Department of Occupational Therapy Proposed Calendar Course
Department of Occupational Therapy Proposed Calendar Course
Department of Occupational Therapy Proposed Calendar Course Changes for 2016-2017 Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Change Request Form Rationale: The following course is having a lab component added. Current for 2014-15 Proposed for 2015-16 OCCTH 519 Enabling Occupation: Advanced Practices in Mental Health Œ3 (fi 6) (either term, 0-3s-0). A discussion and analysis of selected topics of current interest in psychiatry as related to occupational therapy practice. Selected complex cases and special populations are addressed. OCCTH 519 Enabling Occupation: Advanced Practices in Mental Health Œ3 (fi 6) (either term, 0-3s-1). A discussion and analysis of selected topics of current interest in psychiatry as related to occupational therapy practice. Selected complex cases and special populations are addressed. DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FACULTY OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE Calendar Change Request Form: 2016-2017 Implementation: Normal Type of Change: Program Change New Course Course Change Editorial Other Change Early X (Fall 2016) X Rationale: Prerequisite for OCCTH 556. Existing Description Proposed Changes OCCTH 555 Enabling Occupation and Participation for Children and Youth *3 (fi 6) (Fall term, 3-0-1). Application of occupational therapy principles with an emphasis on children, youth and families, supported by evidence-based practice, and the incorporation of current theories, complex integrated case studies, and experiential learning. Approvals: Department Committee Department Council Faculty Executive Date: September 24, 2015 Date: Date: October 15, 2015 Created: DM September 16, 2015 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FACULTY OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE Calendar Change Request Form: 2016-2017 Implementation: Normal Type of Change: Program Change New Course Course Change Editorial Other Change Early X (Winter 2017) X Rationale: OCCTH 557A/B converted to OCCTH 555 and OCCTH 556. Existing Description Proposed Changes OCCTH 556 Enabling Occupation and Participation for Older Adults *3 (fi 6) (Winter term, 3-0-0). Application of occupational therapy principles with an emphasis on older adults and families, supported by evidence-based practice, and the incorporation of both current theories and complex integrated case studies. Approvals: Department Committee Department Council Faculty Executive Date: September 24, 2015 Date: Date: October 15, 2015 Created: DM September 16, 2015 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FACULTY OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE Calendar Change Request Form: 2016-2017 Implementation: Normal____X Type of Change: Program Change New Course Course Change Editorial Other Change Early X Rationale: OCCTH 557A/B split into two new courses (OCCTH 555 & OCCTH 556) to better reflect the content and course structure. Existing Description Proposed Changes OCCTH 557 Enabling Occupation: Across the Lifespan *6 (fi 12) (two term, 6-0-0). Application of occupational therapy principles, supported by evidence-based practice, with an emphasis on children and older adults, using current theories and complex integrated case studies. OCCTH 555 Enabling Occupation and Participation for Children and Youth *3 (fi 6) (Fall term, 3-0-1). Application of occupational therapy principles with an emphasis on children, youth and families, supported by evidence-based practice, and the incorporation of current theories, complex integrated case studies, and experiential learning. OCCTH 556 Enabling Occupation and Participation for Older Adults *3 (fi 6) (Winter term, 3-0-0). Application of occupational therapy principles with an emphasis on older adults and families, supported by evidence-based practice, and the incorporation of both current theories and complex integrated case studies. Approvals: Department Committee Faculty Executive Date: September 24, 2015 Date: October 15, 2015 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FACULTY OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE Calendar Change Request Form: 2016-2017 Implementation: Normal Early X (Fall 2016) Type of Change: Program Change New Course Course Change Editorial Other Change X Rationale: Course title and description changed to better reflect course content. Existing Description Proposed Changes OCCTH 559 Enabling Occupation: Return to Work *3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-0). The relationship between the client’s occupational performance strengths and resources and the demands of work environments are investigated in relation to establishing meaningful roles. Approvals: Department Committee Department Council Faculty Council OCCTH 559 Enabling Occupation: Productivity *3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-0). The relationship between the client’s occupational performance strengths and resources in meeting the demands and expectations of productivity roles in workplace, home and community. Date: June 25, 2015 Date: October 29, 2015 Date: Created: DM, June 23 2015 Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Francophone Certification Program Calendar Change Request Form: 2016 - 2017 Implementation: NORMAL __ EARLY _X__ (Spring 2016) Type of Change: PROGRAM Change _____ NEW COURSE ___ ___ COURSE CHANGE _ COURSE DELETION ______ EDITORIAL _X___ OTHER CHANGE ____ _____ EXISTING 231.234 Rehabilitation Medicine, REHAB REHAB 551 Développement de la parole, évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 6) (printemps/été, 0-3L-0). L’étude des caractéristiques de la parole chez les francophones. Le cours porte sur les outils d’évaluation et les modèles d’intervention appropriés aux enfants francophones atteints de troubles de la parole. Comprend dix heures de laboratoire clinique auprès des clients francophones. Cours réservé aux étudiants de la maîtrise ès sciences en orthophonie et aux orthophonistes en exercice. Prérequis : REHAB 553 Peut comprendre des sections Alternative Delivery: veuillez consulter le Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations and Information for Students de l’annuaire. PROPOSED ENGLISH VERSION FOR TRANSLATION ONLY:NOT FOR CALENDAR REHAB 561 : Développement de la parole, évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 6 or 9) (printemps/été, 0-3L-0). L’objectif de ce cours est de présenter le développement de la parole chez les enfants francophones, particulièrement ceux en contexte minoritaire, et l’évaluation et l’intervention des troubles de la parole, avec une emphase sur les enfants ayant ces troubles. Le cours comprend dix heures de laboratoire clinique auprès des clients francophones. Le cours est réservé aux étudiants de la maitrise en orthophonie et aux orthophonistes en exercice. REHAB 561 est offert en français. Tous les étudiants doivent pouvoir communiquer oralement et par écrit en français. Ce cours peut comprendre une section Alternative Delivery: veuillez consulter le Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations and Information for Students de l’annuaire. Prérequis : REHAB 560/553. Ce cours n’est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour REHAB 551. REHAB 551 Speech Development, Assessment, and Treatment Considerations in the Francophone Context *3 (fi 6) Spring/Summer, 0-3L-0) A study of the speech characteristics of the French language. The course reviews appropriate assessment tools and treatment models for Francophone children with speech disorders. Clinical laboratory (10 hours) with Francophone clients is included. Restricted to MSc-SLP degree students and practicing SLPs. REHAB 561: Speech Development, Assessment, and Treatment Considerations in the Francophone Context *3 (fi 6 or 9) Spring/Summer, 0-3L-0) The objective of this course is to present the development of speech among French-speaking children, particularly those in minority contexts, and the evaluation and assessment of speech disorders, with an emphasis on children. Clinical laboratory (10 hours) with Francophone clients is included. Restricted to Prerequisite: REHAB 553. MScSLP degree students and practicing SLPs. REHAB 561 is offered in French. All students must be able to speak and write in French. Includes Alternate Delivery sections. Please refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the section of the Calendar entitled University Regulations and Information for Students. Prerequisite: REHAB 560/553. Students who have credit for REHAB 551 are not eligible to register. Rationale: Updating course content to better meet the needs of a diverse clientele and to achieve consistency across the course descriptions Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Francophone Certification Program Calendar Change Request Form: 2016 - 2017 Implementation: NORMAL __ EARLY _X__ (Spring 2016) Type of Change: PROGRAM Change _____ NEW COURSE ___ ___ COURSE CHANGE _ COURSE DELETION ______ EDITORIAL _X___ OTHER CHANGE ____ _____ EXISTING PROPOSED 231.234 Rehabilitation Medicine, REHAB REHAB 552: Développement du langage, évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 6) (printemps/été, 0-3L-0). L’étude des caractéristiques de la langue française. Le cours porte sur les outils d’évaluation et les modèles d’intervention appropriés aux enfants francophones atteints de troubles du langage. Comprend dix heures d’expérience clinique avec des clients francophones. Cours réservé aux étudiants de la maitrise ès sciences en orthophonie et aux orthophonistes en exercice. Prérequis : REHAB 553. ENGLISH VERSION FOR TRANSLATION ONLY; NOT FOR CALENDAR REHAB 552 Language Development, Assessment and Treatment Considerations in the Francophone Context *3 (fi 6) Spring/Summer, 0-3L-0) A study of the language characteristics of the French language. The course reviews appropriate assessment tools and treatment models for Francophone children with language disorders. Clinical laboratory (10 hours) with Francophone clients is included. Restricted to MSc-SLP degree students and practicing SLPs. Prerequisite: REHAB 553. REHAB 562: Développement du langage, évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 6 or 9) (printemps/été, 0-3L-0). Le cours comporte une étude approfondie du développement langagier typique chez les enfants monolingues et bilingues apprenant le français ainsi que de la manifestation du trouble du langage chez les enfants francophones. Le cours porte également sur les outils d’évaluation et les modèles d’intervention appropriés aux enfants francophones atteints de troubles du langage. Une attention particulière sera portée sur l’apprentissage du français en contexte linguistique minoritaire. Comprend dix heures d’expérience clinique avec des clients francophones. Le cours est réservé aux étudiants de la maitrise en orthophonie et aux orthophonistes en exercice. REHAB 562 est offert en français. Tous les étudiants doivent pouvoir communiquer oralement et par écrit en français. Ce cours peut comprendre une section Alternative Delivery: veuillez consulter le Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations and Information for Students de l’annuaire. Prérequis : REHAB 560/553). Ce cours n’est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour REHAB 552. REHAB 562: Language Development, Assessment and Treatment Considerations in the Francophone Context *3 (fi 6 or 9) Spring/Summer, 0-3L-0) The course includes a detailed analysis of the typical language development of French in monolingual and bilingual children and of the manifestation of language impairment in French. The course reviews appropriate assessment tools for monolingual and bilingual speakers of French and treatment models for Francophone children with language disorders. Particular attention will be paid to the acquisition of French in a minority context. Clinical laboratory (10 hours) with Francophone clients is included. Restricted to MScSLP degree students and practicing SLPs. REHAB 562 is offered in French. All students must be able to speak and write in French. Includes Alternate Delivery sections. Please refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the section of the Calendar entitled University Regulations and Information for Students. Prerequisite: REHAB 560/553. Students who have credit for REHAB 552 are not eligible to register. Rationale: Updating course content to better meet the needs of a diverse clientele and to achieve consistency across the course descriptions. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Francophone Certification Program Calendar Change Request Form: 2016 - 2017 Implementation: NORMAL __ EARLY _X__ (Spring 2016) Type of Change: PROGRAM Change _____ NEW COURSE ___ ___ COURSE CHANGE _ COURSE DELETION ______ EDITORIAL _X___ OTHER CHANGE ____X - renumber _____ EXISTING 231.234 Rehabilitation Medicine, REHAB PROPOSED REHAB 553: Enjeux linguistiques et culturels en milieu francophone plurilingue REHAB 560: Le bilinguisme en milieu clinique et éducatif : enjeux linguistiques, culturels et sociaux. L’étude des enjeux linguistiques, sociaux ou culturels affectant l’intervention auprès des enfants et des adultes dans des milieux plurilingues (notamment français/anglais). REHAB 553 Les étudiants ayant une connaissance fonctionnelle du français dans d’autres domaines comme l’éducation, la linguistique, la psychologie, etc. peuvent également s’inscrire au cours moyennant la permission du Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. Le cours s’offre en ligne. ENGLISH VERSIONFOR TRANSLATION ONLY: NOT TO SUBMIT TO CALENDAR Ce cours a comme objectif de développer les connaissances en ce qui a trait au bilinguisme, particulièrement dans le contexte canadien, affectant l’intervention auprès des enfants et des adultes. Les liens entre le bilinguisme et les enjeux culturels et sociaux seront aussi abordés. Ce cours s’adresse surtout aux professionnels et étudiants des domaines tels que l’orthophonie, la psychologie, le travail social, l’éducation et la linguistique. Ceux qui ne sont pas inscris au programme MScSLP peuvent s’inscrire avec la permission du Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. REHAB 560 est offert en français. Tous les étudiants doivent pouvoir communiquer oralement et par écrit en français. REHAB 553: Linguistic and Cultural Plurality Issues in the Francophone Context *3 (fi 6) (either term or Spring/Summer, 3-0-0) REHAB 560: Bilingualism in the clinical and educational context : linguistic, cultural and social issues *3 (fi 6) (either term or Spring/Summer, 3-0-0) A study of linguistic, social and cultural issues that affect treatment of children and adults in plural language (particularly French – English) contexts. REHAB 553 is also open to students with a French background from other disciplines such as education, linguistics, psychology, etc. with permission of the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. The objective of this course is to develop knowledge of bilingualism, especially in the Canadian context, as it relates to intervention with children and adults. The connections between bilingualism and cultural and social issues will also be addressed. This course is designed especially for professionals and students in the areas of speech-language pathology, psychology, social work, education and linguistics who are interested in working with a bilingual population . Students not *3 (fi 6) (l’un ou l’autre semestre ou printemps/été, 3-0-0). *3 (fi 6) (l’un ou l’autre semestre ou printemps/été, 3-0-0) currently enrolled in the MScSLP program are able to register with permission of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. REHAB 560 is offered in French. All students must be able to speak and write in French. Rationale: Updating course content to better meet the needs of a diverse clientele and to achieve consistency across the course descriptions. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Francophone Certification Program Calendar Change Request Form: 2016 - 2017 Implementation: NORMAL __ EARLY _X__ (Spring 2016) Type of Change: PROGRAM Change _____ NEW COURSE ___ ___ COURSE CHANGE COURSE DELETION ______ EDITORIAL _X___ OTHER CHANGE ___X_ __renumber___ EXISTING PROPOSED 231.234 Rehabilitation Medicine, REHAB REHAB 554: Développement de la lecture et de l’écriture, évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 6) (l’un ou l’autre semestre ou printemps/été, 0-3L-0). L’étude des caractéristiques du développement de la lecture et de l’écriture et de leurs troubles chez les enfants francophones. Le cours porte sur les outils d’évaluation et les modèles d’intervention auprès d’enfants francophones présentant un trouble de la lecture et du langage écrit. REHAB 554 est offert en ligne et comprend dix heures de laboratoire pratique auprès d’enfants francophones. Le laboratoire pratique aura lieu au Campus St. Jean. Ce cours est réservé aux étudiants de la maitrise es sciences en orthophonie et aux orthophonistes en exercice. Prérequis: REHAB 553. Peut comprendre des sections Alternative Delivery: veuillez consulter le Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations and Information for Students de l’annuaire [for translation only – NOT TO GO INTO CALENDAR] REHAB 563: Développement de la lecture et de l’écriture: évaluation et intervention en milieu francophone *3 (fi 9) (l’un ou l’autre semestre ou printemps/été, 0-3L-0). Le cours porte sur l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'orthographe en français et des troubles qui y sont associés. Ce cours abordera les outils de dépistage, d’évaluation ainsi que les programmes probants d’intervention auprès d’enfants francophones présentant un trouble du langage écrit. Une attention particulière sera portée sur l'apprentissage du langage écrit dans un contexte linguistique minoritaire. REHAB 563 est offert en ligne et comprend dix heures de laboratoire pratique auprès d’enfants francophones. Les professionnels et étudiants des domaines tels que l’orthophonie, la psychologie, le travail social, l’éducation et la linguistique peuvent, avec la permission du Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, aussi s’inscrire à ce cours. REHAB 563 est offert en français. Tous les étudiants doivent pouvoir communiquer oralement et par écrit en français. Cours Alternative Delivery: veuillez consulter le Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations and Information for Students de l’annuaire. Ce cours est accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour REHAB 560/553 et les étudiants ayant la permission du Department of Communication Sciences and Disorder REHAB 554: Reading and Spelling Development, Assessment and Treatment considerations in a Francophone Context *3 (fi 6) (either term or spring/summer, 0-3L-0) A study of the characteristics of the development of reading and spelling and their associated disorders in francophone children. The course reviews appropriate assessment tools and treatment models for Francophone children with reading and spelling disorders. REHAB 554 is offered on-line but includes 10 hours of clinical laboratory with REHAB 563: Reading and Spelling Development: Assessment and Treatment Considerations in a Francophone Context *3 (fi 9) (either term or Spring/Summer, 0-3L-0)) This course specializes in the development of reading and spelling and disorders associated with learning to read and spell in French. The course will present screening and assessment tools as well as intervention programs for francophone children with spelling disorders. Special attention will be placed on the learning of written language in a Francophone clients. The lab component will be offered at the Campus St. Jean. linguistic minority context. REHAB 563 is offered online and includes 10 hours of clinical laboratory with francophone children. Professionals and students in the areas of speechlanguage pathologly, psychology, social work, education and linguistics are able to register, with permission of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The course is offered in French. All students must be able to speak and write in French Alternate Delivery Course. Please refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the section of the Calendar entitled University Regulations and Information for Students. Available to students with credit in REHAB 560/553 or consent from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Rationale: Updating course content to better meet the needs of a diverse clientele and to achieve consistency across the course descriptions.