December 17 2014 M. Joseph P. Langer CFA Insfitute


December 17 2014 M. Joseph P. Langer CFA Insfitute
Direction régionale des relations avec la clientèle des entreprises B
December 17 2014
M. Joseph P. Langer
CFA Insfitute
915 East High Street
Charlottesville Virginia U.S.A. 22902
Reference number : 14-12-0515
Subjet : Designation as a recognized educational institution
We are writing in response to your request to have CFA Institute designated as a recognized
educational institution.
Further to review of the file, we wish to inform you that Revenu Québec has granted your
request and assigned the following accreditation number to the above-named educatational
institution: 14-12-0515. Therefore, under subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of section
752.0.18.10 of the Taxation Act, individuals may be entiled to a tax credit for the tuition fees paid
to the institution. The accreditation nimber must be indicated on ail correspondence with
Revenu Québec pertaining to the institution, as well as on all receipts for tuiton fees issued to
the students. Please use as a model the sample receipt attached to this letter.
However, students may deduct their tuition fees only if they
Provide receipts;
-are 16 or over; and
Took the course for the sole prupose of acquiring or upgrade skills necessary for an
occupation (job, profession or business)
You must notify Revenu Québec of any change of address respecting the educational institution.
Si vous désirez obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires à ce sujet, vous pouvez
communiquer avec la personne soussignée, dont les coordonnées figurent au bas de la première
Gaétane Campeau
Service à la clientèle des entreprises B
3800, rue de Marly, secteur 1-2-5A
Québec (Québec) G1X 4A5
Téléphone : 418 652-5909
Sans frais : 1 888 830-7747, poste 652-5909
Télécopieur sans frais: 1 866 342-1804
ADM-67 (2012-01)