Andrew Fleck Child Care Services


Andrew Fleck Child Care Services
One full-time, temporary, unionized position
September 24th, 2012 to September 20th, 2013
$49,409 - $57,524
Suite 600-700 Industrial Ave., Ottawa
Bachelor of Arts with concentration in Psychology, Bachelor (Honours) in Psych
other related studies
Five years experience in a related consultant position or equivalent
Five years working with children with special needs and experience related to be
Early Childhood Education an asset, good knowledge and understanding of licen
Learning and Child Care
Strong organizational, time management, group presentation and facilitation skill
Excellent skills both written and verbal
Ability to work independently and also as a team member
Ability to deal with competing priorities
Demonstrated sensitivity in supporting families
Ability to work flexible hours as required
Use of a car is essential
Knowledge of MSWord for windows and PowerPoint
Supports the inclusion of children with special needs by observing, consulting, tr
developing effective behaviour management strategies to be implemented in lice
Learning and Care programs. This support is for children who are eligible for CI
behavioural support. With the Positive Outcomes Program, prevention strategies
through the support of the Behaviour Management Consultant for children who
qualify for CISS
Hours of Work:
35 hours per week (flexible hours)
Available from:
September 24th, 2012
Apply in writing to:
Ronna MacPherson
Human Resources Manager
Andrew Fleck Child Care Services
700 Industrial Avenue, Suite 600
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9
Fax: 613-736-8378
E-mail: [email protected]
Closing date:
August 17th, 2012
We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an inte
contacted. No telephone inquiries please / Nous tenons à remercier toutes les per
intéressées; toutefois, nous communiquerons seulement avec les candidats sélect
une entrevue. Nous ne prenons pas d’appel téléphonique.
This position is open to both male and female applicants / Ce poste est ouvert aux
féminins et masculins.