

Process studies of the biological pump of carbon dioxide in the North Sea and
Southern Ocean
Bozec, Yann
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Bozec, Y. (2005). Process studies of the biological pump of carbon dioxide in the North Sea and Southern
Ocean Groningen: s.n.
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This thesis is the outcome of four years of work carried out in my “cosy” office at
the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and on the rough North Sea and Southern
Ocean. During these 4 years spent away from home, I am grateful to a lot of people who
have made this period of my life an invaluable experience, both from a professional and
personal perspective.
My first word of thanks must go to my promotor Hein and supervisor Helmuth.
Surely, when I think back to when I met these two people I could not have known how
important they would become during the following 4 years. I met Hein in a hotel
somewhere in downtown Capetown (SA) during the days preceding a long cruise. During
the 6 weeks spent in the lab together on the Southern Ocean and the following 4 years, Hein
has always been an invaluable source of knowledge on the different aspects of chemical
oceanography and in providing motivation and help to ensure the completion of the
different manuscripts within this thesis. Moreover, I have always enjoyed the friendly
relationship and the great laughs we have shared during the past 4 years.
Helmuth and I met during one of the numerous cold and windy nights at the Potvis
on Texel Island (North Holland). That was the beginning of a long collaboration and of
many hours spent working together at the NIOZ, on the Research Vessel Pelagia, at
Dalhousie University, during international meetings or defending the honour of the institute
on the football pitch! I have been very fortunate to have a supervisor who always had the
time to teach me all the details of the measurement of DIC and pCO2 and to answer all my
questions about the CO2 system in seawater. Furthermore, all the chapters of this thesis are
the result of long discussions with him and have all been greatly improved thanks to his
detailed comments. I am sure this collaboration will continue in the future. I am grateful to
Helmuth not only for helping me as a supervisor, but also for welcoming me at his home
when I arrived during the cold winter on Texel or in Canada, and to Anna for often cooking
some delicious meals which helped us to carry on working.
I am furthermore thankful to all the people from the CO2 group at NIOZ, Michel
Stoll, Patrick Laan, Elen Bowlens and Josje Snoek for helping me with the CO2 instruments
and software. I also thank Karel Bakker, Jan Van Ooijen and Evaline van Weerlee for
performing the nutrient measurements during our cruises and Santiago Gonzalez for the
DOC measurement. The CO2 scientific community has been an exciting environment to
work in during the past 4 years. I have benefited from and am thankful for the numerous
collaborations of the NIOZ with other international institutes. I would particularly like to
thank Dorothea Bakker for helping me a lot during my first cruise and for correcting my
manuscripts. I also would like to thank Alberto Borges for his rigorous comments and for
sharing his knowledge of the CO2 chemistry in seawater.
For my research, I spent a couple of months at sea and I want to thank the crew of
the research vessels Pelagia and Polarstern who have been of great assistance and support
during the cruises. Thanks go also to the people who contributed to have such a nice
atmosphere on the ship but particularly to Laure-Sophie, Helmuth, Alberto, Dorothea,
Marie, Micha, and Santos.
During the past four years, I shared unforgettable moments with many friends on
Texel and I am eternally grateful to them. Thanks go to all the players of the numerous
football teams with whom I shared the defeats and glorious victory on Texel or on the
mainland: “the Texelse Boys”, “Texel 94”, “ZDH”, and of course the “Galacticos” from the
“indoor NIOZ football team”: the great keepers Wim and Cor, the rocks at the back
“captain-chief” and Helmuth, the key all-round midfielders “Monsieur Scholesy”, “Santi”,
Khalid and “Gattuso”, and the scorers Leon, Bert, “Russky” and Beni. Warm thanks to
Anne-Claire, Phil, Jerome, Isabel, Denis, Furu, Teresa, Beni, Luis, Mirja, Jasper, Ines,
Micha, Khalid, Pedro, the 2 Thomas, Yvo, Sharyne, Neven, Kaï, Sanne, for the great
atmosphere at NIOZ and of course for all the fiestas, barbecue, “Sunday dinners”, “apero”,
“potvis football games”, (long) coffee breaks etc… I would need much more pages to thank
you all individually but I hope you all know how important you are for me. Special thanks
go to “Bixente” for celebrating all the big wins of the French teams especially against the
“rosbeef” of “Sholesy” and to Furu for supporting the terrible housemate I am (I see you
smiling Phil!) and my numerous visits in her office. I would not be writing the final lines of
my thesis if I would not have had the company of my two dear friends Phil and AnneClaire. Even in french I could not express how important both of you are for me and how
much I enjoy spending my time with you two. Simply thank you for being such great
Quelques mots de remerciements en français…
Durant ces 4 années, j’ai eu l’opportunité de beaucoup voyager et je remercie
Marie-Pierre et Antoine pour m’avoir souvent hébergé avant ou après mes longs voyages.
Malgré tout, un breton a, évidemment, besoin de rentrer souvent au pays et j’ai par
conséquent souvent emprunte les routes du Nord en direction de « la maison même! ». Je
tiens donc à remercier la famille Baudoux pour m’avoir hébergé à Amiens dans la bonne
humeur, pour la délicieuse cuisine picarde et les âpres discussions footballistiques qui me
faisaient sentir proche de la maison.
Je remercie mes «potos bretons » Loïc, Mathieu, Olivier, Marco Fred, Morvan,
souvent exilés, qui même loin m’ont toujours soutenus et qui font que c’est toujours un
moment spécial de se retrouver en Bretagne avec les bretons fidèles ou d’adoptions, Elen et
Arnaud, Julie, Mélanie, la famille Perrot, Eva, Marie etc…
Je tiens très sincèrement à remercier mes parents et ma famille pour m’avoir
toujours encouragé durant mes longues années d’études et être toujours à mes cotés. Même
si j’ai essayé de vous rendre visite aussi souvent que possible je sais que les bons moments
passés ensemble ces dernières années ont souvent été trop cours mais sachez que j’ai
toujours énormément pensé à vous. Merci à tous pour votre amour.
Je veux très spécialement remercier Carine, pour son amour et les merveilleux
moments passés à mes cotés, pour avoir toujours été la dans les moments difficiles et
supporté mes (nombreux) sauts d’humeurs. Tu as une énorme place dans mon cœur ma