Séminaire d`Economie Appliquée 1 Exposés 2 Mini


Séminaire d`Economie Appliquée 1 Exposés 2 Mini
ENSAE, 2012-2013
Roland Rathelot
Groupe 5
Séminaire d’Economie Appliquée
1. La rémunération des PDG. Bertrand and Mullainathan (2001); Bergstresser and Philippon
(2006); Gabaix and Landier (2008); Tervio (2009); Frydman and Jenter (2010)
2. Les impôts et les riches. Piketty, Saez, and Stantcheva (2011); Diamond and Saez (2011);
Piketty and Saez (2006)
3. Le chômage en Europe. Blanchard (2006); Calmfors, Corsetti, Devereux, Saint-Paul, Sinn,
Sturm, and Vives (2008); Boeri (2009); Blanchard and Philippon (2006); Laroque and
Salanié (2002)
4. Lieu de résidence et emploi. Gobillon, Selod, and Zenou (2007); Gobillon, Magnac, and
Selod (2011); L’Horty, Duguet, Parquet, Petit, and Sari (2011)
5. La discrimination positive. Fryer Jr. and Loury (2005); Darity and Mason (1998)
6. Qui doit garder les enfants ? Baum II (2003); Blau and Currie (2006); Ruhm (2008);
Carneiro, Loken, and Salvanes (2011); Dustmann and Schonberg (2011)
1. Les comptes d’un gang Levitt and Venkatesh (2000)
2. Discrimination hommes/femmes : Petites annonces en Chine Kuhn and Shen (2013)
3. Marché d’organes Roth, Sönmez, and Ünver (2004)
1. Immigration et taux d’emploi des non-immigrés.
2. Construire davantage de crêches ?
3. Diminuer le nombre d’élèves par classe en primaire ?
4. Un haut diplôme est-il un bouclier efficace contre le chômage ?
5. Argent et bonheur.
6. L’équipe qui joue à domicile a-t-elle un avantage ?
7. Légaliser le cannabis ?
8. Impact du piratage sur les revenus des artistes et des maisons de disque.
9. L’importance du réseau de connaissances sur l’emploi.
10. Faut-il davantage surveiller le processus de recherche d’emploi des chômeurs ?
11. Interdire les licenciements.
12. Transparence et corruption en France.
13. Faut-il nationaliser les écoles privées ?
14. Les peines-planchers sont-elles efficaces ?
15. Faut-il regrouper les élèves par niveau à l’école primaire et au collège ?
Baum II, C. L. (2003) : “Does Early Maternal Employment Harm Child Development ? An
Analysis of the Potential Benefits of Leave Taking,” Journal of Labor Economics, 21(2), 381–
Bergstresser, D., and T. Philippon (2006) : “CEO incentives and earnings management,”
Journal of Financial Economics, 80(3), 511–529.
Bertrand, M., and S. Mullainathan (2001) : “Are CEOS Rewarded for Luck ? The Ones
without Principals Are,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(3), pp. 901–932.
Blanchard, O. (2006) : “European unemployment : the evolution of facts and ideas,” Economic
Policy, 21(45), 5–59.
Blanchard, O., and T. Philippon (2006) : “The Quality of Labor Relations and Unemployment,” mimeo MIT.
Blau, D., and J. Currie (2006) : “Pre-School, Day Care, and After-School Care : Who’s
Minding the Kids ?,” in Handbook of the Economics of Education, ed. by E. Hanushek, and
F. Welch, vol. 2, chap. 20, pp. 1163–1278. Elsevier.
Boeri, T. (2009) : “What Happened to European Unemployment ?,” De Economist, 157(2),
Calmfors, L., G. Corsetti, M. P. Devereux, G. Saint-Paul, H.-W. Sinn, J.-E. Sturm,
and X. Vives (2008) : “Chapter 3 : The effect of globalisation on Western European jobs :
curse or blessing ?,” EEAG Report on the European Economy, 0, 71–104.
Carneiro, P., K. V. Loken, and K. G. Salvanes (2011) : “A Flying Start ? Maternity Leave
Benefits and Long Run Outcomes of Children,” IZA Discussion Papers 5793, Institute for the
Study of Labor (IZA).
Darity, William A, J., and P. L. Mason (1998) : “Evidence on Discrimination in Employment : Codes of Color, Codes of Gender,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(2), 63–90.
Diamond, P., and E. Saez (2011) : “The Case for a Progressive Tax : From Basic Research to
Policy Recommendations,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(4), 165–90.
Dustmann, C., and U. Schonberg (2011) : “Expansions in Maternity Leave Coverage and
Children’s Long-Term Outcomes,” mimeo.
Frydman, C., and D. Jenter (2010) : “CEO Compensation,” Annual Review of Financial
Economics, 2(1), 75–102.
Fryer Jr., R. G., and G. C. Loury (2005) : “Affirmative Action and Its Mythology,” Journal
of Economic Perspectives, 19(3), 147–162.
Gabaix, X., and A. Landier (2008) : “Why has CEO Pay Increased So Much ?,” The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 123(1), 49–100.
Gobillon, L., T. Magnac, and H. Selod (2011) : “The effect of location on finding a job in
the Paris region,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26(7), 1079–1112.
Gobillon, L., H. Selod, and Y. Zenou (2007) : “The Mechanisms of Spatial Mismatch,”
Urban Studies, 44(12), 2401–2427.
Kuhn, P., and K. Shen (2013) : “Gender Discrimination in Job Ads : Evidence from China,”
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 128(1), 287–336.
Laroque, G., and B. Salanié (2002) : “Labour market institutions and employment in
France,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 17(1), 25–48.
Levitt, S. D., and S. A. Venkatesh (2000) : “An Economic Analysis Of A Drug-Selling
Gang’S Finances,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(3), 755–789.
L’Horty, Y., E. Duguet, L. D. Parquet, P. Petit, and F. Sari (2011) : “The effect
of place of residence on access to employment : a field experiment on qualified young job
applicants in Ile-de-France,” Papers 2011-02, TEPP Working Papers.
Piketty, T., and E. Saez (2006) : “The Evolution of Top Incomes : A Historical and International Perspective,” American Economic Review, 96(2), 200–205.
Piketty, T., E. Saez, and S. Stantcheva (2011) : “Optimal Taxation of Top Labor Incomes :
A Tale of Three Elasticities,” NBER Working Papers 17616, National Bureau of Economic
Research, Inc.
Roth, A. E., T. Sönmez, and M. U. Ünver (2004) : “Kidney Exchange,” The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 119(2), 457–488.
Ruhm, C. J. (2008) : “Maternal employment and adolescent development,” Labour Economics,
15(5), 958–983.
Tervio, M. (2009) : “Superstars and Mediocrities : Market Failure in the Discovery of Talent,”
The Review of Economic Studies, 76(2), 829–850.