1) Bourses scientifiques Chateaubriand Le programme de bourses


1) Bourses scientifiques Chateaubriand Le programme de bourses
1) Bourses scientifiques Chateaubriand
Le programme de bourses scientifiques Chateaubriand, mis en place par le Service pour la Science et la Technologie
(SST) de l’Ambassade de France à Washington, a pour but d’initier ou de renforcer des collaborations ou des projets
conjoints (projets PUF, MIT-France, France-Chicago, France-Berkeley, France-Stanford, Unités mixtes ou Laboratoires
internationaux, etc.) en y intégrant un échange au niveau doctoral.
A cette fin, ces bourses soutiennent les doctorants inscrits dans une université américaine à s’engager dans un projet de
recherche avec un laboratoire français. La priorité sera donnée aux candidats visant la mise en place d’une cotutelle de
thèse avec l’université française d’accueil.
Le SST prend en charge les indemnités (jusqu’à 1400 €/mois, modulés en fonction d’autres sources de revenus), les
frais de voyage et l’assurance maladie étudiante pour une période comprise entre 4 et 9 mois. La connaissance du
français n’est pas requise et est laissée à l’appréciation du laboratoire d’accueil. Tous les domaines des Sciences,
Technologie, Ingénierie, Mathématiques et Santé sont éligibles. Une aide peut être apportée pour la mise en place de
Plus d’information et inscription : http://www.chateaubriand-fellowship.org
La date limite de dépôt des dossiers est fixée au 31 janvier 2014 pour un séjour pouvant débuter à partir du 1er
septembre 2014, et au plus tard le 1er avril 2015.
Retrouvez d’autres appels en cours sur le site du SST : http://www.france-science.org/-appels-en-cours-.html
2) The Global Clinical Scholars Research Training program: groundbreaking educational initiative in clinical
research at Harvard Medical School
The Global Clinical Scholars Research Training (GCSRT) program ( http://hms.harvard.edu/gcsrt) is a one-year
program of blended learning intended for clinicians and clinician-scientists who desire rigorous training in the methods
and conduct of clinical research.
The program’s three main goals are to build skills in clinical research, help scholars develop a global network, and
provide them the knowledge to address issues critical for success in contemporary clinical research.
After completing the program, scholars will be able to:
Perform both observational and experimental clinical research using the methods introduced in the program.
Plan and implement one or more clinical research projects.
Analyze, interpret, and present clinical research data.
We are now accepting applications for the 2014/15 program which begins June 21, 2014. This program will consist of
three in-person workshops—two in London and one in Boston—in addition to about 60 online lectures and 30 webinars
as part of the curriculum that includes biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trials, surveys, drug development and
regulation, and leadership.
Register for an information session to learn more.
Senior faculty members from Harvard Medical School and experts in clinical research from other academic research
institutions are committed to teaching in the program.
Early registration ends February 17, 2014.
The program is open to candidates who hold an MD, MBBS, PhD, PharmD, DMD, DDS, DNP, and DO degrees.
Apply now or, for more information about the program, go to our website http://hms.harvard.edu/gcsrt
will close on Friday 10 January 2014
We are soliciting applications for the 6th HKU-Pasteur Cell Biology on Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Cell Division and
Motility (16-28 March, 2014). The focus of the course will emphasize technical and conceptual aspects of cell division,
motility and migration in health and disease. The program of the 2014 course will call on a panel of experts to review
cell division and mitosis during the first week, whereas the second module will be centered on cell migration and
tumour invasion. At the end of the course students will be able to attend a conference on “Advances in live cell and
intravital imaging in biomedicine” sponsored by the Croucher Foundation.
Candidates are invited to download course and travel application forms which are available here:
To prepare the best application and maximize your chances of success, tips for a successful application can be also
downloaded here: http://www.hkupasteur.hku.hk/courses/application_tips.pdf
Please return all completed forms, including two letters of recommendation to [email protected].
Accommodation (on sharing twin basis) and food (canteen-style) will be provided.
Travel fellowships (up to 5) will be awarded to the best non-Hong Kong residents.
4) International Congress, PARASITES OF WILDLIFE, 14 – 18 September 2014, Kruger National Park, South
The Parasitological Society of Southern Africa (PARSA) is delighted to invite you to a three-day international congress
on PARASITES OF WILDLIFE, to be held at the state-of-the-art Nombole Mdluli Conference Centre in Skukuza, the
main tourist centre of the world-famous Kruger National Park. The optional fourth day (18 September 2014) will be
devoted to workshops.
All parasitologists (biologists, zoologists, veterinarians, etc.) are invited to participate. Abstracts of studies on parasites
of free-ranging as well as captive wildlife species will be considered for either oral or poster presentation. One of the
planned workshops will focus on management of parasitoses in captive wildlife.
● Deadline for submission of abstracts: 14 March 2014 (Decision of scientific programme committee to be announced
by 15 April 2014)
● Deadline for early-bird registration: 30 April 2014
● Deadline for regular registration: 30 July 2014
● Registration is a pre-requisite for booking of accommodation
● All accommodation bookings will require payment of a 50% deposit within 7 days, and the balance before 30 July
RIIP-Info: Courses within the Institut Pasteur International Network
1) Translation and Applications of Advances in Genomics for Public Health and Control of Infectious
Diseases of Poverty, Institu Pasteur in Tunis, 21-30 January, 2014
The Institut Pasteur in Tunis is organizing with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) and the Agence Tunisienne de Coopération Technique (ATCT) a South- South symposium on
genomics application for translation in Public Health in relation to infectious diseases that will be followed by
a train the trainers workshop entitled “Applications of genomics in public health for infectious diseases of
poverty: diagnostics and vector control”.
These are developed in the frame of triangular cooperation to foster South- South interactions between
Tunisia, Japan and other African countries that over the past three years allowed the organization of 3
courses that benefited 52 participants from African target countries.
Symposium : January, 21-22th, 2014 and Workshop : January, 23-30 th, 2014
The selection of the participants to the workshop will be competitive; the applications will be scored
according to each of the 5 criteria listed on the call. Selected workshop participants will be invited to the
The deadline for receiving the applications on [email protected] is December 28th,
To download the brochure of the course and the application form: http://www.pasteur.tn
2) 6th HKU-Pasteur Cell Biology Course, HKU-PRP, 16-28 March, 2014
Call for Applications (New Deadline 10 January 2014)
We are solliciting applications for the 6th HKU-Pasteur Cell Biology on Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Cell
Division and Motiity (16-28 March, 2014). The focus of the course will emphasize technical and conceptual
aspects of cell division, motility and migration in health and disease. The program of the 2014 course will call
on a panel of experts to review cell division and mitosis during the first week, whereas the second module
will be centered on cell migration and tumor invasion. At the end of the course students will be able to attend
a conference on “Advances in live cell and intravital imaging in biomedicine” sponsored by the Croucher
Candidates are invited to download course and travel application forms:
To prepare the best application and maximize your chances of success, tips for a successful application can
be also downloaded here.
Please return all completed forms, including two letters of recommendation to [email protected].
Accommodation (on sharing twin basis) and food (canteen-style) will be provided. Travel fellowships (up to 5)
will be awarded to the best non-Hong Kong residents.
The course (MMPH6175) is included in the coursework curriculum for research postgraduate studies of the
University of Hong Kong
3) Bioinformatics and Genome Analyses Course, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens - Greece, 5 - 17
May, 2014
The course topics will include theoretical and practical aspects in:
- Genomes comparisons,
- Evolutionary analyses (orthologs, paralogs and ancestral genomes inference),
- RNAseq and Next Generation Sequencing
(including algorithms, methods and sequence mapping tools, data analyses and applications).
The course programme will be centred on theoretical presentations followed by practical sessions. Practical
sessions in a Linux environment will involve Unix shell and Perl scripting. Participants are assumed to be
familiar with this environment.
A series of lectures delivered by prominent scientists on recent hot topics in genome (Viruses, Prokaryotes,
Eukaryotes) studies will be included in the programme and future research perspectives will be highlighted.
Twenty (20) full time places are available for the course. Acceptance will be subject to an evaluation
process. Selection criteria include confirmed initial experience in Bioinformatics and Genomics, running
projects (submitted abstract) and expressed motivations.
The course is aimed at motivated Phd students and young researchers in academic Institutions with
background in Mathematics, Statistics, Computing and/or Biology who are involved in Bioinformatics and
Genome Analyses projects. The course is intense and active participation is expected. A gender balance
will be respected as far as possible and no more than 15% of the same country will be accepted.
Accommodation and Meals are free
Travel grants: A limited budget for partial or full travel grants is available from the RIIP (for
students comimg from RIIP Institutions) and from EMBO. The organizers will decide, at the end of
the course, who will benefit from these grants. The decision will strictly depend on the active
participation of the students.
Course programmes and organizations can be found at this link:
Application deadline: Friday March 14, 2014 at midnight (European time)
Application are made through the EMBO course site: http://events.embo.org/14-comparativegenomics/index.html