Mark Haisma Order Form
Mark Haisma Order Form
Order Form Wines Par Mark Haisma Chambertin-Clos de Bèze, Grand Cru 2009 Les Bonnes Mares, Grand Cru 2009 Morey Saint Denis, ‘La Riotte’, Premier 2009 Gevrey Chambertin, ‘Croix des Champs’ 2009 Saint Romain, ‘Le Jarron’ 2009 Bourgogne, Pinot Noir 2009 Bourgogne, Chardonnay 2009 Cornas, ‘Les Combes’ 2009 Mixed Dozen 2009 Morey Saint Denis, ‘La Riotte’, Premier 2008 Gevrey Chambertin 2008 Bourgogne, Pinot Noir 2008 Champagne Leclaire Saint Apolline, Grand Cru, Blanc de Blanc Carte D’Or, Grand Cru, Blanc de Blanc Rosé, Premier Cru Domaine Roland Schmitt Reisling, Altenberg, Grand Cru 2009 Pinot Gris, Altenberg, Grand Cru 2009 Reisling, Thalberg 2008 Domaine Pierre Naigeon Les Bonnes Mares, Grand Cru 2002 Gevrey Chambertin, ‘Bel-Air’ Premier Cru 2003 Fixin, ‘Les Hervelets’ Premier Cru 2003 Marc Plantagenêt Bourgogne Pinot Noir ‘Nobles Origines’ Bourgogne Chardonnay ‘Nobles Origines’ Domaine Vincent Paris Cornas ‘La Geynale’ 2009 Cornas Granit 60 2009 Cornas Granit 30 2009 Saint Joseph 2009 Cornas ‘La Geynale’ 2008 Cornas Granit 60 2008 Cornas Granit 30 2008 Saint Joseph 2008 Total number of cases Bottles per case Price per case 6 stock limited 6 stock limited 6 stock limited 6 6 stock limited 6 6 6 stock limited 12 6 stock limited 6 6 EP 510.00 EP 487.50 EP 196.50 EP 124.00 EP 66.00 EP 53.00 EP 56.50 EP 114.00 EP 292.00 210.00 138.00 57.60 6 6 6 105.00 174.00 132.00 12 12 12 156.00 144.00 96.00 6 stock limited 6 stock limited 6 stock limited 396.00 156.00 108.00 6 6 Number of cases Total price 72.00 72.00 12 EP 279.00 12 EP 225.00 12 EP 165.00 12 EP 113.50 12 stock limited 318.00 12 264.00 12 stock limited 186.00 12 126.00 (no part cases or single bottles) Freight (£10.00 up to one dozen, free for all deliveries over one dozen, only within UK mainland) Total Since establishing Par Mark Haisma we have worked hard to build up a strong merchant led business. We have undertaken to only sell unbroken cases of 6 or 12 bottles which are stored in bond. Customers wishing to try single bottles are asked to source at one of our merchant stockists, their details can be found on line at All wines marked EP are En Primeur. These are pre-release wines with prices quoted under bond, ie. with duty and VAT to be added. You will not be invoiced for duty and VAT until the wines are ready for despatch. This offer is only available until March 31st 2011. The wines will be despatched by May 2011. All other wine prices do not include duty or VAT but are on general release. All orders for those wines will be delivered by 18th March 2011 if not before. You will receive an invoice for duty, VAT and freight once the wines are ready for despatch, unless you would like to have your stock transferred directly to your own bonded facility. Delivery Details Name: Delivery Address: Phone number: Email: Message to Courier: We will use your details to advise you about Par Mark Haisma offers, tastings and news. Please tick the box if you do not wish your details to be used in this way. We never share your details with third parties □. Payment Details We only accept cash, bank transfer or personal cheques. Stock is only despatched on receipt of final payment of duty, VAT and freight, or when instructions have been received to transfer stock directly to your own bonded facility. Please make all cheques payable to Beef and Burgundy Ltd or Pay by direct debit to For reference purposes please quote your name. Beef and Burgundy Ltd The Royal Bank of Scotland, 8-9 Quiet Street, Bath, BA1 2JN Sort Code 16 12 53 Account Number 10165678