dialectica 1947–2012


dialectica 1947–2012
dialectica 1947–2012
alphabetical bibliography
Philipp Blum, 10th of January 2013
1. Aaron, Richard, Rotenstreich, Nathan, Passmore, John A., Mercier, André, Russell, Leonard, and
Moreau, Joseph, 1961. “Discussion sur Hersch (1961a) and Marias (1961)”. Dialectica 15: 253–257
2. Ackermann, Wilhelm, 1958. “Über die Beziehung zwischen strikter und strenger Implikation”. Dialectica 12: 213–222
3. Adams, Frederick, Fuller, Gary, and Stecker, Robert, 1999. “Object Dependent Thoughts, Perspectival
Thoughts and Psychological Generalization”. Dialectica 53: 47–59
4. Aebi, Magdalena, 1960. “Die Stellung von Gonseths “offener Philosophie” im Ganzen der Philosophia
perennis”. Dialectica 14: 127–150
5. Aebli, Hans, 1984. “What is Intentionality and Who has Intentions in a Structuralist Model of Knowledge, Action and Thought”. Dialectica 38: 231–244
6. Agassi, Joseph, 1982. “Irrationalism Today”. Dialectica 36: 127–146
7. Agazzi, Evandro, 1975. “De la théorie électroélastique à la théorie électromagnétique du champ”. Dialectica 29: 105—126
8. Agazzi, Evandro, 1989. “Naïve Realism And Naïve Antirealism”. Dialectica 43: 83–98
9. Aguilar, Jesús H., 2007. “Interpersonal Interactions and the Bounds of Agency”. Dialectica 61: 219–234
10. Alexander, Franz, 1951. “Three Fundamental Dynamic Principles of the Mental Apparatus and of the
Behavior of Living Organisms”. Dialectica 5: 239–245
11. Allen, Keith, 2011. “Revelation and the Nature of Colour”. Dialectica 65: 153–176
12. Allison, Henry E., 1976. “Kant’s Refutation of Realism”. Dialectica 30: 223–254
13. Allison, Henry E., 1978. “Things in Themselves, Noumena, and the Transcendental Object”. Dialectica
32: 41–76
14. Allison, Henry E., 1981. “Transcendental Schematism and the Problem of the Synthetic A Priori”.
Dialectica 35: 57–83
15. Allison, Henry E., 1995. “On Naturalizing Kant’s Transcendental Psychology”. Dialectica 49: 335–351
16. Altwegg, Martin, 1953. “Theorie und Erfahrung”. Dialectica 7: 5–21
17. Anderson, O., 1949. “Die Begründung des Gesetzes der Grossen Zahlen und die Umkehrung des
Theorems von Bernoulli”. Dialectica 3: 65–77
18. Angenot, Marc, 1971. “Condillac et le “Cours de linguistique générale””. Dialectica 25: 119–130
19. Anstey, Peter, 2006. “Review of Monnoyer (2004)”. Dialectica 60: 93–96
20. Antony, Michael V., 2006. “Papineau on the Vagueness of Phenomenal Concepts”. Dialectica 60:
21. Apéry, R., 1952. “Les mathématiques sont-elles une théorie pure?” Dialectica 6: 309–310
22. Apostol, Pavel, 1972. “An Operational Demarcation of the Domain of Methodology versus Epistemology and Logic”. Dialectica 26: 83–92
23. Aronson, Jerrold L., 1997. “Dispositions as the Foundation for Feynman’s Formulation of Quantum
Mechanics”. Dialectica 51: 35–64
24. Arsac, Jacques J., 1971. “Le concept d’information et l’informatique”. Dialectica 25: 207–220
25. Ascarelli, Tullio, 1961. “Le fait et le droit devant la Cour de cassation italienne”. Dialectica 15: 445–461
26. Ascher, Edgar, 1998. “Compte rendu de Haack (1993)”. Dialectica 52: 69–73
27. Athanasiadès-Mercanton, Marguerite, 1979. “La vestale et l’étincelle. A propos de pédagogie universitaire”. Dialectica 33: 133–150
28. Atkinson, D., 1998. “The Light of Quantum Mechanics”. Dialectica 52: 103–126
29. Auroux, Sylvain, 1981. “Some remarks on Swiggers’ Analyticity “de dicto” and “de dicto dicti” [Swiggers
(1980)]”. Dialectica 35: 347–350
30. Ayer, Alfred Jules, 1958. “Philosophie et langage ordinaire”. Dialectica 12: 99–129
31. Ayer, Alfred Jules, 1985. “The Scope of Reason”. Dialectica 39: 265–278
32. Bache, Christopher M., 1981. “Paraphrase and Paraphrasing Metaphors”. Dialectica 35: 307–326
33. Bachelard, Gaston, 1947. “La philosophie dialoguée”. Dialectica 1: 11–20
34. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1947d. “Editorial (English, français, deutsch)”.
Dialectica 1: 1–10
35. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1947a. “Editorial”. Dialectica 1: 115–116
36. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1947b. “Editorial”. Dialectica 1: 207–213
37. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1947c. “Editorial”. Dialectica 1: 291–292
38. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1948a. “Editorial”. Dialectica 2: 5–10
39. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1948b. “Le mouvement scientifique et
Synthèse”. Dialectica 2: 80–82
40. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1949. “Editorial”. Dialectica 3: 247–253
41. Bachelard, Gaston, Bernays, Paul, and Gonseth, Ferdinand, 1950. “Editorial”. Dialectica 4: 83–84
42. Badriyeh, Katherine, 1981. “An Antiskeptical Theory of When and How We Know”. Dialectica 35:
43. Bagnoli, Carla, 2006. “Breaking Ties: The Significance of Choice in Symmetrical Moral Dilemmas”.
Dialectica 60: 157–170
44. Bally, G., 1951. “Philosophische Strömungen in der modernen Medizin”. Dialectica 5: 84–96
45. Balzer, Wolfgang, 1980. “Mathematical Structures as Representations of Intellectual Structures”. Dialectica 34: 247–262
46. Balzer, Wolfgang, 2002. “Searle on Social Institutions: A Critique”. Dialectica 56: 195–212
47. Baptist, J.H., 1949. “Le raisonnement probabilitaire”. Dialectica 3: 93–103
48. Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 1973. “Primary Truth Bearers”. Dialectica 27: 303–312
49. Barnes, Jonathan, 1997. “Some items on Frege”. Dialectica 51: 295–304
50. Barnes, Jonathan, 1999a. “Review of Gardies (1997)”. Dialectica 53: 73–74
51. Barnes, Jonathan, 1999b. “Review of ?”. Dialectica 53: 151–154
52. Barnes, Jonathan, 2000b. “Review of Patzig Günter, Gesammelte Schriften (Patzig 1994 1993 1996ab)”.
Dialectica 54: 139–142
53. Barnes, Jonathan, 2000a. “Death and the Philosopher [review of Frede (1999)]”. Dialectica 54: 313–320
54. Barnes, Jonathan, 2002b. “What is a Begriffsschrift?” Dialectica 56: 65–80
55. Barnes, Jonathan, 2002a. “Der versonnene Grübler: A Life of Frege [review of Kreiser (2001)]”. Dialectica 56: 178–184
56. Barnes, Jonathan, 2004. “Innocence and Iconicity [review of Récanati (2000)]”. Dialectica 58: 248–264
57. Bartlett, M.S., 1949. “Probability in Logic, Mathematics and Science”. Dialectica 3: 104–113
58. Bartlett, Steven J., 1975. “Phenomenology of the Implicit”. Dialectica 29: 173–188
59. Barzin, Marcel, 1961. “La connaissance scientifique”. Dialectica 15: 73–79
60. Barzin, Marcel, Perelman, Chaïm, Passmore, John A., and Ayer, Alfred J., 1961. “Discussion sur Rotenstreich (1961a) and Ewing (1961a)”. Dialectica 15: 202–204
61. Bates, Jared, 2005. “The Old Problem of Induction and the New Reflective Equilibrium”. Dialectica
59: 347–356
62. Batitsky, Vadim, 2000. “Measurement in Carnap’s late Philosophy of Science”. Dialectica 54: 87–108
63. Baumert, Gerhard, 1962. “Über quantitative und qualitive Verhaften in den Sozialwissenschaften”.
Dialectica 16: 143–154
64. Baumgartner, Michael, 2009. “Interdefining Causation and Intervention”. Dialectica 63: 175–194
65. Bayard, Arnould, 1961. “La distinction du fait et du droit. Le point de vue de l’avocat”. Dialectica 15:
66. Bayer, Raymond, 1948. “Esthétique et dialectique”. Dialectica 2: 199–204
67. Bayer, Raymond, 1957. “L’évolution de l’intelligence et les formes modernes de la dialectique”. Dialectica
11: 296–305
68. Bayer, Raymond, Destouches, Jean-Louis, Cazin, M., Eckmann, B., Fiala, F., Cohen-Séat, G., Christoff,
D., Thévenaz, P., Grassi, E., and Bernays, P., 1948. “Discussion”. Dialectica 2: 280–294
69. Bealer, George, 2004. “The Origins of Modal Error”. Dialectica 58: 11–42
70. Beard, Robert W., 1968. “The Paradoxes of Analysis and Identity”. Dialectica 22: 45–56
71. Beck, Lewis White, 1981. “Über die Regelmässigkeit der Natur bei Kant”. Dialectica 35: 43–56
72. Becker, Kelly, 2006. “Is Counterfactual Reliabilism Compatible with Higher-Level Knowledge?” Dialectica 60: 79–84
73. Beckermann, Ansgar, 1983. “Besprechung von Bieri (1981)”. Dialectica 37: 227–231
74. Beckermann, Ansgar, 2010. “Darwin – What if Man is Only an Animal, After All?” Dialectica 64:
75. Beffa, Roland, 1982. “Les limites d’un modèle d’analyse en phytobiologie expérimentale: quelques remarques critiques”. Dialectica 36: 37–42
76. Beisbart, Klaus, 2009. “How to Fix Directions Or Are Assignments of Vector Characteristics Attributions of Intrinsic Properties?” Dialectica 63: 503–524
77. Bell, John S., Shimony, Abner, Horne, M.A., and Clauser, J.F., 1985. “An Exchange on Local Beables”.
Dialectica 39: 85–110
78. Belnap, Nuel D., Jr., 1999. “Truth by Ascent”. Dialectica 53: 291–306
79. Berg, Jonathan, 1998. “First Person Authority, Externalism and Wh-Knowledge”. Dialectica 52: 41–44
80. Berger, Gaston, 1961. “Allocution”. Dialectica 15: 20–22
81. Bermúdez, José-Luis, 2001. “Review of Frege G., Idéographie. Traduction de Corine Besson [(Frege
1999)]”. Dialectica 55: 67–72
82. Bernard, Michelle, 1966. “Orientation et sélection pour la recherche dans les sciences de la Nature:
Commentaires préliminaires d’une enquête sur les conditions personnelles de pratique de la recherche
chez les biologistes et géologues français”. Dialectica 20: 250–263
83. Bernays, Adolphe, 1949. “Zur Frage des “Lichtsinns””. Dialectica 3: 236–241
84. Bernays, Paul, 1947b. “Zum Begriff der Dialektik”. Dialectica 1: 172–175
85. Bernays, Paul, 1947a. “Besprechung von Polya (1945)”. Dialectica 1: 178–188
86. Bernays, Paul, 1948a. “Bemerkungen zum Problem der Aesthetik”. Dialectica 2: 211
87. Bernays, Paul, 1948b. “Grundsätzliches zur “philosophie ouverte””. Dialectica 2: 273–279
88. Bernays, Paul, 1950. “Zur methodischen Diskussion (Bemerkungen zu Herrn Perelmans Erörterung
“Philosophie premières et philosophie régressive” [Perelman (1949)])”. Dialectica 4: 43–45
89. Bernays, Paul, 1952b. “Dritte Gespräche von Zürich. Ansprache”. Dialectica 6: 130–136
90. Bernays, Paul, 1952c. “Gesichtspunkte der Erkenntnistheorie (insbesondere zur Auseinandersetzung
mit der Kantischen Erkenntnis-theorie)”. Dialectica 6: 137–140
91. Bernays, Paul, 1952a. “Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von E. E. Harris [Harris (1952)]”. Dialectica 6: 166
92. Bernays, Paul, 1953a. “Diskussionsbemerkung zum Referat von Herrn Husson (1953)”. Dialectica 7:
93. Bernays, Paul, 1953b. “Einleitendes Referat”. Dialectica 7: 318–321
94. Bernays, Paul, 1954. “Bemerkungen zu der Betrachtung von A. Wittenberg: Über adäquate Problemstellung in der mathematischen Grundlagenforschung [Wittenberg (1953c)]”. Dialectica 8: 147–151
95. Bernays, Paul, 1955a. “Zur Frage der Anknüpfung and die Kantische Erkenntnistheorie”. Dialectica 9:
96. Bernays, Paul, 1955b. “Zur Frage der Anknüpfung and die Kantische Erkenntnistheorie (Forts.)”. Dialectica 9: 195–221
97. Bernays, Paul, 1956. “Zur Diskussion des Themas “Der platonische Standpunkt in der Mathematik”
[(Finsler 1956b)]”. Dialectica 10: 262–265
98. Bernays, Paul, 1957. “Von der Syntax der Sprache zur Philosophie der Wissenschaften”. Dialectica 11:
99. Bernays, Paul, 1960. “Charakterzüge der Philosophia perennis”. Dialectica 14: 151–156
100. Bernays, Paul, 1963. “Remarks to Harris (1963)”. Dialectica 17: 49–50
101. Bernays, Paul, 1966. “Gedanken zu dem Buch “Bildung und Mathematik (Mathematik als exemplarisches Gymnasialfach)” von Alexander Israel Wittenberg [Wittenberg (1963)]”. Dialectica 20: 27–41
102. Bernays, Paul, 1968. “Remarks to the paper by Dr Sandra Rosenthal (1968a)”. Dialectica 22: 18–19
103. Bernays, Paul, 1970. “Die schematische Korrespondenz und die idealisierten Strukturen”. Dialectica
24: 53–66
104. Bernays, Paul, 1971. “Zum Symposium über die Grundlagen der Mathematik”. Dialectica 25: 171–196
105. Bernays, Paul, 1973. “Über die Auffassung formaler Systeme als Sprachen”. Dialectica 27: 359–362
106. Bernays, Paul, 1975. “Zu der Abhandlung von Raymond L. Weiss “Historicism and Science: Thoughts
on Quine” [Weiss (1975)]”. Dialectica 29: 167–172
107. Bernays, Paul, 1977b. “Überlegungen zu Ferdinand Gonseths Philosophie”. Dialectica 31: 119–128
108. Bernays, Paul, 1977a. “Sprache und Wirklichkeit: Im Vorfeld der Fragestellungen”. Dialectica 31: 217–224
109. Bernays, Paul, 1979. “Brief an Herrn Várdy”. Dialectica 33: 31–36
110. Bernays, Paul, Gonseth, Ferdinand, and Preissmann, A., 1947. “Contradiction et non-contradiction”.
Dialectica 1: 305–318
111. Bernays, Paul, Gagnebin, Samuel, Gonseth, Ferdinand, Husson, Léon, Mercier, André, Moser, Simon,
and Perelman, Chaïm, 1952. “Discussion préliminaire”. Dialectica 6: 145–165
112. Bertholet, Edmond, 1970. “Vers un organon de la science et de la philosophie”. Dialectica 24: 29–40
113. Bertholet, Edmond, 1977. “La question de l’Etre chez Heidegger et chez Gonseth”. Dialectica 31: 99–106
114. Berto, Francesco, 2007. “Is Dialetheism an Idealism? The Russellian Fallacy and the Dialetheist’s
Dilemma”. Dialectica 61: 235–263
115. Berto, Francesco and Carrara, Massimiliano, 2009. “To Exist and to Count: A Note on the Minimalist
View”. Dialectica 63: 343–356
116. Bertolet, Rod, 1988. “Critical Study of Devitt (1984)”. Dialectica 42: 59–72
117. Besso, Michèle, 1948. “Métaphysique expérimentale”. Dialectica 2: 45–46
118. Beth, Evert Willem, 1947. “Hundred Years of Symbolic Logic. A Retrospect on the Occasion of the
Boole-De Morgan Centenary”. Dialectica 1: 331–346
119. Beth, Evert Willem, 1948. “Les relations de la dialectique à la logique”. Dialectica 2: 109–119
120. Beth, Evert Willem, 1958. “ ‘Cogito ergo Sum’ – Raisonnement ou Intuition?” Dialectica 12: 223–235
121. Betzler, Monika, 2007. “Making Sense of Actions Expressing Emotions”. Dialectica 61: 447–466
122. Beyer, Christian, 2008. “Review of Stueber (2006)”. Dialectica 62: 123–128
123. Bianchi, Andrea and Santambrogio, Marco, 2012. “Review of Casalegno (2011b)”. Dialectica 66: 300–303
124. Bigelow, John C. and Pargetter, Robert, 2006. “Real Work for Aggregates”. Dialectica 60: 485–503
125. Binder, H., 1956. “Der Begriff des Normalen in der Psychiatrie”. Dialectica 10: 31–40
126. Binns, Peter, 1978. “The Supposed Asymmetry between Falsification and Verification”. Dialectica 32:
127. Bird, Otto, 1955. “Dialectic in Philosophical Inquiry”. Dialectica 9: 287–304
128. Biro, John I., 1988. “Review of Fløistad (1981)”. Dialectica 42: 73–76
129. Black, Max, 1973. “Paradigm Cases and Evaluative Words”. Dialectica 27: 261–272
130. Black, Max, 1977. “More about metaphor”. Dialectica 31: 431–458. Reprinted in Ortony (1979: 19–41)
131. Black, Max, 1978. “Some Questions About “Practical Reasoning””. Dialectica 32: 101–114
132. Black, Max, 1979. “Wittgenstein’s Language-games”. Dialectica 33: 337–354
133. Black, Max, 1982. “ ‘Why Should I Be Rational?’ ”. Dialectica 36: 147–168
134. Black, Max, 1985. “Making Intelligent Choises. How useful is decision theory?” Dialectica 39: 19–34
135. Blair, Georges A., S.J., 1960. “Science, sufficient ground, and the possiblity of metaphysics”. Dialectica
14: 53–79
136. Blanc, A. C., 1957. “De l’emploi inadéquat du terme “primitif ”. Considérations sur l’évolution et la
systématique”. Dialectica 11: 247–275
137. Blau, Jong and Blau, Ulrich, 1995. “Epistemische Paradoxien, Teil 1”. Dialectica 49: 169–194
138. Blau, Jong and Blau, Ulrich, 1996. “Epistemische Paradoxien, Teil 2”. Dialectica 50: 167–182
139. Blau, Ulrich, 1998. “Ein platonistisches Argument für Cantors Kontinuumshypothese”. Dialectica 52:
140. Blazek, Bohuslaw, 1979. “Can Epistemology as a Philosophical Discipline Develop into a Science?”
Dialectica 33: 87–108
141. Blum, Alex, 1978. “Convention T and Natural Languages”. Dialectica 32: 77–80
142. Blum, Alex, 1988. “A version of the Frege-Quine Argument”. Dialectica 42: 307–312
143. Blum, Alex, 2003. “The Core of the Consequence Argument”. Dialectica 57: 423–430
144. Blumson, Ben, 2008. “Depiction and Convention”. Dialectica 62: 335–348
145. Bobbio, Norberto, 1964. “Des critères pour résoudre les antinomies”. Dialectica 18: 237–258
146. Bodrožić, Davor, 2004. “Introduction”. Dialectica 58: 3–10
147. Boghossian, Paul Artin, 2010. “Our Grasp of the Concept of Truth: Reflections on Künne”. Dialectica
64: 553–563
148. Boghossian, Paul Artin, 2012. “Inferentialism and the Epistemology of Logic: Reflections on Casalegno
and Williamson”. Dialectica 66: 221–236
149. Bohr, Niels, 1948. “On the Notions of Causality and Complementarity”. Dialectica 2: 312–319
150. Boland, Georges, 1961. “La notion d’urgence dans la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat de Belgique”.
Dialectica 15: 507–522
151. Boland, Georges, 1964. “Quelques propos sur les antinomies et pseudo-antinomies, en particulier en
droit administratif ”. Dialectica 18: 183–203
152. Boller, Thomas, 1982. “Isolation und Eigenschaften von Zellorganellen”. Dialectica 36: 29–36
153. Bonardi, Paolo, 2008. “Review of Corazza (2004)”. Dialectica 62: 135–141
154. Bonino, Guido, 2011. “Reply to Plourde (2011)”. Dialectica 65: 317–326
155. Bonk, Thomas, 2001. “How Reichenbach solved the quantum measurement problem”. Dialectica 55:
156. Bonnet de Viller, A., 1962. “L’envers de l’expérience”. Dialectica 16: 177–198
157. Bonnet de Viller, A., 1965. “Science et philosophie”. Dialectica 19: 91–135
158. Bonomi, Andrea and Zucchi, Sandro, 2003. “A Pragmatic Framework for Truth in Fiction”. Dialectica
57: 103–120
159. Bonsack, François, 1959. “Connaissance et vérité”. Dialectica 13: 331–342
160. Bonsack, François, 1960. “La métaphysique et la science”. Dialectica 14: 157–166
161. Bonsack, François, 1962b. “Réponse à M. Evans et à quelques autres [Evans (1962)]”. Dialectica 16:
162. Bonsack, François, 1962a. “Pour une interprétation objectiviste de la théorie de l’information”. Dialectica 16: 385–395
163. Bonsack, François, 1965. “En quel sens les probabilités sont-elles subjectives?” Dialectica 19: 329–344
164. Bonsack, François, 1977b. “La dialectique de la source et du filtre”. Dialectica 31: 107–112
165. Bonsack, François, 1977a. “Invariance as a criterion of reality”. Dialectica 31: 313–332
166. Bonsack, François, 1985b. “On a new Definition of Theoreticity”. Dialectica 39: 127–146
167. Bonsack, François, 1985a. “L’inégalité de Bell: démonstration intuitive et commentaires”. Dialectica 39:
168. Bonsack, François, 1989. “Prolegomena to a Realist Epistemology”. Dialectica 43: 67–82
169. Bonsack, François, 1990. “Une version de l’épistémologie gonséthienne: le béton et les cailloux”. Dialectica 44: 243–254
170. Bonsack, François, Vernotte, Pierre, and Russo, P.F., 1956. “Discussion”. Dialectica 10: 356–367
171. Boos, William, 1987. “Theory-relative Skepticism”. Dialectica 41: 175–208
172. Bopp, Léon, 1950. “Lettre ouverte à M. Preissmann”. Dialectica 4: 46–48
173. Bordes, Montse, 1998. “Abstract particulars in a four-dimensional ontological Frame”. Dialectica 52:
174. Borel, Émile, 1949. “Probabilité et Certitude”. Dialectica 3: 24–27
175. Borel, J.-P., 1973a. “Compte rendu de Plana (1971)”. Dialectica 27: 163
176. Borel, J.-P., 1973b. “Compte rendu de Episteme, Teoria de las ciencias, vol. II, 1971”. Dialectica 27: 163
177. Borel, Marie-Jeanne, 1979. “Compte rendu de Galay (1978)”. Dialectica 33: 151
178. Borghini, Andrea, 2005. “Counterpart Theory Vindicated: A Reply to Merricks”. Dialectica 59: 67–73
179. Borghini, Andrea and Williams, Neil E., 2008. “A Dispositional Theory of Possibility”. Dialectica 62:
180. Born, Max, 1966. “Symbol and Reality”. Dialectica 20: 143–157
181. Bornet, Gérard, 1982. “Modes of Analyticity - A Note to Stroll (1982)”. Dialectica 36: 203–206
182. Boss, Gilbert, 1993. “Le songe d’une poétique philosophique (Les rêves de Descartes)”. Dialectica 47:
183. Bottani, Andrea, 2005. “Introduction”. Dialectica 59: 381–400
184. Bouligand, Georges, 1952. “La pensée prospective en mathématiques”. Dialectica 6: 305–308
185. Bouligand, Georges, 1957. “L’activité mathématique et son dualisme”. Dialectica 11: 121–139
186. Bouligand, Georges, 1960. “Effort théorique et limites au pouvoir d’unifier”. Dialectica 14: 167–175
187. Bouligand, Georges, 1966. “Le philosophe et le savant unis dans l’oeuvre épistémologique”. Dialectica
20: 14–26
188. Bouligand, Georges, Ladrière, Jean, Freudenthal, M., and Bernays, Paul, 1960. “Discussion”. Dialectica
14: 321–328
189. Boyd, Richard N., 1989. “What Realism Implies and What it Does Not”. Dialectica 43: 5–29
190. Boykan Pour-El, Marian, 1970. “A Recursion-theoretic View of Axiomatizable Theories”. Dialectica
24: 267–276
191. Bradley, Darren J., 2010. “Conditionalization and Belief De Se”. Dialectica 64: 247–250
192. Bradley, Richard, 2004. “Ramsey’s Representation Theorem”. Dialectica 58: 483–498
193. Brazier, M.A.B., 1950. “A Neuronal Basis for Ideas”. Dialectica 4: 237–242
194. Brendel, Elke, 2004. “Intuition Pumps and the Proper Use of Thought Experiments”. Dialectica 58:
195. Brenner-Golomb, N. and van Brakel, Jaap, 1989. “Putnam on Davidson on Conceptual Schemes”.
Dialectica 43: 263–270
196. Breton, S., 1960. “Phénoménologie et ouverture à l’expérience”. Dialectica 14: 329–348
197. Brink, Ingar, 2004. “Joint Attention, Triangulation and Radical Interpretation: A Problem and its
Solution”. Dialectica 58: 179–206
198. Broach, Ronald J., 1997. “A Noncognitivist Reading of Quine’s Ethics”. Dialectica 51: 119–134
199. Broncano, Fernando, 2008. “Review of Moya (2006)”. Dialectica 62: 553–557
200. Brosse, Th., 1951. “La santé intégrale”. Dialectica 5: 166–180
201. Broughton, Lynne M., 1981. “Quine’s “Quality Space””. Dialectica 35: 291–302
202. Brown, Derek H., 2008. “Indirect Perceptual Realism and Multiple Reference”. Dialectica 62: 323–334
203. Brown, Harold I., 1972. “Harris on the Logic of Science”. Dialectica 26: 227–246
204. Brown, Jessica, 2011. “Thought Experiments, Intuitions and Philosophical Evidence”. Dialectica 65:
205. Brown, Richard H., 1978. “Dialectic and Structure in Jean-Paul Sartre and Claude Lévi-Strauss”. Dialectica 32: 165–184
206. Brülisauer, Bruno, 1973. “Wie weit werden philosophische Probleme durch Sprachanalyse gelöst?”
Dialectica 27: 169–178
207. Brun, R., 1949. “Über biologische Psychologie”. Dialectica 3: 272–290
208. Brunner, Fernand, 1961. “Limites et critères de la métaphysique”. Dialectica 15: 265–280
209. Brunner, Fernand, 1991. “Mysticisme et rationalité chez maître Eckhart”. Dialectica 45: 99–116
210. Bruns, Manfred and Soldati, Gianfranco, 1994. “Object-Dependent and Property-Dependent Contents”. Dialectica 48: 185–208
211. Buch, Henri, 1961. “Le droit et le fait dans la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat de Belgique”. Dialectica
15: 481–506
212. Buch, Henri, 1964. “Conceptions dialectiques des antinomies juridiques”. Dialectica 18: 372–391
213. Buchanan, Reid, 2000. “The Tension in Wittgenstein’s diagnostics of scepticism”. Dialectica 54: 201–
214. Bühler, Charlotte, 1951. “Maturation and Motivation”. Dialectica 5: 312–361
215. Bühler, Charlotte, 1957. “About the Goal-Structure of Human Life”. Dialectica 11: 187–205
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