MC/2309 - Governing Bodies
MC/2309 - Governing Bodies
MC/2309 TRILINGUAL 8 February 2011 NINETY-NINTH SESSION _____________________________________________________________________________ LIST OF PARTICIPANTS MC/2309 Page 1 1 of 39 Page MEMBERS AFGHANISTAN NOORI Obaid Khan, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Chargé d'affaires a.i. First Secretary ALBANIE QERIMAJ Sejdi, S.E. M. MILO Inid, Ms. Mission permanente de la République d'Albanie Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la République d'Albanie Premier secrétaire BEQIRI Alba, Ms. Mission permanente de la République d'Albanie Intern ALGÉRIE JAZAÏRY Idriss, S.E. M. BENCHÉRIF Mohamed Lamine, M. Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Alger Directeur BERDJA Chaabane, M. CHEBIHI Boualem, M. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Alger Sous-Directeur Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire Représentant permanent adjoint Ministre conseiller IGHIL Zakia, Mme BENABDOUN Mohamed Djalel Eddine, M. Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire Secrétaire diplomatique Mission permanente de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire Attaché ANGOLA DO NASCIMENTO Arcanjo Maria, S.E. M. DE FREITAS NETO João Maria, Mr. Mission permanente de la République d'Angola Ambassadeur Représentant permanent Ministère de l'Intérieur, Luanda Service de migration et étrangers Directeur national Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 2 of 39 2 MEMBERS ANGOLA DA COSTA CANDA Coreano, Mr. MARQUES DA COSTA Angélica, Mme Ministère de l'Intérieur, Luanda Cabinet d'Echange et Coopération Cadre supérieur Mission permanente de la République d'Angola Troisième secrétaire ARGENTINA DUMONT Alberto J., Excmo. Sr. CAVALERI Paulo Alejandro, Sr. Misión Permanente de la República Argentina Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República Argentina Consejero ARMENIA GEVORGYAN Vaheh, Mr. HOVHANNISYAN Artak, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Armenia Second Secretary AUSTRALIA WOOLCOTT Peter, H.E. Mr. MATTHEWS John, Mr. Permanent Mission of Australia Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Australia Minister Counsellor (Immigration) LING Phoebe, Ms. Permanent Mission of Australia Executive Officer (Immigration) AUSTRIA STROHAL Christian, H.E. Mr. JAMEK Eveline, Ms. Permanent Mission of Austria Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Austria First Secretary SABLATTNIG Günther, Mr. LICHTENEGGER Sarah, Ms. Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna Unit for Bi- and Multilateral Affairs Head Permanent Mission of Austria Intern Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page 3 3 of 39 Page MEMBERS AZERBAIJAN NAJAFBAYLI Murad N., H.E. Mr. MIKAYILLI Habib, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan Second Secretary SHIRINOV Rashad, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan Attaché BANGLADESH HANNAN Md. Abdul, H.E. Mr. TALHA Khondker, Mr. Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Counsellor BELARUS KHVOSTOV Mikhail, H.E. Mr. TARANDA Andrei, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus Counsellor BELGIQUE VAN MEEUWEN Alex, S.E. M. ILIOPOULOS Dimitris, S.E. M. Mission permanente de la Belgique Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Secrétariat Général du Conseil du l'Union européenne, Genève Directeur, Chef du Bureau de Liaison Ambassadeur ADRIAENSENS Emile, M. MINEUR Dominique, Mme Mission permanente de la Belgique Ministre conseiller Mission permanente de la Belgique Premier secrétaire BOLIVIA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) UREÑA MENACHO Maysa, Sra. Misión Permanente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Ministra Consejera Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 4 of 39 4 MEMBERS BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA KEČO-ISAKOVIĆ Emina, H.E. Ms. PERIĆ Ljubica, Ms. Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina Counsellor BOTSWANA MASOLE Charles, Mr. HETANANG Omphile Rhee, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana Deputy Permanent Representative Chargé d'affaires a.i. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana Minister Counsellor KOMANYANE Boitshepho Maphoi, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana First Secretary BRAZIL FARANI AZEVÊDO Maria Nazareth, H.E. Ms. GUIDO LOPES PAROLA Alexandre, Mr. Permanent Mission of Brazil Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Brazil Minister Counsellor TRINDADE Otávio, Mr. Permanent Mission of Brazil Second Secretary BULGARIA GANEV Gancho, H.E. Mr. KATZARSKI Zlati, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria Ambassador Permanent Representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia Head, International Humanitarian Organizations Department, Human Rights Directorate Counsellor ANGELOVA Tatyana, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria Second Secretary BURKINA FASO SOUGOURI KABORÉ Sibdou Mireille, Mme Mission permanente du Burkina Faso Attachée Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page 5 5 of 39 Page MEMBERS CAMEROUN NKOU Anatole Fabien Marie, S.E. M. NGANTCHA Francis, M. Mission permanente de la République du Cameroun Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la République du Cameroun Ministre conseiller ETEKI NKONGO Aurélien, M. Mission permanente de la République du Cameroun Premier secrétaire CANADA COLLINGE Dominique, Mr. GRANT Brian, Mr. Permanent Mission of Canada Minister Counsellor Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa Director General DROUIN Nicolas, Mr. Permanent Mission of Canada First Secretary CAP-VERT MONTEIRO José Luis, S.E. M. BARROS Alcides, M. Mission permanente de la République du Cap-Vert Représentant permanent Ambassadeur Mission permanente de la République du Cap-Vert Premier secrétaire CHILE OYARCE Pedro, Excmo. Sr. PARODI Luciano, Sr. Misión Permanente de Chile Embajador Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de Chile Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno VERDUGO FUENTES Ximena Adriana, Sra. Misión Permanente de Chile Primera Secretaria COLOMBIA ARANGO OLMOS Alicia, Excma. Sra. MENDOZA AGUDELO Adriana, Sra. Misión Permanente de Colombia Embajadora Extraordinaria y Plenipotenciaria Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de Colombia Ministro Plenipotenciario Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 6 of 39 6 MEMBERS COLOMBIA CAMACHO Andrea, Sra. Misión Permanente de Colombia Pasante CONGO OKIO Luc-Joseph, S.E. M. MVILA Fernande, Mme Mission permanente de la République du Congo Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la République du Congo Conseiller COSTA RICA GUILLERMET-FERNÁNDEZ Christian, Excmo. Sr. VEGA HERNÁNDEZ Mario, Sr. Misión Permanente de la República de Costa Rica Embajador, Representante Permanente Alterno Encargado de Negocios a.i. Misión Permanente de la República de Costa Rica Consejero COTE D'IVOIRE KOUADIO Kouakou, M. BAKAYOKO Nogozène, Ms. Mission permanente de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Premier conseiller Mission permanente de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Conseiller (Affaires humanitaires et Droits de l'homme) BAMBA Lancine, M. Mission permanente de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Premier secrétaire CROATIA CURKO Hrvoje, Mr. ŽUNEC BRANDT Danijela, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia Chargé d'affaires a.i. Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia Second Secretary CYPRUS HADJICHRYSANTHOU Andreas, H.E. Mr. MICHAEL Maria, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor SPATHI Myrianthi, Ms. SOLOYIANNI Maria, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus Second Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus Adviser Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page 7 7 of 39 Page MEMBERS CZECH REPUBLIC STROMŠÍKOVÁ Veronika, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor DENMARK SMIDT Steffen, H.E. Mr. ULFF-MØLLER Maria, Ms. Permanent Mission of Denmark Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Denmark First Secretary ALSØE Andreas, Mr. MUFF Lise Reuss, Ms. Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, Copenhagen Head of Section Permanent Mission of Denmark Intern LEGARTH Katrine, Ms. Permanent Mission of Denmark Intern EGYPT HASSAN Amr Roshdy, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt Counsellor EL SALVADOR LARIOS LÓPEZ Byron Fernando, Excmo. Sr. ARÈNE Eugenio, Excmo. Sr. Misión Permanente de la República de El Salvador Embajador Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República de El Salvador Embajador Representante Permanente Adjunto ULLOA ALVARENGA José Félix, Sr. Misión Permanente de la República de El Salvador Ministro Consejero ESPAÑA BASSOLS DELGADO María, Excma. Sra. MONTESINO Borja, Excmo. Sr. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Madrid Embajadora en Misión Especial para Asuntos Migratorios Misión Permanente de España Embajador Representante Permanente Adjunto Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 8 of 39 8 MEMBERS ESPAÑA GARCÍA GÓMEZ Láura, Sra. Misión Permanente de España Consejera ESTONIA SEILENTHAL Jüri, H.E. Mr. SEPP Martin, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Ministry of the Interior, Tallinn Migration and Border Policy Department Adviser METSANDI Kadi, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia Second Secretary FINLAND HIMANEN Hannu, H.E. Mr. METSO Pekka, Mr. Permanent Mission of Finland Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Finland Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative KOSKENNIEMI Eero, Mr. LAHELMA Ville, Mr. Ministry of the Interior, Helsinki Government Counsellor Permanent Mission of Finland Second Secretary ARVOLA Jami, Mr. Permanent Mission of Finland Intern FRANCE MATTÉI Jean-Baptiste, S.E. M. PELLET Jacques, Mr. Mission permanente de la France Ambassadeur Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la France Représentant permanent adjoint SEYTRE Jean-Paul, M. RIPERT Marie, Mlle Mission permanente de la France Conseiller (Affaires humanitaires) Mission permanente de la France Attachée (Affaires humanitaires) Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page 9 9 of 39 Page MEMBERS GABON LOUZET Adèle Patricia, Mme Mission permanente de la République gabonaise Premier secrétaire GEORGIA GORGILADZE Giorgi, H.E. Mr. IMNADZE Ilia, Mr. Permanent Mission of Georgia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Georgia Deputy Permanent Representative GERMANY SCHWEPPE Reinhard, H.E. Mr. STEPPAN Michael, Mr. Permanent Mission of Germany Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Germany First Secretary JUNKERT Christoph, Mr. Federal Ministry of the Interior, Berlin Policy Officer Migration GHANA NEE-WHANG Ellen Serwaa, H.E. Ms. AMOAH Mercy Yvonne, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Ghana Minister Deputy Permanent Representative GREECE KAKLIKIS George, H.E. Mr. BENIATOGLOU Evgenia, Ms. Permanent Mission of Greece Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Greece First Secretary BOUSI Marina, Ms. CHATZIGRIGORIOU Anastasios, Mr. Permanent Mission of Greece Intern Permanent Mission of Greece Intern Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 10 of 3910 MEMBERS GUATEMALA MARTÍNEZ ALVARADO Carlos Ramiro, Excmo. Sr. CARRILLO FABIÁN Ana Isabel, Sra. Misión Permanente de Guatemala Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de Guatemala Segundo Secretario HAÏTI PIERRE Jean-Claude, M. MARTIN Pierre Joseph, M. Mission permanente d’Haïti Chargé d'affaires a.i. Ministre conseiller Mission permanente d’Haïti Ministre conseiller HONDURAS FLORES BERMÚDEZ Roberto, Excmo. Sr. RIZZO ALVARADO Giampaolo, Excmo. Sr. Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Embajador Representante Permanente Alterno LANZA SUAZO Alana, Sra. ARRIAGA MEJÍA Valeria, Sra. Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Consejero Misión Permanente de la República de Honduras Agregada HUNGARY KISS Attila, Mr. HORVÁTH Dániel, Mr. Office of Immigration and Nationality, Budapest Deputy Director General Office of Immigration and Nationality, Budapest International Cooperation Department Deputy Head MAGYARI Ákos, Mr. SZÉKELY Levente, Mr. Ministry of Interior, Budapest Legal Expert Permanent Mission of the Republic of Hungary Minister Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative, Chargé d'affaires a.i. MAGYAR Milán, Mr. BADER Orsolya, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Hungary Third Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Hungary Intern Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page11 11 of 39 MEMBERS INDIA GOPINATHAN Achamkulangare, H.E. Mr. BHATTACHARYA Kheya, Ms. Permanent Mission of India Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of India Deputy Permanent Representative BHANDARI Rachita, Ms. Permanent Mission of India Second Secretary IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) SAJJADI Seyed Mohammad Reza, H.E. Mr. KHOUBKAR Mahmoud, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran Second Secretary IRELAND CORR Gerard, H.E. Mr. HANNIFFY Mark, Mr. Permanent Mission of Ireland Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Ireland Second Secretary RYAN Marissa, Ms. Permanent Mission of Ireland Attaché ISRAEL LESHNO-YAAR Aharon, H.E. Mr. ADAM Ron, Mr. Permanent Mission of Israel Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Israel Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative LANGER ZIV Rona, Ms. Permanent Mission of Israel Adviser ITALIE MIRACHIAN Laura, S.E. Mme. PRIA Angela, Ms. Mission permanente de l'Italie Ambassadeur Représentant permanent Ministère de l'Intérieur, Rome Préfet Chef du Département pour les libertés civiles et l'immigration Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 12 of 3912 MEMBERS ITALIE ZAPPIA Mariangela, Mme FRANCESCHELLI Renato, Mr. Mission permanente de l'Italie Ministre conseiller Ministère de l'Intérieur, Rome Vice-Préfet, Relations extérieures et internationales Direction centrale pour les politiques de l'immigration et de l'asile VIGO Paola, Mme ROSSETTI Federica, Mlle Mission permanente de l'Italie Fonctionnaire chargée des Affaires humanitaires Mission permanente de l'Italie Stagiaire JAMAICA MORRIS Alicia, Ms. Permanent Mission of Jamaica Minister Counsellor JAPAN KITAJIMA Shinichi, H.E. Mr. SAKASHITA Osamu, Mr. Permanent Mission of Japan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Japan Minister KAWAHARA Setsuko, Ms. MIZUNO Mitsuaki, Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief Division Director Permanent Mission of Japan First Secretary MURAKI Sayuri, Ms. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief Division Official JORDAN EL TAWEEL Salma, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Third Secretary KENYA ANDANJE Anthony, H.E. Mr. WAMOTO Peter M., Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya Principal Counsellor, Labour Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page13 13 of 39 MEMBERS KYRGYZSTAN BOLUSH Uran, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kyrgyz Republic Attaché LATVIA MAŽEIKS Jānis, H.E. Mr. ROMANOVSKIS Valerijs, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Latvia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Latvia Deputy Permanent Representative First Secretary LESOTHO MOLISE Lineo, Hon. Ms. KHETSI Rets'elisitsoe, Mr. Ministry of Home Affairs and Public Safety, and of Parliamentary Affairs, Maseru Assistant Minister Ministry of Home Affairs and Public Safety, and of Parliamentary Affairs, Maseru Principal Secretary MARUPING Mothae Anthony, H.E. Dr. RAMONE Alphonce Lefeu, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Lesotho Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Lesotho Minister Counsellor KAO Moshe, Mr. JAFETA Nstime Victor, Mr. High Commission of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Ottawa Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Lesotho Counsellor LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA MAGHADMI, Hussin, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya First Secretary LITHUANIA RUDALEVIČIUS Jonas, H.E. Mr. STANIULIS Darius, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Lithuania Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Lithuania Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 14 of 3914 MEMBERS MADAGASCAR RAVOKATRASOLOFO Harivola Mirana, Ms. Mission permanente de la République de Madagascar Attaché MALI COULIBALY Kanisson, M. Mission permanente de la République du Mali Deuxième conseiller MALTA MILLER Nicole, Ms. Permanent Mission of Malta Counsellor MAROC HILALE Omar, S.E. M. LAASSEL Abderrazzak, M. Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Ambassadeur Représentant permanent Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Ministre Plenipotentiaire SAMRI Azzouz, M. Mission permanente du Royaume du Maroc Ministre Plenipotentiaire MÉXICO GÓMEZ CAMACHO Juan José, Excmo. Sr. HERNÁNDEZ BASAVE Arturo, Excmo. Sr. Misión Permanente de México Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de México Embajador Representante Permanente Adjunto MALFAVÓN ANDRADE Miguel, Sr. GARCÍA ALONSO Rolando, Sr. Misión Permanente de México Consejero Instituto Nacional de Migración, México Coordinador de Relaciones Internacionales e Interinstitucionales LASCURAÍN SÁNCHEZ DE TAGLE Sofía, Sra. Misión Permanente de México Asesora Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page15 15 of 39 MEMBERS NAMIBIA KAIYAMO Elia George, Hon. Mr. NANDAGO Patrick, H.E. Mr. Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Windhoek Deputy Minister Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Windhoek Permanent Secretary Ambassador MARUTA Simon Madjumo, Mr. NGHISHEKWA Nehemia, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia Chargé d'affaires a.i. Advisor Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Windhoek Immigration and Border Control Deputy Director, Advisor NGHINAMUNDOVA Selma, Ms. NGHIFITIKEKO Absalom, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia First Secretary, Advisor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibia First Secretary, Advisor NEPAL BHATTARAI Dinesh, H.E. Mr. DHUNGANA Bhrigu, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor ODARI Hari Prasad, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Second Secretary NETHERLANDS VAN EENENNAAM Boudewijn J., H.E. Mr. TERSTAL Susanna, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Minister Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative SANDEE Johannis Leendert, Mr. WERRIE Alexander Jonathan, Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague International Migration and Development Division Head Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague International Migration and Development Division Policy Officer, Consular Affairs and Migration Policy Department Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 16 of 3916 MEMBERS NETHERLANDS KNOBEN Irene, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands First Secretary NEW ZEALAND GRIGG Ross, Mr. LIN Jing Cecily, Ms. New Zealand High Commission, London Regional Manager, Immigration New Zealand Department of Labour, Wellington International Adviser, Legal and International NICARAGUA CRUZ TORUÑO Néstor, Sr. Misión Permanente de Nicaragua Consejero Representante Permanente Adjunto NIGER HAMA KANSAYE Souleymane, M. Mission permanente de la République du Niger Deuxième conseiller NIGERIA ASAOLU Gabriel, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Minister NORWAY ANGELL-HANSEN Bente, H.E. Ms. ABELSEN Annette, Ms. Permanent Mission of Norway Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Norway Counsellor FELBERG Knut, Mr. NORDGAARD Ditlev, Mr. Ministry of Justice and the Police, Oslo Senior Adviser Directorate of Immigration, Oslo Senior Adviser JOKSTAD Jennifer, Ms. Permanent Mission of Norway Intern Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page17 17 of 39 MEMBERS PAKISTAN AKRAM Zamir, H.E. Mr. KHAN Shafqat Ali, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Deputy Permanent Representative KHAN Mohammad Aamir, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan First Secretary PANAMÁ NAVARRO BRIN Alberto, Excmo. Sr. MENDOZA Alejandro, Sr. Misión Permanente de Panamá Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de Panamá Consejero RODRIGUEZ RAMIÍREZ Grisselle, Sra. Misión Permanente de Panamá Asistente diplomática PARAGUAY GONZÁLEZ FRANCO Federico A., Excmo. Sr. MARTINEZ Raúl, Sr. Misión Permanente del Paraguay Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Misión Permanente del Paraguay Segundo Secretario PERÚ ZEVALLOS AGUILAR Inti, Sr. DOYEN Alexandra, Ms. Misión Permanente del Perú Segundo Secretario Misión Permanente del Perú Intern PHILIPPINES GARCIA Evan P., H.E. Mr. GARCIA III Jesus Enrique G., Mr. Permanent Mission of the Philippines Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Philippines Second Secretary IMSON Manuel G., Mr. DELA CRUZ Hossana P., Ms. Permanent Mission of the Philippines Labor Attaché Permanent Mission of the Philippines Attaché Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 18 of 3918 MEMBERS POLAND HENCZEL Remigiusz A., H.E. Mr. SADOŚ Andrzej, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative KUZAK Celina, Ms. POLOMSKA Malgorzata, Ms. Ministry of Interior and Administration, Warsaw Head of Division Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland First Secretary PORTUGAL XAVIER ESTEVES Francisco, S.E. M. PRACANA Ricardo Eduardo, M. Mission permanente du Portugal Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente du Portugal Ministre plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent adjoint BRITO E MANEIRA Ana, Mme Mission permanente du Portugal Premier secrétaire REPUBLIC OF KOREA PARK Sang-Ki, H.E. Mr. IM Han-Taek, H.E. Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative SEOK Dong-Hyeon, Mr. RHEE Jeong Woo, Mr. Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea Immigration Service Commissioner Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea Immigration Service Deputy Director JEON Yang-Seok, Mr. LEE Joo-Il, Mr. Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea Immigration Service Prosecutor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea First Secretary KIM Jisoo, Ms. PARK Beung-Gun, Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Seoul Second Secretary Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea Immigration Service Assistant Manager Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page19 19 of 39 MEMBERS REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA LAPICUS Tatiana, H.E. Ms. MARTINIUC Cristina, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Moldova First Secretary REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ Homero Luis, Excmo. Sr. MEDINA Pablo, Sr. Misión Permanente de la República Dominicana Embajador Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República Dominicana Ministro Consejero URBÁEZ MARTINEZ Katherine, Sra. Misión Permanente de la República Dominicana Ministra Consejera RÉPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE TOUANGAI Gilbert, Mr. KOBO KONYINAN Delalune, Mme Mission permanent de la République centrafricaine Premier conseiller Mission permanent de la République centrafricaine Conseiller (Affaires économiques) ROUMANIE CIOBANU Maria, S.E. Mme. PIRONEA Flavio, M. Mission permanente de la Roumanie Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la Roumanie Deuxième secrétaire RWANDA SEBUDANDI Venetia, S.E. Mme KAYITAYIRE Alphonse, M. Mission permanente de la République du Rwanda Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la République du Rwanda Premier conseiller KAMIKAZI Cynthia, Mme Mission permanente de la République du Rwanda Cadre au Service multilatéral SÉNÉGAL GUEYE Momar, M. LO Ndéye Fatou, Mme Mission permanente de la République du Sénégal Ministre conseiller Mission permanente de la République du Sénégal Deuxième conseiller Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 20 of 3920 MEMBERS SÉNÉGAL NDAO El Hadji Aly, M. Mission permanente de la République du Sénégal Premier secrétaire SERBIA ZVEKIĆ Uglješa, H.E. Mr. DJURIČKOVIĆ-TUVIĆ Jelisaveta, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia Deputy Permanent Representative Minister Counsellor SLOVAKIA FRIČ Anton, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic First Secretary SLOVENIA KOVACIC Matjaz, H.E. Mr. HAM Marko, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia Third Secretary SOMALIA MOHAMED ISMAIL Yusuf, H.E. Mr. Permanent Mission of the Somali Republic Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative SOUTH AFRICA MATJILA Jerry Matthews, H.E. Mr. FICK Johan, Mr. Permanent Mission of South Africa Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of South Africa Minister (Immigration and Civic Affairs) NAIDOO Beulah, Ms. TIBA Bethwell, Mr. Permanent Mission of South Africa Counsellor Permanent Mission of South Africa First Secretary (Humanitarian Affairs) Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page21 21 of 39 MEMBERS SRI LANKA JAUHAR U. L. M., Mr. Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Minister SUDAN EL TOHAMI Karar Mohamed, Mr. UKEC John Ukec Lueth, H.E. Mr. Sudanese Affairs Organization Working Abroad State Minister Secretary General Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Sudan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative ELAMIN Ahmed Eltigani Mohamed, H.E. Mr. ISMAIL Mohamed Elmurtada Mubarak, Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khartoum Ambassador Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Sudan Minister Plenipotentiary MUSTAFA Hassan Mohamed, Mr. ABDALLA Mohamed Elnadhir, Mr. Ministry of Interior, Khartoum Ministry of Interior, Khartoum ELQADIL Elqadil Elnil, Mr. Ministry of Interior, Khartoum SUISSE GNESA Eduard, S.E. M. MARTINELLI Dante, S.E. M. Département fédéral des Affaires étrangères (DFAE), Berne Direction des ressources et du réseau extérieur (DRE) Ambassadeur extraordinaire pour la collaboration internationale en matière de migrations Mission permanente de la Suisse Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Représentant permanent ELSÄSSER Marc, M. PERRIARD Laurent, Mr. Département fédéral de justice et police (DFJP), Berne Office fédéral des migrations (ODM) Chef, Etats tiers et Etats de provenance Département fédéral de justice et police (DFJP), Berne Office fédéral des migrations (ODM) Conseiller, Politique migratoire REY Pascal, M. JAYET Bernard, M. Département fédéral de justice et police (DFJP), Berne Office fédéral des migrations (ODM) Collaborateur scientifique, Etat tiers et Etat de provenance Département fédéral des Affaires étrangères (DFAE), Berne Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) Chargé de programme, Section multilatéral AH Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 22 of 3922 MEMBERS SUISSE JAKOB Manuel, M. KAESER Philippe, M. Département fédéral des Affaires étrangères (DFAE), Berne Secrétariat d'Etat SEE/DFAE, Section politique humanitaire et migration HUPO Collaborateur scientifique Mission permanente de la Suisse Conseiller (Affaires humanitaires) ILIAS Fouad, M. Mission permanente de la Suisse Stagiaire SWAZILAND DLAMINI Thembayena Annastasia, H.E. Ms. LUKHELE Alton Sandile, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Swaziland Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Swaziland First Secretary SWEDEN KNUTSSON Jan, H.E. Mr. CALAIS Louise, Ms. Permanent Mission of Sweden Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Permanent Representative Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm Department for Security Policy Deputy Director KIRST Fredrik, Mr. CARLSSON Johan, Mr. Permanent Mission of Sweden Counsellor Permanent Mission of Sweden First Secretary BROBERG Eva Maria, Ms. Permanent Mission of Sweden Intern TAJIKISTAN OYMAHMADOV Rustam, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tajikistan Third Secretary THAILAND PHUANGKETKEOW Sihasak, H.E. Mr. ISARABHAKDI Vijavat, H.E. Mr. Permanent Mission of Thailand Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Thailand Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page23 23 of 39 MEMBERS THAILAND VICHAITHANAPAT Tassana, Mr. NUALSRI Atitaya, Mr. Ministry of Interior, Bangkok Director, Foreign Affairs Division Permanent Mission of Thailand Minister Counsellor (Labour Affairs) PINTARUCHI Eksiri, Mrs. VANGPHAEN Bolbongse, Mr. Permanent Mission of Thailand Minister Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok Department of International Organizations Counsellor ATTHAKOR Platima, Ms. Permanent Mission of Thailand First Secretary TIMOR-LESTE DA FONSECA Joaquim A. M. L., H.E. Mr. DA COSTA Marco Dos Reis, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste First Secretary BARNETT Jane, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Intern TOGO TOBA Sébadé, M. AGBA Mounto, Mission Permanente de la République togolaise Chargé d'affaires Chef de mission Mission Permanente de la République togolaise Deuxième secrétaire TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO HENRY Merlana, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Second Secretary TUNISIE JEMAL Abdelwahèb, S.E. M. BEL KEFI Mohamed, M. Mission permanente de la Tunisie Ambassadeur Représentant permanent Mission permanente de la Tunisie Conseiller Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 24 of 3924 MEMBERS TUNISIE BDIOUI Mohamed Abderraouf, M. Mission permanente de la Tunisie Conseiller TURKEY FAKILI Sakir, H.E. Mr. DEMIRALP Oguz, H.E. Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara Director of Consular Affairs Ambassador Permanent Mission of Turkey Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative BERBEROGLU Nursel, Ms. ÖZBEK Yasar, Mr. Permanent Mission of Turkey First Counsellor Permanent Mission of Turkey Counsellor UGANDA KAGIMU KIWANUKA Maurice Peter, H.E. Mr. EDULE Oscar, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda Second Secretary UKRAINE YEHOROV Denys, Mr. Permanent Mission of Ukraine Second Secretary UNITED KINGDOM GOODERHAM Peter, H.E. Mr. TISSOT Philip, Mr. Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Deputy Permanent Representative JOO-THOMSON Jonathan, Mr. LEATHERLAND Sally, Ms. Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland First Secretary Head, Specialised Agencies and Humanitarian Team Home Office, London UK Border Agency External Relations, Appeals and Removals Directorate Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page25 25 of 39 MEMBERS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KING Betty E., H.E. Ms. MULREAN Peter, Mr. Permanent Mission of the United States of America Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the United States of America Refugee and Migration Affairs Counselor DIGIOVANNA David, Mr. POLLACK Margaret, Ms. Permanent Mission of the United States of America Refugee and Migration Affairs Deputy Counselor Department of State, Washington, D.C. Director, Multilateral Coordination and External Relations Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration HORN ALBUJA Melissa, Ms. DEVOY Shanna, Ms. Permanent Mission of the United States of America Refugee and Migration Affairs Refugee Program Specialist Department of State, Washington, D.C. Program Analyst, Office of Multicultural Coordination and External Relations Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration URUGUAY DUPUY Laura, Excma. Sra. TRUCILLO Lucía, Sra. Misión Permanente de la República Oriental del Uruguay Embajadora Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República Oriental del Uruguay Ministro Representante Permanente Alterno VENEZUELA (REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE) MUNDARAÍN HERNÁNDEZ Germán, Excmo. Sr. ARIAS PALACIO Juan, Excmo. Sr. Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Embajador Representante Permanente Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Embajador Representante Permanente Alterno MEZA RIVAS Milton José, Sr. Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Consejero VIET NAM VU Dung, H.E. Mr. BUI Quoc Thanh, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hanoi Consular Department Deputy Director General Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 26 of 3926 MEMBERS VIET NAM VU Anh Quang, Mr. NGUYEN Xuan Ang, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Minister Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Counsellor DAO Quang Vinh, Mr. BUI Thanh Binh, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hanoi Consular Department Officer YEMEN AL-ADOOFI Ibrahim S., H.E. Mr. AL-MAGHAFI Fadhl, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen Minister Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative AL-QUTAISH Omer, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen Second Secretary ZAMBIA LISHOMWA Catherine, Ms. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative ZIMBABWE MANZOU James, H.E. Mr. MAFEMBA Enos, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zimbabwe Ambassador Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zimbabwe Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative MUNHUNDIRIPO Francis T., Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zimbabwe Counsellor Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page27 27 of 39 OBSERVERS STATES BAHRAIN AHMED Budoor, Ms. AL BAKER Fahad, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain Second Secretary Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain Second Secretary CHINA HE Yafei, H.E. Mr. QIAN Bo, Mr. Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China Counsellor YANG Xiaoning, Ms. CHEN Can, Ms. Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China Legal Adviser Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China Attaché YANG Liyang, Ms. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Attaché ETHIOPIA AYEHU Girma Kassaye, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Counsellor INDONESIA DJANI Dian Triansyah, H.E. Mr. PERCAYA Desra, H.E. Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Ambassador First Deputy Permanent Representative KOMAR Dicky, Mr. HABIB Achsanul, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia First Secretary QATAR AL-KHULAIFI Ali Ahmed, Mr. Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar Minister Plenipotentiary Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 28 of 3928 OBSERVERS STATES RUSSIAN FEDERATION EGOROVA Ekaterina, Ms. LEBEDEV Mikhail, Mr. Federal Migration Service, Moscow Deputy Director Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation Deputy Permanent Representative Minister Plenipotentiary VIKTOROV Anatoly, Mr. SHUMILOVA Olga, Ms. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Department Deputy Director Federal Migration Service, Moscow Deputy Head of Division CHUPLYGIN Alexander, Mr. ZHEGLOV Vladimir, Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Department Head of Section Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation Counsellor GUBANOV Alexsey, Mr. AKZHIGITOV Alexsey, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation First Secretary SAINT-SIÈGE TOMASI Silvano M., S.E. Mgr. DE GREGORI Massimo, Mgr. Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Nonce apostolique, Observateur permanent Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Attaché FRADIQUE Alexandre, Mr. NOBILE Stefano, Mr. Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Membre Mission permanente d'observation du Saint-Siège Membre SAUDI ARABIA AL NOFAIE Saoud, Mr. AL EISA Fahd, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia First Secretary ALRABIAH Kaled, Mr. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Adviser Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page29 29 of 39 OBSERVERS STATES THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA POLOZHANI Aziz, H.E. Mr. SOTIROVSKA Veska, Ms. Permanent Mission of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Minister Counsellor BILALI Burim, Mr. Permanent Mission of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Third Secretary Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 30 of 3930 OBSERVERS UNITED NATIONS - FUNDS, PROGRAMMES AND BODIES UNITED NATIONS FOUINAT François, Mr. Special Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Migration and Development FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GURKAN Ali Arslan, Mr. AVILES Sandra, Ms. Senior Liaison Officer, Geneva Officer-in-charge FAO Liaison Office, Geneva UN CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT MASHAYEKHI Mina, Ms. FERNANDES Deepali, Ms. Officer-in-charge, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities Economic Affairs Officer UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS EL JAMRI Abdelhamid, Mr. HARVEY Caroline, Ms. Chairman, Committee on Migrant Workers, Human Rights Officer, Geneva UN RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT HOWELLS Imogen, Ms. SALAZAR Orlando, Mr. Research Analyst Intern Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page31 31 of 39 OBSERVERS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AFRICAN UNION MASRI Khadija Rachida, Ms. EL HABIB Yakdhan, Mr. Permanent Delegation of the African Union Permanent Observer Permanent Delegation of the African Union First Secretary BEN LAKDHAR Hanen, Ms. Permanent Delegation of the African Union Intern EUROPEAN UNION MALMSTRÖM Cécilia, Ms. CLARKE John, Mr. Responsible for Home Affairs, European Commission, Brussels Commissioner European Union Delegation, Geneva Chargé d'affaires a.i. HIVONNET Joëlle, Ms. BOSCH Peter, Mr. European Union Delegation, Geneva Head, United Nations Section European Union Delegation, Geneva Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Malmström SCHMIDT Sönke, Mr. BIRLADIANU Nicoleta, Ms. European Union Delegation, Geneva First Counsellor European Union Delegation, Geneva Second Secretary DUBOUCHET Christelle, Ms. European Union Delegation, Geneva Intern GROUPE DES ETATS D'AFRIQUE, DES CARAÏBES ET DU PACIFIQUE KISIRI Marwa Joel, H.E. Mr. KHATRI Namita, Ms. Délégation permanente du Groupe ACP Assistant Délégation permanente du Groupe ACP Ambassadeur, Observateur permanent INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MIGRATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT CASELLA Alessandro, Mr. Representative in Geneva INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION DE PASCUAL Gloria, Ms. TARAN Patrick, Mr. International Migration Programme Chief International Migration Programme Senior Migration Specialist Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 32 of 3932 OBSERVERS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION CHOLEWINSKI, Ryszard, Mr. ALSVIK Kristine, Ms. Migration Policy Specialist Migration Programme Officer ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE YEDDES Samir, M. Chargé de Mission ORGANIZATION OF THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE CHIKH Slimane, H.E. Mr. KANE Aissata, Ms. Permanent Delegation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ambassador, Permanent Observer Permanent Delegation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference First Secretary UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND SANTOS Martha, Ms. Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) Programme Manager WORLD BANK JACKSON Selina Elizabeth, Ms. Special Representative to the UN and the WTO WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION LÓPEZ ACUÑA Daniel, Mr. WEEKERS, Jacqueline, Ms. Department of Strategy, Policy and Resource Management, Health Action in Crises, Geneva Director Department of Strategy, Policy and Resource Management, Health Action in Crises, Geneva Senior Migrant Health Officer Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page33 33 of 39 OBSERVERS OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS HELLE Daniel, Mr. RUIZ ARENAS Ana B., Ms. Multilateral Diplomacy and Humanitarian Coordination Unit Counsellor Civil Protection Unit Counsellor BARIOLÌ Paola, Ms. Multilateral Diplomacy and Humanitarian Coordination Unit Attachée ORDRE SOUVERAIN DE MALTE PICTET-ALTHANN Marie-Thérèse, S.E. Mme SARACENO-PERSELLO Renata, Mme Délégation de l'Ordre souverain et militaire de Malte Ambassadeur, Observateur permanent Délégation de l'Ordre souverain et militaire de Malte Conseiller GELZHISER Kevin, M. Délégation de l'Ordre souverain et militaire de Malte Délégué Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 34 of 3934 OBSERVERS NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AFRICA HUMANITARIAN ACTION DESSALEGN Chefeke, Mr. BELETE Taffesse, Mr. Trustee, Addis Ababa Representative, Geneva CARITAS INTERNATIONALIS MERICO COLOMBO, Francesca, Ms. International Delegate CENTER FOR MIGRATION STUDIES OF NEW YORK CHIARELLO Leonir Mario, Mr. Executive Director, SIMN, New York FOCSIV - VOLONTARI NEL MONDO, FEDERATION OF CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE MARELLI Sergio, Mr. GHIRINGHELLI Barbara, Mrs. Migration and Development Officer Secretary General FRIENDS WORLD COMMITTEE FOR CONSULTATION ROBERTSON Oliver, Mr. Programme Officer INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC MIGRATION COMMISSION KETELERS John, Mr. MARCHI Sergio, H.E. Mr. Secretary General Special Advisor to the Secretary General Ambassador BRILL Walter, Mr. BINGHAM John, Mr. Director of Operations Head of Policy PALAZZO Cristina, Ms. CHARTERS Elizabeth, Ms. Senior Operations Officer Policy Intern INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES GUSYNINA Yulia, Dr. International Relations Department Head a.i. DE MORA Ciara, Ms. International Relations Department Consultant Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page35 35 of 39 OBSERVERS NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HUMANITARIAN LAW MORENO Maurizio, H.E. Mr. VEUTHEY Michel, Mr. Ambassador President Vice-President INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC RELIEF ORGANIZATION AL ASHMAWI Fawzia, Mrs. Representative, Geneva JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE GALLAGHER Michael, Mr. Geneva Representative LUTHERAN WORLD FEDERATION DEFFENBAUGH Ralston, Mr. SCHLOTT Roland Kilian, Mr. International Affairs and Human Rights Assistant General Secretary, Geneva Asia and Humanitarian Affairs, Geneva Programme Officer REFUGEE EDUCATION TRUST GÜNDÜZ Zeynep, Ms. HANDS Catriona, Ms. Executive Director, Geneva Research and Development Analyst, Geneva SCALABRINI INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION NETWORK CHIARELLO Leonir, Mr. Executive Director, New York Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 36 of 3936 GLOBAL MIGRATION GROUP INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION TARAN, Patrick, Mr. Senior Migration Specialist International Migration Programme UN CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT MASHAYEKHI, Mina, Ms. Officer in Charge, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities Head, Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch UN EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION LONGWORTH, Elizabeth, Ms. Deputy Assistant, Director-General Director, Sector for Social and Human Sciences, Paris UN HIGH COMMISSION FOR REFUGEES TURK Volker, Mr. Director, International Protection UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS KANG Kyung-Wha, Ms. Deputy High Commissioner UN INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH FENARD, Jocelyn, Mr. Chief, Partnerships UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND SANTOS, Martha, Ms. Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) Programme Manager UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT FUND FOR WOMEN D'CUNHA, Jean, Ms. Global Advisor on Gender and Migration WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION LÓPEZ-ACUÑA, Daniel, Mr. Department of Strategy, Policy and Resource Management, Health Action in Crises Director, Geneva Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page37 37 of 39 PANELISTS CAMELO, Alfredo, Mr. Pluriels - Psychotherapy and Cross-Cultural Studies Centre for Migrants, Geneva FAKILI, Sakir, H.E. Mr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara Director of Consular Affairs Ambassador GÓMEZ CAMACHO, Juan José, Excmo. Sr. Misión Permanente de México Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente KAIYAMO, Elia George, Mr. Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Windhoek Deputy Minister SALERNO Sandrine, Mme Ville de Genève Maire SEOK, Dong-Hyeon, Mr. Ministry of Justice, Seoul Korea Immigration Service Commissioner Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 PagePage 38 of 3938 SPECIAL GUESTS MALMSTRÖM, Cécilia, Ms. European Union Responsible for Home Affairs, European Commission, Brussels Commissioner Ninety-ninth Session of the Council MC/2309 Page Page39 39 of 39 OTHERS PLURIELS - PSYCHOTHERAPY AND CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES CENTRE FOR MIGRANTS, GENEVA CAUTIVO-ROSSETI Consuelo, Ms. Pluriels, Geneva GRANDA Monica, Ms. Association VisAgenève, Geneva Ninety-ninth Session of the Council