Curriculum vitae RAMI ALBATAL


Curriculum vitae RAMI ALBATAL
Curriculum vitae
Date of birth: 08 April 1982
Nationality: Syrian
Marital status: single
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble
385 avenue de la Bibliothèque
38400 Saint Martin d’Hères
Tél. : (33) 4 76 51 46 02
Fax. : (33) 4 76 44 66 75
Port. : (33) 6 27 24 59 36
[email protected]
Lecturer at the Technological Institute (IUT2) of Pierre Mendès France University –
Grenoble II.
Researcher at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG), MRIM team
Sept. 2009 Aug. 2010
Lecturer at the Technological Institute (IUT de Valence) of Pierre Mendès France
PhD candidate at Joseph Fourier University – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble
(LIG), MRIM team.
Sept. 2006 Aug. 2009
Free-lance teacher at Joseph Fourrier University – Grenoble I, and Pierre Mendès France
French government Scholarship.
PhD candidate at Joseph Fourier University – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble
(LIG), MRIM team.
Sept. 2006 Jul. 2010
PhD in Information Technologies
Sept. 2005 Jul. 2006
M.Phil. in Information Systems (European Diploma MATIS)
Title: “Automatic image annotation based on Visual Phrases”
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG), MRIM team.
Supervisors: Dr. Philippe Mulhem and Prof. Yves Chiaramella
Joseph Fourier University And the University of Geneva.
Research project at LIG laboratory, GETALP team.
Title of research project: “Integration of workflow systems for collaborative construction of
multilingual lexical databases”
Supervisor : Gilles Sérasset
Sept. 2000 Jul. 2005
Engineering degree in Computer Science
University of Damascus – Faculty of Information Technologies (Syria).
Title of engineering project: “Detection of breast cancer using neural networks, genetic
algorithms and analysis of mammograms”
Rami Albatal
Software design
UML 2, Patterns
Programming Languages
C/C++, Java, Ada, HTML, PHP
Scripting Languages
Bash, Shell, Python, JavaScript
Development framework
Visual studio, KDevelop, Eclipse
Traitement d’image
OpenCV and several libraries and tools for
visual feature extraction and image
Machine learning
Statistical analysis
LaTeX, MS Office, openOffice
Linux/Unix, Windows
Modeling Tools
Visual Paradigm
Rami Albatal, « Annotation automatique d’images à base de Phrases Visuelles », Thèse de
l’Université de Grenoble, juillet 2010.
Peer-Reviewed international conferences
Rami Albatal, P. Mulhem, Y. Chiaramella. « Visual Phrases for automatic images annotation »,
CBMI'10, Grenoble, France, 2010.
Trong-Ton Pham, Philippe Mulhem, Loic Maisonnasse Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Georges Quénot,
Rami Albatal, « MRIM-LIG at ImageCLEF 2009. ImageCLEF: Robot Vision, Image annotation
and retrieval tasks. », LNCS, 2010.
Rami Albatal, P. Mulhem, Y. Chiaramella, T.-J.Chin. « Comparing image segmentation algorithms
for content based image retrieval systems ». SinFra'2009, Singapore, Feb 18-20, 2009.
International Workshops
Rami Albatal and Philippe Mulhem. Y.Chiaramella. A new ROI grouping schema for automatic
image annotation, International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) Workshop on Visual
Content Identification and Search (VCIDS 2011). Barcelona, 2011. To appear. (peer-Reviewed)
Rami Albatal, Philippe Mulhem, « MRIM-LIG at ImageCLEF 2010 Visual Concept Detection and
Annotation task ». Working paper for CLEF 2010 workshop.
Philippe Mulhem, Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Georges Quénot, Rami Albatal, « MRIM-LIG at
ImageCLEF 2009 ». Working paper for CLEF 2009 workshop.
Rami Albatal
Peer-Reviewed French conferences
Rami Albatal, P. Mulhem, Y. chiaramella. Modélisation de l'extraction des descripteurs visuels Intégration de relations topologiques. CORIA 2011.
Rami Albatal, P. Mulhem, Y. Chiaramella. « Phrases Visuelles pour l'annotation automatique
d'images ». CORIA 2010, 3--18, Souse, Tunisie, 2010.
International internship
Jul. 2010 Oct. 2010
Research internship at IPAL laboratory (CNRS UMI2955- A*STAR I2RNUS-UJF),
Singapore. Under the supervision of Dr. Tat-Jun Chin.
Activities and collective responsibilities
Dec. 2010
Member of the peer-reviewing comity of RJCRI’2010 (Rencontre Jeunes Chercheurs en
Recherche d’Informations) combined with the conference CORIA’2010.
Jun 2010
Member of the local organiazation comittee of the international conference CBMI 2010.
Dec. 2007
Member of the peer-reviewing comity of RJCRI’2007 combined with the conference
May 2007 -
Member of LIG laboratory council (representative of PhD students).
Oct. 2009
Teaching Experience
Sept. 2010 Current
Lecturer at the “IT” and “Information-Communication” departments of the technological
institute “IUT2” of Pierre Mendes France University (192 teaching hours).
Sept. 2009 Aug. 2010
Lecturer at the “IT” department of the technological institute “IUT de Valence” of Pierre
Mendes France University (96 teaching hours).
Oct. 2006 Aug. 2009
Assistant at the University Joseph Fourier (department of Computer Science and Applied
Mathematics and Ecole Polytech) and Pierre Mendes France University (42 teaching
Language Skills
Very good oral and writing skills
Very good oral and writing skills
Native language
literature, cinema, concerts, travel
ski, Hiking, gym
singing, playing acoustic guitar (blues, jazz, soft rock)
Rami Albatal