1140 Simpson Avenue, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 4M8 Dear


1140 Simpson Avenue, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 4M8 Dear
Principal – S. Gauvin
Tel: (306) 693-4669
Vice Principal – J. McLean
Fax: (306) 691-0529
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
Here are some ideas for continuing practice of the French language at home. At your
local library, inquire about audio French books or child-friendly television/movies that your
child can listen to. It is great practice to read French books of the English books that you know
and love!
French iPad apps (although not limited to):
 Saisons!
 Langage!
 Lettres!
 JeuxPourLire
 Jeux de Mots
 ABC Rigolo
 Français ABC
 Apprendre à lire
 Fun French
 Bidule
 Lire-tôt
 BientôtJeLis
French Websites:
 http://www.lasouris-web.org/prescolaire/prescolaire_lecture.html - various reading and
comprehension activities
 http://asp.tumblebooks.com/home.aspx - choose the French language and you can read
various genres of French books! “Livres pour les enfants” allows the students listen to the
story as it is read! This is a great tool for students learning how to pronounce words!
1140 Simpson Avenue, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 4M8