Implementation Letter - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis


Implementation Letter - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
The Global Fund
To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Chemin de Blandonnet 8
1214 Vernier
Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, 16 June 2009
Mr Malik Sene
Secretaire Executif
ACI-2000 Avenue du Mali
Bamako BP 2551
Grant Agreements for Grant Numbers: MAL-405-G02-H, (the "Grant
Implementation Letter for Quality Assurance of Pharmaceutical Products
Dear Mr. Sene
In February 2009, we informed you that the Global Fund Board approved a revised
Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products (QA Policy). The revised QA
Policy will come into effect on 1 July 2009. The Principal Recipient must comply
with it, and ensure that its Sub-recipients comply with it from that date onwards.
Information explaining the QA Policy is set out on the Global Fund's website:
This site will be updated
on a regular basis.
As a result of the introduction of the revised QA Policy, the Grant Agreements
specified above need to be amended by:
replacing Article 19 of the Standard Terms and Conditions with the new
section entitled "Pharmaceutical and Other Health Products" set out in
Attachment 1 to this letter;
replacing the reference to "Article 19(t)" with "Article 19(r) in paragraph
(vii) of Article 10 of the Standard Terms and Conditions; and
updating Block 4A of the Face Sheet of the Grant Agreements as follows:
Modification Number 6 and Date: 16 June 2009
(Implementation Letter No.5 dated 16 June
In addition, we are taking this opportunity to update contact information on the
Face Sheet of the Grant Agreement(s) as follows:
updating the LFA details in Block 12 of the Face Sheet of the Grant
Agreement(s) as follows:
EI Fonda Mundial
The Global Fund
le Fonds mondial
De kKha contra el SIOA, la tuberculosis y la miliaria
To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
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LFA - STI (Swiss Tropical Institute)
Immeuble CSP (en face de l'ambassade du Burkina Faso)Hamdallaye ACI 2000
BP 912. Rue 34. Porte 65Bamako - Republique du MALI
Tel. : (+223) 73 190000
Email: [email protected]
eri [email protected]
updating the Global Fund details in Block 14 of the Face Sheet of the Grant
Agreement(s) as follows:
Ms. Tina Draser
Acting Regional Team Leader
Middle East and North Africa
Chemin de Blandonnet 8
1214 Vernier Geneva, Switzerland
Fax: ++41587911701
Tel. +41587911700
Please confirm your agreement with these amendments by signing the enclosed
copy of this letter and returning it to us. These amendments come into effect on 1
July 2009, irrespective of whether this letter is signed before or after this date. All
other terms and conditions remain the same. Please do not hesitate to contact your
Fund Portfolio Manager if you have any questions about the QA Policy.
William Paton
Di rector of Country Programs
Agreed and signed:
Haut Conseil de lutte contre le Sida
Authorized Representative:
M~~li~~k~~£retaire Executrt
EI fondo Mundial
The Global Fund
De Iuchll contra el SIOA, 18 tuberoJlosIs Y1& malaria
To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
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Ms Christine Sow, CCM Chair
Erik De Niet, Swiss Tropical Insitute
Attachment 1: Article 19 of the Standard Terms and Conditions
Face Sheet for Grant Agreement MAL-405-G02 -H
EI Fonda Mundial
The Global Fund
le Fonds mondial
De kKha contra et SIDA,. la tubNQJlosls y Is malaria
To Fight AIDS. Tuberculosis and Malaria
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Tuberculosis ar1d Malaria
Country: Mali
2. Principal Recipient Narne and address:
National High Council for HIV/AIDS Control of the Government of the Republic of Mali
ACI2000 Avenue du Mali (cote rond point de l'obelisque) Hamdallaye Bamako BP 2551 Mali
3. Program Title:
Expansion of the integrated prevention and care networks for STIIHIV/AIDS in Bamako and the 8 regional capitals
of Mali
4A. Modification Number: 6 (Implementation letter N°
4. Grant Number: MAL-405-G02-H
5 dated 16 June 2009
7. Phase 2 Ending Date:
6. Phase 1 Ending Date:
5. Phase 1 Starting Date:
30 June 2007
30 June 2010
1 July 2005
7B. Condition Precedent Terminal
7C. Condition Precedent Terminal
7A. Condition Precedent Terminal
Date: 15 September 2005
Date: 15 September 2005
Date: 1 May 2005
7E. Condition Precedent Terminal
7F. Condition Precedent Terminal
7D. Condition Precedent Terminal
Date: 15 August 2008
Date: 15 February 2008
Date: 15 February 2008
8. Grant Funds: US$ 52,340,436 (Fifty-Two Million Three Hundred Forty Thousand Four Hundred and ThirtySix United States Dollars)
Health Systems Strengthening
9. Program Coverage: - L HIV/AIDS - - Tuberculosis - - Malaria _
10. Information for Principal Recipient Bank Account into Which Grant Funds Will Be Disbursed:
11. The fiscal year of the Principal Recipient is from 01 January to 31 December.
12. Local Fund Agent (LFA): STI Swiss Tropical Institute
Immeuble CSP (en face de l'ambassade du Burkina Faso)Hamdallaye ACI 2000
BP 912. Rue 34. Porte 65Bamako - Republique du MALI
Tel. : (+223) 73 19 00 00
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
14. NamelAddress for Notices to Global Fund:
13. NamelAddress for Notices to Principal Recipient
Ms. Tina Draser
Acting Regional Team Leader
Malick SENE
Middle East and North Africa
Secretaire Executif
Chemin de Blandonnet 8
Address: ACI 2000 - Avenue du Mali (cote rond point
1214 Vernier Geneva, Switzerland
de l'obelisque) Hamdallaye Bamako Mali BP 2551
Tel.: +41 58 791 1700
Fax: +41 587911701
Tel.: (223) 229 42 62 I 2294091
Fax: (223) 229 42 58
E-mail: ~~hr,n l~(21)Hfrlh()n~ n~t m 1
This Agreement consists of the two pages of this face sheet and the following:
Annex A - Program Implementation Description
Standard Terms and Conditions