Beyond the Stalking mode


Beyond the Stalking mode
Beyond the Stalking mode
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S A T U R D A Y, 6 M A R C H 2 0 1 0
A flock of finches & a few guitar strings
Celeste Boursier-Mougenot, ici
View from installation
1995 © Xippas gallery © the artist
On a sunny afternoon, I came across a church which was
very dark in comparison to its outside. The coolness of
the sacred space contrasted with the chaos of the nearby
street, the quietness asking for introspection - so I just
sat to meditate.
But the silence was quickly interrupted by the creaking
sound and harrowing vision, of a chair sliding along the
floor of the atrium. Orchestrated by electro-magnetic
captors installed outside the church, the chair was
following the movements of the street's passers-by, while
evoking the existence of a parallel, supernatural,
With an apparent economy of means - a chair, an invisible
system and a bit of humour -, the sound of an everyday
object transforms the essence of its surroundings. This
earliest installation* by Celeste Boursier-Mougenot
1 sur 3 encapsulates the poetic subtleness of his world.
15/03/10 07:51