Paris Tourist Industry


Paris Tourist Industry
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Paris Tourist Industry
(Youtube / CCTV 2016)
And Paris’s tourism industry is still suffering from terrorist fears. Tourist arrivals to Paris fell by ten percent
in the first five months of this year. Let’s get more on this.
Paris is quiet this summer. Hotel occupancy fell by twelve percent in June this year from a year ago.
The number of flight arrivals in July dropped (by) ten percent compared to last year. In previous years it
could take hours to queue in popular sites like the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower. This time lines
are noticibly shorter. Overall, foreign tourist arrivals fell by ten percent in the January to May period of
2016 compared to the same period of 2015.
The main reason for this fall is the fear of the risk of attack, which has worried a lot of foreign customers
generally from far away, particularly Asian customers, who are adverse to risks, who don’t know the
security problems in their own countries in general - I’m particulary thinking of Japan - and who are afraid
of coming to France, to Paris and Europe generally.
But the fear of terrorism is just part of the story.
All tourism professionals in Paris are suffering from today’s climate in Paris, particularly hoteliers because
they are also suffering from competition like tourist accomodation like Opertel and Airbnb, who were
pretty successful, particulary during the Euro, where they were already experiencing a fall in customers.
Restaurant owners, who have a lot less foreign tourists in some areas.
Tourism professionals also say negative perceptions about France have been fueled by violent street
protests this year as well as robberies targeting Asian visitors.
We see (that) there is a general fall in tourist activity in Paris and our partnerships with the biggest tourism
stakeholders are all suffering a fall. On the other hand, the tourists who are in Paris were able to capture
them because we have reinforced our presence on the ground, because we have people at strategic points
to explain how our activity works to the tourists. So, yes, we are able to capture the clients when they
are here.
Delwaulle added that they had to decrease the frequency of their bus(es) by about twelve percent in
response to the fall in activity.
Xia (?) Tung (?) CCTV
01. Fears
02. Fell by ten percent (fall / fell / fallen)
03. Let’s get more on this
04. Quiet
05. Dropped by ten percent
06. In previous years
07. Noticeably shorter
a baissé de 10%
apprenons davantage à ce sujet
a chuté de 10%
les année précédentes
sensiblement, visiblement
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08. Overall
09. Who are adverse to risks
10. Tourist accommodation
11. Pretty successful
12. Are experiencing a fall in customers
13. Have been fuelled
14. As well as robberies targeting
15. Tourist stakeholders
16. On the other hand
qui n’aiment pas les risques
logement pour les touristes
ont eu beaucoup de succès
subissent une baisse de clients
ont été alimentés
ainsi que des vols ciblant …
les parties prenantes dans le tourisme
par contre
Paris Tourist Industry
(Youtube / CCTV 2016)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
And Paris’s tourism industry is still suffering from terrorist f _ . Tourist arrivals to Paris f
(craintes, peurs)
percent in the first five months of this year. Let’s g
b ten
(a baissé de)
more on this.
(apprenons advantage à ce sujet)
Paris is q
this summer. Hotel occupancy fell by twelve percent in June this year from a year ago.
The number of flight arrivals in June d
by ten percent compared to last year. In p
(a chuté de)
years it could
take hours to queue in popular sites like the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower. This time lines are
shorter. O
, foreign tourist arrivals fell by ten percent in the January to May period of
2016 compared to the same period of 2015.
The main reason for this fall is the fear of the risk of attack, which has worried a lot of foreign customers
generally from far away, particularly Asian customers, who are a
to risks, who don’t know the
(qui n’aiment pas)
security problems in their own countries in general - I’m particulary thinking of Japan - and who are
afraid of coming to France, to Paris and Europe generally.
But the fear of terrorism is just part of the story.
All tourism professionals in Paris are suffering from today’s climate in Paris, particularly hoteliers
because they are also suffering from competition like tourist a
like Opertel and Airbnb, who
were p
, particulary during the Euro, where they were already e
(ont eu beaucoup de succès)
(subissaient une baisse de)
customers. Restaurant owners, who have a lot less foreign tourists in some areas. Tourism
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professionals also say negative perceptions about France have been f
by violent street protests
this year as well as r
Asian visitors.
(des vols ciblants)
We see (that) there is a general fall in tourist activity in Paris and our partnerships with the biggest
tourism s___________ are all suffering a fall. O the o h
, the tourists who are in Paris we were
(parties prenantes)
(par contre)
able to capture them because we have reinforced our presence on the ground, because we have people
at strategic points to explain how our activity works to the tourists. So, yes, we are able to capture the
clients when they are here.
Delwaulle added that they had to decrease the frequency of their bus(es) by about twelve percent in
response to the fall in activity.