Communiqué de presse Lafarge / Lafarge press release
Communiqué de presse Lafarge / Lafarge press release
COMPTE DE RESULTAT CONSOLIDE (en millions d'euros, sauf indications contraires) 30/06/2004 30/06/2003 31/12/2003 6 794 6 350 13 658 (4 585) (892) (4 361) (875) (9 088) (1 750) Résultat brut d'exploitation 1 317 1 114 2 820 Dotation aux amortissements des immobilisations (441) (444) (886) Résultat d'exploitation courant 876 670 1 934 Plus-(moins-) values de cession Autres produits (charges) 13 (41) 8 (73) 299 (177) Résultat d'exploitation 848 605 2 056 (216) (302) (568) 632 303 1 488 (158) (63) (425) Résultat net des sociétés intégrées avant amortissement des écarts d'acquisition et intérêts minoritaires 474 240 1 063 Quote-part dans les résultats des entreprises mises en équivalence Dotation aux amortissements des écarts d'acquisition Intérêts minoritaires 43 (66) (75) 5 (60) (37) 37 (135) (237) Résultat net part du groupe 376 148 728 Résultat par action (euros) 2,26 1,13 4,92 Résultat dilué par action (euros) 2,20 1,12 4,77 166 452 130 959 147 949 Chiffre d'affaires Coût des biens vendus Frais administratifs et commerciaux Frais financiers nets Résultat des sociétés intégrées avant impôts, amortissement des écarts d'acquisition et intérêts minoritaires Impôts Nombre moyen d'actions (milliers) TABLEAU DES FLUX DE TRESORERIE CONSOLIDES (en millions d'euros) 30/06/2004 30/06/2003 31/12/2003 376 148 728 75 507 (37) (13) (55) 50 (219) 37 504 3 (8) (82) 14 (237) 237 1 021 (11) (299) 15 108 290 684 379 2 089 Investissements industriels Acquisitions de titres d'entreprises consolidées (1) Acquisitions de titres d'entreprises non consolidées Cessions d'actifs (2) (Augmentation) Diminution nette des prêts et autres débiteurs à long terme (362) (249) (8) 70 (56) (295) (72) (5) 88 7 (864) (218) (102) 603 (92) Flux nets de trésorerie liés aux opérations d'investissement (605) (277) (673) Augmentations de capital (Acquisitions) Cessions en numéraire d'autocontrôle Augmentation (Diminution) des autres fonds propres Dividendes versés (y compris ceux versés aux minoritaires des filiales) Augmentation de la dette à long terme Remboursement de la dette à long terme Augmentation (Diminution) de la dette à court terme 215 (456) 597 (503) (135) 16 5 (376) 209 (228) 292 1 438 (395) 173 (2 042) (40) Flux nets de trésorerie liés aux opérations de financement (282) (82) (866) Variation de trésorerie (203) 20 550 Incidence des variations des cours des devises sur la trésorerie Reclassement des titres d'autocontrôle Trésorerie à l'ouverture de l'exercice 16 1 634 (25) 1 109 (105) 80 1 109 Trésorerie à la clôture de l'exercice 1 447 1 104 1 634 44 - 20 - 25 4 FLUX NETS DE TRESORERIE LIES AUX OPERATIONS D' EXPLOITATION Résultat net part du groupe Elimination des charges et produits sans incidence sur la trésorerie ou non liés aux opérations d'exploitation : Intérêts minoritaires Dotation aux amortissements des immobilisations et des écarts d'acquisition Quote-part dans le résultat des entreprises mises en équivalence Plus- et (moins-) values de cession Impôts différés et provisions fiscales Divers Variation du besoin en fonds de roulement lié aux opérations d'exploitation Flux nets de trésorerie liés aux opérations d'exploitation FLUX NETS DE TRESORERIE LIES AUX OPERATIONS D'INVESTISSEMENT FLUX NETS DE TRESORERIE LIES AUX OPERATIONS DE FINANCEMENT (1) (2) Dont trésorerie des entreprises acquises Dont trésorerie des entreprises cédées BILAN CONSOLIDE (en millions d'euros) ACTIF Ecarts d'acquisition Immobilisations incorporelles Immobilisations corporelles Titres mis en équivalence Autres titres de participation Prêts et autres débiteurs à long terme Actif immobilisé Stocks et travaux en cours Clients et comptes rattachés Autres créances Trésorerie* Actif circulant Total de l'actif PASSIF Capital Primes Réserves et résultat consolidés Ecarts de conversion Capitaux propres part du groupe 30/06/2004 31/12/2003 30/06/2003 4 209 2 919 10 900 427 570 896 19 921 4 149 2 823 10 402 383 481 810 19 048 4 327 2 701 10 981 633 459 870 19 971 1 548 2 311 702 1 447 6 008 1 422 1 754 977 1 634 5 787 1 596 2 212 1 028 1 104 5 940 25 929 24 835 25 911 30/06/2004 31/12/2003 30/06/2003 684 5 994 4 047 (2 171) 8 554 669 5 798 4 053 (2 335) 8 185 532 4 546 3 388 (1 939) 6 527 2 431 118 2 191 118 2 081 130 11 103 10 494 8 738 877 870 911 Provisions pour risques et charges 1 925 1 857 1 809 Dettes financières à long terme 7 399 7 370 10 212 Fournisseurs et comptes rattachés Autres créditeurs Part à court terme de la dette à long terme Concours bancaires courants 1 348 1 765 1 279 233 1 234 1 685 985 340 1 137 2 101 567 436 Dettes à court terme 4 625 4 244 4 241 25 929 24 835 25 911 Intérêts minoritaires Autres fonds propres Fonds propres de l'ensemble consolidé Impôts différés Total du passif *Au 30 juin 2004 et au 31 décembre 2003, le poste "trésorerie" inclut pour respectivement 70 millions d'euros et 71 millions d'euros, les actions propres destinées à couvrir les plans d'options d'achat d'actions TABLEAU DE VARIATION DES CAPITAUX PROPRES - PART DU GROUPE Actions en circulation Actions d'autocontrôle Capital Primes Réserves (en millions d'euros) (en nombre d'actions) Solde au 31 Décembre 2002 Résultat net de l'exercice Dividendes versés Augmentation de capital Augmentation de capital (plan de réinvestissement des dividendes) Exercice de stock options Actions d'autocontrôle* Variations des écarts de conversion Solde au 31 Décembre 2003 Résultat net de l'exercice Dividendes versés Augmentation de capital (plan de réinvestissement des dividendes) Exercice de stock options Variations des écarts de conversion Solde au 30 Juin 2004 132 880 433 1 920 959 532 4 546 31 831 528 127 1 135 2 391 039 114 813 10 111 6 (1 122 989) 167 217 813 797 970 3 483 477 36 802 170 738 092 797 970 Capitaux Ecarts de propres - Part conversion du Groupe 3 548 728 (303) (1 645) 80 669 5 798 14 1 195 1 684 5 994 4 053 376 (382) 4 047 (690) (2 335) 164 (2 171) * au 31 décembre 2003, les actions propres destinées à couvrir les plans d'achat d'options ont été reclassées en valeurs mobilières de placement 6 981 728 (303) 1 262 121 6 80 (690) 8 185 376 (382) 209 2 164 8 554 ! 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A " .=>C 6 • ) 9 =>C ?= C ) # 9 9 " L !B T ) ? ) A 337 $ / " F T , 337 A = C 337+ 337 $+ $= C+ =>C 33 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Consolidated Figures Sales (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) By geographical zone of destination Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian Ocean/Others Asia /Pacific 2 990 332 259 1 645 284 557 727 2 852 291 251 1 601 297 429 629 5% 14% 3% 3% -4% 30% 16% 3 275 2 097 711 676 35 3 031 1 980 679 593 67 8% 6% 5% 14% -48% 6 794 6 350 7% By business line Cement Aggregates & Concrete Roofing Gypsum Others Total Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) Western Europe North America Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean Asia/Pacific Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian Ocean/Others 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 450 59 48 74 76 77 92 383 11 24 46 53 82 71 (current) 17% 436% 100% 61% 43% -6% 30% 663 91 68 74 -20 561 52 37 38 -18 18% 75% 84% 95% -11% 876 670 31% By business line Cement Aggregates & Concrete Roofing Gypsum Others Total Operating income on ordinary activities 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Cement Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries) (millions of tonnes) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/ Indian Ocean Asia/Pacific Total 15,7 4,7 4,9 9,1 3,0 6,1 14,3 15,2 3,6 4,8 7,7 3,0 5,3 11,3 3% 31% 2% 18% 0% 15% 27% 57,8 50,9 14% 04/03 (like for like) 7% Sales after elimination of inter divisional sales by geographical zone of destination (Millions of euros) 2004H1 Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/ Indian ocean Asia/Pacific Total consolidated sales 2003H1 04/03 1 103 208 212 574 180 452 546 1 049 171 207 587 202 363 452 (current) 5% 22% 2% -2% -11% 25% 21% 3 275 3 031 8% 04/03 (like for like) 12% Sales before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 1 227 211 205 652 223 495 539 1 175 179 189 661 226 420 444 (current) 4% 18% 8% -1% -1% 18% 21% 3 552 3 294 8% 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 287 58 40 69 65 72 72 261 54 25 46 42 77 56 (current) 10% 7% 60% 50% 55% -6% 29% 663 561 18% Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others Asia/Pacific Total before elimination of inter-divisional sales 04/03 (like for like) 12% Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) Western Europe North America Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean Asia/Pacific Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others Total 04/03 (like for like) 22% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Aggregates & Concrete Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries) Aggregates 2004H1 2003H1 (millions of tonnes) 04/03 (current) Western Europe North America Other countries Total Concrete 38,4 54,1 9,8 37,2 45,9 8,2 3% 18% 20% 102,3 91,3 12% 2004H1 2003H1 (miliions of cbm) 04/03 (current) Western Europe North America Other countries Total 7,4 5,5 4,8 7,1 4,7 4,6 4% 17% 4% 17,7 16,4 8% 04/03 (like for like) 10% 04/03 (like for like) 8% Sales after elimination of inter divisional sales by geographical zone of destination 2004H1 (Millions of euros) 2003H1 04/03 (current) Aggregates & related products Ready-mix concrete & concrete products Total Aggregates & Concrete of which " " Western Europe North America Other countries 880 1 217 834 1 146 6% 6% 2 097 1 980 6% 953 888 256 920 834 226 4% 6% 13% 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (like for like) 8% Sales before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin (Millions of euros) 04/03 (current) Total Aggregates & Concrete 2 107 1 989 Aggregates & related products 1 036 826 419 349 58 of which pure aggregates " " Total Western Europe North America other countries Ready-mix concrete & concrete products of which Ready-mix " " Total Western Europe North America other countries Elimination intra A&C 04/03 (like for like) 6% 8% 978 6% 7% 752 392 313 47 10% 7% 12% 23% 1 225 1 152 6% 1 161 554 398 209 1 073 522 363 188 8% 6% 10% 11% -154 -141 9% 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 10% Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) Aggregates & related products Ready-mix concrete & concrete products 46 45 23 29 (current) 100% 55% Total Aggregates & Concrete 91 52 75% of which " " 80 -8 19 73 -29 8 10% 72% 138% Western Europe North America other countries 04/03 (like for like) 57% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Gypsum Volumes of gypsum wallboard (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated 2 (millions of m ) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total 336 307 9% 04/03 (like for like) 10% Sales (after elimination of inter divisional sales by destination) (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total of which Western Europe of which North America of which other countries 676 593 14% 380 125 171 344 107 142 10% 17% 20% 04/03 (like for like) 14% Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin) (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total 679 593 15% 392 125 162 354 107 132 11% 17% 23% 2004H1 2003H1 of which Western Europe of which North America of which other countries 04/03 (like for like) 14% Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) 04/03 (current) Total 74 38 95% of which Western Europe of which North America of which other countries 46 5 23 37 -13 14 24% n/a 64% 04/03 (like for like) 92% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Roofing Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionally consolidated subsidiaries 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Concrete roof tiles 2 (millions of m ) Western Europe (1) North America other countries (1) Clay roof tiles (millions of m2) Western Europe other countries Chimneys (kms) 61,0 57,6 6% 28,7 11,0 21,3 28,7 9,3 19,6 0% 18% 9% 12,6 11,8 7% 11,6 1 11,1 0,7 5% 43% 1 402 1 269 10% 04/03 (like for like) 6% 6% 11% Sales (after elimination of inter divisional sales by destination) 2004H1 (Millions of Euros) 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total Western Europe " Germany Other countries Other countries 711 679 5% 534 192 342 177 518 189 329 161 3% 2% 4% 10% 04/03 (like for like) 6% Sales (before elimination of inter divisional sales by origin) 2004H1 (Millions of Euros) 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total of which concrete roof tiles " Western Europe North America Other countries of which clay roof tiles of which chimneys (2) of which other roofing products 711 679 5% 249 53 52 129 86 142 245 50 49 121 78 136 2% 6% 6% 7% 10% 4% 04/03 (like for like) 6% (1) 2003 figures were restated with the correct split of BRAMAC sales (2) Including the "other roofing products" of the Chimmey business Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Total 68 37 84% Western Europe of which Germany of which other countries Others 53 21 32 15 26 6 20 11 104% 250% 60% 36% 04/03 (like for like) 87% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 Others Sales (after elimination of inter divisional sales by destination) (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) -48% -48% Others 35 67 Total 35 67 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 -18 (current) -11% -11% Operating income on ordinary activities (Millions of euros) Others Total -20 -20 -18 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 BCI total contribution Sales (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) By geographical zone of destination Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian Ocean Asia/Pacific 508 3 13 349 99 156 220 505 4 12 312 88 121 227 1% -25% 8% 12% 13% 29% -3% 1 037 298 13 991 266 12 5% 12% 8% 1 348 1 269 6% By business line Cement Aggregates & Concrete Others Total Estimated effect of former BCI units on Lafarge Group Operating Income on Ordinary Activities (Millions of euros) Western Europe North America Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean Asia/Pacific Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian Ocean/Others 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 92 22 0 4 32 21 11 93 16 0 0 25 20 12 (current) -1% 38% n/a n/a 28% 5% -8% 162 12 8 149 9 8 9% 33% 0% 182 166 10% By business line Cement Aggregates & Concrete Others Total Operating income on ordinary activities 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 BCI contribution Cement Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries) (millions of tonnes) 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 (current) Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/ Indian Ocean Asia/Pacific Total 6,2 0,1 0,4 3,3 0,7 1,9 4,8 6,3 0,1 0,5 2,4 0,7 1,8 4,7 -2% 0% -20% 38% 0% 6% 2% 17,4 16,5 5% Sales after elimination of intra company transactions / by geographical zone of destination (Millions of euros) Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean North America Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others Asia/Pacific Total consolidated sales 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 468 3 13 184 35 156 178 462 4 12 173 34 121 185 (current) 1% -25% 8% 6% 3% 29% -4% 1 037 991 5% Estimated effect of former BCI units on Lafarge Group Operating Income on Ordinary Activities (Millions of euros) Western Europe North America Central and Eastern Europe Emerging Mediterranean Asia/Pacific Latin America & the Caribbean Sub Saharan Africa/Indian ocean/Others Total 2004H1 2003H1 04/03 83 15 0 4 31 18 11 84 11 0 0 26 16 12 (current) -1% 36% n/a n/a 19% 13% -8% 162 149 9% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 BCI contribution Aggregates & Concrete Volumes by destination (adjusted for the contributions of our proportionaly consolidated subsidaries) Aggregates 2004H1 2003H1 (millions of tonnes) 04/03 (current) Western Europe North America Other countries 0,1 6,0 1,9 0,1 5,2 1,4 0% 15% 36% Total 8,0 6,7 19% 2004H1 2003H1 Concrete (miliions of cbm) 04/03 (current) Western Europe North America Other countries 0,7 1,6 2,5 0,6 1,1 2,4 17% 45% 4% Total 4,8 4,1 17% Sales after elimination of intra company transactions / by geographical zone of destination 2004H1 (Millions of euros) Aggregates & related products Ready-mix concrete & concrete products Total Aggregates & Concrete of which " " Western Europe North America Other countries 2003H1 04/03 35 263 31 235 (current) 13% 12% 298 266 37 165 96 33 140 93 12% 12% 18% 3% Estimated effect of former BCI units on Lafarge Group Operating Income on Ordinary Activities 2004H1 (Millions of euros) Aggregates & related products Ready-mix concrete & concrete products Total Aggregates & Concrete of which " " Divisional overheads Western Europe North America other countries 2003H1 04/03 6 6 7 2 (current) -14% 200% 12 9 33% 1 7 4 1 5 3 0% 40% 33% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Sales and Operating income on ordinary activities as at June 30, 2004 BCI contribution Others Sales by origin (after elimination of intra-company sales) (Millions of euros) Others 2004H1 13 2003H1 04/03 12 (current) 8% Estimated effect of former BCI units on Lafarge Group Operating Income on Ordinary Activities (Millions of euros) Others 2004H1 8 2003H1 04/03 8 (current) 0% 08/09/200420:07 LAFARGE Group figures: Capital and development expenditure. Analysis of cash-flow statement as at June 30, 2004 H1 2004 Purchase of property, plant and equipment Sustaining CAPEX Internal Development External Development Total CAPEX 257 71 34 362 249 249 8 8 291 619 Investments in consolidated companies Investments in non consolidated companies Total 257 71 2004 Half Year results by Division.xls08/09/2004 LAFARGE Group figures: incremental pension costs Operating income on ordinary activities: incremental pension costs (Millions of euros) 2004H1 2003H1 1 5 6 1 29 8 6 1 13 44 By business line Holding level Cement Aggregates & Concrete Gypsum Total Operating income on ordinary activities 2004 Half Year results by Division.xls08/09/2004