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Three generations of women under the same roof
Work, gender and social integration in a migrant quarter of Shanghai
Tania Angeloff
I/ Gender, ethnic and generational belonging: the structure of social logics
I. 1. Different logics face to face
I. 2 Gender studies in China
I. 3 The intersection of paradigms: from women at work to gender-based work
II/ Three generations under the same roof: from successful integration to
the disillusions of the market?
II. 1. Sociodemographic presentation of three comparative portraits
II. 2. Successful integration: women at work
The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution: periods of breakdown in the
employment of women?
Born under the Cultural Revolution: effects on career
The grandaughter Wu, an emblematic figure of the only child generation
Social ascension from generation to generation?
A time of market disillusions?
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