Aix 2006_UK - Rencontres Économiques d`Aix-en


Aix 2006_UK - Rencontres Économiques d`Aix-en
Economic Forum
JULY 7, 8 & 9TH 2006
“A World of Scarce Resources”
As a prelude
Friday July 7th (Aix-en-Provence Faculty of Law, 3 avenue Robert Schuman)
9:00 am: Law workshop
Participants :
 Guy Canivet (Chief Justice (First President) of the Cour de Cassation)
 Jean-Yves Chérot (Professor of Law at the Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille University)
 Frédéric Jenny (Conseiller en Service Extraordinaire, Cour de Cassation)
 Yvon Martinet (Founding Partner of the Law Office of Savin Martinet Associés)
 R.Y. Nanot (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ciments Français)
 Marc Pena (Dean of Faculty of Law and Political Science, University Paul Cézanne)
 Jean-Claude Ricci (Director of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Aix-en-Provence)
 Gérard Tavernier (Senior Partner of Gide Loyrette Nouel)
 Georges Terrier (Chairman of the Management Committee of JEANTET-ASSOCIÉS)
 Bruno Weymuller (President of Total’s Strategy and Risk Assessment)
Coordination : Bertrand Jacquillat, Jacques Mistral with the contribution of Anne Perrot
(Cercle des économistes)
This workshop will be summarized by Bertrand Jacquillat during session 1. “A World Scare
Friday July 7th (Aix-en-Provence Faculty of Law, 3 avenue Robert Schuman)
2:00 pm Opening of the Forum 2006:
Welcome by the Cercle des économistes: Jean Hervé Lorenzi (Chairman),
Scientific context : Christian de Boissieu
Session 1: A World of Scarce Resources
Participants :
 Édouard Brézin (Chairman of Académie des Sciences)
 Thierry Desmarest (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Total)
 Francis Fukuyama (Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy of Johns
Hopkins University)
 Erik Orsenna (Académie Française)
 Bertrand Jacquillat (Cercle des économistes)
Coordination : Pierre Jacquet (Cercle des économistes)
3:30 pm Session 2: Energy Resources
Participants :
 Dr Edmund Daukoru (Chairman of OPEC)
 Pierre Gadonneix (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF)
 Vijay Kelkar (Chairman of IDFC Private Equity Company Limited)
 Anne Lauvergeon (Chairman of the Executive Board of AREVA)
 Claude Mandil (Executive Director International Energy Agency)
 Francis Mayer (Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des dépots et consignations)
 Gérard Mestrallet (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Suez)
 Fathallah Oualalou (Ministre des Finances du Royaume du Maroc)
 Adnan Shihab-Eldin (Former Director Research Division at the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries OPEC)
 Maurício Tomalsquim (Presidente Empressa de Pesquisa Energetica – EPE)
 Wang Shaoqi (Minister-Counselor, Chinese Embassy in France)
 Igor Yurgens (Vice-President – Executive Secretary of the Russian Union of Industrialists &
Entrepreneurs, Vice-President Renaissance Capital)
Coordination: Jean-Marie Chevalier with the contribution of Christian Stoffaës (Cercle des
Host: Jean-Marc Sylvestre (TF1)
Saturday July 8th (Institute for Political Studies, 25 rue Gaston de Saporta)
8:30 am Session 3: The Role of Governments in the Issues of Scarce Resources
Participants :
 Jean-Paul Bailly (Chairman of La Poste),
 Patrick Buffet (Délégué Senior Executive Vice President of SUEZ Group)
 Jacques-Henri David (Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Bank)
 Jean-Paul Fitoussi (Professor of Economics at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris)
 Olivier Fleurot (Chief Executive Officer of Financial Times)
 Christine Lagarde (Minister of Foreign Trade)
 Thierry de Longuemar (Vice President of Finance of the African Development Bank)
 Mario Monti (President of Bocconi University)
 Ismaïl Serageldin (Director of the Library of Alexandria)
Coordination : Michel Didier with the contribution of de Pierre Dockès (Cercle des économistes)
Host: Frédéric Lemaître (Le Monde)
10:30 am Session 4: Innovating to Overcome Scarcity
Participants :
 Bruno Amable (Professor of Economics at the University of Paris X - Nanterre)
 Léo Apotheker (President of Global Customer Solutions & Operations SAP)
 Christian Bréchot (General Director of the French Institute for Health and Medical Research
 Dr Gao Shi-Ji (Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director General of Department of
Development Strategy and Regional Economy, at Development Research Center of the State
Council of China )
 Paolo Garonna (Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for
 Yuko Harayama (Professor in the Management of Science and Technology Department at the
Graduate School of Engineering of Tohoku University)
 Didier Lombard (Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of France Telecom)
 Francis Lorentz (Chairman of IDATE and of LD&A)
 Denis Ranque (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of THALES)
 Luca Silipo (“La Sapienza” University of Rome)
 Serge Weinberg (Chairman of Weinberg Capital Partners)
Coordination : Patrick Artus with the contribution of Dominique Roux (Cercle des économistes)
Host: Quentin Peel (Financial Times)
2:30 pm Session 5: The Allocation of Savings
Participants :
 Guillermo Calvo (Chief Economist of the Inter-American Development Bank)
 Michel Cicurel (Chairman of the Executive Board, La Compagnie Financière Edmond de
Rothschild Bank)
 Kenneth Courtis (Founding Chairman of Asia Capital Partners)
 FAN Gang (Director of the National Institute of Economic Research Chairman, China Reform
Foundation NERI-China)
 Roberto Lavagna (Former Minister of Economy and Production of Argentina)
 Catherine L. Mann (Senior Fellow at the Institute for International Economics)
 Charles Milhaud (Chairman of the Management Board of Caisse Nationale des Caisses
d’Epargne et de Prévoyance)
 Christian Noyer (Governor of the Banque de France)
 Jean-François Théodore (Chairman of the Managing Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Euronext N.V.)
 Michel Tilmant (Chairman of the Executive Board of ING Group)
 Rémy Weber (Chairman of Lyonnaise de Banque)
Coordination : Catherine Lubochinsky with the contributions of André Cartapanis (Professor of
International Economics and Finance at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Aix-en-Provence), Michel
Aglietta, Agnès Benassy-Quéré, Anton Brender and of Charles-Albert Michalet (Cercle des
Host: François-Xavier Pietri (La Tribune)
4:30 pm Session 6: Feeding the Planet: what new scarcities?
● World food balance
Participants :
 Mamadou Cissokho (Président de l’Association Sénégalaise pour la Promotion des Petits Projets
de Développement à la Base - ASPRODEB)
 Elisio Contini (Adviser of the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil)
 Michel Griffon (Conseiller auprès du Président du Centre de coopération internationale en
recherche agronomique pour le développement – CIRAD)
 Marion Guillou (Chairman and Chief Executive of the National Institute of Agronomic Research INRA)
 Carl Hausmann (President and CEO Bunge North America)
 Philippe Tillous-Borde (Président de Lesieur)
Coordination : Jean-Paul Betbèze (Cercle des économistes)
● Water ressources
Participants :
 Philippe Kourilsky (Professor at the Collège de France)
 Loïc Fauchon (President of Groupe des Eaux de Marseille, Chairman of the World Water Council)
 Henri Proglio (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT)
Coordination : Olivier Pastré (Cercle des économistes)
Host: Éric Le Boucher (Le Monde)
Sunday July 9th (Aix-en-Provence Faculty of Law, 3 avenue Robert Schuman)
9:00 am Session 7: Human Capital Resources:
Participants :
 Martin Carnoy (Professor of Education and Economics at Stanford University)
 Daniel Cohen (Professor of Economics at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and at
Ecole Normale Superieure)
 Barbara Ischinger (Director for Education OECD)
 Eric Labaye (Director of McKinsey, member of the Shareholders’ Council, Manager of the French
 Philippe Lemoine (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LaSer)
 Pierre Pringuet (Managing Director of Pernod Ricard)
 Jean-Louis Reiffers (Professor of Economics at the University de la Méditérannée)
Coordination : Pierre Cahuc with the contributions of Jean-Pierre Boisivon, Elie Cohen and of Jean
Pisani-Ferry (Cercle des économistes)
Host: Gérard Bonos (Radio Classique)
10:10 am Session 8: Is globalization an obstacle to the sustainable growth?
Participants :
 Gilles Benoist (Chairman of the Executive Board of CNP Assurances)
 Xavier Beulin (Président de Sofiproteol, la FOP et du CEIOM, premier Vice-Président de la
 Bibek Debroy (Research Director at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies,
Secretary General PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry New Delhi)
 Ann Harrison (Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California,
Berkeley, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research),
 Michèle Pappalardo (Chief Executive Officer of French Agency for Environment and Energy
Management (ADEME))
 Glenn Prickett (Executive Director of the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business)
 Stéphane Salord (2nd Deputy-Mayor of Aix-en-Provence, Vice-Chairman of the Countries of Aix
Agglomeration Community)
 Thierry Raes (Responsable développement durable de PricewaterhouseCoopers)
 Roberto Waack (President of Orsa Florestal)
 Philippe Wahl (Groupe Bolloré Vice-President in charge of media and communication)
Coordination : Lionel Fontagné with the contribution of Marc Guillaume (Cercle des économistes)
Animation : Dominique Rousset (France Culture)
11:20 am Session 9: Globalization and Scarce Resources
Participants :
 Kemal Dervis (Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme)
 Ángel Gurria (Secretary-General of OECD)
 Pascal Lamy (Director-General of the World Trade Organisation)
 Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi (Secretary-General of UNCTAD)
 Jean-Claude Trichet (President of the European Central Bank)
 Hubert Védrine (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France)
Coordination : Christian Saint-Étienne with the contribution of Christian Stoffaës (Cercle des
Animation : François Lenglet (Enjeux - Les Echos)
Conclusion: Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, Chairman of the Cercle des économistes