apr
— assembly 6 Jun 10.
— cancer research 68 Jun 11-13.
68 Sep 8-14.
YMCA (S America) 68 Mar 13-14;
68 Mar 15-17.
— youth workers (Europe) 68 Apr
30 - May 5.
Youth 68 Apr 21-28.
— Catholic 68 Jul 22 - Aug 2.
— safeguard 69 Mar 31 - Apr 4.
— solidarity 68 Jul 28 - Aug 6.
— workers 68 Apr 30 - May 5.
Zoology (Latin America)
68 Nov