Biography of Philippe Duval, Group Chief Executive


Biography of Philippe Duval, Group Chief Executive
Biography of Philippe Duval,
Group Chief Executive Officer
Tour Lilleurope
tel: +33 (0)3 28 38 79 30
11, parvis de Rotterdam - F - 59777 Lille fax: +33 (0)3 28 38 79 31
Tereos, Union de Coopératives Agricoles à capital variable
RCS St Quentin D-407 948 926 - Agrément N 2605
Siège social : 11, rue Pasteur, F-02390 Origny Sainte-Benoîte
Tereos' Chief Executive Officer since 2004
Philippe Duval began his career as an economic research officer at Banque Marocaine du Commerce
Extérieur in Casablanca, Morocco. Then, in 1968, he was appointed Secretary General of the OrignySainte-Benoîte sugar factory-distillery in Aisne, France.
In 1984, he became the Managing Director of the Origny Sainte-Benoîte sugar factory-distillery, working
on the development of the Union des Sucreries et Distilleries Agricoles (Union SDA) cooperative. In
1996, he was appointed Chairman of its Executive Board.
In 2002, the business combination between Union SDA and the company Béghin-Say led to the
creation of the cooperative group Tereos, with Philippe Duval as its Chief Executive Officer. He held
this position through to 30 September 2012. On 1 October 2012, Philippe Duval became a strategic
advisor to the Supervisory Board.
Other offices
Chairman of the company Bio-Ethanol Nord Picardie (BENP)
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company SYRAL (glucose)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TTD (Czech Republic)
Chairman of the Board of Guarani (Brazil)
HEC business school
Date of birth
23 January 1944
Officer of the French Legion of Honor
Officer of the French Order of Agricultural Merit
Updated 16 April 2012
Tereos in brief
Tereos is a cooperative agroindustrial group specialized in the primary processing of sugar beet, sugar
cane and cereals. In 2011, Tereos recorded 4.4 billion euros in revenues, with 39 production sites and
26,500 staff. Today, the Group is one of the world leaders in three sectors: sugar (No. 4 worldwide, No.
1 in France and Czech Republic, No. 3 in Brazil), alcohol and ethanol (No. 1 in Europe, No. 3 in Brazil),
and starch (No. 3 in Europe).