Intermediate Science Model and Demonstration Prize School name
Intermediate Science Model and Demonstration Prize School name
Prize 1st Intermediate Science Model and Demonstration School name Project Title Amjad High School Votre Enfant: Un Jeu de De! 2nd National Protestant College One Way Ticket 3rd Brummana High School Magnetism 1- Dima Khreis 2- Razan Zeinddine 1- Anthony Maalouf 2- Malak Shreim 3- Suha Shreim 1-Joe Halabi 2- Sasha Moussy Intermediate Science Research School name Project Title Prize 1st Greenfield College Plastics: The Silent Killer 2nd Amjad High School Think before you Sip! Take it as a Tip! 2nd German School Beirut 3rd Hariri 3 School The effect of three different musical genres on heart rate Echangez vos appareils par des abbelles Names 1- Hassan Ashour 2- Farah Hussein 3- Ali Hijazi 4- Sarah Youssef 1-Christina Abi Faraj 2- Farah El Kheshen 3- Malak Al Outa 4- Mariam Koaik 1- Helal Zaatari 2- Hassan Dayekh 1- Omar Osman 2- Mohammed Halabi 3- Jamil Heini 4- Maya Natoor Intermediate Math Real World Model Demonstration School name Project Title Prize 1st Sagesse High School Mathematics: The Word of Wonders 2nd Universal College- Aley Merging Numbers of Time 2nd National Protestant College Teenage Hands on Wheels 3rd International College - Eco-Math Names Names 1- Yanbo Jiang 2- Jenny Aoun 3- Christel Gharby 4- Lila Khederlarian 1- Nataly Khaddaj 2- Maysa Younes 1- Majd Faraj 2- Katia Harakeh 3- Dima Salloum 4- Carol Chalhoub 1- Mario Nohra Ain Aar Prize 1st Prize 1st 2nd 3rd Prize 1st 2- Karim Rizkallah 3- Wael Merhi Intermediate Math Abstract Problem Investigation School name Project Title International College Ain Aar Math and Art 1- Marc Eke 2- Karim Orais Intermediate Technology Model and Demonstration School name Project Title Khaled Ben Al Walid Al Horj College International College Ain Aar Water Recycling at the Carwash Station Fonctionnement du moteur d'une voiture la pollution Brummana High School Magnetorheological Fluids Intermediate Technology Invention School name Project Title College-Notre Dame de Jamhour House-Keeping Robot 2nd Al Abrar Educational Center Garbage Detector 3rd Khaled Ben Al Walid Al Horj College Free Space Laser Data Transmitter Names Names 1- Mohammad Fakhoury 1- Marc Nohra 2- Youssef Karam 1- Katelyn Kazan 2- Marie- Rose Habib 3- Ella Rose Thunder Names 1- Daniel Akhras 2- Yann Tamraz 3- Hadi Baltagi 1- Hala Abou Nouh 2- Walaa Al Braidy 3- Ola Dayshoum 4- Bayan Abou Ali 1- Mohammad Nehlawi