The Establishment and Development of Statistics in CAAC
The Establishment and Development of Statistics in CAAC
The Establishment and Development of Statistics in CAAC Yue Ding Planning Department, Civil Aviation Administration of China No. 155 Dongsi of St. Dongsi Beijing 100710, China Ding Yue@ CAAC. CN. NET Statistics is essential for administration. The statistical work has beenestablished and developed gradually according to the development ofundertaking of China civil aviation, 1. The establishment and tompetition of the statistical work in CAAC The China civil aviation began its history in the 1920s) but in the semi - feudal and semi - colo- nial society , the undertakings of China civil aviation was nothing but a dream which indicated the civil aviation hope of Chinese people . After the foundation of the People ’ s Republic of China , China civil aviation stepped its furst step. However , various elements slowed down its steps in a long period of time . Fortunately, in 1978, Chinese state elementaty policies of focusing the attentions ofnationalities on econornic construction, and the policy of reform and openingup worked as providing two wings for the development for China civilaviation . As a result , China civil aviation kept its consistent and rapid increase. The quantity of air - freighter groups increased Erom 78 in 1978 to 523; The total tumover quantity of annual transportation rose from 2.9 billion ton kilometer in 1978 to 93 billion ton kilometer in 1998. The annual transportation speed rate tame up to 20 per cent,, especially , in the middle of 198Os, the increasing of transport speed reached to 30 per cent. In 1998, the total tumover quantity of annual transportation of China civil aviation became number ten in the world , but , in 1978, it only teok the position of No. 37 in the world . The fast development of civil aviation undertaking needs an effective management. However , the effective management wants the statistical data and material promptly and systematically . Meanwhile , CAAC also needs to tonform to the international standards in the field of statistical standards and methods, and to establish the statistical reporting metbods and regulations of China civil aviation which tonform to the international standards, when it enlarges its exchange and communication with some foreign countries . So, we have finished a lot of investigation and analysis as the following : ( 1) Establishing and completing the statistical organs. Before 1978, the transportation scope of China civil aviation was not big enough, agement and administration, and the planned economy system caused little sense of man- therefore , the statistical works were only noticed by a few people . The organizations of statistics was not cornpleted, the statistical data kept disordered. ture revolution, In the period of cul- the statistical work almost broke up . However , after the policy of reform and opening up was implemented , particularly , after we took the way of establishing socialistic market economy , tie importante of statistics was emphasized by many people . So, many organizations in different administration organs and companies were built gradually with the leadership of CAAC according to the demands in The Statistic Law of The People’ s Republic of China . Those organizations are the basic base for the statistic undertaking . (2) Establishing and completing tie rules of statistics . The market economy is a kind of legal@ economy . The key to do the statistic work well in the socialist market economy is to build mechanisms which include many mgulations and rules. These regulations and rules characterized as the following two aspects: Firstly , the investigated party should provide statistics data according to the correlation state statistic law . Setondly , the authority of the government institutions should not surpass the limitation of the state statistic law, the investigator should take the duty of keeping the secrets for the investigated party. In order to guarantee the smooth and effective statistic work in China civil aviation , we have made a series of management methods for China civil aviation statistics according to The Statistic Law of The People ’ s Republic of China , The Civil Aviation Law of The People ’ s Republic of China, and the suggestions from the StateStatistic Bureau . (3) Completing the system of statistic indicators . In the state planned economy system, the main problems in the civil aviation statistic indicators presented in these aspects : at fnst , the statistic indicators was not completed , the indicators for object quantity was more than that for value quantity , The indicators for general scope increase was more than that for economic benefits . Setondly , indicator making and calculating standards didn’ t tonform to the relevant regulations of the international civil aviation organizations . Therefore , it is difficult to meet the needs of the situation of reform and opening up, the needs of international exchange. Thus, with the help of the State Statistic Bureau, we held some international academic conferences and seminars to strengthen the communication with statistic departments of some international organizations . After our investigation , we built a series of China civil aviation statistic indicator system to fit the development of China civil aviation. This indicator system includes the safety of aviation , the transport quantity of airhnes and airports, universal aviation operation , plane team and its utilization ratio , stafT and salary , the normal rate of flights , the fmancial works of airlines and airports, the investment of fixed capital , materials and consumption of energy , science and technology , education and hygiene etc. All of these reflect the developing tendencies and levels of civil aviation and also meets the wants of international civil aviation organizations . (4) The Wide application of computers and modem communication technologies improve the statistic metbods . Before 198Os, the statistic work in China civil aviation were finished by hand - made methods. But , from 198Os, the transport quantity rose rapidly. modemization of the statistic work objectively . Therefore, eds as the first important thing. In the beginning, It is the high time to improve the we took the improvement of statistic meth- we equipped computers, and other equipment in every statistic departments ; developed applied software systems. Then, wetrained a plenty of staff to improve their abilities of computer . Thirdly , we use modem communication technologies to realize the automatic transmission of statistic data and materials. The improvement of statistic work rises its efficiency greatly , promotes the standardization and modemization of statistic work . 2. The present problems ( 1) We need to reahze the functions of statistic work furtherly , to give more notices to the importante of statistic work. Due to the market economy system in China is newly - established. Many heads of airliners and some organs are used to the way of thinking under the state - planned economy system, so they lack of enough realization to the irnportance of information in management and adminisnation. So, they are not very capable to use the statistic data, statistic material to investigate or analyze problems. (2) The incompleteness of laws and regulations is the key factor to effect the quahty of statistic work. The Statistic Law of The People’ s Republic of China has published for 16 years, but the vio- lation of law always occurred. This caused a big barritade on the way to improve the quality of statistic services. (3) The opportunities for statistic department to participate the management and decision - making are quite limited. The purpose for strengthening the statistic services is improving the quality of ad- ministration and decision - making. If more opportunities Will be given to the statistic department, portant. But , at present, for administration and decision - making the improvement of the statistic foresight becomes very im- the analysis and foresight of statistics are still weak, this Will weaken the positive function of statistics . (4) The automate of statistics needs to be improved . We use computer data processing and automatic transmission of data in China’ s civil aviation . but , generally speaking , the automate is still low , we type a pile of materials by hands. 3. Improving the leve1 of thinking in the statistics of China’s civil aviation According to the situation in China ’ s civil aviation , the following two aspects are very important for emphasizing the statistic work and rising its position and function in administration and decision making . Firstly , the establishment of laws and regulations. Setondly , improving the statistic methods and automate furtherly . Actually , these two aspects can be detailed in the following : ( 1 )Irnplementing The Statistic Law of The People ’ s Republic of China furmerly, punishing to the violation of the law , meanwhile, in order to provide a basic understarrding to the statistic law to the staff, especially , to the legal person of organs and enterprises , and to improving their conscientiousness to abide by the law , the Wide popularization is very important . (2) Improving the general understarrding to the function of statistic work . At fiist in order to get a tommon understanding , the populatization of the importante of the statistic work should be emphasized . Setondly , the quality and the leve1 of statistic services need to be improved . In fatt , the position of the statistic work in the society depends on its prompt and accurate services. (3) Studying the ways for improving statistic methods and systems furtherly to make them fit the modem life and administration properly. (4) Promoting the modemization of statistic metheds . The modem world is a world of information , so more rapid and accurate data is needed. The rapidny and accuracy relies on modem technology . So in order to speed up the data processing , analysis, transmission and reflection , we should use every kind of modem method such as computer , satellite telecommunication, This intemet, E - mail etc. is a challenge to statistic services and it is also a historital opportunny to build the significance of the statistic services. Etablissement et développement statistiques d’aviation civile de Chine (Sommaire) 1. Etablissement Dans et perfection statistiques Etablir et perfectionner les organisations transport et d’aviatlon Selon civile gGnérale, statistiques. de Chine etablir aux différents universllement échelons les organizations et les entreprises de ou les structures de la d’aviation de la . statistique - les structures d’aviation civile de Chine . d’aviation Instituer “Loi et parfaire statistlque République statistiques. de la République populaire administratifs les reglements de Chine”,a\Fec de la statistique populaire le bureau d’aviatlon de Chine” statistique civile et “Loi d’Etat, de Chine, instituer assurer civile une série de moyens le de’roulement du travail statistique. - Parfaire Changer lequel le systenle la situation courant scientifiques statistique - du mond standard, de l’objectif, pendant la période avec les organisations d’aviation Adopter civile qui s’adapte largement d’aviation entrainer des documents statistique. de l’imperfection d’aviation l’entreprise d’objectif le personnel d’konomie civile entre le standard planifiée, moderne de l’ordinateur amplement la technique en grand, réaliser procédant internationaux,établir au besoin du dkveloppement la technique civile g utiliser et du d&accord statistique à des khanges le systerne et la communicatlon. I’automanisation d’objectif civile de Chine . d’aviation électronique, et Encourager normaliser de transmission le calcul des don& et statistiques. II. Les principaux d’existence. - La connaisance - La legalit du fonction imparfaite statistkis qui influence reste à élever davantage. la qualitk du travail statistique est encore le facteur critique. - Le niveau de la statistique - Il faut toujours III. La pensée d’élever Renforcer Republique systkne davantage statistique, le niveau le faire de du travail statistique appliquer de l’importance les recherches convenable progresser et à la dkision d’automanisation de la ligalit& de Chine”;Attacher pour à l’administration le niveau de son fonction;Continuer 1’administration;Continuer statistiques. plus amkliorer la propagande populaire connaissance participant mieux statistique. d’aviation davantage à la qualité d’amkliorer au besoin vigoureusement reste encore bas. la civile . “Loi statistique statistique, de la augrnenter les moyens d’enquete de moderne la vie modernisation des la et le et de moyens