Weather forecast for Amsterdam
Weather forecast for Amsterdam
Printed: 15/02/2017 16:00 Weather forecast for Amsterdam Meteogram for Amsterdam Wednesday 16:00 to Friday 16:00 Thursday 16 February Friday 17 February 14° 13° 12° 11° 10° 9° 8° 7° 6° 5° 4° 0.5 18 20 0.5 22 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00 02 0.3 04 06 0.7 08 0.4 10 12 14 Long term forecast for Amsterdam Tomorrow 16/02/2017 Friday 17/02/2017 Saturday 18/02/2017 Sunday 19/02/2017 Monday 20/02/2017 Tuesday 21/02/2017 Wednesday 22/02/2017 Thursday 23/02/2017 Friday 24/02/2017 9° 9° 8° 9° 8° 9° 9° 8° 9° Partly cloudy. Gentle breeze, 5 m/s from westsouthwest. 0 mm precipitation. Cloudy. Moderate breeze, 7 m/s from northwest. 0 mm precipitation. Partly cloudy. Gentle breeze, 4 m/s from south. 0 mm precipitation. Partly cloudy. Gentle breeze, 4 m/s from westsouthwest. 0 mm precipitation. Cloudy. Moderate breeze, 7 m/s from westsouthwest. 0 mm precipitation. Cloudy. Moderate breeze, 7 m/s from westsouthwest. 0 mm precipitation. Cloudy. Fresh breeze, 8 m/s from southwest. 0 mm precipitation. Partly cloudy. Moderate breeze, 7 m/s from northwest. 0 mm precipitation. Cloudy. Fresh breeze, 9 m/s from westsouthwest. 0 mm precipitation. The forecast shows the expected weather and precipitation for the afternoon hours. The temperature and wind forecast is for 12 noon. The forecasts are very accurate the first days, but become less reliable further into the period. is a weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corp.