AOLF_ETHNO_Global description


AOLF_ETHNO_Global description
ETHNO : global description
18 rue Gabriel Péri – 91300 Massy - FRANCE
N° Siret : 481 891 281 00034 // Code APE : 9499Z // [email protected]
Tel : 0033 9 54 14 40 89 // Fax : 0033 9 59 14 40 89
ETHNO: global description - Terminology
As a brand, a mark name, Ethno refers to a concept of music exchanges and the specific style of
music that is the outcome of this exchange. In these terms Ethno is mostly an international music
workshop of one or maximum 2 weeks for young people, where participants share, teach and learn
their (traditional) music to each other and play this international repertoire all together in some
concerts at the end of the week. Ethno camps exists in different countries and is a program of
Jeunesses Musicales International, find an overview on
Ethno is a “unique platform for young musicians that allows them to meet, interact and exchange their
traditional music and customs through a fun and intuitive peer learning model. Today, the word ʻEthnoʼ
refers for us to a global family and active network of musicians that promotes youth empowerment,
equality and democracy, creating change through awareness of the culture of ʻothersʼ together with
that of oneʼs own. Ethno is an established ʻbest practiceʼ for fostering intercultural dialogue, social
inclusion and cohesion through music.”
In this case participants on one of the Ethno camps, where in the world that might be. Participants are
delegations from different countries, mostly amateur musicians, but also some professional musicians
can join. In most Ethnos there is a participation fee. During an Ethno, everyone is most of the time a
so-called participant, learning tunes from the workshop leaders, playing these tunes together with all
the others participants, jamming and having fun.
‘Workshop leader’
The participants (mostly delegations of one country) will teach once in the Ethno a tune from their
country in a workshop of about one hour to the whole group or to little groups in a rotation system.
During their workshop, they are called the workshop leaders.
‘Artistic leaders’
=ʻLeaderʼ = ʻmentorʼ of the Ethno, the ones that are taking care of the artistic part in global.
There is of course a lot leaders DO. They support the participants in the teaching process, make sure
that there are arrangements, that the Ethno group is ready to play some concerts at the end of the
week, etcetera. So the Ethno leaders have to be good musicians, with a good ear, able to pick up
melodies fast. They have to be open to all kind of music and be able to arrange music in all styles.
Beside that, there is maybe even more to say about what leaders ARE. The artistic leader has to deal
with a group of youngsters, in this case also an international group. Being an artistic leader has an
important social aspect, itʼs a social role. Leaders are also called mentors, role models or grown-up
friends that guide the participants through the Ethno. They donʼt behave as teachers or bosses, or feel
their selves higher in hierarchy. They are just like friends, with responsibilities and with a specific
attention for the whole group. Probably one of the biggest and hardest challenges for an artistic leader
is to see weaknesses in the group, to see everyone and to be able to help in a subtile way, to
encourage and support the participants, even when they are 120. That makes being a leader in a
week like Ethno a job for 20h/24h a day.
“Ethno. The new spirit of world music” p4:
Contact person: Vincent COMBET - Production manager
Mobile: 0033 6 62 27 62 78 - Office: 0033 9 54 14 40 89 - Fax: 0033 9 59 14 40 89 - [email protected]