Who is Entrepart?


Who is Entrepart?
Who is Entrepart?
La Coursive
15, rue du Port
81310 Lisle Sur Tarn
+33 (0) 563 336 383
+33 (0) 608 437 242
[email protected]
Who is Entrepart?
Art that overflows its
Christian & Sylvie are impassioned by art that overflows its boundaries, that
confronts the real, namely an art that aims for social, economic and social
transformation, in the most demanding contemporary forms.
Christian & Sylvie Mayeur’s passion for extreme experiences of art led them to
explore the roads of Land Art in the heart of the American desert since 1997. They
aimed to experience this art made in the land that opens all senses to the invisible
dimensions of the environment, between nature and culture.
The experience of art is a laboratory for questioning and understanding
intelligence, energy and the sensitivity to art in the human experiences of clients,
users, citizens, directors, decision-makers, innovators, entrepreneurs and all
inhabitants of the Earth.
Entrepreneurs and artists
The entrepreneur and the artist are in this way two sides of the same engagement:
that which consists of never being satisfied with things as they are, but seeks to
clear, improve, invent, rearrange the known into new assemblies to innovate, to live
life as a work of art.
Some theoretical references to illuminate our relationship to art :
• Qu’est-ce que l’art ?, Joseph Beuys, avec Volker Harlan, L’Arche, 1992
• L’amitié, Maurice Blanchot, Gallimard, 1971
• Esthétique relationnelle, Nicolas Bourriaud , Les Presses du réel, 1998
• L’art comme expérience, John Dewey , Folio, 2010
• L’heure du crime et le temps de l’œuvre d’art,
Peter Sloterdijk, Calmann-Lévy, 1999
Who is Entrepart?
Entrepart’s founders
Christian created Entrepart with Sylvie to allow businesses to benefit from his
experiences, passions and his spirit of constant research. Graduated from IAE in
Aix en Provence and certificated in Executive Management from the Bloomington
School of Business, Indiana University and in Brief Intensive Therapy of the Mental
Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, he is also a certified coach.
Christian has always had a drawing practice, which for him is a discipline and a
window towards the world that surrounds him, as well as a freedom.
Music (rock, but also jazz and baroque music) and movement (travel) play an
important role in his life.
Author of a book The Manager Listens to the Artist, 2006, Editions d’Organisation,
Prix Advancia CCIP of entrepreneurial books 2007, he also writes. Christian is
currently working on a new book Relational design – when art liberates business.
Sylvie created Entrepart with Christian to share with companies the benefits of her
experiences, her passions and her love for harmony in human relations.
Graduated from the Institut d’Etudes politiques, Grenoble in Social economy and
certificated in Brief Intensive Therapy from the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto,
California, she is the author of the book Operational Guide of Quality – Must We
Kill Total Quality published in 2004 by Editions Maxima.
Sylvie has an artistic practice composed of photographs and materials gathered
during her travels in desert landscapes and urban ruins. Her work consists of found
objects, assemblages and photographic traces.
Who is Entrepart?
Numerous partners
To date Entrepart has cooperated with the following partners :
Paul Ardenne, historian, art critic, author, Fécamp ; Claire Bardainne, artiste,
Paris ; Eva Barto, contributor in the sphere of art, Marseille ; Damien Béguet,
artist, Lyon ; Blaise & Shujan Bertrand, designers, San Francisco ; Diane Bogaerts,
artist, Anvers ; Douglas Coupland, writer, Vancouver ; Nicolas Boone, artist, Paris ;
Fazette Bordage, pioneer in new territories of art Le Havre ; Nicolas Bourriaud,
co-founder, Palais de Tokyo, art critic, author and director of the Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris ; Alain Bublex, artist, Lyon ; Caroline
Coulomb, artist and mediator, Paris ; Emilie Coutant, fashion sociolgist, Les
Sables d’Olonne ; Jean-Claude Desmerges, artist, Lens ; Daniel Firman, artist,
Paris ; Carole Douillard, artist, Nantes ; Helena Faneca, artist, Lisle sur Tarn ;
Michel Giroud, historian and theoretician, Morêtel de Mailles, in Alpina ; Baptiste
Houssin, director « Je me souviens / La mémoire neuve », audio-visual expert,
Paris ; Stéphane Hugon, sociologist of imaginary technologies, Paris ; Lucien Kroll,
architect, Bruxelles ; Alexandre & Florentine Lamarche-Ovize, artists, Paris ; Isabelle
Le Normand, independent curator, Los Angeles ; Michel Maffesoli, sociologist,
professor, Sorbonne, auteur, Paris ; Guillaume Perez, artist and mediator, Lyon ;
Petra Prahl, art historian and independent curator, Cologne ; Jean-Pierre Raffaelli,
director, Marseille ; David Rosenberg, critic, curator, auteur, Paris ; Bernard Stiegler,
philosopher, director of Research and Innovation, Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris ; Eléonore Saintagnan, artist, Bruxelles ; Sumesh Sharma, independent curator,
Bombay ; Vincenzo Susca, sociologist, Montpellier ; Yann Toma, artist, professor,
President, Ouest-Lumière, Paris ; Sarah Wilson, Critic, curator, professor au
Courtauld Institute of Art de London
With the following spaces :
Villa Arson, Nice ; Centre d’art Bethanien, Berlin ; Centre d’art Bétonsalon, Paris ;
Centre d’art Domaine de Kerguehennec, Morbihan ; Centre International de l’Art et
du Paysage, Vassivière en Limousin ; Centre d’art La BF15, Lyon ; Centre Pompidou
/ Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris ; Monument national du Château d’Oiron,
Oiron ; Emily Carr University of Arts and Design, Vancouver ; La Coursive, Lisle sur
Tarn ; Centre d’Art de la Fédération Wallonie, Bruxelles Le Grand Hornu, Mons ;
Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dublin ; Kumu, Tallinn ; MAC/VAL, Ivry sur
Seine ; La Maison Rouge, Paris ; Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen ; Palais de Tokyo,
Who is Entrepart?
An exemplary initiative in Europe :
In 2014, Entrepart was identified and selectioned as an exemplary initiative in
the study “Creating, innovating, disrupting through Art& Business organizations”
elaborated as part of the European project “Connecting Arts & Business, the
European value of Arts & Business”, co-financed by the European Union ( www.
connectingartsandbusiness.eu ).