Errata France - Free al lotment of BSAs to existi ing share eholders s


Errata France - Free al lotment of BSAs to existi ing share eholders s
PRESS RELEASE ‐ IIMMEDIATTE DIFFUSIION Errata ‐ Free allotment of BSAs to existiing share
eholderss of Foncière‐Paris‐
France PARIS, on tthe 23d Dece
ember 2010 Foncière P
Paris France d
draws the atttention on tthe followingg errata: the chart showing thee theoretical value of shhare warran
nts (the "BSA
A") providedd under paragraph 4.1.2
2.1 page 20 o
of the issuan
nce memorandum (the ""Issuance Memorandum
m"), comprissed in the prospectus (the "Prospectus") which w
was granted by the Frennch financial services autthority (“AM
MF”) a visa n
no10‐445 dated 17 December 2010, sh
hall read as fo
ollows: Sur la basee de la volattilité historique à un an, qqui s’élève à 15,71% au 3
30 novembree 2010, la va
aleur théoriq
que du BSA resssort entre 0,
0,453 € (Cox, Ross, & Rub instein) et 0,,465 € (Blackk & Scholes). Tableau dee sensibilité 10 %
15 %
200 % Valorisatio
on théoriquee d’un BSA . Méthodee de Black & SScholes 0,2088 € 0,449 €
0,,629 € . Méthodee de Cox, Rosss & Rubinsteein 0,1766 €
0,427 €
0,,707 € ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ABOUT FO
Paris France is a SIIC speccialized in coommercial re
eal estate in the greater PParis region.. The Company was found
ded in May 2
2005 by Jean
n‐Paul Dumoortier, President of the Fé
édération dees Sociétés Im
mmobilières et Foncières. Foncière P
Paris France is listed on the NYSE Eur onext (Paris)), Compartm
ment B, and iss included in the CAC Sm
mall 90 and SBF 250 indexees (symbol: FFPF; ISIN: FR00010304329). www.foncciereparisfran
CONTACTS Didier Brethes ‐ Directeu
ur Général Délégué [email protected]
m didier.breth
01 43 12 399 00 Nancy Levainn nancy.levain@
m Maryline Jarnnoux‐Sorin maryline.jarnnoux‐[email protected] 01 44 50 39 330 ‐ 06 72 28 9
91 44 2