William-Adolphe Bouguereau


William-Adolphe Bouguereau
William-Adolphe Bouguereau Oil Paintings
Bouguereau, William-Adolphe [French, 1825-1905]
La Vierge, L'Enfant Jesus et Saint Jean Baptiste( The Virgin, Baby Jesus and Saint
John the Baptist)
1881 Oil on canvas 75 x 43 5/8 inches (190.5 x 111 cm) Herbert F. Johnson
Museum of Art Cornell University
Oil Painting ID: 21747 | Order the painting
Zenobia retrouvee par les bergers sur les bords de l'Araxe( Zenobia Found by
Shepherds on the Banks of the Araxes)
1850 Oil on canvas 58 1/4 x 46 3/8 inches (148 x 118 cm) Ecole des Beaux-Arts,
Paris, France
Oil Painting ID: 21748 | Order the painting
Les agneaux(Lambs)
1897 Oil on canvas 71 5/8 x 36 1/8 inches (182 x 92 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21749 | Order the painting
1867 Oil on canvas 51 1/2 x 33 3/8 inches (131 x 85 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21750 | Order the painting
Au Bord du Ruisseau( At the Edge of the Brook)
1879 Oil on canvas 47 3/8 x 36 inches (120.5 x 91.5 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21751 | Order the painting
Le sommeil( Asleep at last)
1864 Oil on canvas 24 1/4 x 20 1/8 inches (61.6 x 51.4 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21752 | Order the painting
Petite fille tenant des pommes dans les mains( Little girl holding apples in her
1895 Oil on canvas 36 3/4 x 21 5/8 inches (93.5 x 55 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21753 | Order the painting
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque( Gypsy Girl with a Basque Drum)
1867 Oil on canvas 39 1/4 x 25 inches (100 x 63.5 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21754 | Order the painting
Admiration Maternelle( Maternal Admiration)
1869 Oil on canvas 45 5/8 x 35 inches (116 x 89 cm) Private collection
Oil Painting ID: 21755 | Order the painting
Jeune Pretresse(Young Priestess)
1902 Oil on canvas 71 1/4 x 31 7/8 inches (181 x 81 cm) Memorial Art Gallery of
the University of Rochester
Oil Painting ID: 21756 | Order the painting
Total 24 pages, 14/24 | Page : 12 13 [14] 15 16
Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (Nationality : French, 1825-1905)
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URL: http://www.oilpaintingonline.com/htmlartist/artist-50-14.html

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