
French 2A
Final Examination Study Guide
Montgomery County Public Schools
Name: _________________________________________________
Before you begin working in the study guide, organize your notes and vocabulary lists from
semester A. Refer to these materials as you complete each section.
1.1 Here I Am!
Me voilà!
Communication Goal 1
1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 Identify, exchange,
and present personal and
biographical information including
physical descriptions and
personality characteristics in both
the present and past tenses.
1.2 Identify a person based on a
physical description and/or
personality description.
Cultures Goal 2
2.1 Identify and describe physical and
personality characteristics of wellknown French-speaking
contemporary personalities or
characters from French literary
Essential Structures
J’avais & j’étais in context
Irregular adjective agreement
Il est vs. c’est
- present tense of all three kinds of
regular verbs
- avoir, être
- negative and interrogative formations
- adjective agreement
- expressions with avoir
Write in French a list of ten words/phrases you learned this semester that describe people’s
physical characteristics and/or appearance.
Exemples: avoir les cheveux frisés ; porter des lunettes
1. __________________________________
6. ________________________________
2. __________________________________
7. ________________________________
3. __________________________________
8. ________________________________
4. __________________________________
9. ________________________________
5. __________________________________
10. _______________________________
WHEN YOUR TEACHER TELLS YOU, practice with a partner by taking turns sharing your
list of characteristics. Draw and label each characteristic as you hear it.
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List ten personality characteristics. WHEN YOUR TEACHER TELLS YOU, work with a
partner and take turns reading the characteristics on your lists. You will give an antonym to each
characteristic you hear. Verify that your partner is using the right antonym for each
Personality Characteristic
Exemple: pénible
My Partner’s Antonym
Write a description of yourself using present tense of regular and irregular verbs and regular and
irregular adjectives. Be sure to use the verbs être and avoir. Then write another paragraph,
describing what you used to be like when you were younger. Remember to use the imparfait
form of the verbs être and avoir and regular and irregular adjectives. Refer to the Rubric for
Written Communication as you write.
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2. Occupations
Les métiers
Communication Goal 1
1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Exchange, interpret,
and describe information about
1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 Exchange, interpret,
and describe information about
occupational preferences and future
Cultures Goal 2
2.1 Describe the attitudes of a
francophone culture towards different
professions, summer, or part-time jobs
for youth.
2.1 Describe the importance of family
in the policies of the working world.
2.2 Identify famous historical, literary,
or artistic francophone personalities.
Essential Structures
Present tense of connaître / savoir
Present tense of vouloir / pouvoir /
devoir/ lire / dire /écrire
Espérer + infinitive
- near future (aller + infinitive)
Make a list of five traits that describe a person’s work habits. Next to the trait, list an occupation
for which an individual with that characteristic or experience would be well suited.
Exemple: consciencieux/consciencieuse
Job titles
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
Name ten occupations and write a sentence to describe each one. WHEN YOUR TEACHER
TELLS YOU, take turns with a partner sharing only the descriptions. Have your partner guess
the name of the occupation you are describing. Be sure to use the verbs connaître, savoir,
pouvoir, vouloir, devoir.
Le professeur
Il sait enseigner/Cette personne sait enseigner.
Les métiers – Describe occupations of three different adults you know and explain why you think
they are important. Then describe your own occupational interests and explain your future
plans. Use the present and near future tenses. Refer to the Rubric for Written Communication
as you write.
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Communication Goal 1
Cultures Goal 2
3. Pastimes
Les passe-temps
1.1, 1.2 Exchange information and
interpret questions about
present and past leisure
1.1 Exchange information about
past and present weather
1.2 Identify meteorological
conditions from a French
language weather report.
1.3 Describe a past activity including
the weather conditions.
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Extend, interpret, and
respond to an invitation to an
2.1 Describe the organization of
team sports in a francophone
2.2 Describe the importance of le
2.2 Identify social events to which
written invitations are needed
in a francophone country.
Essential Structures
Le passé composé (regular verbs w/
avoir and sortir and aller w/être
Le passé composé of faire
Negatives/interrogatives in the passé composé
Indirect object pronouns with dire, répondre,
téléphoner, communiquer
jouer à vs. jouer de
L’imparfait with weather expressions
Negation with jamais
- savoir, vouloir, pouvoir
Describe five weather conditions that occurred in the past. Write in complete sentences using the
imparfait. Practice taking about weather conditions with a partner by taking turns reading aloud
each description. Have your partner draw the corresponding weather symbol.
Weather Symbol
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
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Describe five activities you like or dislike to do and explain why. Be sure to use weather
conditions, jouer à vs. jouer de, and ne… jamais.
Exemple: J’aime jouer au tennis quand il fait beau. Je ne joue pas très bien quand il fait trop
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
In an organized paragraph, explain what you did last week. Make sure to include weather
conditions using the imparfait and at least five activities using the passé composé.
Make a list of expressions used: Pour inviter, Pour accepter, and Pour refuser an invitation.
Pour inviter
Pour accepter
Pour refuser
WHEN YOUR TEACHER TELLS YOU, practice with a partner by taking turns inviting each
other to two different activities. Respond by accepting one of the activities and declining the
other one. Write down your partner’s responses as you hear them.
Invitation: _____________________________________________________________________
Réponse: ______________________________________________________________________
Invitation: _____________________________________________________________________
Réponse: ______________________________________________________________________
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Culture – Pastimes/Les passe-temps – Read the topics under Cultures Goal 2 on page 4. Then
complete the graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English.
Remember to review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Products or Practices
In French-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
4. At the
Au restaurant
Communication Goal 1
1.1 Comment on, inquire about, and make
selections from a menu.
1.2 Identify and interpret spoken/written menu
1.3 Present a description of a restaurant
Cultures Goal 2
2.1 Explain eating customs and
table etiquette, including
table settings in francophone
2.1 Describe the attitude of a
francophone country towards
fast food.
2.2 Identify and describe dishes
from francophone cultures.
Essential Structures
Expressions of quantity with de
vouloir, boire, prendre
acheter, préférer, mettre
Forms of adjective tout
En in context
- partitive
- direct object pronouns
List in French five food items under each category. Be sure to label each category in French
before you begin.
List in French your favorite food and drink items for each of the following meals. Be sure to use
partitive articles, when appropriate, and the verbes boire, prendre, préférer.
Exemple : Pour le petit déjeuner, je bois du jus d’orange.
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Pour le petit déjeuner, je …
Pour le déjeuner, je…
__________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________________
Pour le goûter, je …
Pour le dîner, je…
Au restaurant – Write a well organized essay describing your food preferences, including details
about what you eat and when you eat it. Be sure to use the verbs boire, prendre, préférer, and
definite and partitive articles. Write in French. Refer to the Rubric for Written
Communication as you write.
Culture – Au restaurant – Read the topics under Cultures Goal 2 on page 6. Then complete the
graphic organizer below with as many details as possible. Write in English. Remember to
review the Rubric for Scoring Culture.
Products or Practices
In French-speaking Countries
In Your Own Country
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Command of Language
Read the following paragraph. Then choose the word that best completes each sentence,
according to the context.
Il ___ très beau en Belgique en été. Je ___ à la campagne pour rendre visite à mes cousins. Ils
habitaient dans un petit village. Le matin, nous _______ une promenade en vélo. C’______ très
intéressant. Le soir, mon cousin ______ du piano. C’ est un musicien doué.
1. Il ___ très beau en Belgique en été.
A. faisaient
B. avons fait
C. faisait
D. a fait
2. Je ___ à la campagne pour rendre visite à mes cousins.
A. suis allée
B. est allé
C. sommes allés
D. êtes allé
3. Le matin, nous _______ une promenade en vélo.
A. a fait
B. avez fait
C. ont fait
D. avons fait
4. C’______ très intéressant.
A. étaient
B. étais
C. étions
D. était
5. Le soir, mon cousin ______ du piano.
A. ai joué
B. a joué
C. jouais
D. jouaient
Ma tante Sandrine est professeur. Elle ____ bien ses élèves. Elle____ des leçons tous les jours.
Elle _____ enseigner aux petits. Elle _____ créer des examens pour les étudiants. Elle travaille
beaucoup, mais je _______ être professeur aussi.
6. Elle ____ bien ses élèves.
A. sait
B. connaît
C. connaissons
D. savent
7. Elle____ des leçons tous les jours.
A. écrivent
B. écris
C. écrivons
D. écrit
8. Elle _____ enseigner aux petits.
A. savoir
B. connaît
C. sait
D. connaissez
9. Elle _____ créer des examens pour les étudiants.
A. doivent
B. doit
C. devez
D. dois
10. Elle travaille beaucoup, mais je _______ être professeur aussi.
A. voudrais
B. vouloir
C. veulent
D. voulons
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