143. My US holidays pdf 2


143. My US holidays pdf 2
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Académie de la Réunion
Fiche d’exploitation pour l’épisode :
PodCaz audio: #143. My US holidays
Langue : Anglais
Public : Collège
Niveau CECRL : A2
Before listening
Look at the pictures and describe them.
According to you what are we going to talk about?
(Le professeur projettera les documents au rétroprojecteur pour une meilleure visibilité)
While listening.
Part 1: Answer the questions.
Why did she go to the United states? ___________________________________________________
When did she leave? ________________________________________________________________
When did she come back?_____________________________________________________________
Part 2: Complete the grid.
Length of the stay
New York
Part 3: Listen from “We did lots of things there” to “we had a great time” and write down all the
verbs you hear. Find their infinitive forms.
Part 4: Right or Wrong. Justify your answers.
The weather was awful. It was raining and cold.
She really enjoyed the food there.
It was a fantastic trip.
After listening:
Is New York
a city
Is Florida a city
a state
a state
Place them on the map.
Your turn now! Tell us about your last holidays.
Critères: Ecris au moins 8 lignes
Utilise des verbes réguliers ET irréguliers
Parle des différentes villes que tu as visitées, des personnes que tu as rencontrées, de la
nourriture du pays …
La Page du CyberProf : http://pedagogie2.ac-reunion.fr/cyberprofLV/