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FKJ – BIOS and LINKS Fr Eng -­‐ BIOGRAPHIE longue : French Kiwi Juice, jeune musicien électronique plus connu sous l’abréviation FKJ, est aujourd’hui identifié comme étant l’un des fers de lance de la nouvelle scène « French Touch » qui émerge au niveau international. Multi-­‐instrumentiste à l’élégance naturelle et sophistiquée, il écume les clubs et salles de concert du monde entier, avec une musique ensoleillée, positive et emplie de groove. Révélé par le titre « Lying together » en 2013, Il est un artiste live doté d’une grande aisance scénique, reconnu pour sa polyvalence et ses sonorités festives, ce qui lui vaut d’être soutenu par un public fidèle et toujours grandissant ainsi que par des references internationales telles que Majestic Casual, TheSoundYouNeed, Red Bull Studios, Eton Messy, Trax Magazine, Brain Magazine, Konbini, O Five, etc. Signé sur le Label montant Roche Musique, fort de plusieurs EPs accueillis de manière exceptionnelle par la critique tels que « Take Off » ou encore « Time for a change », et disposant de statistiques impressionnantes, FKJ poursuit son cheminement avec simplicité, préparé à marquer son courant musical et à s’installer sur la durée. -­‐ BIOGRAPHIE courte : French Kiwi Juice a.k.a FKJ, est aujourd’hui identifié comme étant l’un des fers de lance de la nouvelle scène « French Touch » qui émerge au niveau international. Multi-­‐instrumentiste à l’élégance naturelle et sophistiquée, il écume les clubs et salles de concert du monde entier, avec une musique ensoleillée, positive et emplie de groove. Signé sur le Label montant Roche Musique, fort de plusieurs EPs accueillis de manière exceptionnelle par la critique tels que « Take Off » ou encore « Time for a change », et disposant de statistiques impressionnantes, FKJ poursuit son cheminement avec simplicité, préparé à marquer son courant musical et à s’installer sur la durée. -­‐ LIENS : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frenchkiwijuice Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2 -­‐ MOMENTS CLEFS : Performance Live pour Eton Messy aux Red Bull Studios de Londres : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQbFtZdU7A8&list=RDlqXrh8LITSs&index=2 Performance Live pour TheSoundYouNeed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftLxvw_eFN0 Performance Live pour TRAX Magazine et O Five : http://www.traxmag.fr/creative-­‐session-­‐fkj/ Sortie de l’EP “Take Off” chez Roche Musique : https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/sets/take-­‐off-­‐ep Sortie de l’EP “Time For A Change” chez Roche Musique : https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/sets/fkj-­‐time-­‐for-­‐a-­‐change-­‐ep-­‐roche Sortie du single “Lying Together” chez Roche Musique : https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/fkj-­‐lying-­‐together -­‐ PRESSE : KONBINI : http://www.konbini.com/fr/entertainment-­‐2/la-­‐pepite-­‐pop-­‐fkj-­‐lelectro-­‐solaire/ TSUGI : http://www.tsugi.fr/news/2014/07/23/en-­‐ecoute-­‐fkj-­‐higher-­‐love-­‐feat-­‐damon-­‐trueitt-­‐5952 PAULETTE : http://www.paulette-­‐magazine.com/fr/culture/article/fkj-­‐nous-­‐fait-­‐decoller/4698 BRAIN : http://www.brain-­‐magazine.fr/article/interviews/12966-­‐FKJ-­‐-­‐-­‐French-­‐Touch-­‐3.0 -­‐ BIOGRAHY long: An accomplished artist and rising star of the Parisian electronic scene, FKJ, also known as French Kiwi Juice, is one of the flag bearers of the New French House musical genre. A native of Tours, but now based in Paris, FKJ is a leading talent and one of the most emblematic artists of the Roche Musique team that he joined in 2012 via his long-­‐time friend Jean Janin, a.k.a. Cézaire, artist and founder of the successful Parisian record label. Trained as a sound engineer for the cinema, while at the same time being a self-­‐taught musician, French Kiwi Juice started with a first EP, ‘The Twins’, released by Roche Musique at the end of 2012. Then followed the single ‘Lying Together’, acclaimed by the blogosphere, and a second EP ‘Time For A Change’ (Roche Musique, July 2013), which was unanimously praised by music critics (Ofive, Trax Mag, The Sound You Need, Earmilk, Indie Shuffle…). Thanks to millions of plays and views on different media, songs such as ‘So Much To Me’ or ‘Instant Need’ have already become classics of the French house genre. With incredibly groovy loops, classy hip-­‐hop rhythms, gloriously funky basslines and richly colorful synth sounds, FKJ’s music stands up to comparison with the masters of the genre. Now established as one of the major artists of the French musical scene, French Kiwi Juice’s stage reputation has soared thanks to his inspiring and original DJ Sets, but above all thanks to the driving rhythms and and dazzling improvisation that characterise his Live Sets. Apart from the quality of his musical selection when DJing, FKJ, known as Vincent Fenton to his friends, is also an eternal source of pure creativity. This young man, just 24 years old, is a multi-­‐instrumentalist who is permanently in search of the perfect chord. The artist enjoys an international audience. He returned from an Asian Tour in May 2014, and has often performed alongside successful artists whose auras go far beyond European borders. His eagerly awaited latest EP ‘Take Off’ (Roche Musique) came out on July 21st 2014 and with no doubt made the artist one of the revelations of the year. -­‐ BIOGRAPHY short: An accomplished artist and rising star of the Parisian electronic scene, FKJ, also known as French Kiwi Juice, is one of the flag bearers of the New French House musical genre. Based in Paris, FKJ is a leading talent and one of the most emblematic artists of the Roche Musique team that he joined in 2012. The artist enjoys an international audience with an aura going far beyond European borders. His eagerly awaited latest EP ‘Take Off’ came out on July 21st 2014 and with no doubt made the artist one of the revelations of the year. -­‐ LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frenchkiwijuice Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2 -­‐ CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Live performance for Eton Messy at London Red Bull Studios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQbFtZdU7A8&list=RDlqXrh8LITSs&index=2 Live performance for TheSoundYouNeed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftLxvw_eFN0 Live performance for TRAX Magazine and O Five: http://www.traxmag.fr/creative-­‐session-­‐fkj/ ‘Take Off’ EP release on Roche Musique: https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/sets/take-­‐off-­‐ep ‘Time For A Change’ EP release on Roche Musique: https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/sets/fkj-­‐time-­‐for-­‐a-­‐change-­‐ep-­‐roche ‘Lying Together’ single release on Roche Musique: https://soundcloud.com/fkj-­‐2/fkj-­‐lying-­‐together