Annex D - Designation within FABEC
Annex D - Designation within FABEC
FABEC Implementation Phase Designation within FABEC EC Information Annex D DOCUMENT SUMMARY Objective : Provide required evidence when establishing FABEC Origin : Chairman Harmonization & Advisory Committee (H&AC) Title : EC Information Annex D Audience : FABEC Provisional Council, ANSCB, ASB, AFG, European Commission Reference : FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_1-0 Version : 1.0 Date : 19.03.2012 Status : Draft Released Classification : Public FABEC limited Addressees limited DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD Version Status Date Reason for changes Author of changes 0.1 Draft 07.12.2011 Template AFG 1.0 Final 19.03.2012 Document completed AFG APPROVALS Name: Gael Poget Signature: Function: CM H&AC Date: QUALITY CONTROL Name: Manuel De Klerck Signature: Function: AFG Quality Manager Date: ATTACHMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ANNEX ID Origin Status Version Date D.1 H&AC Final 1.0 28.11.2011 Joint Designation of ATSPs D.2 H&AC Final 1.0 19.03.2012 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 of the FABEC Treaty D.3 H&AC Final 1.0 20.02.2012 Designation of Meteo Service Providers D.4 H&AC Final 1.0 20.02.2012 ATSPs without certification in accordance with Art. 7(5) SPR FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc Title 2 1. BACKGROUND In accordance with the Article 8 of the Regulation (EC) n°550/2004 and the Article 12.1 and Article 12.2 of the FABEC Treaty, the FABEC States shall specify 2. - the jointly designated air traffic service providers and meteorological service providers, if applicable, and their respective areas of responsibility and - the providers of air traffic services providing services without certification and their respective areas of responsibility. PURPOSE AND CONTENT OF THE DELIVERABLE Three options have been identified for designation of the air traffic service providers (ATSPs) in FABEC: a. designation of ATSPs according to national borders; b. designation according to the actual operational limits; c. designation of all ATSPs for the whole airspace. For the time being, the designation of ATSPs according to national borders is preferred as the first step of this progressive approach. The joint designation is defined in a separate document (attachment 1) to the FABEC Treaty. Regarding the Article 12.2 of the FABEC Treaty, in addition to designation of the ATSPs mentioned in Article 12.1, other providers of air traffic services can be designated. Contracting States have agreed for the services mentioned in Article 12.2 that they will use simplified procedures to jointly designate the above mentioned providers. A provider designated by a particular Contracting State shall become jointly designated after notification by the Contracting State concerned. A separate list (attachment 2) is held by the FABEC Council for the providers designated on the basis of the Article 12.2. FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 3 Page intentionally left blank FABEC Implementation Phase Joint Designation of ATSPs EC Information Attachment D.1 Page intentionally left blank JOINT DESIGNATION OF CERTIFIED AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE PROVIDERS WITHIN THE FUNCTIONAL AIRSPACE BLOCK EUROPE CENTRAL Considering the Treaty of the 2nd of December 2010 relating to the establishment of the Functional Airspace Block « Europe Central » between the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Belgium, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Swiss Confederation; Having regard to the Regulations on the Single European Sky of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, the relevant implementing rules, the statement by the Member States on military issues relating to the Single European Sky and the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on air transport; In accordance with Article 12 paragraph 1 of the Treaty, the Contracting States to the Treaty jointly designate the following air traffic service providers to provide services on an exclusive basis within those parts of the concerned airspace falling under their responsibility: a. Administration de la navigation aérienne, domiciled at BP 273, L-2012 Luxembourg and whose principal place of operation is the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The specified airspace is comprised within the FIR/UIR Bruxelles according to Règlement grand-ducal du 7 juin 2000 relatif à l’organisation et aux procedures d’utilisation de l’espace aérien luxembourgeois. b. Belgocontrol, domiciled at Rue du Progrès 80, B-1030 Bruxelles and whose principal place of operation is the Kingdom of Belgium. The specified airspace is comprised within the FIR/UIR Bruxelles in accordance with loi du 21 mars 1991 portant réforme de certaines entreprises publiques économiques / wet van 21 maart 1991 betreffende de hervorming van sommige economische overheidsbedrijven, the management contract between Belgocontrol and the State in force in application thereof and according to Règlement grand-ducal du 7 juin 2000 relatif à l’organisation et aux procedures d’utilisation de l’espace aérien luxembourgeois. c. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, domiciled at Am DFS-Campus 10, D-63225 Langen and whose principal place of operation is the Federal Republic of Germany. The specified airspace is the FIR Bremen, FIR Langen, FIR München and UIR Rhein. d. Direction des services de la navigation aérienne, domiciled at 50 Rue Henry Farman, F75720 Paris cédex 15 and whose principal place of operation is the French Republic. The specified airspace is the FIR Bordeaux, FIR Brest, FIR Marseille, FIR Paris, FIR Reims and UIR France. e. Eurocontrol (Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre), with its Headquarters at Rue de la Fusée 96, B-1130 Bruxelles. The specified airspace is comprised within the UIR Hannover, UIR Bruxelles and FIR Amsterdam as specified in the Annex I to the Agreement relating to FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 3 the provision and operation of air traffic services and facilities by Eurocontrol at the Maastricht Area Control Centre. f. Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland, domiciled at Stationsplein ZuidWest 1001, NL-1117 CV, Schiphol-Oost and whose principal place of operation is the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The specified airspace is comprised within the FIR Amsterdam in accordance with the Regeling luchtverkeersdienstverlening (Stcrt. 1998, 195). g. Skyguide, Swiss civil & military Air Navigation Services Ltd, domiciled at Route de Pré-Bois 15-17, CH-1217 Meyrin and whose principal place of operation is the Swiss Confederation. The specified airspace is FIR/ UIR Switzerland. The respective rights and obligations of the jointly designated air traffic service providers remain those assigned to each of them by the Contracting State on the territory of which the provider concerned has its principal place of operation or those specified by an international agreement. The joint designation according to Article 12 paragraph 2 of the Treaty is subject of a separate document. This separate document shall be kept up to date by the FABEC Council on the basis of the notifications made by the Contracting States. ____________ FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 4 FABEC Implementation Phase Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 of the FABEC Treaty EC Information Attachment D.2 Page intentionally left blank Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – FRANCE a. Aerodrome flight information services Name of the French ATSP Base of operations Services for which it has been certified ATS SEAAP - Société Exploitation Aéroport Albert Picardie Syndicat Mixte de l’aérodrome civil d’Albi-Le Séquestre ALBERT BRAY Apt. LFAQ ALES DEAUX Apt. LFMS Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie d’Amiens AMIENS GLISY Apt. LFAY Société de Gestion de l’Aéroport d’Angers Marcé ANGERS MARCE Apt. LFJR Communauté d'Agglomération du bassin d'Arcachon Sud ARCACHON LA TESTE DE BUCH Apt. LFCH FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc AFIS X X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes ANGOULEME BRIECHAMPNIERS Apt. LFBU ROCHEFORT SAINT-AGNANT Apt. LFDN ATS Aerodrome and Airspace associated Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP ALBI LE SEQUESTRE Apt. LFCI Chambre de commerce et d’industrie d'Alès et des Cévennes Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie d’Angoulême AFIS Services for which it has been authorised 2 Société d’Economie Mixte du Gers AUCH LAMOTHE Apt. LFDH Chambre de commerce et d’Industrie du Cantal AURILLAC Apt. LFLW Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de l'Yonne AUXERRE BRANCHES Apt. LFLA Communauté de Communes de Belle-Île-en-Mer Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Doubs Conseil général du Loir et Cher Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie du Cher Régie personnalisée d’exploitation BELLE ILE EN MER Apt. LFEA BESANCON LA VEZE Apt. LFQM BLOIS LE BREUIL Apt. LFOQ BOURGES Apt. LFLD X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC BRIVE SOUILLAC Apt. LFSL Syndicat mixte Aérodrome Cahors Lalbenque CAHORS LALBENQUE Apt. LFCC Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Castres-Mazamet CASTRES MAZAMET Apt. LFCK Société d'exploitation Chalon Champforgueil aéroport X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC CHALON CHAMPFORGUEIL Apt. LFLH FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 3 Société d’Exploitation de Vatry Europort (S.E.V.E.) Aéroport Chateauroux Centre Ville de Cholet Société de l’Aéroport de Colmar SAS Commune de saint Bon Courchevel Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie de Dieppe Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Dijon CHALONS VATRY Apt LFOK X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes VAC Hélistations X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes CHATEAUROUX DEOLS Apt. LFLX CHOLET LE PONTREAU Apt. LFOU COLMAR HOUSSEN Apt. LFGA COURCHEVEL Altiport Apt. LFLJ DIEPPE SAINT AUBIN Apt. LFAB DIJON LONGVIC Apt. LFSD Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Jura DOLE TAVAUX Apt. LFGJ Société d’exploitation de l’aéroport d’Epinal EPINAL MIRECOURT Apt. LFSG AUSAT X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP GAP TALLARD Apt. LFNA FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 4 Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Centre et Sud Manche Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Vendée GRANVILLE Apt. LFRF L’ILE D’YEU LE GRAND PHARE Apt. LFEY LA ROCHE SUR YON LES AJONCS Apt. LFRI Syndicat Intercommunal de l’Aéroport de La Baule-Escoublac Pornichet - Le Pouliguen LA BAULE ESCOUBLAC Apt. LFRE Aéroport du Golfe de Saint-Tropez LA MOLE Apt. LFTZ Syndicat Mixte de l’Aéroport de Laval et de la Mayenne (S.M.A.L.M.) Société Aéroport International du Castellet LAVAL ENTRAMMES Apt. LFOV X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes VAC Hélistations IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC LE CASTELLET Apt. LFMQ Syndicat Mixte de Gestion Aérodrome Départemental Le Puy en Velay / Loudes LE PUY EN VELAY LOUDES Apt. LFHP Mairie de Lézignan Corbières LEZIGNAN CORBIERES Apt. LFMZ Aéroports de Lyon LYON BRON Apt. LFLY Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de La Lozère X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes MENDE-BRENOUX Apt. LFNB FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 5 Syndicat Mixte de l’aérodrome du Pays de Montbéliard MONTBELIARD COURCELLES Apt. LFSM Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Montluçon-Gannat Portes d’Auvergne MONTLUCON GUERET Apt. LFBK Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Morlaix MORLAIX PLOUJEAN Apt. LFRU Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Moulins-Vichy MOULINS MONTBEUGNY Apt. LFHY Syndicat Mixte de Gestion de l’Aéroport de Nancy NANCY ESSEY Apt. LFSN Chambre de commerce et d’industries de la Nièvre NEVERS FOURCHAMBAULT Apt. LFQG SMAEDAOL ORLEANS SAINT DENIS DE L'HÔTEL Apt. LFOZ Commune de Ouessant Syndicat Mixte pour l’Aménagement et l’Exploitation de l’Aérodrome d’Intérêt Départemental de Pamiers-Les Pujols Commune de Périgueux Commune de Quiberon OUESSANT KERLAOUEN Apt. LFEC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes PAMIERS LES PUJOLS Apt LFDJ PERIGUEUX-BASSILLAC Apt LFBX QUIBERON Apt. LFEQ FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 6 Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Reims et d’Epernay REIMS PRUNAY Apt. Grand Roanne Agglomération ROANNE RENAISON Apt. LFLO Commune de Royan Syndicat Mixte Aéroport SaintBrieuc Armor LFQA ROYAN-MEDIS Apt. LFCY St BRIEUC ARMOR Apt. LFRT Syndicat Mixte de Gestion de l’aérodrome de Saint Flour Coltines SAINT-FLOUR COLTINES Apt. LFHQ Société d’exploitation de l’aéroport de Toulouse Francazal TOULOUSE FRANCAZAL Apt. LFBF Société d’exploitation Tours –Aéroport SNCLavalin TOURS VAL DE LOIRE Apt. LFOT Société de Gestion de l'Aéroport de Troyes en Champagne TROYES BARBEREY Apt. LFQB Syndicat mixte pour l’aménagement et l’exploitation de l’aérodrome de Valenciennes Denain VALENCIENNES DENAIN Apt. LFAV Commune de Vichy VICHY CHARMEIL Apt. LFLV FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 VAC Aérodromes IAC X Aerodromes published in French AIP : AD 1.3 AD 2 VAC Aérodromes IAC ARR / DEP 7 c. Air traffic services under military supervision. Name of the military ATSP in France Commandement des forces aériennes (CFA) Base of operations ATS AVORD – LFOA CAMBRAI-EPINOY – LFQI CAZAUX – LFBC CHATEAUDUN – LFOC COGNAC – LFBG CREIL – LFPC DIJON LONGVIC – LFSD EVREUX FAUVILLE – LFOE ISTRES LE TUBE – LFMI LUXEUIL – LFSX METZ FRESCATY – LFSF MONT DE MARSAN – LFBM NANCY OCHEY – LFSO ORANGE CARITAT – LFMO ORLÉANS BRICY – LFOJ REIMS CHAMPAGNE – LFSR SAINT-DIZIER – LFSI SAINTES THENAC – LFXB SALON – LFMY SOLENZARA – LFKS TOURS VAL DE LOIRE – LFOT VILLACOUBLAY VELIZY – LFPV Commandement de l’aviation légère de l’Armée de terre (COMALAT) DAX SEYRESSE – LFBY ÉTAIN ROUVRE – LFQE LE LUC LE CANNET – LFMC PHALSBOURG – LFQP SAINTE LÉOCADIE – LFYS Commandement de la force de l’aéronautique navale (ALAVIA) CUERS PIERREFEU – LFTF HYERES – LFTH LANDIVISIAU – LFRJ LANVEOC POULMIC – LFRL LORIENT – LFRH NIMES GARONS - LFTW Direction générale de l’armement / Essais en vol (DGA/EV) Services for which it has been certified FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc ATS Aerodrome and Airspace associated AFIS X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in French AIP : AD 1.3, 1.7 ENR 2.3, 2.4, 5.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in French AIP : AD 1.3, 1.7 ENR 2.3, 2.4, 5.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in French AIP : AD 1.3, 1.7 ENR 2.3, 2.4, 5.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in French AIP : AD 1.3, 1.7 ENR 2.3, 2.4, 5.1 CER Bordeaux CER Toulouse AFIS Services for which it has been authorised 8 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – GERMANY a. Aerodrome flight information services Name of the German ATSP Base of operations Services for which it has been certified ATS Austro Control Schnirchgasse 11 A-1030 Wien TTC The Tower Company GmbH Ohmstr. 12 63225 Langen Augsburg Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Friedrichshafen Heringsdorf Hof-Plauen Kassel-Calden Lübeck-Blankensee Oberpfaffenhofen Zweibrücken Leipzig-Altenburg Dortmund Frankfurt-Hahn Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Memmingen Mönchengladbach Niederrhein (Weeze) Paderborn/Lippstadt Schwerin/Parchim Magdeburg/Cochstedt Airbus Operations GmbH Kreetslag 10 21129 Hamburg Sylt Hamburg-Finkenwerder Black Forest Airport Lahr GmbH Fritz RinderspacherStr. 9, B 140 77033 Lahr Lahr Rhein-NeckarFlugplatz GmbH Seckenheimer Landstr. 172 68163 Mannheim Mannheim City AFIS Services for which it has been authorised ATS Aerodrome and Airspace associated AFIS X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German AIP X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German AIP X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German AIP X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German AIP X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German AIP c. Air traffic services under military supervision FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 9 Name of the military ATSP in Germany Luftwaffenführungskommando Base of operations ATS BÜCHEL – ETSB DIEPHOLZ – ETND ERDING – ETSE GEILENKIRCHEN – ETNG HOHN – ETNH HOLZDORF – ETSH INGOLSTADT – ETSI JEVER – ETNJ LAAGE – ETNL LANDSBERG – ETSA LECHFELD – ETSL NEUBRANDENBURG – ETNU NEUBURG – ETSN NÖRVENICH – ETNN SCHLESWIG – ETNS WITTMUNDHAFEN – ETNT WUNSTORF – ETNW Heeresfliegerwaffenschule Bereich Weiterentwicklung ALTENSTADT – ETHA BÜCKEBURG – ETHB CELLE – ETHC FASSBERG – ETHS FRITZLAR – ETHF LAUPHEIM – ETHL NIEDERSTETTEN – ETHN RHEINE-BENTLAGE – ETHE ROTH - ETHR Flottenkommando Beauftragter Marineflieger NORDHOLZ – ETMN United States Air Force RAMSTEIN AB – ETAR SPANGDAHLEM AB – ETAD United States Army British Army Services for which it has been certified ANSBACH AHP – ETEB COLEMAN AAF – ETOR GRAFENWÖHR AAF – ETIC ILLESHEIM AHP – ETIK WIESBADEN AAF – ETOU AFIS Services for which it has been authorised ATS AFIS X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in German milAIP : AD 1.3, 2 and German AIP : ENR 2.1 GÜTERSLOH – ETUO FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc Aerodrome and Airspace associated 10 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – THE NETHERLANDS a. Aerodrome flight information services Name of the Dutch ATSP Budel Aerodrome Information Base of operations Services for which it has been certified Services for which it has been authorised ATS ATS AFIS Aerodrome and Airspace associated AFIS Budel Aerodrome b.v./ Kempen Airport EHBD — WEERT/Budel Luchthavenweg 20 X 6021 PX BUDEL The Netherlands Lelystad Aerodrome Information Lelystad Aerodrome X P.O. Box 2201 EHLE — LELYSTAD/Lelystad 8203 AE LELYSTAD The Netherlands c. Air traffic services under military supervision Name of the military ATSP in the Netherlands Afdeling Missie Ondersteuning Koninklijke Luchtmacht Ministerie van Defensie Luchtmachttoren Luchtmachtplein 1 4822 ZB Breda Base of operations Services for which it has been certified Services for which it has been authorised ATS ATS AFIS X X AOCS Nieuw-Milligen Deelen EHDL De Peel EHDP De Kooij EHKD Eindhoven EHEH Gilze Rijen EHGR Leeuwarden EHLW 1 Twenthe EHTW ( ) Volkel EHVK Woensdrecht EHWO AFIS Aerodrome and Airspace associated FIR Amsterdam Aerodromes and Airspaces associated, including CBA’s, as published in Netherlands Military AIP (1) Military designation Airbase Twenthe will end as soon as practicable and not later than 01-11-2014 FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 11 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – BELGIUM c. Air Traffic Services under military supervision. Name of the ATSP Base of operations Services for which it has been certified ATS Etat-major de la Composante Air (COMOPSAIR HQ) ATCC SEMMERZAKE – EBSZ BEAUVECHAIN – EBBE FLORENNES – EBFS KLEINE-BROGEL – EBBL KOKSIJDE – EBFN Etat-major de la Composante Air (COMOPSAIR HQ) BERTRIX – EBBX SAINT-HUBERT – EBSU URSEL – EBUL WEELDE – EBWE ZOERSEL – EBZR ZUTENDAAL – EBSL United States Air Force CHIEVRES AB - EBCV - - AFIS - - Services for which it has been authorised ATS X X X FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc Aerodrome and Airspace associated AFIS X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated, including CBA’s, as published in Belgian Mil AIP : AD 2 ENR 2 X Aerodromes and Airspaces associated as published in Belgian Mil AIP : AD 2 ENR 2 Reserve Aerodromes and Airspaces activated on request. X Aerodrome and Airspaces associated as published in Belgian Mil AIP : AD 2 ENR 2 12 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – LUXEMBOURG Please refer to Belgium. FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 13 Designated ATSPs in regard of article 12.2 – SWITZERLAND a. Aerodrome flight information services Name of the ATSP Engadin Airport Base of operations Services for which it has been certified Services for which it has been authorised ATS ATS Samedan - LSZS AFIS X Aerodrome and Airspace associated AFIS Aerodromes and airspaces associated as published in Swiss AIP b. ATS limited to a control zone of aerodromes The integrated civil-military ANSP, Skyguide, provides services to both OAT and GAT traffic, in Swiss airspace and in adjacent airspace in neighboring countries that has been delegated to its control, from Geneva and Zürich ACCs. Skyguide also provides services at the two national airports (Geneva and Zürich airports), as well as at the regional airports and at primarily military or joint civil-military aerodromes. FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 14 Page intentionally left blank FABEC Implementation Phase Designation of MET Services providers EC Information Attachment D.3 Page intentionally left blank Designation of MET Services providers Country MET Services providers France Météo France Switzerland MeteoSchweiz Germany Deutscher Wetterdienst Netherlands KNMI (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) Belgium Belgocontrol Luxembourg Administration de la Navigation Aérienne This information is based on the latest Report on the SES Legislation Implementation for 2010. FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 2 Page intentionally left blank FABEC Implementation Phase ATSPs without certification in accordance with Art. 7(5) SPR EC Information Attachment D.4 Page intentionally left blank ATSPs without certification in accordance with Art. 7(5) SPR Country Not certified France n/a Switzerland n/a Germany Military ATSPs certified by State against national standards: Luftwaffenführungskommando Heeresfliegerwaffenschule Bereich WE Flottenkommando Belgium Military ATSPs certified by State against national standards: COMOPSAIR Luxembourg n/a Netherlands Military ATSPs certified by State against national standards: Air Force Command Mission Support Branch FABEC_AFG_EC Information_Annex D_v1-0.doc 2 Page intentionally left blank