Structure du CV - Sabine Schmid professeur


Structure du CV - Sabine Schmid professeur
[email protected]
Tel (33) 6 85 88 69 49
Visiting Professor, Mines ParisTech, since 2012
EDHEC, since 2004
SKEMA, since 2003
Nice Sophia Antipolis University, since 2000
Consultant, Cognitive Design (consulting and training association), since 2010
2001: Doctorate in Psychology and Human Factors, Nice Sophia Antipolis University.
Thesis defended in December 2001, “0rganizational representation and comprehension: Role
of format in comprehension” (Highest honours, with unanimous congratulations of the jury).
Jury members: Jean-Marie CELLIER, CNRS Research Director, Toulouse le Mirail,
Guy DENHIERE, CNRS Research Director, Aix-Marseille, Charles Tijus, Professor,
University of Paris VIII.
1997: DEA in Psychology Aix Marseille University (with honours).
Courses taught
Managerial Skills, Leadership, Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior,
Organizations Theories
Social Psychology of Organizations, Cognitive Psychology, Perception, Text Comprehension,
Cognitive Ergonomics.
Statistics and research methods, applied statistics to management.
Personal Development:
Stress and time management, emotional and social skills.
Coaching of Students and job-seekers for their personal project definition and job research
Internship supervisor
MSc dissertation supervisor
2013-1014 Course leader : Human Resources Management multi campuses: coordination for 8
professors and 1000 students on 3 campuses (SKEMA BS).
2011-1013 Scientific Director of MSc Strategic Human Resources Management (SKEMA BS)
2011-1013 Course leader Organizational Behavior multi campuses: coordination for 9
professors and 1000 students on 3 campuses (SKEMA BS).
Since 2010 Scientific Director for research projects (Cognitive Design Association).
1993-1996 Teaching Director in executive education (Accentor).
Participation in research projects
Eco-conception Project 2011-2014: ANR Ecotech Program. Coordinator: LISMMA
(SUPMECA). Project manager: D. Millet. Associated company: Rowenta. Associated
team: Cognitive Design for the realization of a survey and an experiment in order to
analyze users’ perception of environmental impact of the use of vacuum cleaner.
Apprentissage collaboratif 2004-2006: CNRS – STIC (ACI - Traitement des Connaissances,
Apprentissage et NTIC). La compréhension collaborative médiatisée par réseaux
informatiques. Project manager : T. Baccino (LPEQ). Associated teams: LEAD (J.M.
Boucheix), Cognition & Usages (C. Tijus), LIMSI (P. Brézillon), EURECOM-ENST.
E-learning 2002-2004: Contrat 5th PCRDT - IST-CEE n°32323. Project manager: D.
Zambarbieri (Univ. Pavia). Associated teams: ARDEMI, Giuti Labs, LPEQ, Telephonica,
TID, TU/e.
Structures spatio-linguistiques du texte : traitements formels et cognitifs 2000-2002:
Contrat MENRT de Recherche ACI-Cognitique. Project manager: C. Garcia-Debanc
(laboratoire J. Lordat, Toulouse). ). Associated teams: ERSS (Toulouse), IRIT-CNRS
(Toulouse), LIMSI (Paris) et LPEQ (Nice).
Research interests
Collaborative learning and work – Management, stress and burn out at work.
Usability of human machine interfaces - Readability of instructions.
Case studies
2010 Schmid, S., Thirault, V., Walas, M., Wedding planner, case study in Quantitative
methods, CCMP (01/2010).
2009 Walas, M., Schmid, S., Henriet, E., Dermapro, case study in project management,
conflict management, CCMP (03/2009)
Book chapters
2013 Walas, M., De Fombelle, A., Schmid, S., Scotto, P., Stella-Caumel, A., Thyrault, V.,
Méthode d’analyse statistique appliquée au management. PEARSON.
2005 Schmid, S., Baccino, T. Structures spatio-linguistiques du texte : traitements formels et
cognitifs, L’Espace du texte, Agir dans l’Espace coordonné par Catherine Thinus-Blanc
et Jean BULLIER éditions de la MSH.
2003 Schmid, S., Représentation spatiale des textes et compréhension, Inscription spatiale du
langage, ACI Cognitique Edition, pp 289-296 Toulouse.
2001 Schmid, S., Baccino, T., Changement de Perspective et Mise en Forme. Jacques Virbel
et Jean-Luc Nespoulous Editeurs pp 44-53, Toulouse.
1998 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Influence de la mise en forme des textes sur la compréhension.
Document Electronique, pp185-192 Europia Productions, Paris.
1997 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Changement de thème et indentation: une étude oculométrique.
Cognition, Discours Procédural, Action, Jacques Virbel, Jean-Marie Cellier et Jean-Luc
Nespoulous Editeurs, pp 75-82, Toulouse.
Refereed articles
2002 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Perspective Shift and Text Format: An Eye-Tracking Study.
Current Psychology Letters, Behaviour, Brain & Cognition, 9, 73-87
2001 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Stratégies de lecture pour les textes à consigne. Langage 141,
Refereed conferences
2002 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Spatialisation du Langage : Structures et Processus,. « Rôle de
la représentation spatiale des textes dans la compréhension», Toulouse.
1999 Schmid, S., Baccino T., European Society for Cognitive Psychology, « Role of Text
Format in using Game rules: Recall Performance and Eye Movements Investigation».
1997 Baccino, T., Schmid, S., Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie – Nice,
« Influence de la mise en forme des textes sur le traitement d’un changement de
1996 Schmid, S., Baccino T., Congress of European Society for Cognitive Psychology –
Würzburg (Allemagne), « Perspective-Shift Effect: Eye movements Investigation».
1996 Baccino, T., Schmid, S., Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives –
Giens, « Influence des écrans sur le traitement de difficultés linguistiques».
French, English