What is CCPH21? - Canadian Public Health Association


What is CCPH21? - Canadian Public Health Association
What is CCPH21?
June 2012
“Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through
organized efforts of society. “
John Last, A Dictionary of Epidemiology
• The Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st
Century (CCPH21) is a national network of non-profit
organizations, professional associations, health
charities and academic researchers who share the
common goal to improve and sustain the health of
• Formed in May 2003, it now includes 30 member
organizations (see over for a complete member list).
• CCPH21 advocates for public policy to ensure that
adequate public health functions are in place and
information is made available to protect and promote
health, and prevent disease and injury.
• CCPH21 aims to help all stakeholders work together
for the future of public health by generating ideas and
potential policy directions for discussion among both
the public and decision-makers.
• Public health is a pan-Canadian responsibility
requiring national leadership with a co-operative
approach across sectors and jurisdictions.
• The public health system focuses on population
health and complements the health care system.
• Communicable and non-communicable disease and
injury are effectively addressed by public health
approaches and must be considered together for a
healthy population.
• Public health activities can reduce pressures on the
health care system.
• Funding to public health is an essential and strategic
investment for Canadians and the economy.
• Canada requires immediate and sustained action
and investment in Public Health in order to protect,
promote, and preserve the health of all people living
in Canada.
• CCPH21 advocacy achievements include:
- The establishment and funding of the Public Health
Agency of Canada.
- The development of a National Immunization
- The establishment and funding of specialized
schools of public health.
• Public Health Fast Facts distributed to create public
awareness around important public health issues.
• Recommendations on federal investment in public
health submitted to the Standing Committees on
Finance and Health
• Communications with federal and provincial/territorial
Premiers, Ministers of Health and Ministers of Finance
on increased attention to and investment in public
health and primary health care.
Action Plan for 2012
• Implement a communications strategy for engagement
with politicians and the public on public health.
• Articulate positions on public health issues.
• Present findings and policy recommendations to
• Promote public health as a career choice for students.
What we can do
Together we can:
• Talk to federal and provincial/territorial Members of
Parliament/Legislature about how their decisions affect
the health of individuals, families and communities.
• Support public health programs in our communities.
• Make a personal commitment to learn about and
adopt healthy living practices.
Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century Membership (June 2012) Coalition canadienne pour la santé publique au 21e siècle Organismes membres (juin 2012) Association of Canadian Academic HealthCare
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry
Canadian Association for School Health
Canadian Association of Speech-Language
Pathologists and Audiologists
Canadian Chiropractic Association
Canadian Dental Association
Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
Canadian Healthcare Association
Canadian Medical Association
Canadian Nurses Association
Canadian Paediatric Society
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Canadian Psychological Association
Canadian Public Health Association
Canadian Society for International Health
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
Immunize Canada
The College of Family Physicians of Canada
Community & Hospital Infection Control
Association Canada
Community Health Nurses of Canada
Dietitians of Canada
Faculty of Health, York University
Public Health Physicians Canada
Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada
Safe Kids Canada
The Lung Association
Association canadienne
Association canadienne
Association canadienne
Association canadienne
des institutions de santé
des ergothérapeutes
de santé dentaire
pour la santé en milieu
Association canadienne des orthophonistes et
Association chiropratique canadienne
Association dentaire canadienne
Association canadienne des hygiénistes dentaires
Association canadienne des soins de santé
Association médicale canadienne
Association des infirmières et infirmiers du
La Société canadienne de pédiatrie
Association des pharmaciens du Canada
Association canadienne de physiothérapie
La Société canadienne de psychologie
Association canadienne de santé publique
La Société canadienne de santé internationale
La Société canadienne de science de laboratoire
Association canadienne des médecins vétérinaires
Alliance pour la prévention des maladies
chroniques du Canada
Immunisation Canada
Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada
Association pour la prévention des infections à
l’hôpital et dans la communauté
Infirmières et infirmiers en santé communautaire
du Canada
Les diététistes du Canada
Faculty of Health, York University
Médecins de santé publique du Canada
Médecins pour un Canada sans fumée
SécuriJeunes Canada
Association pulmonaire