Grammar Self-Checks (Unit 7, page 78) Subordinating conjunctions


Grammar Self-Checks (Unit 7, page 78) Subordinating conjunctions
Grammar S e l f-Chec k s
(Unit 7, page 78)
Subordinating conjunctions and tran si tions
Lo o k a t t he examples of subo r d in a t i n g c o n j u n c t io ns a n d t r a nsit i o ns .
Mean in g
Su bo r d i n a t in g c o n j u n c t io ns
Tra nsit io ns
o ne t h in g c a uses
o r is t he resu lt of
an o t he r
beca use / sin ce
t he refo re / c o nseq ue n t ly
Since the science of investigating the
brain is quite new, no theory of
intelligence has yet been proved.
Many companies believe high IQs and
EQs are crucial factors for success.
Ther e fore , they often require
applicants to take IQ and EQ tests.
o ne t h in g
c o n t r asts wit h
an o t he r t h in g
(even) t h o u g h / a lt h o u g h
h owever / never t he less /
n o ne t he less
Some people have achieved
extraordinary successes, e v en though
they don’t have high IQs.
No theory of intelligence has yet been
proved. Nonetheles s , many
institutions believe success depends on
high IQs and EQs.
o ne t h in g w ill
o c c u r o n ly if a
specific c o n d i t io n
u n less
o t he rw ise
Unless a new theory emerges, our
abilities will continue to be measured
with IQ and EQ tests.
He must have a high IQ. Otherwise ,
he wouldn’t have gotten that job.
o ne t h in g is a
c o n d i t io n f o r
an o t he r t h in g
as lo n g as / if / o n ly if /
pr o v ide d t h a t
a c o n d it i o n
d oesn ’ t ma t te r
even if
You will get that job a s long a s your
score on the IQ test is very high.
One’s EQ can be high e v en i f one’s IQ
is low.
C ir c le t he let te r of t he best a nswer .
1. Which type of connecting word connects ideas within a sentence?
a. subordinating conjunction
b. transition
2. Which type of connecting word connects ideas between sentences or paragraphs?
a. subordinating conjunction
b. transition
3. Which type of connecting word is always followed by a comma?
a. subordinating conjunction
b. transition
4. Which of these connecting words are used to introduce a result?
a. unless / otherwise
b. therefore / consequently
5. Which of these connecting words is used to introduce a condition?
a. unless
b. although
(continued on the next page)
Summit 2
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Unit 7
N OTE: H owever a n d t he refo re a re somet imes used be tween t he su bjec t a n d t he ver b .
I n t h a t case, t hey a re set off by c ommas.
C heck t he c o r re c t ly pu n c t u a te d sen te n ce .
a. The IQ test however can be an accurate measure of intelligence only if there is a general intelligence.
b. The IQ test, however, can be an accurate measure of intelligence only if there is a general intelligence.
R EMEM BER : Su bo r d i n a t in g c o n j u n c t io ns in t r o d u ce de pen de n t c la uses. If a depe n de n t
c la use beg ins a sen te n ce o r s h ows c o n t r ast , use a c omma .
C heck t he c o r re c t ly pu n c t u a te d sen te n ces.
1. a. Even if one’s IQ is low, one’s EQ can be high.
b. Even if one’s IQ is low one’s EQ can be high.
2. a. One’s EQ can be high, even if one’s IQ is low.
b. One’s EQ can be high even if one’s IQ is low.
Summit 2
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Unit 7