President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine


President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine
President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine Ferraro as VP
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NBC Nightly News
Tom Brokaw/Emery
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NBCUniversal Media,
Walter Mondale's historic selection of Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate doesn't seem to be denting
the confidence of Republicans. President Ronald Reagan implies the selection will have little effect on the
fall campaign.
President, Ronald Reagan, Geraldine Ferraro, Vice President, Vice Presidential, Vice Presidency,
Candidate, Selection, Republicans, Women, Equal Rights, Walter Mondale, Tokenism, Symbolism,
George H.W. Bush, 1984 Presidential Election
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"President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine Ferraro as VP Candidate." Emery King,
correspondent. NBC Nightly News. NBCUniversal Media. 13 July 1984. NBC Learn. Web. 30 May 2015
King, E. (Reporter), & Brokaw, T. (Anchor). 1984, July 13. President Reagan Discusses Selection of
Geraldine Ferraro as VP Candidate. [Television series episode]. NBC Nightly News. Retrieved from
"President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine Ferraro as VP Candidate" NBC Nightly News, New
York, NY: NBC Universal, 07/13/1984. Accessed Sat May 30 2015 from NBC Learn:
President Reagan Discusses Selection of Geraldine Ferraro as VP Candidate
TOM BROKAW, anchoring:
The Republicans still are sizing up the effect of Ferraro on the Mondale ticket, but publicly at least, they
seem confident for the fall campaign. One Reagan campaign official said today, “We’re not even
conceding Queens,” Ferraro’s home district. And during a meeting with Republican women today,
President Reagan seemed to suggest critical observations of his own. Here’s Emery King.
EMERY KING, reporting:
In his remarks to the Republican women, the president made little direct reference to Ferraro’s selection,
but some detected veiled criticism when he predicted the first woman president would be a Republican.
RONALD REAGAN (President, Republican): Why? Because we have the great talent. Women who’ve
advanced in our party and who are coming up to the ranks today are doing it by merit.
KING: Later, there was talk of tokenism and symbolism.
REAGAN: The Conservative Party in Great Britain chose Margaret Thatcher as their leader not because
she was a woman, but because she was the best person for the job. It was not tokenism or cynical
KING: The White House quickly noted that there was no underlying meaning in those remarks, that Mr.
Reagan was not speaking directly or indirectly about Geraldine Ferraro’s qualifications. The women who
heard him agreed.
Woman 1: That’s not how I took it, and I don’t believe that’s how he intended it.
Woman 2: The question is not, you know, a woman per se. I think we have to talk about the issues here.
KING: The President’s political strategists say that’s exactly what Mr. Reagan will do. Although they
admit that Ferraro’s selection caught them by surprise, officials at the White House say that the president
took it in stride. Said one, he won’t lose any sleep over it at Camp David this weekend.
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White House aids believe the president will get the support of women and they believe Vice President
George Bush’s foreign policy experience will contrast sharply with what one official called the relative
inexperience of Geraldine Ferraro. Emery King, NBC News, at the White House.
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