A crossroad in whipped cream (about hummingbirds


A crossroad in whipped cream (about hummingbirds
A crossroad in whipped cream
(about hummingbirds & fireflies)
1. A crossroad in whipped horses, horses immobiles, là laissés, là, à l’en-trée,-trance, tired and fatigués cream for an
hunting lodge. A white, tender blossomed bud button, a smashed stud on the top of an hill put in front of
the past Ludwisburg tenses a line making a right angle coup du lapin,the painted rabbit I pet as a lucky charm : sa patte
bird’s eye
contre les échecs
a new now old mountain Birkenkopf, of, of
its foot or its neck --- cleanly break, right angle with
time & space
for now
mechanism of gears in crossroad is quietly
Birkenkopf, I just saw
some pictures cliked by Nida. The
working. You can park your car behind and walk through the forests.
2. Sitted on a bench at the bottom of this hill en découpe sur le ciel, comme de carton pâte, a contour of castle for paperdolls
after a long walk that is perfect to loosen tongues – as legs with Rebbeca Lowen, architect , we spoke connected to
her work
about the last year in Marienbad & Solitude. Chemin faisant En découpe sur le ciel, comme de carton
pâte. A contour of castle for paper-doll
, we spoke about a door, la villa malaparte, Le mépris Paper dolls Et mes
icons, stars ,
les creatures humaines de nos société contemporaines comme les luciolles ont été
fireflies, tabloids
this film, the films and
vaincues, anéanties, épinglées ou désséchées sous la lumière artificielles des projecteurs
fesses, tu les aimes mes fesses ?
their scenarii
55. Il m’embrasse fesses et dos et me ; c’est impudique, la pudeur : pudeur modesty,
reserve, Scham-haftig-keit decency, humility, innocence, Diskretion
, its exact translation dosen’t exist in
german nor in English ; Marlène focused my attention on this point ; I was saying : my
lover is kissing my ass. Now, he stopped. He is reading Moby Dick.
56. I don’t know what I was reading, but I read in it : l’âme sœur. Je lui dis je lis : âme
sœur, alors quid de l’âme frère ? Soul mate. Il me dit : Dick Annegarde dit : l’âme frère, je
lui reprends : qui m’entend ?
3. I’m parting of the ways.
4. Under this roccoco castle, there is a kind of crossroad.
60. Here, we continue this experience. To live together.
It was last year.
the same sudden laugh...
Have I changed so much, then?
the same brusque
Or are you pretending
arm movement...
not to recognize me?
the same way of resting
A year already, perhaps more.
your hand on your shoulder...
You, at least,
and you still use
are still the same.
the same perfume.
You have still
the same dreamy eyes...
the forests
the same smile...
of Solitude
61. I’m wondering why the link between lovers is described, in french, as a family
link : l’âme soeur. Sis soul mate. As one of the most important taboo, one incest.
62. I don’t like Plato.
63. I really don’t like Plato.
64. I prefer Socrates. Because his fantasy is to be midwife. Because he walks.
5. Here, around, in the forest, or in the grass fields, walks are patterns. From above, a grass
field, as a forest, is a green carpet. As a foliage underneath. I can’t describe, because I’m not
painter, every tone of green, yellow-green, blue-green, white-green, pink-green, browngreen and so on. They compose figures in those carpets. Read between the colored figure
lines. Read another pattern between the colored figure lines. Read the purloined letter’s
pattern between the colored figure lines.
3. I’m parting of the ways.
50 In psychoanalysis, the bro-soul mate could be considerate as the animus. Animisme
machinique ? Do you have totems ? Wich ones ?
51 We have in common : dingo who needs a drawing of a couple of dogs ?cicada He offered me, the last year, a sloughed skin of
cicada, in a matches box, full of cotton. This sloughted skin is the imago skin, sa mue, son émue, his breaking voice, . The imago could be the
teenager time of an insect life. In the imago, I hear image and imagination.
because "the imagination is politic, that's we have to
because les creatures humaines de nos société contemporaines comme les luciolles ont été vaincues, anéanties, épinglées ou
because bien que rasant le sol, bien qu’éméttant un lumière très faible, bien que se
désséchées sous la lumière artificielles des projecteurs
déplaçant lentement, les luciles, ne dessinent elles pas, rigoureusement parlant, une constellation because Spinoza, aged of 3 years, discoverd
three kinf of stard, of wich one is living in the grass.
Horses cow-boy and Ma-ke, mon cœur, the one of Turin, all the horses at the entrance of
hummingbird hummingbird hummm hum hum-hum hum hummm ommmmmm hommoiseau of Xingping, flying between karstics
24 Jean Christophe Bailly wrote in “Le parti pris des animaux” it’s just impossible to imagine what is the
animals proprioception. Don’t try to imagine. It’s different. Just different. Just accept.He
gave the bird exemple. A bird flight. A bird’s eye. A vol d’oiseau. He points out, often : to
be in airplane isn’t to fly. But ----- what about weightless experience ? This experience
has changed my mind. As a revelation about the languages. ‘Cause to describe the
sensations, all all who lived this experience just use metaphors… Exactly as if they felt in love. In the
both cases, no possibility to describe precisely the feelings.
25 In Marfa, there is the most clear beautiful sky said Lynn. Reason why Josh & Lynn bought a
land there to build an house. I met them here. Danielle too. Thanks to her for the rhythm of :
When do you leave ?
Where do you live ?
Where do you go ?
Where are you from ?
Keep in touch.
When do you leave ?
When did you leave ?
I have to go.
I wish to stay.
I need a break.
See you next year.
I won’t be there.
To make conversation,
I spoke about the statue.
I said the man wanted to stop
the young woman.
He had noticed something,
a danger...
and he raised his arm
to stop her.
You replied that it was
the woman who had seen something.
Something marvelous,
which she was pointing out.
Both our theories
could be right.
3. I’m parting of the ways.
229. pearls, mirrors...
6. La découpe de la silhouette du village d’Arlebosc sur le ciel on the right side, as here birkenkopf, a mountain,
nammed Moby Dick
Comme la découpe du château de Solitude, en contrebas,
Le contrebas, et toute la possibilité d’un monde, au-delà,
Comme, me dit-il, dans le cheval de Turin, où
Quand contrebas, plan en contreplongée,
Leurs bagages sur le dos, j’entends les silhouettes des bagages sur la silhouette de leur dos,
Ils partent, quittent leur maison vers la possibilité de mondes,
La joie du seuil.