office agency - Knight Frank


office agency - Knight Frank
23 Msqm
space let and
$ 800M
Knight Frank
& Independent
+32 2 548 05 48
[email protected]
Louizalaan 143 Avenue Louise
B-1050 Brussels
F +32 2 502 71 91
Jean-Philippe Charon
[email protected]
T +32 (0)2 548 05 46
M+32 (0)490 56 31 90
Charlotte Smeets - Negotiator
[email protected]
T +32 (0)2 548 05 42
M+32 (0)478 56 65 75
Disclaimer - Knight Frank gives notice to anyone who may read these particulars as follows :
1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. In order to have full validity, any type of understanding
or agreement between parties must be the object of a written document or contract duly signed by all involved parties.
2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending
purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves, by inspection or otherwise, as to the correctness of each of them.
3. No person in the employment of Knight Frank has any authority to make or give representation or warranty in relation to this property.
4. The photographs appearing in this brochure show only certain parts of the property at the time when the photographs were taken. Certain aspects may have changed since the photographs were
taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed in the photographs. Furthermore, no assumptions should be made in respect of parts of the property which are
not shown in the photographs.
5. Plans are published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct, their accuracy is not guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.
6. All offers to purchase the property will be conditional on prior official approval of the owners. No transaction can be considered as settled without this prior approval.
7. All above clauses apply unconditionally to the entire Prospectus with no exceptions.
Central Plaza
Rue de Loxum 25
1000 Bruxelles
Louise district
1. Louise Center
2. E-Lite
13. Tervuren 270
14. Triomphe 2
Avenue Louise 279-289
1050 Bruxelles
Avenue Louise 143
1050 Bruxelles
Avenue de Tervuren 270
1150 Bruxelles
Avenue A. Fraiteurs 23
1050 Bruxelles
Available surface :
as from 500 sqm to 2.750 sqm
Available surface :
as from 299 sqm to 1.664 sqm
Available surface :
as from 350 sqm to 6.859 sqm
Available surface :
as from 500 sqm to 14.877 sqm
3. Blue Tower
4. Stephanie 1
15. Silver Building
16. Val d’Or
Avenue Louise 326
1050 Bruxelles
Avenue Louise 54
1050 Bruxelles
Boulevard A. Reyers 70
1030 Bruxelles
Gulledelle 92/98
1200 Bruxelles
Available surface :
as from 147 sqm to 4.932 sqm
Available surface :
as from 339 sqm to 3.306 sqm
Available surface :
as from 257 sqm to 22.589qm
Available surface :
as from 92 sqm to 9.471 sqm
LEOPOLD District
North Periphery
5. Belmont
6. Meeus 37
17. Ikaros Park
18. Pegasus Park
Rue Belliard 53
1000 Bruxelles
Square de Meeus 37
1000 Bruxelles
1930 Zaventem
De Kleetlaan
1831 Diegem
Available surface :
as from 509 sqm to 20.047 sqm
Available surface :
as from +/-200 sqm to 548 sqm
Available surface :
as from 155 sqm to 5.000 sqm
Available surface :
as from 221 sqm to 17.624 sqm
7. Cortenbergh 52
8. Bastion Tower
19. Park Hill
20. Fountain Plaza
Av. Cortenbergh 52
1000 Bruxelles
Place du Champ de Mars 5
1050 Bruxelles
Mommaertslaan 16-22
1831 Diegem
Belgicastraat 1-3-5-7
1800 Vilvoorde
Available surface :
as from 300 sqm to 350 sqm
Available surface :
as from 400 sqm to 5.965 sqm
Available surface :
as from 100 sqm to 7.386 sqm
Available surface :
as from 211 sqm to 5.467 sqm
South periphery
9. Chambon
10. Ligne XIII
21. Waterloo Park
22. Parc de l’Alliance
Rue Fosse aux Loups 48
1000 Bruxelles
Rue de Ligne 13
1000 Bruxelles
Drève Richelle 161 – N
1410 Waterloo
Boulevard de France 7-9 – G
1420 Braine-L’Alleud
Available surface :
as from 530 sqm to 6.416 sqm
Available surface :
as from 150 sqm to 772 sqm
Available surface :
as from 315 sqm to 2.659 sqm
Available surface :
as from 695 sqm to 1.606 sqm
11. Wolfers
12. Imperatrice
23. Axis Parc
24. Lion Office Center
Rue d’Arenberg 11-13
1000 Bruxelles
Bld de l’Imperatrice 66
1000 Bruxelles
Rue Edouard Belin
1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Chaussée de Nivelles 81-83
1420 Braine-L’Alleud
Available surface :
as from 225 sqm
Available surface :
as from 673 sqm
Available surface :
as from 298 sqm to 5.292 sqm
Available surface :
as from 156 sqm to 1.643 sqm
For further information please call +32 2 548 05 48
or visit our website
For further information please call +32 2 548 05 48
or visit our website
23 Msqm
space let and
$ 800M
Knight Frank
& Independent
+32 2 548 05 48
[email protected]
Louizalaan 143 Avenue Louise
B-1050 Brussels
F +32 2 502 71 91
Jean-Philippe Charon
[email protected]
T +32 (0)2 548 05 46
M+32 (0)490 56 31 90
Charlotte Smeets - Negotiator
[email protected]
T +32 (0)2 548 05 42
M+32 (0)478 56 65 75
Disclaimer - Knight Frank gives notice to anyone who may read these particulars as follows :
1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. In order to have full validity, any type of understanding
or agreement between parties must be the object of a written document or contract duly signed by all involved parties.
2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending
purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves, by inspection or otherwise, as to the correctness of each of them.
3. No person in the employment of Knight Frank has any authority to make or give representation or warranty in relation to this property.
4. The photographs appearing in this brochure show only certain parts of the property at the time when the photographs were taken. Certain aspects may have changed since the photographs were
taken and it should not be assumed that the property remains precisely as displayed in the photographs. Furthermore, no assumptions should be made in respect of parts of the property which are
not shown in the photographs.
5. Plans are published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct, their accuracy is not guaranteed and they do not form part of any contract.
6. All offers to purchase the property will be conditional on prior official approval of the owners. No transaction can be considered as settled without this prior approval.
7. All above clauses apply unconditionally to the entire Prospectus with no exceptions.
Central Plaza
Rue de Loxum 25
1000 Bruxelles