Coast Hotels © Prince George


Coast Hotels © Prince George
Coast Hotels © Prince George
In n o f th e N o rth
11 K)0 (9) *♦* PhiiadelpU, Ho t I Com*' (1975. Drama) Soohan
McKenna. DonaJ McCann A young boy. in conflict with his
father, wants to leave the (amity business m Ireland and go to
1:00 (9) »* ‘Kid Millions' (1935, Comedy) Eddie Cantor. Ethel
Merman A Brooklyn tomboy inherits a fortune
7:00 (2-3) • • ’The Greek Tycoon’ (1978. Drama) Anthony
Quinn. Jacqueline Bisset A wealthy Greek shipping mag­
nate mames the widow ol a deceased American president,
launching a stormy relationship
9:00 (4-5) * « Massada (63) (1981, Drame) Peter OTooie.
Peter Strauss Apres la pnse de Jerusalem en I an 70 de
notre ere. des Juits refugees dans la loretresse de Massada
se revortent contre fauthorite de Rome
(8) »*V4 Movie Movie' (1978, Comedy) George C. Scott.
Eli Wallach. Film musicals and boxing stones of the 1930s
are remembered thorugh Dynamite Hands' and Baxters
Beauties Of 1933
11.-00 (4-5) * * • 'Voulez-vous un bebe Nobel?' (1980, Comedie)
Jean-Pierre Manelle. Dany Saval Un aventuner propose a
deux soenbfiques de constituer une compagnie concernant
des choses sexuelies
11:45 (7) • • • CoW Turkey’ (1971, Comedy) Dick Van Dyke.
Pippa Scott A small town lacing bankruptcy will win $25
million if ail of its inhabitants can quit smoking for 30 days
12.-05 (11-12) **V i 'Rabid' (1979, Horror) Mantyn Chambers.
Frank Moore A young woman who was critically injured in a
motorcycle accident is saved by a radically new surgical
procedure that leaves her with only one side effect — a
voracious appetite for human blood
12:50 (4)5 • • • ‘Lotna’ (1959, Drame) Jerzy Moes. Bozena
Kurowska. Au cours de l invaston de la Potogne par des
aJlemands, un chatelain mourant donne au caprtaine d un
regiment de cavaieno une magnifque jument.
1:00 (8) »*Vi Murder On The Midnight Express' (1975, Mys­
tery) Judy Geeson. Charles Gray. A distraught young
woman has trouble convincing a fellow passenger that she
has seen a dead body in one of the compartments, especial­
ly when the man she describes turns up alive
3:00 (8) *~*V» ‘My Side Of The Mountain' (1969, Adventure)
Ted Ecdes. Theodore B*et A gentle folksinger befnends a
13-year-old Canadian boy who retreats to the mountains to
do some soul-searching
7:00 (9) • • ‘Springtime In The Rockies' (1942, Western) Betty
Grable, John Payne. Success in show business doesn t
necessarily mean success in love
1:00 (9) • • ’/* 'Raffles’ (1940, Comedy) Olivia de Haviiland,
David Niven An amateur thief makes sport of Scotland Yard
and falls in love with one of his victims' nieces
2:00 (8) • • "Tentacles' (1977, Adventure) John Huston. Shelley
Winters. An 80-foot octopus enraged by the undersea activi­
ties of an oceanographer goes on the rampage near a small
California community.
2:30 (6) • • ‘Welcome Home, Johnny Bristol' (1971, Drama)
Martin Landau. Jane Alexander A released PGW is trauma­
tized by the actions of the people from his hometown
5:00 (4-5) »«Vi ‘La massacre de Fort Apache."
9:00 (11-12) 'Missing Children: A Mother's Story' (Premiere,
Drama) Mare Winmngham. Polly Holliday. An anguished
young mother tries to reclaim her three children after they are
stolen by a private adoption agency claiming to be a child­
care centre
10:00 (9) ***V 4 ‘The Stranger’ (1946, Suspense) Edward G.
Robinson. Orson Welles. A small-town, college professor
and pillar of his community turns out to be a hunted Nazi war
11:05 (4-5) **Vi 'La Dossier O.D.E.S.S.A.' (1974, Drama) Jon
Voight Maximilian Schell A bertm, un joumaltste poursuit un
cnminel qui a fait parte aux actrvites nazis pendant la Deux•eme Guerre Mondiale
11:30 (7) 'Games Mother Never Taught You' (Premiere, Com­
edy) Loretta Swit, Sam Waterson A hard-working corpora­
tion secretary is promoted and becomes the first woman
executoe in an office where the men have made all the rules.
(11-12) * • * ’/* T he Gambler' (1974, Drama) James Caan,
Paul Sorvino. A young professor fascinated by gambling falls
deeply into debt.
12:30 (8) ••V i ‘Come Die With Me’ (1974, Drama) George
Mahans. Eileen Brennan. Having witnessed a murder, a
housekeeper blackmails the culprit into a love affair.
2:00 (6) * * l* 'Save The Tiger’ (1973, Drama) Jack Lemmon.
Laune Heme man A middle-aged dress manufacturer dis­
traught over the decadence m his personal and professional
life tnes to recapture the spirit and ideals of ho youth.
2:20 (11-12) • • ’/* 'Possession Of Virginia* (1974, Myttary)
Darnel Pilon. Louise PiIon When a young man attempts to
solve the puzzling aspects of his friend s apparent suicide,
he realizes that he and two women are prisoners of a diabo­
lical pact.
2:30 (11-12) • • ‘Make Me An Offer’ (1979, Drama) Susan Blake­
ly, Patnck O'Neal. A young woman learns about the shadier
side of the real estate game when she becomes an accre­
dited agent and attempts to lure interested clients into buying
luxurious homes
3:30 (8) **Vi 'The Godchild' (1974, Western) Jack Palance.
Jack Warden While escaping from the Confederates, three
Civil War pnsoners cross paths with a dying woman about to
grve birth.
9:00 (8) The Executioner’s Song’ (Part 1) (Premiere, Drama)
Tommy Lee Jones, Rosanna Arquette. Based on the book
by Norman Mailer. The last nine months in the life of Gary
Gilmore. a convicted murderer who demanded that he be put
to death and was eventually executed by a firing squad in
1977. are dramatized
9:00 (8) • • • The Electric Horseman’ (1979, Drama) Robert
Redford. Jane Fonda A Las Vegas cowboy steals a $12
million thoroughbred horse to save him from his exploitative
10:45 (4-5) ••V i ’Lois Montes’ (1955, Biographic) Marbne Carol,
Peter Ustinov, NataJe Rossi, Roberto Severo. Chez un gardien be barrage, dans I'immensite des Dolomites, un jeune
homme fait I'apprentssage de la vie simple et poetique.
12:00 (8) • • • 'Desperate Characters' (1971, Drama) Shirley
MacLaine, Kenneth Mars. A middle-aged New York couple
try to maintain their home amid the squalor and advancing
decay of the city.
12:15 (7) •*V4 'Flash And Flrecat' (1978, Adventure) Roger
Davis, Tncia Sembera A thrill-seeking man teams up with an
eoually danng lady for a high-speed joyride that arouses the
attention of an army of police officers
2:30 (4-5) ••V i ‘Poussiere d’etolies’ (Drame) Monica Vitti. A la
favour de la guerre, un directuer a un bref moment de glotre
en presentant un spectacle pour les militates amencains
8:00 (4-5) • • • Moviola: La Blonde de I'Annee' (1e) (1980,
Drame) Lloyd Bndges, Norman Fell La rencontre de Maniyn
Monroe avec hmpressano John Hyde, et les premiers pas
de la starlette
9:00 (6) 'The Ex cutloner's Song' (Part 2) (Premiere, Drama)
Tommy Lee Jones, Rosanna Arquette Based on the book
by Norman Mailer The last nine months in the life of Gary
Gilmore, a convicted murderer who demanded that he be put
to death and was eventually executed by a firing squad in
1977, are dramatized