Laferrière B 23_10_2012 ANNONCE


Laferrière B 23_10_2012 ANNONCE
CPER Cardio-diabète
Diabète : du syndrome métabolique aux complications vasculaires
Mardi 23 octobre 2012 – 11h
Amphi B
Faculté de Médecine, Pôle Recherche, 3ème étage
Place de Verdun - Lille
(métro ligne 1 CHR Oscar Lambret)
Dr. Blandine Laferrère
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, NY, USA
Diabetes Remission after weight loss surgery: is it
just weight loss?
Summary : Bariatric surgery results in weight loss of great magnitude and sustained overtime, with
remarkable improvement and/or remission of type 2 diabetes. The favorable change in the incretin gut
hormones after gastric bypass surgery (GBP) is thought to be responsible, in part, for diabetes remission
after GBP, independent of weight loss. After GBP, the post-prandial incretin hormones plasma
concentrations increase by 3-5 fold and the blunted incretin effect on insulin secretion improves rapidly
in patients with diabetes. In addition to changes in incretins, insulin secretion and glucose levels,
circulating branched chain amino acid, know to be associated with insulin resistance, decrease more
after GBP compared to diet. Bile acids and microbiota may also play a role in the improvement of glucose
metabolism after GBP. The relative role of weight loss and of bypass will be discussed. Understand the
mechanisms by which diabetes improves after GBP and may help develop less invasive treatment
options for obesity and diabetes.
A l’invitation du Pr François Pattou, UMR 859 « Biothérapie du diabète »
Comité de suivi et de coordination - Prs. Philippe Froguel, François Pattou, Bart Staels ; Contacts : [email protected]