Descriptif de module - HES-SO


Descriptif de module - HES-SO
Descriptif de module
Domaine HES-SO : Economie et services
Filière : Master of Science en Business Administration
Intitulé du module
Managing for the long run
Type de formation *
module de base
module d'approfondissement
module avancé
module spécialisé
Type de module
Organisation temporelle
En cas d'échec définitif à un
module principal
module sur 1 semestre
module défini comme obligatoire
module lié au module principal
module sur 2 semestres
pour acquérir le profil de formation
module facultatif ou
semestre de printemps
correspondant, l'étudiant-e est
semestre d'automne
exclu-e de la filière, voire du
domaine si le règlement de filière le
précise conformément à l'article 25
du Règlement sur la formation de
base (bachelor et master) en
2 Organisation
Crédits ECTS *
français - allemand
français - anglais
allemand - anglais
français - allemand - anglais
3 Prérequis
avoir validé le(s) module(s)
avoir suivi le(s) module(s)
Pas de prérequis
Autres prérequis
4 Compétences visées / Objectifs généraux d'apprentissage *
The primary purpose of Managing for the Long Run is to teach business leaders the means for achieving sustained profitability while benefiting
"all organizational stakeholders".
The objective of the module is to provide a general understanding of entrepreneurship and the different types of organisation and approaches.
Managing for the long run refers to the practice of combining innovation, opportunity and resourcefulness to address some of our most
challenging social, economic and environmental problems. The course will examine the evolution of the practice of entrepreneurship that
focuses on transforming systems and practices that affect communities and ecosystems.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
... know the basic concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset
... understand the process of identifying, evaluating and shaping business opportunities
... explain innovative business models and business strategies
... manage instruments used for supporting the innovative ability
... understand the process of disruptive and incremental technological change
... define a dominant design and interpret its effect on technology development and industry competition
... know how a new technology is adopted by the market
... define and discuss the phenomena of family business
... understand the complexity and dynamics of family business
... grasp the idea of non-financial goals (SEW) of family firms
... understand the strategic concept of "familiness"
... illustrate the core stakeholders of family firms (i.e. family, owners and business) and the conflicting goals
... understand the influence of the family on the business
... illustrate possible solutions around corporate governance and family governance
... understand the concept of (transgenerational) entrepreneurship in family business
... understand the complexity of the succession process in family firms
... understand the emergence of the social entrepreneurship and the type of organization
... describe the vision of a social entrepreneur and the complex mixtures of social, environmental and economic objectives
... understand the multiplicity of business models and the complexity of the ecosystem
... learn how social entrepreneurs mobilize different kinds of resources and develop market and non-market goods and services and how they
rely or not upon public funding (hybrid financing)
... understand and describe the value creation through product, services and/or process and the concept of value innovation in the context of
social entrepreneurship
... understand the hybrid value chain concept and the co-creation approach
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Descriptif de module
Domaine HES-SO : Economie et services
Filière : Master of Science en Business Administration
Intitulé du module
Managing for the long run
5 Contenu et formes d'enseignement *
A) Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and innovation
Introduction and key factors of entrepreneurship
Opportunity recognition and business ideas
Innovation and innovation management
Technology evolution
Technology adoption and diffusion
Crossing the chasm: growth for innovative businesses
B) Family Business
Importance, characteristic, complexity and dynamics in family business
What is a family firm: abundance of definitions
Goals of family firms: financial and non-financial (SEW perspective)
Family firms via RBV lenses: resources in family firms, concept of familiness (family as a strategic resource)
Family firms via agency theory perspective: conflicting goals of family, owners and business; conflicts in family firms
Family dynamics in family firms: emotions, family cohesion
Governance in family firms: corporate governance & family governance (family constitutions, family meetings, family foundations)
Succession in family business: management & ownership succession, phases, challenges, success factors, succession forms, valuation (incl.
emotional value), role of the consultants within the succession process (with a guest speaker)
RBV stands for Resource Based View
SEW stands for Socio emotional Wealth
Potential Guests:
Alexandra Michel, Family Firms Advisor at Credit Suisse
C) Social Entrepreneurship
Introduction to social entrepreneurship and types of organisation
Social entrepreneurship ecosystem and social value creation (business model)
Hybrid value chain and co-creation approach: business case study
Specific challenges in organisational design and human resources management
The social innovation process, concept, challenges and success: business cases examples from Switzerland and abroad
Leading Family Business Advisors and social entrepreneurs will participate in the course, sharing insights and experiences on the issues
A mix of lectures, case seminars, workshops, literature and seminars will be used and the teaching is characterized by a strong emphasis on
student activity and a focus on the student's learning process. The student is expected to actively participate both individually and in small
groups in collecting and analysing data.
6 Modalités d'évaluation et de validation *
Written exam at the end of the module
7 Modalités de remédiation *
remédiation possible
pas de remédiation
Autres modalités (préciser ci-dessous)
7a Modalités de remédiation (en cas de répétition) *
remédiation possible
pas de remédiation
Autres modalités (préciser ci-dessous)
Autres modalités de remédiation
si Note [3.5;3.9] et si le module n'a pas été auparavant en situation d'échec. L'étudiant-e obtient au maximum la note 4.0
8 Remarques
Les notes sont établies sur une échelle de 1 à 6.
9 Bibliographie
Baldegger, R.J.(2012): Entrepreneurial Strategy and Innovation, 2nd ed., New York et al.
Miller & Le Breton-Miller, Managing for the Long Run, Harvard Business School Press (facultative)
Halter, F., Baldegger, R., Schrettle Th. 2009: Effective Succession Management. A Study of emotional and financial aspects in SMEs.Zurich:
Credit Suisse (Hrsg.)
Bathélémy A., Keller S., Stiline, R., Stratégie et financement des entreprises sociales et solidaire, Rue de l'Echiquier,2014
Borzaga C., Dfourny J, The emergence of Social Enterprise, Routledge, 2004
Kerlin, J.A., Social enterprise, a global comparison, Tufts University press, 2009
Huybrecht B, Fair Trade Organizations and Social Enterprise, Routledge, 2012
Nyssens, M., Social Enterprise, Routledge, 2006
10 Enseignants
Nom du responsable de module *
Raphaël Gaudart
Descriptif validé le *
Descriptif validé par *
Jean-Pierre Rey
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