
Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Fitotecnia. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
28040 Madrid, Spain.
Summary : This essay studies the morphological and anatomical properties of the leaves of Garnacha tinta,
Tempranillo, Chardonnay and Airén grapevines in order to discover the drought adaptation strategies present in
Vitis vinifera L. The grapevines were grown under two water availability conditions: water limitation and non-water
limitation. There was a significantly lower development of leaf area under conditions of water limitation compared to non-water limitation due to a reduction in the size of main and lateral shoot leaves, and a smaller number of
leaves on lateral shoots. The development of the leaf area under water limitation conditions occurred on earlier
dates than under non-water limitation conditions. Significantly lower stomatal density was observed under water
limitation conditions rather than non-water limitation conditions exclusively in the Airén cultivar.
Résumé : Cette étude a analysé les caractéristiques morphologiques et anatomiques des feuilles de quatre cépages
provenant de zones présentant des différences écologiques, afin de connaître les mécanismes d’adaptation à la
sécheresse chez Vitis vinifera L. Garnacha tinta (Aragon, Espagne), Tempranillo (La Rioja, Espagne), Chardonnay
(Bourgogne, France) et Airén (La Mancha, Espagne). Ces cépages ont poussé dans des lysimètres pesables dans
wdeux conditions d’irrigation: contrainte hydrique ou traitement non contrainté. Le développement de la surface
foliaire du cépage, le nombre de feuilles, la taille de la feuille, le poids spécifique des feuilles sur le rameau principal et sur les entre-cœurs ont été évalués. Nous avons observé différents mécanismes d’adaptation permettant aux
cépages de lutter contre la contrainte hydrique: développement significativement moindre de la surface foliaire
en conditions de contrainte hydrique par rapport à une irrigation non contrainte, dû à une nette réduction de la taille
des feuilles du rameau principal et celles des entre-cœurs, ainsi qu’un nombre de feuilles inférieur sur les entrecœurs, ce dernier paramètre étant le plus affecté par la contrainte hydrique. Le développement de la surface foliaire
en conditions de déficit hydrique a été plus précoce que dans un régime de disponibilité totale d’eau. Une moindre
densité stomatique significative en conditions de déficit hydrique par rapport à une irrigation normale a été observée uniquement sur le cépage Airén. Le contrainte hydrique a entraîné une nette réduction dans la production de
matière sèche dans tous les cépages. Toutefois, en conditions de contrainte hydrique, la diminution de la production de matière sèche du Chardonnay et de l’Airén a été nettement moins importante que celle du Garnacha tinta.
La production de matière sèche pendant la saison par unité de surface foliaire n’a pas été modifiée de façon significative par la contrainte hydrique, car il s’agit d’une caractéristique génétique. L’Airén a présenté des caractéristiques différentes par rapport aux autres cépages étudiés. Celui-ci a produit nettement plus de matière sèche au cours
de la saison et ce, quelle que soit la disponibilité en eau. C’est aussi lui qui a développé le plus de surface foliaire.
Toutefois, cette dernière a été nettement moins efficace au niveau de la production de matière sèche que les
autres cépages. Il s’est distingué par le développement précoce de la surface foliaire dû au fort développement
des entre-cœurs. Le poids spécifique des feuilles s’est avéré nettement inférieur aux autres cépages. La contrainte
hydrique a réduit de façon significative la densité stomatique et il existe une relation entre la densité stomatique et
l’activité physiologique de la feuille.
Key words: water stress, water limitation, adaptation leaf size, stomata, dry matter
Mots clés : contrainte hydrique, adaptation taille des feuilles, stomate, matière sèche
*Correspondance : [email protected]
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©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
pevine repetitions. Two factors were controlled: cultivar and water availability. The cultivars used were
Garnacha tinta, Tempranillo, Chardonnay and Airén
grafted onto 1103 Paulsen. The water availability treatments were water limitation (L) and non-water limitation (NL).
Drought is one of the main environmental causes
of large reductions in production in the Mediterranean
region. Plants have developed different adaptation
mechanisms which enable them to avoid drought (that
minimise the accurrence of damaging water deficit),
to tolerate drought (those physiological adaptations
that enable plants to continue functioning in spite of
plant water deficits) or to optimise the utilisation of
water (JONES, 1983). In some Vitis vinifera L. cultivars, strategies have been detected which, through the
modification of the morphological and anatomical properties of the leaves, they succeed in avoiding water
limitation effects. These strategies include a reduction
in the leaf area (WINKEL and RAMBAL, 1993); high
leaf water storage capacity (DÜRING and SCIENZA,
1980; SCHULTZ, 1996); and differences in stomatal
density (FREGONI et al., 1977; DÜRING and
KLIEWER et al., 1985).
NL grapevines were irrigated to maintain the potting medium close to field capacity by supplying the
amount of water each week that the grapevines had
consumed the previous week. Water consumption was
determined gravimetrically, with allowances for drainage. L treatment consisted of grapevines receiving
50 % of the water consumption of NL grapevines for
each cultivar, with corrections for the relationship of
leaf area differences between treatments, calculated by
the following formula:
WL = 0.5 · WNL · LAL · LANL-1
where WL = water applied to L grapevines, WNL
= water applied to NL grapevines, LAL = leaf area of
L grapevines and LANL = leaf area of NL grapevines.
Grapevine cultivar can be considered to be adapted to drought in two different ways: when it reaches
high production and quality even when conditions are
not optimum (DÜRING and SCIENZA, 1980; ALBUQUERQUE-REGINA, 1993) or when it survive under
drought conditions, because when a cultivar continues
to transpire and photosynthesise when the water potentials of the leaf are very negative could endangers its
survival (SCHULTZ, 1996).
Growing degree-days (GDDs), using a base temperature of 10 ºC, were calculated from budburst.
The cycle of vine growth was divided into three
phases for the purpose of studying leaf area development. Shoot growth evolution of each experimental
grapevine repetition was studied in order to determine
these medium phases. Slow growth phase (phase S)
was the time between budbreak (6 May, day of year
[DOY] 126) and 5 July (DOY 186). Exponential
growth phase (phase E) was between 5 July (DOY
186) and 16 August (DOY 228). Lastly, lag phase
(phase L) was between 16 August and 20 September
(DOY 263). Daily shoot growth for each phase was
1,5±0,2 cm; 2,2±0,2 cm and 0,5±0,1 cm respectively.
The aim of the present paper is to study the effect
of water limitation on the morphological and anatomical properties of the leaves of different genotypes
of vine, and the repercussions that this has on the productive capacity of the grapevine. In order to do this,
cultivars from ecologically different areas were chosen: Garnacha tinta is traditionally cultivated in the arid
region of Aragón (Spain); Tempranillo in La Rioja;
Chardonnay in the semi-humid and cool area of
Burgundy (France); and Airén in the dry and warm
region of La Mancha (Spain).
The leaf area of main and lateral shoots was measured by weekly using the non-destructive method of
CARBONNEAU (1976 a and b). Leaf area was estimated by developing a second order polynomial equation, relating grapevine length to leaf area for each
cultivar. The mean grapevine leaf area developed at
each phase of the growth cycle and the whole cycle
was calculated using this procedure. The percentage
of leaf area developed in lateral shoots compared to
the total leaf area developed was calculated in each
phase. At the end of the experiment all leaves were
removed, counted and measured with an area meter
(LI-3100; LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.).
This experiment was carried out in 1994 at the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain. Two-yearold grapevines were grown in 35-liter weighting lysimeters and were covered with a plastic film to avoid
evaporation and infiltration of rainfall. Excess water
from irrigation was allowed to drain into a separate
container for quantification. The lysimeters were filled
with a mixture of peat, sand, and organic soil (63:25:12).
Each grapevine was restricted to one shoot. This experiment was completely randomized with 5 single gra-
J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin, 2003, 37, n°3, 131-143
©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
The preparation of the samples for the counting of
stomata was performed following the indications of
CAPELLADES et al. (1990). On the reverse side of
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Drought adaptation strategies
vifne leaf area (m2)
During the 7 weeks following budbreak, the development of the leaf area occurred very slowly in all the
cultivars (figure 1). KLIEWER et al. (1983) observed
that this phase of slow development of the leaf area lasted some 4 weeks. Temperatures during this phase seemed to determine its duration. From the seventh week
onwards (day 172), the development trend of the leaf
area was linear compared to GDDs as was observed
by WILLIAMS (1987). Under NL conditions, this
trend was maintained until day 242 when it was observed that the development of the leaf area stopped in all
the cultivars excepted Chardonnay, which continued
to increase until the end of the trial. This was probably
due to the fact that this cultivar, from a cold region,
does stop its vegetative development only for temperatures lower than those recorded at the end of the trial.
During this second phase, greater speed in the formation of leaf area was observed; in Tempranillo mean
formation speed reached 170 cm2 per day (table I).
Under L conditions, the increase in the leaf area in this
second phase was lower and growth cesation occurred
2 weeks before that in NL (day 228). In NL, as a mean
value of the cultivars, 52 % of the total area formed
developed in the second phase of shoot growth, 21 %
in the first phase and 27 % in the last (figure 1).
Nevertheless, when water availability was limited, the
formation of the leaf area in the grapevines took place
in the first phases with equal intensity (36 % was formed), while in the last phase, only 28 % of the leaf area
was formed.
Fig. 1 - Leaf area development in two-year-old
Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay
(C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under water limitation (L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL) during the season.
Développement de la surface foliaire sur des cépages de
Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C)
et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans, poussant en lysimètres de
35-L en conditions de contrainte hydrique (S) ou non
contrainte hydrique (NL) pendant la saison.
the limbo central intervein area, a surface area of 1 cm2
was covered with nail polish. After drying, the nail
polish was removed using transparent adhesive tape,
and epidermal imprints were transferred onto a microscope slide for counting. A leaf from each experimental
grapevine repetition was sampled and 5 counts were
carried out in each leaf.
Water limitation causes a reduction in the development of the leaf area (MERIAUX et al., 1974;
1990). In our trial, the mean formation speed of leaf
area in the two last phases and throughout the cycle
was significantly influenced both by water availability
and genotype, and the interaction between both factors
was significant (table I). However, in the first phase of
the cycle, the effect of water availability was not significant. This might have been due to the fact that the
trial was started by irrigation of all the grapevines at
field capacity and there is little transpiration during this
phase due to low foliar development. In the second and
third phases of the cycle, water limitation produced a
mean reduction of 58 % and 60 %, respectively, in the
formation speed of the leaf area. The differences in seasonal leaf area expansion between the irrigation treatments of all the cultivars were highly significant.
Throughout the cycle, development of leaf area under
L was reduced in 57 % compared to NL, as mean of
the cultivar, the cultivar which most reduced the development of leaf area was Garnacha tinta (it decreased
by 62 %), while Chardonnay reduced it by 49 %, mean
At the beginning of the experiment, five whole vine
dry matter of each cultivar were determined after tissue was dried at 80 ºC in an oven and a constant weight
was recorded. At the end of the season, dry matter was
determined on five grapevines per treatment combination. Dry matter production was calculated as a difference between vine dry matter at the beginning and
at the end of the experiment. Main and lateral leaves
dry matter were determined separately. Specific leaf
weight was calculated by dividing leaf dry matter and
The leaf area developed by the grapevines (figure 1)
under conditions of total water availability (greater than
1 m2) was higher than that obtained by INTRIERI et
al. (1992) under quite similar growing conditions.
Therefore, the trial conditions and the cultural treatment performed on the trial grapevines contributed
to excellent vegetative development.
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Expansion of leaf area (cm2·day-1) in two-year-old Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) and Airén
(A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under water limitation (L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL).
Phase S: 6 May to 5 July. Phase E: 5 July to 16 August. Phase L: 16 August to 20 September.
Factorial analysis of variance (CUL = cultivar, IT = irrigation treatment, CUL·IT = interaction).
Tableau I - Expansion de la surface foliaire (cm2·jour-1) pour les cépages Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T),
Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de 35-L en conditions de contrainte
hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL).
Phase S : du 6 mai au 5 juillet. Phase E : du 5 juillet au 16 août. Phase L : du 16 août au 20 septembre.
Analyse factorielle de la variation (CUL = cépage, IT = régime d’irrigation, CUL·IT = interaction).
G-NL vs.G-L
T-NL vs. T-L
C-NL vs. C-L
A-NL vs. A-L
Phase S
3.6 b y
2.9 b
2.9 b
5.9 a
3.2 b
5.0 a
3.0 b
5.0 a
Phase E
162.5 ab
169.7 a
134.6 c
157.2 b
58.2 b
58.7 b
64.7 b
74.8 a
Phase L
38.8 bc
32.0 c
61.8 a
45.9 b
94.2 b
92.5 b
89.2 b
107.9 a
35.6 b
37.9 b
45.5 a
46.0 a
x ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
y Mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
Genotype significantly influences the formation of
leaf area when the grapevines were grown under the
same conditions (ALBUQUERQUE-REGINA, 1993).
Nevertheless, in our trial, the cultivars did not reaction
in the same way throughout the whole cycle. Under
NL conditions, Airén was characterised by speed values
of leaf area formation which were significantly higher
in the first phase of the cycle, in spite of being a latebudding cultivar. However, in the second phase, it was
Tempranillo which presented significantly higher
values, and in the last phase there were no significant
differences among the cultivars. Taking into consideration the whole of the cycle, Airén developed a significantly larger leaf area than the other cultivars. Under
L conditions, Airén developed notably more leaf area
than the other cultivars in the two first phases, while in
the last phase it was Chardonnay. Throughout the cycle,
Airén and Chardonnay developed a significantly greater leaf area than Garnacha tinta and Tempranillo.
the bibliography (HUGLIN, 1986; WILLIAMS, 1987;
MULLINS et al., 1992), due to the development of
one single vine shoot with great vigour and without
fruits. Under both conditions of water availability,
the percentage of leaf area developed in the lateral
shoots compared to the total leaf area formed increased throughout the season. Nevertheless, a greater
increase was noticed when passing from the first to the
second phase coincided with a greater expansion of
leaf area development on the whole of the grapevine.
(table I).
Both water availability and genotype had a significant influence on the leaf area developed in the lateral shoots, although the interaction between both factors
was not significant (table II). In all the cultivars, water
limitation caused a significantly lower development of
leaf area in lateral shoots than in NL throughout the
cycle and in the last two phases of the cycle, while in
the first phase significant differences were only observed in the Airén cultivar. The mean reduction in the
percentage of leaf area in lateral shoots caused by water
limitation stood at 19 %. Although the development
of leaf area in the lateral shoots is highly sensitive to
water limitation (WILLIAMS and GRIMES, 1987),
The values of the leaf area developed in the lateral shoots (table II) are higher than those recorded in
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©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
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Drought adaptation strategies
the effect of water limitation on the development of
lateral shoots depends on the growing condition and
the presence of clusters (GÓMEZ DEL CAMPO et
al., 2002).
the grapevine was determined by the activity of the
lateral shoots in the formation of new leaves, as, on
average, in the trial 81 % of the leaves were on the lateral shoots.
The development of the lateral shoots was genetically controlled in most phases and throughout the cycle
in this trial. The statistical differences among the cultivars were more noticeable under conditions of NL
than of L. Under both conditions of water availability,
Airén presented values of leaf area development in lateral shoots which could be found in the significantly
higher group, compared to Chardonnay and
Tempranillo which presented lower values.
In all the cultivars, water limitation caused a significant reduction in the formation of leaves on the whole
of the grapevine. As a mean value of the cultivars,
the grapevines under L conditions developed half the
number of leaves as those under NL conditions. The
most affected was Garnacha tinta (the number of leaves
fell by 56 %) and Chardonnay was the least affected
(the reduction was 44 %). In Tempranillo and
Chardonnay, the number of leaves formed on the main
vine shoot was not significantly affected by water availability, as was also observed in Carignan in the field
(KLIEWER et al., 1983). Water limitation affected
activity to a greater extent in the meristems of the lateral shoots than in the main shoot, thereby causing a
mean reduction of 57 % in the number of leaves on the
lateral shoots, while on the main shoot, the number fell
The effect of the cultivar and water availability were
significant in the number of leaves formed in the main
shoot and in lateral shoots, and, in the whole of the grapevine, the interaction between both treatments was
significant (table III). The total number of leaves on
Leaf area developed in lateral shoots (% compared to total leaf area) in two-year-old Garnacha tinta (G),
Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under water limitation
(L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL).
Phase S: 6 May to 5 July. Phase E: 5 July to 16 August. Phase L: 16 August to 20 September.
Factorial analysis of variance (CUL = cultivar, IT = irrigation treatment, CUL·IT = interaction).
Surface foliaire développée sur les entre-cœurs (% par rapport à la surface foliaire totale) sur des cépages Garnacha tinta
(G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de 35-L
en conditions de contrainte hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL).
Phase S : du 6 mai au 5 juillet. Phase E : du 5 juillet au 16 août. Phase L : du 16 août au 20 septembre.
Analyse factorielle de la variance (CUL = cépage, IT = régime d’irrigation, CUL·IT = interaction).
Phase S
Phase E
Phase L
G-NL vs.G-L
T-NL vs. T-L
C-NL vs. C-L
A-NL vs. A-L
11.63 ab y
61.61 ab
41.87 ab
8.46 b
56.11 bc
38.92 b
9.84 b
54.71 c
39.42 b
14.54 a
64.59 a
44.49 a
67.43 ab
59.05 c
62.36 bc
70.07 a
x ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
y Mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
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by 12 %. Therefore, the number of leaves on lateral
shoots could be considered as an evaluation parameter of the level of water limitation suffered by a grapevine when there is no other limiting factor.
Genotype significantly determined the number of
leaves formed on the main shoot, lateral shoots and on
the vine as a whole. Nevertheless, under NL conditions, the number of leaves on the main shoot was not
significantly influenced by the genotype. Under both
water conditions the Chardonnay stood out for the greater total number of leaves it formed in comparison with
other cultivars, and Tempranillo the lowest number.
The leaves on the lateral shoots were smaller than
those on the main vine shoot – they were practically
half the size (table III). Similar differences between
leaf size on main and lateral shoots were noticed in
other experiments (PALLIOTTI et al., 2000;
WILLIAMS, 1987).
Fig. 2 - Abaxial leaf surface of Airén grapevine
under non-water limitation (top) and water limitation
(bottom) conditions.
Water limitation had a significant effect on leaf size
on main and lateral shoots and on the whole of the vine
in all the cultivars. This reduction in leaf size seems to
be mainly due to a reduction in length rather than in
width (FANIZZA and RICIARDI, 1990). Water limitation caused a greater reduction in the leaf size of
the lateral shoots than in that of the main vine shoot.
As a mean of the cultivars, the leaf size of the laterals
was 21 % smaller in the grapevines under L conditions
than in NL, while in the leaves of the main shoot the
reduction in size was 13 %. The greatest reduction was
quantified in Tempranillo; the leaves of the main grapevine shoot decreased by 17 % in size, and those of
the lateral shoots by 29 %, which, furthermore, coincided with being the cultivar with significantly larger
Surface abaxiale des feuilles de cépage Airén
en régime d'irrigation non contrainte hydrique (haut)
et contrainte hydrique (bas).
observed among irrigation treatments in any of the cultivars. Nevertheless, in Garnacha tinta and Tempranillo,
water limitation caused a significant reduction in the
specific weight of the leaves of the main shoot.
However, in Airén under L there was a significant
increase in the specific weight of the lateral shoot leaves.
WILLIAMS and GRIMES (1987) observed that the
specific weight of the leaves under L conditions was
greater than that of NL conditions; they contributed
this fact to the higher temperatures that the leaves maintain under these circumstances as the dry weight per
unit of the leaf area depends on temperature. The presence of one sole vine shoot on the grapevines and its
vertical position caused little shading of the leaves and
it is probably because of this that differences were not
observed in the specific weight of the leaves amongst
irrigation treatments.
The leaf size of the main and lateral shoots is a varietal property (FANIZZA and RICIARDI, 1990 ;
PALLIOTI et al., 2000). The cultivar had a significant
effect on leaf size in both irrigation conditions. The
leaves of the main and lateral shoots of Tempranillo
were significantly larger than the other cultivars studied, while the leaves of Chardonnay belong to the
group of significantly smaller leaves.
The specific weight of the leaves of the main shoot
and on the whole of the vine was significantly altered
by genotype. Nevertheless, the specific weight of the
leaves developed on the lateral shoots was not specifically determined by the cultivar (table III). Tempranillo
presented significantly higher specific weight values
on the whole of the vine under both conditions of water
availability, whilst Airén presented lower values. Whilst
SLAVCHEVA (1990) obtained differences in the specific weight of five cultivars, PALLIOTTI et al. (2000)
The specific weight of the leaves of the main shoot
was greater than that of the leaves on the lateral shoots
in all the cultivars both in L and NL, except in Airén
under L conditions (table III).
On the whole of the grapevine, significant differences in the specific weight of the leaves were not
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©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
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Drought adaptation strategies
Table III
Main, lateral and whole vine leaf area properties at the end of the season in two-year-old Garnacha tinta (G),
Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under water limitation
(L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL), in three phases of the cycle.
Phase S = slow growth phase (days 126-186), phase E = exponential growth (days 186-228) and phase L = Lag phase growth (228-263) and
in the whole of the cycle. Factorial analysis of variance (CUL = cultivar, IT = irrigation treatment, CUL·IT = interaction).
Caractéristiques de la surface foliaire (feuilles primaires, latérales et entières) à la fin de la saison pour des cépages
Grenache (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans, ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de 35-L
en conditions de contrainte hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL), sur trois phases du cycle.
Phase L = phase de croissance lente (jours 126 à 186), phase E = croissance exponentielle (jours 186 à 228) et phase R = croissance ralentie (jours 228 à
263) et sur l’ensemble du cycle. Analyse factorielle de la variation (CUL = cépage, IT = régime d’irrigation, CUL·IT = interaction).
G-NL vs.G-L
T-NL vs. T-L
C-NL vs. C-L
A-NL vs. A-L
Number of leaves
** x
277 c
328 c
229 d
272 d
391 a
440 a
343 b
391 b
104 c
143 c
37 b y
39 b
89 c
130 c
53 a
196 a
249 a
37 b
154 b
192 b
Size of leaves (cm2)
62.1 b
32.8 b
37.3 b
80.5 a
37.4 a
44.0 a
61.0 b
23.5 c
27.7 c
68.5 b
31.5 b
36.0 b
54.8 c
27.1 a
34.5 b
67.1 a
26.6 a
39.2 a
53.6 c
18.6 b
26.1 c
61.7 b
25.8 a
32.8 b
Specific weight (mg/cm2)
8.60 a
7.37 b
9.98 a
7.98 a
8.96 a
7.21 b
7.10 b
6.70 c
7.30 bc
7.06 c
8.23 a
7.82 a
7.72 ab
7.45 b
6.69 c
6.97 c
x : ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
y : Mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
Likewise, DÜRING and SCIENZA (1980) observed
that Riesling was able to modifiy stomatal density when
the crop was passed from a glasshouse to the field.
did not observe differences between the Cabernet franc
and Trebbiano toscano cultivars.
The values of stomatal density obtained in this trial
(table IV) are found within the range of 129-254 stomata/mm2 recorded in other works (CARBONNEAU,
1980 ; DÜRING, 1980 ; DÜRING and SCIENZA,
1980 ; ERIS and SOYLU, 1990 ; ALBUQUERQUEREGINA, 1993 ; PALLIOTI et al., 2000). Nevertheless,
KLIEWER et al. (1985) reported values of up to
350 stomas per mm2 in the Napa Gamay cultivar.
Stomatal density does not seem to differ between the
leaves of lateral and main shoots or between the different lobes of the leaf (PALLIOTI et al., 2000).
When all the grapevines in the trial are considered,
the stomatal density of the grapevines under NL and
L separately is not directly related to stomatal conductance (figure 3) nor to the assimilation rate (figure 4)
coinciding with the observations of FANIZZA et al.,
(1989) and ALBUQUERQUE-REGINA (1993).
Nevertheless, alterations were significant for the Airén
grapevines (statistical analysis not presented);
KLIEWER et al. (1985) observed that a cultivar with
greater stomatal density coincided with being that which
presented higher conductance rates.
The cultivar and the interaction of the cultivar with
water availability had a significant effect on stomatal
density; water availability only had a significant effect
on the second measurement day (table IV). However,
only Airén presented a significantly lower stomatal
density under L than under NL on both measurement
days (figure 2); this suggests that the leaves of this cultivar present an alteration in their anatomical properties when they are under water shortage conditions.
Genotype had a significant effect on stomatal density when cultivars are grown under the same water
availability conditions. This observation is consistant
with other authors (DÜRING and SCIENZA, 1980;
SCIENZA and BOSELLI, 1981; KLIEWER et al.,
1985; FANIZZA et al, 1989; ERIS and SOYLU, 1990 ;
Garnacha tinta and Airén presented the highest values;
under L, Garnacha tinta stood out for presenting signi-
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Table IV
Stomatal density (number·mm-1) measured on two days of the cycle on main leaves of two-year-old Garnacha
tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under water
limitation (L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL).
Factorial analysis of variance (CUL = cultivar, IT = irrigation treatment, CUL·IT = interaction).
Densité stomatique (nombre·mm-1) mesurée pendant deux jours au cours du cycle sur des feuilles primaires de cépages de
Grenache (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de 35-L
en conditions de contrainte hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL).
Analyse factorielle de la variance (CUL = cépage, IT = régime d’irrigation, CUL·IT = interaction).
G-NL vs.G-L
T-NL vs. T-L
C-NL vs. C-L
A-NL vs. A-L
DOY 219
192.6 a y
134.4 b
131.3 b
171.2 a
210.5 a
122.0 b
122.8 b
140.5 b
DOY 248
182.2 b
157.2 c
153.9 c
195.6 a
174.1 a
149.9 b
148.8 b
150.7 b
x ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
y Mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05
Fig. 3 - Relationship between stomatal conductance
and stomatal density for two-year-old grapevines
under non-water limitation (NL) and water limitation
(L) conditions during day 219.
Fig. 4 - Relationship between net CO2 assimilation
rate and stomatal density for two-year-old grapevines
under non-water limitation (NL) and water limitation
(L) conditions during day 219.
Rapport entre la conductance stomatique et la densité stomatique pour des cépages âgés de deux ans en régime de
non-contrainte hydrique (NL) et de contrainte hydrique (L)
au 219e jour.
Rapport entre le taux d’assimilation net du CO2
et la densité stomatique pour des cépages âgés de deux ans
en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL) et de contrainte
hydrique (L) au 219e jour.
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Drought adaptation strategies
Table V
Production of dry matter per annual vine and per unit of mean foliar surface area and water use efficiency of twoyear-old Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters
under water limitation (L) and non-water limitation (NL).
Factorial analysis of variance (CUL = cultivar, IT = irrigation treatment, CUL·IT = interaction).
Production annuelle de matière sèche par cep et par unité de surface foliaire et usage efficace de l’eau de cépages Grenache (G),
Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de 35-L en conditions de
contrainte hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL).
Analyse factorielle de la variance (CUL = cépage, IT = régime d’irrigation, CUL·IT = interaction).
G-NL vs.G-L
T-NL vs. T-L
C-NL vs. C-L
A-NL vs. A-L
Production of dry matter
682.0 ab
351.3 ab y
334.3 bc
654.8 bc
312.9 c
710.0 a
366.1 a
605.4 c
141.2 b
692.8 a
151.1 ab
639.6 a
166.1 a
709.0 a
159.8 a
563.0 b
x ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
y Mean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
ficantly higher stomatal densities (figure 5). DÜRING
and SCIENZA (1980) consider that greater stomatal
density in leaves when they are under dry conditions
is an adaptation strategie to drought and is inversely
related to ABA content of the leaves. Other authors do
not observe any direct relationship between stomatal
density and the resistance to drought of the cultivars
(ERIS and SOYLU, 1990), nor to the physiological
activity of the leaf (FANIZZA et al., 1989; ALBUQUERQUE-REGINA, 1993), but that the genetic differences in the assimilation of CO2 are due to the
physiological control of their opening rather than to
variation in size or number (CHAVES, 1991).
The cultivar and the irrigation treatment as well
as the interaction between both factors was significant
(table V). Water limitation caused a mean reduction of
55 % in the production of dry matter throughout the
season compared to NL. In all the cultivars, this reduction was significantly higher. The cultivar which most
reduced the dry matter produced when it was subjected to conditions of water limitation was Garnacha tinta
(60 %), while Chardonnay decreased production by
47 %.
When the cultivars were under the same conditions,
the production of dry matter differed significantly
among the cultivars, as BRAVDO et al. (1972) and
RIES (1986) observed under conditions of high water
availability. Under conditions of NL, the Airén cultivar stood out for being the most productive, whilst
Chardonnay was the least productive; therefore, under
conditions of high water availability it was the cultivar
from the dry area which was the most productive, these
results are in contradiction with KRAMER and
BOYER (1995). Under L conditions, both Chardonnay
and Airén produced significantly more dry matter than
Garnacha tinta.
The production of dry matter of the experimental
vine (table V) was lower than that referred to field
conditions (ARAUJO and WILLIAMS, 1988;
MULLINS et al., 1992; ARAUJO et al., 1995), as the
pot limits growth, and, therefore, productivity
(BRAVDO et al., 1972; CONRADIE 1990 and 1991;
MILLER et al., 1996 a and b).
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©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
Relationship between morphological and anatomical properties of leaves and dry matter production
availability treatments, the Airén cultivar stands out
for presenting significantly lower values.
The mean leaf area of the vine significantly determined the production of dry matter in a linear manner
(figure 6) either when taking into consideration all the
grapevines together, each irrigation treatment or each
cultivar separately. The relationship between the production of dry matter and total leaf area was proven
previously (BRAVDO et al., 1972; MILLER et al.,
1996 a and b). The equation of the graph line of the
grapevines under NL differed significantly to that of
L; however, the slope did not differ significantly (statistical analysis not presented), which indicates that the
increase in leaf area in the grapevines caused the same
increase in production of dry matter in NL as in L. The
graph lines of the cultivars differed significantly from
each other (statistical analysis not presented). For the
same leaf area, Garnacha tinta and Chardonnay produced more dry matter than Airén, leaving Tempranillo
in an intermediary position (figure 6).
The linear correlation between productivity and leaf
size was significant for the cultivars Tempranillo and
Airén (table VI), however when the data was pooled
by grouping all the cultivars together, the adjustment
was not seen to be significant; therefore, in this trial,
leaf size has not turned out to be a productivity indicator as was stated by BRAVDO et al. (1972).
The production of dry matter per unit of mean leaf
area turned out to be a property which depended exclusively on the cultivar (table V). It was not sigificantly
influenced by water availability and the interaction between both factors was not significant. In both water
Fig. 6 - Relationship between dry matter production
and mean leaf area over the season in two-year-old
Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay
(C) and Airén (A) grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters under non-water limitation (NL) and water limitation (L) conditions.
Regression for pooled data: y = 628.x + 10 **, regression for nonwater limitation condition: y = 345.x + 162**, regression for water
limitation condition y = 214.x + 103*, regression for Garnacha
tinta grapevines: y = 674.x + 3**, regression for Tempranillo grapevines: y = 648.x**, regression for Chardonnay grapevines: y
= 684.x + 8**, regression for Airén grapevines: y = 643.x – 23**.
Rapport entre la production de matière sèche et la surface
foliaire moyenne pendant la saison pour des cépages
Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et
Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres
de 35-L en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL) et de
contrainte hydrique (L).
Fig. 5 - Abaxial leaf surface of Tempranillo (top)
and Garnacha tinta (bottom) grapevines
under water limitation conditions.
Régression pour la combinaison de données : y = 628.x + 10 **, régression en régime de non-contrainte hydrique: y = 345.x + 162**, régression
en conditions de contrainte hydrique y = 214.x + 103*, régression pour
le cépage Garnacha Tinta : y = 674.x + 3**, régression pour le cépage
Tempranillo : y = 648.x**, régression pour le cépage Chardonnay : y =
684.x + 8**, régression pour le cépage Airén : y = 643.x – 23**.
Surface abaxiale des feuilles de cépages Tempranillo (haut) et
Garnacha tinta (bas) en conditions de contrainte hydrique.
J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin, 2003, 37, n°3, 131-143
©Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales (Bordeaux, France)
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Drought adaptation strategies
Table VI
Relationship between morphological and anatomical properties of leaves and productivity (g.vine-1)
of two-year-old Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo, Chardonnay and Airén grapevines grown in 35-L lysimeters
under water limitation (L) and non-water limitation conditions (NL).
Tableau VI - Rapport entre les caractéristiques morphologiques et anatomiques des feuilles et de la productivité (cépage-1) de
cépages Garnacha tinta (G), Tempranillo (T), Chardonnay (C) et Airén (A) âgés de deux ans ayant poussé dans des lysimètres de
35-L en conditions de contrainte hydrique (L) et en régime de non-contrainte hydrique (NL).
Leaf size (cm2)
y = 20.x – 479
y = 17.x – 479
y = 18.x - 239
y = 39.x - 1085
y = 2.x + 286
y = -1.x + 186
y = 5.x + 86
Specific weight (mg.cm-2)
y = 168.x - 973
y = 146.x - 911
y = -93.x + 921
y = -251.x + 1980
y = -9.x + 404
y = 6.x + 108
y = -6.x + 294
Stomatal density (number.mm-2)
y = -10.x + 768
y = 7.x + 26
y = 13.x - 183
y = 12.x - 236
y = 2.x + 277
y = -x + 180
y = x + 192
z ns,*,**, non significant or significant at P = 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.
conditions of total water availability. This enabled the
grapevines to avoid drought by reducing their cycle
and growing in periods in which ground humidity is
The specific weight of the leaves was not related in
a linear manner to the productivity of the vine in any
of the cases studied (table VI).
Productivity was related in a linear manner to stomatal density when the grapevines in NL and L were
taken into consideration separately; the graph lines differed significantly (statistical analysis not presented).
Nevertheless, while under NL conditions the greater
the number of stomas the higher the productivity, under
L conditions the relationship was the reverse, as it was
observed by CARBONNEAU (1980). Our results do
not confirm that greater stomatal density is related to
a better adaptation to drought (DÜRING and
SCIENZA, 1980), if we consider that a cultivar is adapted to drought when it reaches high performance and
quality even when conditions are not optimum
(DÜRING and SCIENZA, 1980; ALBUQUERQUEREGINA, 1993). The adjustment between the production of the dry matter and stomatal density of all
the Airén grapevines was significant; as density increased so did productivity.
3.- In the Airén cultivar, a significant reduction in
stomatal density was observed under conditions of
water limitation. Stomatal density was positively related to photosynthesis and stomatal conductance.
All the strategies related to grapevine survival under
drought conditions tend to reduce the productivity
potential of dry matter (JONES, 1983). Nevertheless,
there are significant differences amongst cultivars in
the production of dry matter under drought conditions;
Chardonnay and Airén produced significantly more
dry matter than Garnacha tinta. The production of dry
matter by the grapevine was directly related to the mean
leaf area of the vine; the relationship depended on genotype. For the same leaf area, Airén turned out to be the
cultivar which produced the least amount of dry matter, while Garnacha tinta and Chardonnay were the
most efficient. The production of dry matter per unit
of leaf area was not significantly altered by water limitation but it is an exclusively varietal property.
The drought adaptation strategies related to the morphological and anatomical properties of leaves which
enable grapevines to avoid water limitation effects
which were observed in this study were the following:
Of all the cultivars studied, Airén stood out for its
different morphological and anatomical properties. It
was one of the cultivars which produced significantly
more dry matter throughout the season under both irrigation conditions. It coincided with being the one which
developed a larger leaf area, standing out for the early
development of the latter in spite of being a cultivar
with late budbreak, for its greater development of lateral shoot leaves. The specific weight of the leaves was
significantly lower than that of other cultivars. Under
drought conditions, stomatal density fell significantly
and presented a positive correlation between stomatal
density and the physiological activity of the leaf.
1.- Lesser development of leaf area in conditions
of water limitation in all the cultivars; on average it was
reduced by 57 % due to a significant reduction in the
leaf size of main and lateral shoots and a lower number of leaves on lateral shoots; the latter was the parameter which was most affected by water limitation.
2.- The development of the leaf area in conditions
of water limitation occurred on earlier dates than under
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