Wagon Census Progress
Wagon Census Progress
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 October 30, 2015 The General Managers (Operating, Mechanical) All Indian Railways, MD, KRCL Sub: Working Draft (WD-1) of Instructions for IR BG Wagon Census 2015 Enclosed please find the Working Draft (Ver-1.0-WD1) of Instructions for conducting the BG Wagon Census. It is especially requested to ensure compliance of the requirements detailed in para 3.0 of the enclosed instructions (Pre-requisites for conduct of census) as per the schedule detailed in the document. Any issues or clarifications may kindly be posted on the email group setup for the census. (Akhilesh Misra) Director Mech. Engg. (C&IS) Cell: +91 97176 40768 e-Mail: [email protected] Enclosure: As above Copy (via email) for necessary action to: 1. Dir/TT/POL/RB 2. All ZNO’s 3. All DNO’s 4. All CTL’s Copy for information to: 1. OSD to MT for information of MT 2. AM/C&IS 3. ED/C&IS AKHILES H MISRA Digitally signed by AKHILESH MISRA DN: c=IN, o=MINISTRY OF RAILWAY, ou=RAILWAY,CID 3147303, postalCode=110001, st=Delhi, cn=AKHILESH MISRA Date: 2015.10.30 17:43:11 +05'30' Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Census Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 भारत सरकार रे ल मं ालय (रे लवे बोड) नई द ल 110 001 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) NEW DELHI 110001 2015 5/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Instructions for conduct of BG Wagon Census 2015 Version History S. No. 1. Version Date 21/10/2015 Version No 1.0-WD0 WD0 2. 30/10/2015 1.0-WD1 WD1 Reasons for Issue Working Draft issued for completing the pre-requisites pre for conduct mock census on 06/11/2015. This document shall be updated with further instructions for FOIS Census Application by 02/11/2015. Working Draft issued for follow up preparatory action for conduct of Mock Census on 06/11/2015. Attached Annexures Annexure Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description Schedule for BG Wagon Census 2015 Drawing of Symbol to be painted on enumerated wagon List ist of Wagon Owner Codes List of Wagon Type Codes List of Wagon Condition Codes User instructions for FOIS Wagon Census Application MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 6 Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 1.0 Background The last census was conducted in Nov 2010 on the Indian Railways. In the interim period, significant changes have been made to the wagon types, ownership and holding. The primary objective of the IR BG Wagon Census 2015 is to reconcile the changes and create a dependable wagon master database to serve the existing and new IT applications. The current Wagon Master Database maintained at the Railway Board Computer Centre (RBCC) shall be used as the baseline database for the census. 2.0 Objective & scope of census The scope of census is to enumerate and list all BG wagons on the Indian Railways. All BG wagons shall be covered irrespective of the ownership and type. 3.0 Pre-requisites for conduct of census The following are the pre-requisites that shall be ensured for the conduct of the census exercise. 3.1 Overall Management of the IR BG Census 2015 The overall management of the IR BG Census shall be done by a team of personnel from the RBCC and TT/POL Section. The contact details of all concerned personnel along with the assigned role shall be provided via documents shared on the Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Group. (Details of these are given in the later part of this document.) Any issues regarding the conduct of census shall be posted on the common email forum created for the purpose of the census. Common Contact Details Description Details Remarks and recommended use Common Email ID [email protected] Use this address to Send details containing the phone numbers and the Gmail-ID’s of personnel nominated for the census. These will be added to the common email group. Common Email Group Email Address [email protected] Use this group address to post queries / issues reports regarding census. Directory of Common Contact Details URL https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cJo1srRwgrJk-e1QpxBGFq248DhkE00gYxuj5BXgEc/edit#gid=1781956174 3.2 Note: This email address shall accept mail only when your (sender’s) Gmail-ID has been registered. All requests to register with the group to be sent to common email address given above. Contact Details of Personnel nominated for the census are available here. Note: This URL is available only to those Gmail-ID’s that are registered with the Common email Group. Nomination of Personnel for census The following personnel shall be nominated for the conduct of census. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 2 of 6 Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 3.2.1 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 Zonal Nodal Officers (ZNO) An officer of the Zonal Railway HQ shall be nominated to manage the census on the Zonal Railway. They shall in turn nominate the Divisional Nodal Officers under information to RBCC. Dir/TT/POL, Railway Board, shall nominate the ZNO’s and advise the same to RBCC. 3.2.2 Divisional Nodal Officers (DNO) An officer of the Division HQ shall be nominated to manage the census on the Division. They shall in turn nominate the Census Team Leads under information to RBCC via email. NOTE: Please send all information regarding nominations of ZNO’s / DNO’s / CTL’s on the email address created especially for the census: [email protected] . 3.2.3 Census Team Lead (CTL) Each census team shall be lead by a Census Team Lead whose role shall be as follows 1. Organize his team for the allotted location 2. Ensure that his Gmail-ID and phone numbers are registered with the common email group and are listed in the contact details. 3. Arrange for login ID / Password for the login into the FOIS Census Application Portal. 4. Understand and use the census application. 5. Arrange adequate pre-numbered tally sheets using the FOIS Census Application. 6. Arrange for required cameras / mobile phones. (For taking pictures where required) 7. Create the Google Drive Shares as instructed 8. Conduct the census activity 9. Enter the data, manually recorded on the printed tallysheets, into the corresponding forms on the FOIS Census Application. 10. Upload scanned copies of the manually filled tallysheets. (All used pages only.) 11. Upload photos of wagons where issues are seen. Is shall be ensured that the number of photos and the numbers of wagons highlighted in the tallysheets actually tally. (It shall be ensured that the image naming settings in the digital camera provides the date time stamp to each image.) 12. Remain available and responsive post census for queries on the uploaded information. 3.3 Formation of a Google Gmail group for communication All personnel involved shall be enrolled into a Gmail Group for conduct of the census. Only Gmail ID’s shall be used to enroll on this group. The email Group shall be managed by RBCC. The details of the Google Group are provided in para 3.1 above. All requests to add to the group to be sent to: [email protected]. All personnel engaged in the exercise shall use Google ID’s (Gmail Account ID) to subscribe to this account. 3.4 Cell phone numbers Cell phone numbers of personnel nominated shall be provided to RBCC for creation of communications database. The cell phone numbers shall be sent alongwith the request to add to the email group for the census exercise. 3.5 Familiarization with Google Drive All personnel involved shall be familiar with the use of Google Drive. It is requested to kindly read and understand instructions for the same available at: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2424384?hl=en . MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 3 of 6 Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 3.6 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 Familiarization with photo sizes The max photo size shall be 1920x1080 pixels in landscape or portrait modes. The cameras should be set to click in as per this size or a suitable post processing application such as Irfan view / Microsoft Picture Manager to be used to reduce the size. Download and read user instructions for IrfanView from: http://www.irfanview.com/ 4.0 Unique System Generated Tally sheets Each tally sheet shall have a unique number. The following numbering scheme is proposed. ZONE CODE Railway Code Zone DIVISION CODE TEAM CODE Railway Division HQ Code N N N SERIAL NUMBER OF TALLY SHEET N N N 1. N={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ; Any one number from the set of number 0-9. 2. The team code numbers shall be allotted by RBCC on a shared list visible to all the participants. 3. The serial number of the tally sheet shall be automatically generated by the FOIS Census application. All concerned personnel shall familiarize themselves with the application. NOTE: IT SHOULD BE ENSURED THAT THE UNIQUE TALLYSHEET SHALL BE GENERATED ONLY THROUGH THE FOIS APPLICATION. NO PHOTOCOPYING SHOULD BE DONE. 5.0 How to generate the unique tally sheets The unique tallysheets shall be generated through the FOIS Census Application only. 1. Each CTL shall login using the provided credentials. 2. Enter the details on the screen 3. Generate PDF document of the required number of tally sheets. Each page of the PDF document shall be a uniquely numbered tallysheet for the logged in CTL. 4. Each tally sheet is suitable for upto 25 wagon entries. Therefore adequate number of tally sheets should be generated and printed prior to the start of the enumeration exercise. 5. The tally sheets shall be printed one page per leaf. DONOT USE double sided printing. Note: Please read and understand the annexed instructions for use of the FOIS Census Application provided by CRIS. 6.0 Setting up Google Drive for sharing photos & tallysheet scans 1. Each census team lead (CTL) shall create the folder on Google Drive and share the same with the Google Group in read only mode. The folder shall be created in the following hierarchy. ZR-DIV-TC-001 WagonPhotos ZR-DIVTEAMCODE ZR-DIV-TC-002 ZR-DIV-TCNNN TallySheets ScannedPDF Figure 1: Folder Hierarchy for sharing on Google Drive MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 4 of 6 Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 1.1. ZR -> Zonal Railway Code like CR / ER / NR etc 1.2. DIV -> Division Code like LKO / UMB etc 1.3. TEAMCODE -> to be assigned by RBCC in consultation with each Divisional Nodal Officer to the census team. Shall be numerical code of three digits as described elsewhere in this document. 2. Therefore the shared folder shall be named as NR-UMB-009 for a census team of Northern Railway, Ambala Division with allotted team code of 009. 3. The sub-folder WagonPhotos shall be used the share the photos. 3.1. The photos shall be put into separate folders. There shall be one folder per tally sheet. 3.2. The folder name shall be the fully qualified tally sheet number e.g. NR-UMB-009-102. 4. The Sub folder TallySheets shall be used to share scanned PDF copy of the tally sheets 4.1. The file name of the scanned PDF document shall be the fully qualified tally sheet number e.g. NR-UMB-009-102.pdf etc. 5. Only the top level folder named ZR-DIV-TEAMCODE (NR-UMB-009) shall be shared with READONLY permissions. The sub-folders get shared as a result. The top level folder shall be shared with the email group such that all personnel get access to information collected by any one. 7.0 Instructions for enumeration during census 1. During Census, all should ensure that:1.1. All the accidental wagons lying off the track shall be enumerated. 1.2. The outlying siding, Sheds, Pvt. Sidings, Colliery, Port areas, Military Depots and sidings etc., shall be specifically checked for wagons. 1.3. Military wagons shall be given equal attention. 1.4. All the officers and staff concerned shall be adequately briefed and involved in the exercise. It shall be ensured that officers and staff nominated for the census work are on duty and comply with the annexed schedule. 2. During the enumeration, each wagon should be stenciled by a census symbol as provided in ANNEXURE 2. 2.1. The drawing provided should be used to cut the required stencil in a 1:1 size 2.2. The census symbol shall be stenciled in white / yellow paint on each enumerated wagon at the extreme left (lower end of the side panel) of the wagon on both sides. 3. The Zonal Nodal Officers, Divisional Nodal Officers and the Census Team Leads shall ensure that census exercise is conducted orderly and all involved personnel under their control adhere to the prescribed schedule (ANNEXURE 1). 4. Photographs shall be taken when there is any doubt regarding the details on the wagon. These details shall be mentioned on the reverse of the tallysheet. 8.0 Instructions for filling the tally sheet 1. All tally sheets shall be generated from the FOIS Census Application. It should be noted that each tally sheet is unique thus these shall not be copied. 2. Tally sheets shall be filled in black / royal blue ink colours to ensure good contrast for scanning. Only waterproof permanent inks shall be used. 3. The CTL shall fill the Indian Railways Station Code at the top of the sheet at the indicated location. 4. The enumerated wagon details shall be entered as one character per box on the tallysheet. 5. Only one wagon shall be entered per row of the tally sheet. 6. Handwriting shall be clear and legible. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 5 of 6 Document No: 2015/RBCC/1/2/BG Wagon Census-2015 Document Title: INSTRUCTIONS FOR IR BG WAGON CENSUS 2015 Revision No: 1.0-WD1 Date Issued: 30/10/2015 7. Tally sheets though generated sequentially shall be filled in any order. The sole requirement is that each sheet shall be unique. 8. The following columns are provided on the tallysheet: 8.1. OWNER CODE: To fill the owner code as seen at site. The list of owner codes as available in the existing database is attached as ANNEXURE 3. 8.2. WAGON TYPE: To fill the wagon type details as seen at site. The list of wagon type codes as available in the existing database is attached as ANNEXURE 4. 8.3. WAGON NO: To fill the wagon number as seen at site. 8.4. MILITARY/PRIVATE WAGON NO: Use this set of column to fill in unique identifiers provided by the respective owners. Incase no unique identifier is available, please indicate if the wagon is MILITARY / PRIVATELY OWNED by using the symbol M or P respectively. 8.5. CONDITION: The following wagon condition code shall be used to indicate wagon condition. The list of condition codes is provided in ANNEXURE 5. 9. The tallysheet is printed only on single side. The reverse (blank) side of the leaf shall be used to record any other observations regarding the information recorded on the formatted side. 9.0 Scanning and uploading of tallysheets 1. All tallysheets shall be scanned by and uploaded on Google Drive setup as detailed elsewhere in this document. 2. The scanning shall be done at 150 dpi black and white settings. The saved scan file format shall be PDF. 10.0 Entering tallysheet data on the FOIS Census Application 1. The census teams shall also enter the data recorded on the FOIS census application. 2. The specific instructions issued by CRIS shall be followed. Copy of the Instructions are attached as ANNEXURE:6. 11.0 Schedule for Conducting the Census The schedule for the conduct of IR BG Wagon Census 2015 is attached as ANNEXURE 1. 12.0 Mock Census A mock census shall be held prior to the actual census as per the schedule annexed (ANNEXURE 1). During this drill all the processes involved in census shall be exercised and tested. Any issues shall be reported via email on common email group. The issues flagged shall be corrected and instructions revised accordingly. NOTE: During the mock census, the census symbol shall not be stenciled. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 6 of 6 ANNEXURE: 1 CENSUS SCHEDULE Days from D-Date Scheduled Date Event / Milestone 1 2 -49 -38 12-10-2015 23-10-2015 3 -30 31-10-2015 4 -30 31-10-2015 1. First planning meeting 1. Issue of Working Draft Instructions for conduct of census 1. Nomination of all ZNO / DNO / CTL 2. Creation of initial email group and initial communications directory. 3. Instructions to of all personnel by the ZNO / DNO for conduct of census 1.FOIS Census application prototype release 5 -26 05-11-2015 6 -26 05-11-2015 7 -24 06-11-2015 8 DDAY 30-11-2015 S. No. Note: The Mock Census shall be conducted at 1200 HRS on the date -21 09-11-2015 -12 18-11-2015 -11 19-11-2015 10 -10 20-11-2015 11 -3 27-11-2015 12 0 30-11-2015 9 1. Creation of all Google Drive Shares 1 . Printing of Tally Sheets for Mock Census 1. Conduct of Mock Census 1. Uploading of Scanned copies of tally sheets of mock census 2. Uploading of photos of the mock census 3. Entering the data of the mock census into the FOIS application 1. Completion of review of mock census 2. Issue of Final Instructions for conduct of census 1. Deletion of all Mock Census Data 1. FOIS Census application final release 1. Printing of Tally Sheets for the Census 1. Conduct of Census Remarks Held on 12/10/2015 By RBCC 1. ZNO's to be nominated by Dir TT POL / RB 2. DNO to be nominated by ZNO's 3. CTL's to be Nominated by the DNO's 1. By CRIS 2. Testing for login to be done by each CTL By the respective CTL's By the respective CTL's 1. Each team shall exercise and follow all instructions given here. 2. Each CTL shall provide live data of one rake. 50-60 wagons. (Two Tally sheets shall be filled scanned and entered in the FOIS App) By the respective CTL's Corrections in instructions / software if any shall be taken up by RB and CRIS 1. By the respective CTL's on the shared drives 2. BY CRIS on the FOIS Application By CRIS By the respective CTL's Note: The Census shall be conducted at 1200 HRS on the date MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 2 ANNEXURE: 1 S. No. Days from D-Date Scheduled Date Event / Milestone 13 5 05-12-2015 14 15 15-12-2015 15 25 25-12-2015 1. Uploading of Data to be completed on Google drive shares 2. Start updating data on FOIS census application. 1. Completion of data update on the FOIS census application 2. Start of Cross check cycle one 1. Completion of Cross 30 check cycle one 30-12-2015 1. Start of Cross check cycle two for items still 16 DDAY unresolved MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Remarks By the respective CTL's By the respective CTL's RBCC & FOIS teams shall conduct the exercise The concerned CTL may be required to be present at RB for detailed checks. This shall be advised by RBCC. Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 2 of 2 ANNEXURE: 2 Census Symbol 15 MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 1 ANNEXURE: 3 Wagon Owner Code SR.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 CODE AAIL AC ACC ADAL ADIL ALVA AMBC ANSL AP APML APPP APRL ARIL BCSW BH BLCO BPC BPHT BPT BR BSL BSP BXTS CENT CIPB CN CONR CPT CR CRRP DLI DLW EC ECO EMCE ER ETAP FC FIEP LIST OF WAGON OWNERS DESCRIPTION M/S ADITYA ALUMINIUM(MAAL/LPG) ASSOCIATED CEMENT COMPANY ACC CEMENT M/s Adani Agri Logistics Ltd M/S ADANI LOGISTICS LIMITED APL LOGISTICS VASCOR AUTOMOTIVE PRIVATE LTD AMBUJA CEMENT M/S ANDHRA SUGAR LIMITED ANDHRA PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD M/S ADONI POWER M/S. ADANI PETRONET PORT PVT. LTD. M/S ADANI POWER RAJASTHAN LTD.,KAWAI M/S ARSHIYA RAIL INFRASTRUCTUE LTD. M/S BRILA CORPORATION SATNA CEMENT WORKS SIDING BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD. BHARAT ALLUMINIUM COMPANY BHARAT PETROLIUM CORP M/S BADARPUR THERMAL POWER STATION MUMBAI PORT TRUST BANGLADESH RAILWAY BOKARO STEEL PLANT UNIT BHILAI STEEL PLANT, BHILAI BOXTRANS CENTURY CEMENT CIMMCO PVT. CONTAINER CORP. OF INDIA CONTAINER CORP. OF INDIA KOLKATA PORT TRUST CENTRAL RAILWAY CONTAINER RAIL ROAD SERVICES PVT. LTD. M/S DISTRIBUTION LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE PVT.LTD. DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY EAST COAST RAILWAY M/S EMCO ENERGY LTD. EASTERN RAILWAY ETA ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. FOOD CORP. OF INDIA M/S FOURCEE INFRASTRUCTURE EQUIPMENTS PVT. LTD. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 3 ANNEXURE: 3 SR.NO. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 CODE GF GIPL GL GMRK GN GRAS GRFL GSEC GSFC GVKP HFCL HIL HPC HTPL IF IILP IIPL ILSL IR JKCW JRP JSPL JSW KASW KB KFCL KPCL KR KRIL LAT LIL MAP MIEL MILY MP MPEB MPT MSIL MSPG MZCY NALC NC NE LIST OF WAGON OWNERS DESCRIPTION GODAVARI FERTILIZERS & CHEMICALS LTD. M/S GATX INDIA PVT. LTD. M/S GANGAVARAM PORT LIMITED. M/S GMR KAMALANGA ENERGY LIMITED GUJRAT NARMADA FERTILIZER CORP. GRASIM CEMENT GATEWAY RAIL FREIGHT LTD. M/S GUJARAT STATE ELECTRICITY CORPN. LTD. M/S GSFC M/S GVK POWER LTD. HINDUSTAN FERTILIZERS AND CHEMICALS LTD. HINDALCO RANCHI HINDUSTAN PETROLIUM CORP HIND TERMINAL PVT LTD IFFCO INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE & LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED INDIA INFRASTRUCTURE & LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED INNOVATIVE B2B LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS LTD. INDIAN RAILWAYS M/S J K CEMENT WORKS LTD M/S JAYPEE REWA PLANT (UNIT OF JP ASSOCIATES LTD) M/S JINDAL STEEL & POWER LTD M/S JSW STEEL LTD. KAILASH M/S KRIBHCO INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED M/S KANPUR FERTILIZERS AND CEMENT LTD KRISHNAPATNAM PORT COMPANY LIMITED KONKAN RAILWAYS CORP. LTD. M/S KRIBHCO INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED LARSON & TUBRO LAFARGE CEMENT M/S HINDALCO INDUSTRIES LIMITED(UNIT: MAHAN ALUMINIUM) M/S MONNET ISPAT AND ENERGY LTD M/S MILITARY MADHYA PRADESH ELECTRICITY BOARD SGTP THERMAL POWER M/S MUNDRA PORT TRUST M/S MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LTD. M/S MAHARASHTRA STATE POWER GENERATION COMPANY LTD M/S ZUARI CEMENT NATIONAL ALUMINIUM COMPANY NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY NORTH EASTERN MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 2 of 3 ANNEXURE: 3 SR.NO. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 CODE NF NFL NMFS NPLR NR NT NTPT NTPU NW PPT PR PRC PRYG RC RITS RRVU RS RSPL SAIL SC SCAL SE SEC SELC SR STPS SW TRLS UAIL UTCL VAC VAL VPT VZP WC WR 119 #OWN LIST OF WAGON OWNERS DESCRIPTION NORTHEAST FRONTIER NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LTD. M/S BRAHMAPUTRA VALLEY FERTILIZER CORPORATION LTD. M/S NABHA POWER LTD. NORTHERN RAILWAY NATIONAL THERMAL POWER CORP. DY.GM(FM),NTPC LTD-TANDA NTPC UNCHAHAR NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY PARADEEP PORT TRUST ALPHA CODE CBSP PAKISTAN RAILWAY PIPAVAV RAIL CORP. LTD. PRAYAG POWER GENERTATION COMPANY LTD. RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS RITES. M/S RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT UTPADAN NIGAM LTD RAJSHREE CEMENT M/S. RUNGTA SONS ( P ) LTD. STEEL AUTHORIT OF INDIA LTD. SOUTH CENTRAL SICAL MULTIMODA AND RAIL TRANPORT LTD. SOUTH EASTERN SOUTH EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY M/S SAN ENGINEERING LTD. SOUTHERN RAILWAY STPS RIHAND NAGAR SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY TRANSRAIL LOGISTIC LIMTED M/S UTKAL ALUMINA INTERNATIONAL LTD. ULTRATECH CEMENT M/S VASAVADATTA CEMENT LTD. VEDANTA ALLUMINIUM VISAKHAPATNAM PORT TRUST VIZAGPORT WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY WESTERN RAILWAY Use to enter any other owner not listed. Enter the details of this new owner as available on the reverse side of the tally sheet. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 3 of 3 ANNEXURE: 4 Wagon Type Codes SR.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 TYPE AAA AWT BC BCA BCACBMA BCACBMB BCACM BCBFG BCCN BCCNR BCCW BCF BCFC BCN BCNA BCNAHS BCNAMI BCNHL BCNHS BCNMI BCR BCW BCX BCXC BCXN BCXR BCXT BCXY BFAT BFD BFK BFKHN BFKI BFKN BFKX BFNS BFR BFRF BFRH BFT BFU BFUF BG LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION AAA OTHTANK BOGIE COVERED WAGON BOGIE COVERED WAGON FOR CATTLE BCACBM-A BCACBM-B AUTO LOADER VAN BOGIE COVERED BROAD GAUGE FOOD GRAIN ADANI AUTO LOADER VAN AUTO LOADER VAN BOGIE COVERED HOPPER FOR CEMENT BCF BOGIE COCERD BCFC WAGON BOGE COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGIES COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGIE COVERED AIR BRAKE HIGH SPEED BOGIES COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGE COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGIE COV. AIR BRAK - HI-SPEED BOGE COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGIE COVERED WAGON BCW BOGIE COVERED BOGIE COVERED CBC BOGE COVERED AIR BRAKES BOGIE COVERED SCREW BOGIE COVERED TRANSITION COUPLERS BOGIE COVERED WAGON UPWARD OPENING DOORS BOGIE FLAT FOR ARJUN TANK CRANE DUMMY WAGON BOGIE CONTAINER FLAT IRS BOGIE FLAT FOR CONTAINERS (HIGH SPEED) FLAT TO CARRY DOMESTIC ISO FREIGHT CONTAINERS BOGIE FLAT CONTAINER FLATS TO CARRY DOMESTIC FRIGHT CONTAINERS BOGIE FLAT HIGH SPEED BOGIE FLAT FOR RAILS BFRF BFT BOGIE FLAT FOR TIMBER BOGIE WELL WAGON BOGIE WELL WAGON BG MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 TYPE BK BKC BKCA BKCC BKCF BKCW BKCX BKCXY BKD BKDF BKE BKF BKH BKHF BKHN BKI BKK BKL BKM BKU BKW BLCA BLCAM BLCB BLCBM BLLA BLLB BMKM BNE BOB 74 BOBC 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 BOBR BOBRN BOBRNEL BOBRNHS BOBRNHSM 1 BOBS BOBSN BOBSNM BOBSNM1 84 BOBX 85 86 87 88 BOBY BOBYN BOBYN22.9 BOBYNH 79 LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION BK BOGIE OPEN WAGON HIGH SPEED BOGIE OPEN WAGON HIGH SIDED BOGIE OPEN WAGON HIGH SIDED BKCF BKCW BOGIE OPEN WAGON BOX WAGONS WITH SEALED UPWARD OPENING DOOR BOGIE OPEN WITH MEDIUM HEIGHT BKDF BOGIE OPEN GENERAL / ELEPHANT BOGIE OPEN END OPENING BOGIE OPEN HOPPER BOGIE OPEN HOPPER BOGIE OPEN HOPPER BOGIE FLAT FOR CONTAINERS FLATS MODIFIED BKK BOGIE OPEN LOW SIDED BOGIE OPEN WAGON FOR MILITARY BOGIE OPEN PLATFORM WAGONS BOGIE OPEN WAGON BALLAST BOGIE LOW HEIGHT CONTAINER A CAR BOGIE DOUBLE STACK CONTAINER A CAR BOGIE LOW HEIGHT CONTAINER B CAR BOGIE DOUBLE STACK CONTAINER B CAR BOGIE FLAT FOR CONTAINER LONG BOGIE FLAT FOR CONTAINER LONG FLAT/WAGON FOR CARRYING MILITARY VEHICLES BOGIE STORE VAN OPEN WAGON HOPPER OPEN WAGON HOPPER WITH CENTRE DISCHARGE ARRANGEMENTS BOGIE HOPPER RAPID DISCHARGE (VAC) BOGIE HOPPER RAPID DISCHARGE (AIR) BOGIE HOPPER RAPID DISCHARGE (AIR) BOGIE HOPPER RAPID DISCHARGE HIGH SPEED REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA HOPPER RBCC DATA OPEN WAGON HOPPER WITH SIDE DISCHARGE OPEN WAGON HOPPER WITH SIDE DISCHARGE AIR BRAKE BOBSNMI LOADED WITH IORE ON MXA-DRZ BOBSNMI LOADED WITH IORE ON MXA-DRZ OPEN WAGON HOPPER WITH CENTRE & SIDE DISCHARGE ARRANGEMENT HOPPER WAGON BOTTOM DISCHARGE HOPPER WAGON BOTTOM DISCHARGE AIR BRAKE HOPPER HOPPER WAGON BOTTOM DISCHARGE HIGH SPEED FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 2 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 TYPE BOBYNHS BOI BOIN BOM BOST BOSTHS BOT BOX BOXC BOXCY BOXK BOXKH BOXN BOXNCR BOXNEL BOXNHA BOXNHL BOXNHS BOXNHSM1 BOXNLW BOXNLWM1 BOXNM1 BOXNR 112 BOXNS 113 BOXR 114 BOXRY 115 BOXS 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 BOXSR BOXT BOXTY BOXY BOY BOYEL BOYN BRH BRHC BRHNEHS BRHT BRN BRN22.9 BRNA BRNAHS BRS BRST BRT LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION HOPPER WGN BOTTOM DISCRG(HIGH SPEED) OPEN WAGON GONDOLA BOGIE OPEN WAGON GONDOLA BOGIE OPEN MILITARY WAGON BOGIE OPEN AIR-BRAK BOXN OTHTANK BOGIE OPEN WAGON BOX WAGONS WITH CBC BOX WAGONS WITH SEALED UPWARD OPENING DOORS BOGIE OPEN CONTAINER BOGIE OPEN CONTAINER (HEAVY) BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKE CORROSION RESISTANT BOXNEL LOADED WITH IORE ON BSPX-DATR-JKPR-PRDP BOX WAGON (HIGH SPEED) BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES BOGIE OPEN AIR-BRAK - HI-SPEED BOGIE OPEN AIR-BRAK - HI-SPEED BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES LIGHT WEIGHT MODIFIED 1 BOGIE OPEN WAGON AIR BRAKES-REHABILITATION BOGIE OPEN WAGON (SWING CUM FLAP DOORS SLIDING ROOF) BOX WAGONS SCREW COUPLINGS BOX WAGONS SEALED UPWARD OPENING DOORS SCREW COUPLINGS BOGIE OPEN WAGON (SWING CUM FLAP DOORS SLIDING ROOF) BOGIE OPEN WAGON WITH SLIDING ROOF BOX WAGONS WITH SWING CUM FLAP DOORS-TRANSITION BOX WAGONS UPWARD OPENING DOORS BOX WAGON SEALED UPWARD OPENING DOOR BOGIE OPEN FOR IRON ORE BOYEL LOADED WITH IORE ON KRDL-KTV-VZP BOGIE OPEN FOR IRON ORE(AIR BRAKE) BOGIE RAIL TRUCK BOGIE RAIL WAGON BOGIE RAIL TRUCK BOGIE RAIL WAGON BOGIE RAIL TRUCK AIR-BRAKE BFT BOGIE RAIL TRUCK AIR BOGIE RAIL TRUCK AIR HI-SPEED BOGIE RAIL TRUCK BOGIE RAIL TRUCK-TRANSITION BOGIE RAIL TRUCK MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 3 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 TYPE BTA BTAL BTALN BTAP BTAPHP BTCS BTE BTF BTFLN BTFN BTHA BTK BTL BTM BTO BTOH BTP BTPA BTPG BTPGL BTPGLN BTPGN BTPH BTPN BTPX BTS BTSA BTV BTW BV BVG BVGC BVGT BVM BVZC BVZI BWE BWH BWL BWS BWT BWTA BWTB BWW BWZ BXC C CA LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION BOGIE TANK WAGON ACID BOGIE TANK WAGON AMMONIA BOGIE TANK WAGON FOR LIQUID AMMONIA TANK WAGON FOR AMMONIA ,ALUMINA BOGIE TANK WAGON ALUMINA POWDER BOGIE C. SODA TANK IRS BOGIE TANK WAGON LIQUID CAUSTIC SODA TANK WAGON AMMONIA TANK WAGON FOR POL BOGIE TANK AMMONIA BOGIE TANK WAGON HYDROCHLORIC ACID BOGIE TANK WAGON KEROSENE BOGIE TANK WAGON KEROSENE BOGIETANK WAGON MOLASSES BTO BOGIE TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL BOGIE TANK WAGON PETROL BOGIE TANK WAGON FOR ALUMINA BOGIE TANK WAGON FOR LPG BOGIE LPG TANK BOGIE TANK WAGON FOR LPG BOGIE TANK WAGON FOR LIQUAFIED PETROLIUM GAS BOGIE TANK WAGON PHOSPHORIC ACID BOGIE TANK WAGON AIR BRAKE BOGIE TANK WGON PETROL BTS TANK WAGON SULPHURIC ACID BOGIE TANK WAGON VEGETABLE OIL BOGIE TANK WAGON WATER BRAKE VAN BRAKE VAN BRAKE VAN. CBC BRAKE VAN. TRANSITION CBC BV GOODS BRAKE VAN (AIR BRAKE SYSTEM) BRAKE VAN 12 AXLE 150T SPECIAL WELL WAGON BOGIE WELL WAGON BOGIE WELL WAGON BOGIE WELL WAGON GROSS LOAD 132.08 TONNES BOGIE WELL WAGON GROSS LOAD 55.88 TON WELL BG BOGIE WELL WAGON TYPE BOGIE WELL WAGON BOGIE WELL SPL. 12 AXL 182 BXC COVERED WAGON GENERAL 4 WHEELER COVERED. CATTLE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 4 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 TYPE CAF CAW CC CED CG CJ COV CRANE CRC CRT CS CV CW DBFU DBFUA DBKM DBWT FD FK FR FRT FT FTT FU FW FX GB IRCA IRS IRSTPR ITS J JI K K1 KC KCA KCC KCF KCH KCW KD KE KF KFW KH KI KJ LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION 4 WHEELER COVERED. CATTLE CAW CC OTHCOVD OTHCOVD COVERED WAGON FOR JUTE COVERED STOCK CRANE COVERED GOODS 4 WHEELER COVERED TRANSITION CBC COVERED WAGON FOR SALT CV CW WELL WAGON MILITARY WELL WAGON MILITARY BOGIE OPEN MILITARY WELL WAGON MILITARY DUMMY TRUCK OR RELIEF TRUCK FLATS FOR CONTAINERS RAIL TRUCK RAIL TRUCK TWIN TIMBER TRUCK TIMBER TRUCK TWIN OPEN WELL FW TRUCK FOR LIQUID OXYGEN BV IRCA IRS IRSTPR ITS J JI OPEN WAGON K1 OPEN WAGON HIGHSIDED OPEN WAGON HIGHSIDED (WITH ANGLEIRONS ) OPEN WAGON HIGHSIDED (SPECIAL COAL) KCF 4 WHEELER HOPPER WAGONS OPEN WAGON WOODEN BDY 4 WHEELER OPEN MEDIUM HEIGHT 4 WHEELER GENERAL/ELEPHANT TRUCK 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGONS KFW 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON HOPPER KI OTHOPEN MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 5 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 TYPE KK KL KLF KLW KM KMF KOH KP 238 KR 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 KS KSW KU KV KW KWF LPG MBFU MBFUF MBKM MBOX MBWT MFR MGR MKC MOFK MRG NE NF NG NH NMG NS NU OC OCV OM OMT PCV PRC PRE PREIRS RX SLR TA TAP TB TBN LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON SUGARCANE 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON LOW-SIDED KLF KLW 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON MILITARY 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON MILITARY OPEN WAGON HIGH SIDED 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON POLES OR BAMBOO 4 WHEELER OPEN REEL WAGON FOR WIRING CUM BREAK DOWN TRAIN 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON SALT KSW 4 WHEELER PLATFORM WAGONS 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON WEIGHBRIDGE TESTING 4 WHEELER OPEN WAGON BALLAST KWF ACID BOGIE WELL WAGON MILITARY BOGIE WELL WAGON MILITARY BOGIE FLAT WAGON FOR CARRYING MILITARY VEHICLES MODIFIED BOX BOGIE WELL WAGON MILITARY MILITARY RAMP WAGON FLAT RAPID DISCHARGE COAL HOPPER OPEN WAGON MATERIAL FLATS FOR CONTAINERS MILITARY CARRIAGE FOR FAMILY STORE VAN FISH VAN OTHCOVD FRUIT VAN AUTO LOADER VAN OTHCOVD OTHCOVD 4 WHEELER COVERED OTHER COACHING VEHICLES OPEN WAGON MILITARY OPEN WAGON MILITARY PSGR COACHING VEHICLES 4 WHEEL PAKISTAN RAILWAY COVERED WAGON PRE PREIRS BALLAST PLOUGH VAN PARCEL TANK WAGON SULFURIC ACID TANK WAGON ALUMINA TANK WAGON BENZOL OTHTANK MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 6 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 TYPE TC TCS TD TE TEMP TF TG TH THA TK TKOPEN TL TM TN TO TOH TOHT TORH TORHC TORHT TORX TORXC TORXT TORXTK TORXTV TP TPGL TPGLR TPH TPR TPRA TPRC TPRIRS TPTPRC TR TRS TS TSA TV TW TWF TWT TX TZ V VB VH VM LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON CREOSOTE TANK WAGON LIQUID C.SODA 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON BITUMEN 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LIQ CAUSTIC SODA TEMP 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON AMMONIA 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LIQUIFIED PETROL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HEXANE 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HYD ACID 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON KEROSENE TKOPEN 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON BLACK OIL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON MOLASSES 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON MENTHONOL TO 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL CBC 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL TANK WAGON HEAVY OIL TORXC TORXT TORXTK TORXTV 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON PETROL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LIQ. PETROL GAS 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LIQ. PETROL GAS OTHTANK 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON PETROL TPRA TANK WAGON TPRIRS TPTPRC 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON COAL TAR TRS 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON COUNTRY SPIRIT 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON SULPHURIC ACID 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON VEGETABLE OIL 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON WATER 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON WATER 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON WATER 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LIQUID CHLORINE 4 WHEELER TANK WAGON LUBRICATING OIL 4 WHEELER BRAKE VAN. ORDINARY 4 WHEELER BRAKE VAN. ORDINARY 4 WHEELER BRAKE VAN. HEAVY 4 WHEELER BRAKE VAN. MEDIUM MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 7 of 8 ANNEXURE: 4 SR.NO. 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 TYPE VP VPH VPU VY WT X XC XCJ XK XKC 335 #WTN LIST OF WAGON TYPES DESCRIPTION PARCEL PARCEL BOGIE MOTOR CUM PARCEL VAN BRAKE VAN OTHTANK EXPLOSIVES EXPLOSIVES OTHCOVD EXPLOSIVES ORDOPEN New Wagon Type. Use this to list a wagon type that is not available in the database. Enter the details of this new wagon type as available on the reverse side of the tally sheet MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE REMARK FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA FOIS DATA RBCC DATA Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 8 of 8 ANNEXURE: 5 Wagon Condition Code S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Description For Normal Vehicle. Awaiting Condemnation Accidental Departmental Sick In Work Shop Lying in Workshop for other purpose Wagon number / details are not decipherable MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Code [To be left blank] AC AL DE SK WP WO ND Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 1 ANNEXURE: 6 User Guide for Wagon Census 2015 through FOIS 1.1 User Access and Login ● User need to access FOIS web site either through intranet link ( or internet link (http://www.fois.indianrail.gov.in/) to access the Wagon Census 2015 Application. ● User should key in the userid and password issued to individual to access the Wagon Census Application. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 1 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● Click on “OK” to continue User shall be displayed with application home screen with “Access”, “Wagon Census” and “Logout’ Menu ● Each division has been provided with 25 distinct userid (s) for individual CTL. Details of same should be obtained from nominated Divisional Nodal Officer of respective divisions. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 2 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● CTL should not share login credentials with any unauthorized person CTL should ld change his/her default login password after first login so as to avoid misuse of User Id(s) in the field. User can do this through “Change Password” Sub-Menu under “Access” Menu MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 3 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● ● In case additional CTL login id(s) are required by any division, the request should be routed to CRIS through DNO / ZNO through FOIS message from concerned DNO/ZNO Each CTL user is authorised to issue Tally sheets for his/her own division only Each CTL user is authorised to report wagon details against Tally sheets for his his/her own division only which have been issued by the system. 1.2 Generation of Tally Sheets ● ● ● ● CTL should login in RMS Queries Application through FOIS Website available on FOIS network / internet Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system CTL should select the menu “Generate “ Tally Sheets” under “Wagon Wagon Censu (Tasks) (Tasks)” Menu to open the screen for generation of Tally sheets for his teams. User shall be displayed with the Zone/Division/CTL Code and last Tally sheet generated by the sy system for the logged in CTL CTL may select the number of Tally sheets to be generated from the dropdown list. User can select a maximum of 50 tally sheets at a time. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 4 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● ● Once selected, uses should click on “Generate “ Tally Sheet”” Button if tally sheets pdf file needs to be created. In case user does not wish to generate the sheets, he/she should click on ““Reset“ button. A pdf file with file <ZONE>-<DVSN>-<CTLCODE>-<STARTING <ZONE> <STARTING TS NUMBER> NUMBER><ENDING TS NUMBER>.PDF eg. NR-DLI-001-399-417.pdf NR shall be created in the system and user shall be prompted to save same in a preferred location for future reference and printing or same shall be saved in user default directory as per setting of individual browser. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 5 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● ● Users should remember the location location where the generated tally sheet pdf files have been saved. To print out the tally sheet, open windows explorer and navigate to the folder where the tally sheets have been saved. Open the pdf file and print a single copy of the file for distribution/ use since application only accepts single tally sheet for batch of 25 wagons. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 6 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 NOTE: Ensure that the system has latest version of pdf reader software installed in the system. In case same is not available, same can be downloaded freely from internet orr FOIS Website through Guidelines → Download Software Section 1.3 Wagon Census reporting in FOIS ● ● CTL should login in RMS Queries Application through FOIS Website available on FOIS network / internet Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 7 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● CTL should select “Entry Entry of Census Data” Data under “Wagon Wagon Census (Tasks) (Tasks)” Menu to open the screen for wagon census entry for his teams. User shall be displayed with the Zone/Division/CTL Code and list of tally sheets generated generated by the CTL as a drop down. ● CTL may select the tally sheet for which wagon entry needs to be reported in the system and key in the station code. Click “NEXT” “ for Data Entry. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 8 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● User shall be displayed with wagon numbers already reported against the tally sheet (if any) and CTL shall have option to add more wagon details if needed. ● ● CTL can add a maximum of 25 wagons per tally sheet issued by system Click on “Add/Edit” button to edit old values or add new wagon details against tally sheet. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 9 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● User shall hall have option to edit the previous entries in wagon details, if required. User shall have to key in Owning Railway Code (AutoComplete), Wagon Type Code (Autocomplete), Railway Wagon Number, Military/Private Wagon No (if Applicable) and Condition and Remarks marks for individual wagons. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 10 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● In case wagon details could not be recorded by field user for reason of Doubt In Number, user should select “DN” “ ” option under condition column. Here user may or may not key in other fields for the wagon. ● User shall have option of uploading image of wagons being recorded in census. This shall be an optional facility against each wagon. For all wagons with condition “DN”, user should try to upload image of such wagons which could not be clearly recorded through ough physical census check. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 11 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● Option shall be available for view/replacing/ deleting the image in case required. Once the wagon details and image has been added, user should click on “Save” button to save the wagon details. User can save partial details at any time and continue. NOTE: Care should be taken to adhere to the size and format of the image file, being uploaded, loaded, as per guidelines of Railway Board. 1.4 Confirm Census Data ● ● ● Each CTL shall have to CONFIRM the completion of wagon data entry in FOIS System once wagon details noted in all Tally Sheets (issued by him/her) have been added in FOIS System successfully. Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system as explained above CTL should select “Confirm Confirm Census Entry” Entry under “Wagon Wagon Census (Tasks) (Tasks)” Menu to open the screen for confirming completion of Data entry task. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 12 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● User shall be displayed with the summary of Tally Sheets Issued and Data Entry Capture against each in the FOIS System. ● User should verify the same and confirm the Data Entry Completion Activity in FOIS System MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 13 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● Click on “Confirm” button to confirm the Census Data Entry Entry for each individual CTL user 1.5 View Wagon Census Progress ● ● ● All authorized users of Railways shall have option to view progress of data entry in FOIS during the wagon census activity. Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system system as explained above (Users other than CTL shall continue to use their FOIS IDs to view Census Data) Select “Wagon Census Progress” Progress Sub Menu under “Wagon Census (Query)” Menu. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 14 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● Enter the CTL Code or leave it blank to view the census progress ● Click “Submit” button and view the data based on search criteria User shall be able to view the summary of activities as uploaded in FOIS System by various CTL(s) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 15 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 1.5 View Wagon Census Data ● ● ● All authorized users of Railways shall have option to view data updated in FOIS during the wagon census activity. Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system as explained above (Users other than CTL shall continue to use their FOIS IDs to view Census Data) Select “Wagon Census Data” Sub Menu Under “Wagon Census (Query)” Menu. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 16 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● Enter / select the criteria based on which user needs to view the census data ● Click “Submit” button and view the data based on search criteria User shall be able to view the wagon census data as uploaded in FOIS FOIS System by various CTL(s) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 17 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 1.6 Re - Generate Tally Sheets ● ● ● For any foreseen reasons, if pdf files generated for tally sheet are not available in system or user forgot to save the same, users shall have option to re re-generate the issued tally sheets. Users should use his/her own credentials to log into the system as explained above CTL should select “Generate Generate Tally Sheet” Sheet under “Wagon Wagon Census (Tasks) (Tasks)” Menu to open the screen for regenerating tally sheets. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 18 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● User should click on “Re--generate”button to re-generate the pdf files. ● User shall be asked to key in the initial and last sequence number to be re re-generated. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 19 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● A pdf file with file <ZONE>-<DVSN>-<CTLCODE>-<STARTING <ZONE> <STARTING TS NUMBER> NUMBER><ENDING TS NUMBER>.PDF eg. NR-DLI-001-399-417.pdf NR shall be created in the system and user shall be prompted to save same in a preferred location for future reference and printing or same shall be saved in user default directory as per setting of individual browser. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 20 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 ● ● ● Users should remember the location where the generated tally sheet pdf files have been saved. To print out the tally sheet, open windows explorer and navigate to the folder where the tally sheets have been saved. Open the pdf file and print a single copy of the file for distribution/ use. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 21 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 2 FAQ ? Q1) I need more userid (s) for CTL, how do I obtain them? Answer: The request should be routed to CRIS/OCC through DNO or ZNO with a authority details for creation of additional user id(s). Users should specify the Division and number of additional IDs required in the system. Q2) The pdf file could not be generated in the system. What should I do? Answer: ● Check for any error message displayed on screen while generating pdf files. ● Ensure that the system has latest version of pdf reader software installed in the system. ● Ensure that there is enough disk space in the drive on which the pdf files are being saved. ● Ensure that the folder has write permission for file to be saved. ● Check the folder if the file was successfully generated but incorrect message has been displayed on screen. ● View “Re-Generate” Menu Option under Wagon Census Menu to view and re-generate any of the pdf files. ● Report issue to CRIS/OCC Q4) The pdf file for tally sheet is generated successfully but the last tally sheet number is not correctly displayed in system. Answer: ● ● ● ● Check the correctness of file generated in the system Logout and log-in again in FOIS application to check the status of last tally sheet number Regenerate the tally sheets again and replace the old pdf file with new pdf file Report issue to CRIS/OCC Q3) All the pages of pdf could not be printed. How do I reprint? Answer: Open windows explorer and navigate to the folder in which pdf files were saved by CTL user. Open the desired pdf file and print the desired pages through system print option. Q4) Will system generate new Tally sheets from 001 every time or that shall be in continuation from last Tally sheet generated? Answer: Tally sheets shall be printed as continuous sheets starting from serial no 001 to 999 for each CTL id. System shall automatically generate next tally sheet in continuation from the last tally sheet number generated in system. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 22 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 Q5) I have more than one tally sheet bearing same number submitted by field user to update in system? Answer: Census application has been designed to capture only 25 wagons per tally sheet as printed on a system generated tally sheet. Such scenario may occur if CTL has either printed multiple copies of the tally sheet or photocopied a printed tally sheet and used the same. In such case, CTL should generate a fresh tally sheet from system ( only 1) which shall have a new Tally sheet number. CTL should manually correct the physical tally sheet (available with wagon details awaiting data entry) and replace it with the new number. Then follow the same steps to report wagon details against the new tally sheet. eg. User has received two copies of tally sheet number 25 with different wagon details ie wagon details are captured physically on duplicate tally sheets and now needs to update same in FOIS . User should enter first tally sheet details as a normal procedure. Go to “Generate Tally Sheet” Menu Option and generate 1 tally sheet. Suppose the last tally sheet generated by system is 250, a new tally sheet with Tally sheet number 251 shall be generated by the system. Manually change the Tally Sheet Number on duplicate tally sheet no 25 as 251. Go to Entry of Census Data” under “Wagon Census” Menu and select tally sheet 251. Report wagon details in system from manually corrected tally sheet 251 (duplicate of tally sheet no 25) Q6) System is not accepting more than 25 wagons per tally sheet. How to add more wagons to same tally sheet? Answer: Census application has been designed to capture only 25 wagons per tally sheet as printed on a system generated tally sheet. Instructions should be clearly given to field staff for not capturing more than 25 wagon details on single printed tally sheet. In case user has recorded more than 25 wagons on a printed tally sheet, an additional tally sheet should be issued in the system, printed and same should be used to capture and upload additional wagons in FOIS. Q7) I have already confirmed data entry against a CTL but I need to edit/ add more wagons to the same. How can I revert the confirmation? Answer: Send a message to CRIS/OCC with authority to enable the data editing/entry for a specific tally sheet. Please specify complete details for the same. Q8) I do not have pdf reader software on my desktop and unable to view and print tally sheets? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 23 of 24 ANNEXURE: 6 Answer: Pdf reader software can be downloaded freely from internet or FOIS Website through Guidelines → Download Softwares Section. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS, RAILWAY BOARD C&IS DIRECTORATE Printed: 2015/10/30 Page 24 of 24
Documents pareils
7. Create the Google Drive Shares as instructed
8. Conduct the census activity
9. Enter the data, manually recorded on the printed tallysheets, into the corresponding forms on the
FOIS Census Appli...
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