
Geneva, Switzerland
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
directed by
Yvan Rihs
Douglas Fowley Jr
based on an idea by
Joy Kundig
Théâtre Kayonan / 10 avenue Giuseppe-Motta / 1202 Geneva, Switzerland / [email protected]
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Poem
Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s epic poem was the harbinger of a new era in 18th-Century English
literature, a signal shift to modern poetry and British Romanticism. This strange, profoundly
disturbing narrative is the tale of an old mariner’s supernatural journey after his inexplicable
killing of the mythical albatross. According to legend, albatrosses incarnate the souls of deceased
sailors. When an albatross is killed, the entire crew must suffer the consequences. In The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner Coleridge ingeniously expresses the tangibly horrid in captivating, sensual,
rhythmic language.
The Challenge
A particularly rigorous approach is necessary when presenting a work of such epic proportions in
a solo performance. How does one communicate the essence of a tale seemingly so far removed
from contemporary life? Yet Coleridge’s uncanny poem touches upon some of the fundamental
concerns of our modern world. This prophetic myth deals with questions of personal
responsibility, awareness, civic involvement and the role of each man and woman in the troubled
waters of contemporary society. How does one communicate this poem, this “albatross” from
another era, in our accelerated cyber world?
The Concept
A man lighting his way with an old lantern moves silently through the room. 3 wooden stools
covered in black sit on an otherwise empty stage from whence he will relate the ancient mariner’s
improbable tale. The actor-cum-mariner attempts to capture our attention with the sense of
urgency only a man in exile burdened by his past can feel. He struggles with his words and
explodes into movements imposed by the very structure of the poem. His body runs, twirls,
dances, moves slowly, stands still; he relives his tale as he tells it, remembering all before his
audience. The play, like the poem, is a sharing of human knowledge, a quest for truth with the
pains, twists, turns and doubts that this implies.
The Music
The vocal subtlety and refined pianistic expression of Chloé Lévy and Yannick Délez’s album
Leinicha enhance the mysterious transcendental atmosphere of the play.
Who are we ?
Desirous of exploring beyond the allegorical approach to theatre developed through his work
with mask and shadow play, and to deepen his experience as a stage actor working with written
text, Douglas Fowley Jr. founded Theatre Kayonan in Paris in 1987. The first production was an
original performance inspired by Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, created in collaboration
with the Lebanese-American actress Theresa Amoon, French dancer and actress Paty Soegeng,
and actor Daniel Limoges from Quebec.
The company relocated to Geneva, Switzerland in 1990 where it presents works by Englishlanguage authors such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, John Steinbeck, Oscar Wilde,
William Yeats and others. The plays are presented in French and/or English to the international
audience. Theatre Kayonan has toured Switzerland, France, the United States and Canada.
It creates intimate theatrical events and plays close to the audience. One-man shows, small casts,
minimal décor, subtle music and lighting… the success of Kayonan’s work hinges on the actor’s
presence and performance, the director’s vision, musical composition and interpretation, and of
course, the author’s words. Be it comedy, tragedy or both, this simplicity of approach provokes a
strong actor-spectator relationship and enhances both audience pleasure and its perception of the
theatrical arts.
Theatre Kayonan works with a variety of directors, writers, actors and actresses, depending on
the nature of each project.
Curriculum vitae / Yvan Rihs, the director
Director, playwright, actor Yvan Rihs (born in 1972) is an active protagonist in Geneva theatre.
He has participated in the creation of numerous productions with Théâtre Spirale since 1997, including:
Man Equals Man / Berthold Brecht / Théâtre de Carouge (2004), dramaturge and actor;
La Cantate Des Berceuses / Théâtre de la Parfumerie (2002), actor;
Sortir De L’ombre / Théâtre de la Parfumerie, Franco-Swiss Tour (1999-2000),
co-author, assistant director;
The Émigrés / Slawomir Mrozek / Théâtre de la Parfumerie (2000), assistant director;
Geneva Cantonal Day Expo ’02 (2002), assistant director.
He has also directed teen theatre workshops participating in the creation of: Twelfth Night; Year Nine Are Animals;
A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Yvan Rihs participated in the creation of diverse urban installations with the Troupe de Janvier:
En Rade (1997), L’Observatoire (1997-1998), Delits De Fuite (1999).
He holds a Bachelor of Arts (French Literature/Dramaturgy) from the University of Geneva and was awarded the
1999 Hentsch French Literature Award for his is dissertation on author/poet/playwright Armand Gatti.
He conceived and directed Purgatory quartet, an opera composed by Xavier Dayer based on William Yeats’
Purgator, for the European Contemporary Music Festival in Basel (2001).
Mr. Rihs directed the Haitian company Zepon’s production Express Partout touring Switzerland (2004) and Haiti
In 2005 he also directed Relais written and performed by Patrick Mohr at the Théâtre de la Parfumerie for the 6th
Annual De Bouche à Oreille Festival followed by an international tour (2005, 2006, 2007).
He directed Benjamin Knobil and Olivier Yglesias in Velère Novarina’s L’Inquietude at the Théâtre de la Parfumerie
He directed Valère Novarina’s L’Opérette Imaginaire as a workshop project for pre-professional Geneva
Conservatory drama students (2007).
In 2008 he directed Charles Dickens Great Expectations (a Theatre Kayonan production) at Geneva’s Am Stram
Gram Theatre and the Théâtre de la Parfumerie. Swiss tour (2009)
He created the dramaturgy for Andrea Novicov’s version of Georg Buchner’s Woyzeck (Angledange Company).
Franco-Swiss tour (2009): Maison des Arts de Thonon, Forum-Meyrin, Arsenic Theatre, Théâtre B. Besson, TPR
In 2009, he directed a workshop creation of Evgueni Schwartz Dragon at the Théâtre de Carouge.
Yvan Rihs has taught text analysis and dramaturgy for pre-professional drama students at the Conservatory of
Geneva as well as conducting theatre workshops for teenagers (E. Schwartz Dragon and Roi Nu, X. Durringer’s
Chroniques, P. Weiss’ Mockinpott, R.W. Fassbinder’s Bouc, C. Serreau’s Quisaitout, H. Levin’s Funérailles
d’Hiver) since 2001.
He has performed with directors Richard Vachoux (Musset’s On Ne Badine Pas Avec L’Amour at the Théâtre de
l’Orangerie), Patrick Heller (Belbel’s Après la pluie at the Théâtre du Galpon), Michele Millner (Shakespeare’s A
Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Théâtre de la Parfumerie), as well as with Lorenzo Malaguerra (Schnitzler’s Une
Curriculum vitae / Douglas Fowley Jr
actor / artistic director Theatre Kayonan, Geneva, Switzerland
nationalities USA, Irish, Swiss / born September 30, 1947 / bilingual English & French
Studies, Training & Workshops:
voice and translation for fictional, documentary, institutional, television et independent films
member VPS/ASP (Swiss Professional Speakers Association)
2010 co-director KALAVRITA OF THE THOUSAND ANTIGONES by Charlotte Delbo / Ph. Campiche Company
actor SONGE D’UNE SŒUR by Jean-Michel Wissmer / dir. Roberto Salomon
actor ... AND ADAM by Jelena Dincic (film) / dir. Jelena Dincic
actor HAMLET by William Shakespeare / dir. Yvan Rihs / prod. Théâtre Kayonan
actor THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER / dir. Yvan Rihs / prod. Théâtre Kayonan
2009 actor GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Charles Dickens / dir. Yvan Rihs / prod. Théâtre Kayonan
actor HAMLET by William Shakespeare / dir. Yvan Rihs / prod. Théâtre Kayonan
2008 actor GREAT EXPECTATIONS / dir. Yvan Rihs / prod. Theatre Kayonan
2007 actor FRANKENSTEIN SUPERSTAR / dir. Gabriel Alvarez / prod. C.I.T.A.
2006 actor A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens / prod. Theatre Kayonan
2005 actor LA NONNA by Roberto Cossa / dir. Gabriel Alvarez / prod. C.I.T.A.
actor/storyteller L’HISTOIRE DE FIONN Irish mythology / Festival Bouche A Oreille, Geneva
performance DEAMBULATIONS AU FORUM / Festival La Bâtie, Geneva
performance L’ARMOIR A BLAGUE / Geneva
2004 actor THE PEARL by John Steinbeck / dir. Marcel Robert
co-prod. Theatre Kayonan - Théâtre St-Gervais Genève
2003 actor LE CHANDELIER by Giordano Bruno / dir. Gabriel Alvarez / prod. C.I.T.A.
actor EN ATTENDANT GODOT by Samuel Beckett / dir. Michel Faure, Marcel Robert
performance SUNSET BOULEVARD / prod. Theatre Kayonan
2002 performance LE MINOTAURE by Dürrenmatt / dir. Cyril Tissot, Festival de la Cité, Lausanne
actor LA CANTATE DES BERCEUSES / dir. Michèle Millner, Théatre Spirale
performance GZION by Hervé Blutsch / dir. Gerald Chevrolet / prod. Maisons Mainou, Geneva
actor HIGHWATERS EVERYWHERE (film) / dir. Brian Baxter
performance L’ARMOIR A BLAGUE / Expo ’02 / Switzerland
2001 solo performance PURGATORY by William Yeats / dir. Yvan Rihs / Europäischer Musikmonat, Basel
actor SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’ETE by William Shakespeare / dir. Michèle Millner, Théâtre Spirale
2000 actor OH, LES BEAUX JOURS by Samuel Beckett / dir. Marcel Robert / prod. Théâtre de Séraphin
performance PEER GYNT by Ibsen / Orchestre Suisse Romand
performance LE MINOTAURE by Dürrenmatt / dir. Cyril Tissot, Centre Dürrenmatt, Switzerland
1999 acting director / teacher L’ETAT DE SIEGE by Albert Camus / Ecole R. Steiner, France
solo performance OSCAR WILDE, SACRIFICE / dir. Marcel Robert
prod. Theatre Kayonan - Théâtre St-Gervais Genève / Montreal, Canada
1998 director SOUFFLE an original piece / prod. Theatre Kayonan - Théâtre St-Gervais Genève
performance CHARLES ROLLIER Exposition / Musée Rath, Geneva
acting teacher Le Théâtre d’Ici / La Grange au Lac, Evian, France
public speaking teacher / 12ème Conférence mondial sur le SIDA, ONUSIDA, Geneva
acting director / teacher LE RAMAYANA (Hindu epic), International School, Founex, Switzerland
1997 solo performance OSCAR WILDE, SACRIFICE / dir. Marcel Robert
prod. Theatre Kayonan - Théâtre de Séraphin / Festival La Bâtie, Geneva, KulturKasern, Basel
voice & movement workshop / Hôpital psychiatrique de Marssens, Fribourg, Switzerland
acting director / teacher LES SORCIERES DE SALEM by Arthur Miller / Ecole R. Steiner, France
1995/96 acting director / teacher PEER GYNT by Ibsen / Ecole R. Steiner, France
actor / marionettes MACBETH by William Shakespeare / dir. Marcel Robert
prod. A.R.T.O. – Théâtre St-Gervais Genève
direction and interpretation Marcel Robert, Théâtre Séraphin, France, Switzerland, Germany
actor LA PETITE NUAGE / dir. Mas Soegeng, Théâtre Spirale
solo performance OSCAR WILDE, SACRIFICE / dir. Marcel Robert
prod. Theatre Kayonan / Théâtre St-Gervais Genève / San Francisco, France, Switzerland