ROCletter #28 - Clarington Swim Club


ROCletter #28 - Clarington Swim Club
ROCletter #28
By Coach Karen Stinson
ROC – JBO meet
May Bottle Drive
Penny Drive
Upcoming Events
Clarington Swim Club
Head Coach
Karen Stinson
Phone 905 697 3124
[email protected]
ROC on Facebook
Clarington Aquatic Club
Friend this site so that you can
stay on top of what is going on
in the Club, and can post your
pictures and comments.
Get connected!
Practice Cancellations:
May 19th and 21st –
Victoria Day Weekend
ROC Hosted Meet
Justin Barry Optical - JBO
Thank you to the many parents and Masters
who came out and helped with this meet this
past Saturday. It was very well organized
and very well received from the attending
clubs. The food was great, the music,
atmosphere, and prizes were exceptional.
Thanks to the Municipality of Clarington for
the set up and support throughout. And
thanks to the swimmers, who did such a
good job of racing and competing in their
home water. And a special thank-you to
Justin Barry Optical for their generous
support and for the time and many “extras”
they contributed to the meet.
Following is a list of best times and place to
6th from the meet:
Audrey Barry **all best time! 1 Minute Club! 1st 100
fly, 1st 400 fr, 3rd 50 fr, 4th 200im, 4th 50 bk
Stella Barry 1st Meet Welcome! 1st 50 bk, 2nd 50 fr, 3rd
50 br, 3rd 25 fly
Maddison Bateman 1st 50 bk, 1st 400 fr, 4th 200im, 4th
50 fr
Grant Black 1st Meet Welcome! 1st 50 br, 1st 25 fly, 2nd
50 fr, 2nd 50 bk
Tara Black 4 bts – 1st 50 br, 3rd 200 fr, 4th 50 bk, 5th 50
fly, 6th 50 fr
Kiera Branton 1 bt 3rd 50 bk, 4th 50 fly, 6th 50 br
Liam Branton 1 bt 1st 50 fly, 1st 100 br, 2 nd 50 fr
Ethan Campbell 1st Meet Welcome! 1 Minute Club! 1st
50 fr, 1st 50 bk, 1st 50 br, 1st 25 fly
Nora Chaplow 1st Meet Welcome! 2 nd 25 fly, 5th 50 br
Julie Chebott **all best times! 1st 50 br, 2nd 200 fr, 3rd
50 bk, 5th 50 fr, 5th 50 fly
Katie Chebott 1 bt – 3rd 25 fly
Natalie Chebott 1st Meet Welcome! 2nd 50 bk, 4th 50 fr,
5th 50 br, 5th 25 fly
Izabella Flood 3 bts – 4th 400 fr
Pili Garcia 2 bts – 1st 200 fr, 1st 50 fr, 2 nd 25 fly, 3rd 50
bk, 4th 50 br
Paige Gaskin 3 bts – 1st 50 fly, 2nd 50 bk, 2nd 100 br, 3rd
200im, 3rd 50 fr
Curtis Gibson 4 bts – 1st 200 fr, 1st 50 fr, 1st 100 bk, 1st
400im, 1st 50 fly, 1st 800 fr
Abby Gowland 4bts 2 Min Club! – 1st 100 fr, 1st 100 bk
1st 100 br, 2nd 50 fly, 2nd 800 fr
Heidi Hepner 3 bts – 3rd 50 bk, 4th 50 fly, 6th 50 br
Peter Holbrook 1st 50 fr
Cassidy Johnson 2 bts – 1st 50 fr, 1st 100 br, 1st 800 fr
Aleena Luetchford **all best times! – 1st 200 fr, 1st 50
fly, 2nd 400 fr, 3rd 50 fr, 3rd 100 br
Eddie Luetchford **all best times! – 1st 400 fr, 1st 100
bk, 2nd 200im, 2nd 100 fr, 2nd 100 br
Josh McMeekin 1st 200im, 1st 400im, 1st 100 fly, 2nd 50
fly, 3rd 50 fr
Sam McMeekin 4 bts – 1st 200im, 1st 50 fr, 1st 100 br, 1st
100 fly, 1st 800 fr
Shelby McMeekin **all best times! – 2nd 200im, 1st 100
fr, 2nd 50 fr, 1st 100 bk
Madison Michaud **all best times! – 2nd 200 fr, 2nd 50
bk, 3rd 50 br, 3rd 50 fly, 4th 50 fr
Alex Miller Burchell 4 bts – 1 Min Club! – 1st 100 br,
2nd 200 fr, 2nd 50 fr, 2nd 400 fr, 3rd 50 fly
Erica Robinson 3 bts – 1st 400 fr, 2nd 100 fr, 2nd 100 bk,
3rd 50 br, 3rd 50 fly
Trent Robinson 2 bts 1 Min Club! – 2nd 50 fr, 2nd 50 bk
Chelsea Schuh 3 bts – 1st 50 fly, 1st 400 fr, 2nd 20im, 2nd
100 br, 3rd 50 fr
Olivia Skrepnek 2 bts – 3rd 50 br, 4th 50 bk, 6th 50 fly
Julia Soutter **all best times! – 1st 400 fr, 2nd 200im, 2nd
50 fr, 2nd 100 fly
Kyla Stephenson **all best times! – 2nd 50 fly, 3rd 50 br, 6th
200 fr
Alex Tamblyn 1 bt – 1st 200 fr, 1st 50 fr, 1st 50 bk, 1st 100
br, 1st 50 fly
Cheyanne Vachon 1st 50 br, 3rd 50 fly, 5th 200 fr
Hailey Vachon 1st Meet Welcome! 2nd 50 br, 3rd 50 fr, 4th
50 bk, 4th 25 fly
Alia Waters 1st Meet Welcome! – 1st 50 bk, 1st 25 fly, 4th 50
Nichole Webster 3 bts – 1st 200im, 1st 100 fr, 1st 100 bk, 2 nd
50 fr
Maddison Weir 2 bts – 2nd 200 fr, 2nd 50 bk, 4th 50 fr, 4th 50
br, 4th 50 fly
Andrew Youssef 4 bts – 1st 200im, 1st 100 fr, 1st 50 bk, 1st
100 br, 1st 50 fly
Some really great performances considering the
team is just coming off of our Division
Championship, and the coaches are very pleased
with the improvements, and the racing tenacity.
Great work, ROC!
May Bottle Drive – ROC will be running
a bottle drive finishing with a blitz on Saturday
May 26th. Please collect bottles from your own
garage, as well as those of family, neighbours
and friends. Turn in those bottles and get the
money to the Club. There will be some good
prizes for those swimmers generating the most !
Penny Drive – Pennies cost more to
produce then they are worth so the government
has discontinued the coin, and suggests that
you turn yours in to your favourite not-forprofit (that would be the Clarington Swim
Club! We have a bigjar for collecting these at
both the pool and at CMA. Please bring yours
in and give the Club a boost!
Upcoming Events:
Masters National Championship
May 18-21, Kelowna, BC
Go Mike go!
Saturday, May 26th – Blitz day for our May Bottle
Pickering Last Gasp
Saturday, June 2 – we will send interested
swimmers to this meet, and some will be using
this as a qualifying chance
Clarington Cup #4 – Sanctioned
Wednesday, June 6th
This is the last chance for some to qualify for
summer championship meets. It will be a regular
Cup meet, but we will run some sanctioned
events throughout. Go make some luck!
Central Region LC Champs
Sunday, Jun 10 – we will send qualified
swimmers to this meet on the Sunday only. The
13 and over events are: 200 fr, 100 fly, 200 bk,