Laboratoires, pour proposer une thématique de recherche


Laboratoires, pour proposer une thématique de recherche
Nom de l’entreprise* : STMicroelectronics
Ville et code postal* : FR-38926 Crolles
Nom du laboratoire académique partenaire (si déjà connu) -Leti, Grenoble et IEMN, Lille.
● Numéro
de reconnaissance du laboratoire : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
● Thématique
de recherche en une phrase(sans aucun caractère confidentiel) * :
Numerical simulation, quantum transport, non-equilibrium Green’s functions, electronic bandstructures.
de la thématique de recherche (sans aucun caractère confidentiel) * :
Cette thèse à STMicroelectronic, Crolles propose d’étudier les propriétés de transports dans les architectures trigate et FD-SOI
planaire à base de matériaux III-V. Pour mener à bien cette étude, le candidat disposera de codes numériques avancés,
résolvant le transport quantique des porteurs de charges. Il comparera les prédictions de ces codes avec des méthodes moins
fondamentales mais plus rapides en temps de calcul. La thèse que nous proposons s’inscrit dans un contexte d’accélération
technologique où l’industrie de la microélectronique doit faire appel à la simulation numérique pour le développement de
nouveaux dispositifs. Nous pensons que la comparaison entre les prédictions des modèles fondamentaux fondés sur la
mécanique quantique aux prédictions des outils TCAD (Technology Computer Assisted Design) standards devrait permettre de
nombreuses publications. De plus la confrontation avec les premières données expérimentales disponibles au Leti dans les
dispositifs III-V apportera un réel atout scientifique à ce travail.
Description of the theme of research (without any confidential character) *:
The scientific direction will be followed by Christophe Delerue from IEMN, Lille. His has a great experience in
theoretical physics and numerical simulation of silicon semiconductor devices, but also physics of semiconductor
surfaces, and simulation of III-V materials. The IEMN group has long experience in atomistic modeling of III-V
materials using tight-binding calculations, valence-force field descriptions and molecular dynamic simulations.
Tight-binding calculations have been performed to predict the electronic structure, the optical properties and the
transport properties of semiconductor nanostructures. Recent efforts have concerned the atomistic modeling of
transport (electron-phonon coupling, scattering by impurities) in Si nanowires and layers.
Part of the PhD. Will be held at CEA-Leti, Grenoble within the supervision of François Triozon. He is an expert in the
modelling of the structural and electronic properties of materials and nanostructures, from ab initio methods to
semi-empirical approaches such as tight-binding and the effective mass/k.p. CEA-Leti is a recognized research group
on the atomistic modelling of the electronic and transport properties of semiconductor nanostructures (including
III-V materials) and coordinates the development of TB_Sim code, a simulation platform for nanosciences and
Description of job *:
The electronic band structure for III-V materials, but also the transport properties will be studied within the
framework of advanced numerical calculations based on self-consistent codes coupling Poisson and kp-Schrödinger.
The successful candidate will be charged of performing numerical calculations and physical interpretation of carrier
bandstructures and transport properties like local density of states, current density, low-filed mobility in III-V
devices. He will exploit home-made codes already developed and commercial codes to address a full-band
approach to quantum transport simulations. An important effort will be devoted to adapt and bench existing TCAD
models to III-V materials. The comparison with experimental data will also permit an important validation of
models and methodology.
In the second part of his PhD., the student will address the performances of these new devices. The main figures of
merit, such as Ion/ioff current ratio, will be extracted from his simulations and compared together. Process
simulation for III-V device will be addressed during the PhD (Implant with Monte Carlo simulations in SProcess are
possible for a large set of III-V materials).
Function *:
The PhD. student will be working within the TCAD team (numerical simulation) at ST, Crolles (20 km away from
Research Fields*: Numerical simulation, quantum transport, non-equilibrium Green’s functions, electronic
bandstructures, k.p methods.
Research Profile*: The candidate must have obtained a master degree in electronic engineering, physics, applied
mathematics, computational chemistry or a related field. Preferably he/she should already have a good
background in quantum mechanism and solid-state physics and be able of writing scientific codes.
• Descriptif du
● Date
poste* : Le candidat intergrera l’équipe TCAD (simulation) de STM Crolles.
de recrutement* : Novembre 2013
Adresse e-mail à laquelle le candidat doit envoyer sa candidature* : [email protected]