Read the book: A Bibliography of Kurdistan and the Kurds
Read the book: A Bibliography of Kurdistan and the Kurds
Please send your books details or any other books details on the Kurds and Kurdistan to me to add it to this draft Bibliograpy Ji kereme xwe neven pirtoken xwe yan her pirtoke ku li ser Kurd u Kurdistane betin ji me re binerin ku li nav ev Biliografi da binin. اﻟﺮﺟﺎء إرﺳﺎل ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت ﻋﻦ ﻣﺆﻟﻔﺎﺗﻜﻢ أو أي آﺘﺎب ﻳﺘﻄﺮق اﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺮد وآﺮدﺳﺘﺎن ﻟﻜﻲ ﻧﻀﻴﻔﻪ اﻟﻰ هﺬﻩ اﻟﺒﻴﺒﻠﻴﻮﻏﺮاﻓﻴﺎ A Bibliography of Kurdistan and the Kurds Collected By Dr Jawad Mella Kurdish Museum, Library and Archive- London 2010 1 A Bibliography of Kurdistan and the Kurds 1. A Forgotten People, Weekly Amrita Bazar Patrika, Bombay, 1950. Vol. 82, No: 37. 2. AHMAD, KAMAL MADHAR, Kurdistan During the First World War, London, Saqi Books, 1994. 3. A personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition. London: 1888. 4. A Survey of the Rural Economic Problems of Kurdistan, In: Tahgigate EQTESADI (TEHRAN) 7, 18, 1970. 5. ABBAS, HILMI, Altkurdische Kampf und Liebeslieder, München / Esslingen : Bechtle-Verlag, 1964 6. ABDULKURREEM, KHOJEH, The Memoirs of K.A., a Cashmeerian of Distinction…from A.D 1739 to 1749, Calcutta, 1788. 7. ABEGHIAN, A., Aus den Geistesleben der Kurden. In: Der Orient, 1930. 8. ABOVIAN, KHACHATUR, Polnoye sobraniye sochineny, 10 vols Erivan, 1947-61. 9. ABU ‘L-FARAJ AL-ISFAHANI, Kitab al-Aghani, various eds, 24 vols, Cairo, 1963-74. 10. AKSARAYI, MAHMUD, TEZKIRE, ed. and trans. Isiltan, Die Seltschuken-Geschichte des Akserayi, Leipzig, 1943. 11. ACHKAR, J., L’Evolution Politique de la Syrie et de l’Irak, Lyon, 1934. 12. ADAMSON, DAVID, The Kurdish War, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1964, New York: Praeger, 1965, C. 1964. 13. AHMED, SAMI SAID, The Yazidis: Their life and beliefs (edited by: Henry Field), coconut Grove, Miami Field Research Projects, 1975 14. AINSWORTH WILLIAM, An Account of a Visit to the Chaldeans inhabiting Central Kurdistan and of an Ascent of the Peak of Rowandiz (Tur Sheikhiwa) in the Summer of 1840, JRGS vol. 11 1841 PP. 21 – 76. 15. AINSWORTH WILLIAM, Notes on a Journey from Constantinople by Heraclea to Angora, in the Autumn of 1838, JRGS vol. 9, 1839, PP 216 – 76 16. AINSWORTH, W. F., Journey from Angora by kaisariyah, Malatyah and Gergan Kal’eh-si to Bir or Birehjik, JRGS, 1841, vo. x,PP. 275 – 340 17. AINSWORTH, W. F., Notes of an excursion to kalah Sherkat the U’r of the Persians and to the ruins of AL-Hadhr the Hatra of the chaldees and hatra of the Romans. J, R, G, S, 1841. Xl, PP. 1 – 20 2 18. AINSWORTH, W. F., Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopatamia and Armenia 2. Vols. London 1842. 19. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘An Account of a Visit to the Chaldeans, inhabiting Central Kurdistán; and of an Ascent of the Peak of Rowándiz (Túr Sheikhíwá) in the Summer of 1840’, JRGS, vol. 11, 1841, pp.21-76. 20. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘Journey from Angora by Kaisaríyah, Malátíyah, and Gergen Kal’eh-sí to Bír or Bírehjik’, JRGS, vol. 10, 1841; pp. 275-340. 21. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘Notes taken on a Journey from Constantinople to Mósul, in 1839-40’, JRGS, vol. 10, 1841; pp. 489-529. 22. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘Notes of an Excursion to Kal’ah Sherkát, the U’r of the Persians, and to the ruins of Al Hadhr, the Hutra of the Chaldees, and Hatra of the Romans’, JRGS, vol.11, 1841, pp. 1-20. 23. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘On the Izedis; or, Devil Worshippers, Transactions of the Syro-Egyptian Society, JanuaryFebruary 1855, pp. 1-4. 24. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, ‘The Assyrian Origin of the Izedis or Yezidis – the so-called “Devil Worshippers”’, Transactions of the Ethnological Society, vol. 1, 1861, pp. 11-44. 25. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, A Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition, 2 vols, London, 1888. 26. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, Report of a Journey from Bagdad to Constantinople via Kurdistan (1837), incl. as Appendix 11 to General Francis Rawdon Chesney, Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition, London, 1868, pp. 492-541. 27. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM Francis, Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia, 2 vols, London, 1842. 28. AKINER, SHIRIN, Islamic Peoples of the Soviet Union, London, KPI, 1983. 29. AL DAMLOOJI DAMLUJI, SADIQ, Imarat Bahdinan al-Kurdiya, Mosul, 1952. 30. AL DAMLOOJI DAMLUJI, SADIQ, The Yezidis (Arabic), Mosul, 1949. 31. AL- KUTUBI, IBN SHAKIR, Fawat al-wafayat, 2 vols, Bulaq, Cairo, 1866. 32. AL-MAQRIZI, al-Khitat, 2 vols, Bulaq, Cairo, 1853. 33. AL-‘UMARI, Muhammed Amin b. Khairallah, Manhal al-awliya, ed. alDiwahji, 2 vols, Mosul, 1968. 3 34. AL-‘UMARI, YASIN B. KHAIRALLAH, Ghara’ib al-athar, ed. Jalili, Mosul, 1940. 35. AL-‘UMARI, YASIN B. KHAIRALLAH, Munyat al-udaba’ fi tarikh al Mawsil al hadba’, ed. al-Diwahji, Mosul, 1955. 36. 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