My schooltrip to the UK


My schooltrip to the UK
My schooltrip to the UK- June 2016
Lucky you! At last you’re going to cross the Channel and spend a few days over
Look around you. Speak English … of course! Bring back as many memories as you
can but to do that …
… Write them down in your scrapbook which, we hope, you’ll keep as a souvenir.
Voici un dossier qui te permettra d’élaborer ton carnet de bord. Tu dois l’avoir avec toi pendant le
séjour. Il faudra le compléter et tu pourras y joindre des documents, photos, des prospectus,
emballages divers …
Tous les jours tu devras rédiger un compte rendu en anglais de quelques lignes. Tu devras
résumer ta journée, écrire la date, un titre, le nom du lieu visité.
Pendant les visites, utilise ton bloc-notes. Tu recopieras ensuite les informations recueillies sur ton
carnet de voyage.
Ecris une légende sous chaque photo.
La présentation doit être soignée et originale.
Il sera à rendre pour le …………… ; il sera évaluer et comptera pour le DEC.
The different topics are :
1-The cover of my scrapbook.
2-My ID card.
3-My host family.
4-Food (fish and chips, cream tea, breakfast …).
5-My itinerary and the crossing.
6-A postcard from a place of my choice.
Write a few lines for each day and fill in the documents if needed.
Day 1 – the crossing
Day 2 – Windsor
Day 3 – Bath
Day 4 - Cardiff
Day 5 - Brighton
Totalité des documents rendus et complétés :
Propreté du travail :
Originalité de la présentation/ couverture :
Carte postale :
Note :
On the ferry
Task 1- Draw your itinerary of day one in red and of day five in blue.
Task 2 - The crossing.
Name of the company :
Name of the ferry :
She is departing from …………………………… at ………………… ; and arriving in ………………………… at …………… .
Crossing weather conditions:
Find the following information concerning the ferry:
Number of passengers:
Name the shops you can visit:
What’s the name of the room attributed to your group? On what deck is it?
Glue your ticket!
Write a postcard :
Vous avez passé vos vacances à .................................. (un des lieux vu cette semaine), vous expliquez à la
personne de votre choix ce que vous avez fait et vu.
Le recto de la carte doit être de votre fabrication ; pour le verso utilisez le modèle fourni.
Exemple :
Outils linguistiques nécessaires à la réalisation:
-marqueurs de temps
-recherches culturelles en fonction du lieu choisi
-formule d’en-tête et formule de politesse
My host family.
In my family I was with …
●Draw a plan of your bedroom.
●Take a photo of your host family (if they agree).
● Describe the house where you stayed.
Address :
Does your family live in a house or in flat ?
What type of House ( tick the right answer). Does your family live in
A block of flats
A bungalow
A detached house
A cottage
A semi-detached house
How many rooms are there ?
●Describe the best meals you had in your host family for breakfast, for dinner.
●Describe your packed lunch and illustrate.
●Ask your family about an English recipe and write it down.
● Take a photo of a menu outside a pub or a restaurant.
Where do the British go shopping ?
Name of the shop
What we can buy in it
Your opinion about the trip.
Write ten lines about your feelings on your school trip to Great Britain.
How was your stay? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? What did you prefer and why? Etc…