French I


French I
French I
Weekly Lesson Plan
April 30, 2012
Miss Willard
Monday: Use venire and the passé recent; use idioms with avoir; develop listening and reading skills
1. Bellwork = Review Chapitre 5 Grammaire 2
2. Un peu plus
3. Télévocab et Grammavision
4. Practice activities
5. On rappe
6. Télé- romas
7. As-tu compris?
8. Homework: Review worksheet
Tuesday: Develop listening and reading skills; review the chapter
1. Bellwork: Practice activities
2. Review for Chapitre 5 examen
3. Un tournoi de pétanque
4. Homework: Chapitre 5 examen demain!
Wednesday: Review and assess the chapter; learn about francophone culture
1. Bellwork = Projection sheet
2. Chapitre 5 examen
3. Complete un tournoi de pétanque
4. Intro. To Chapitre 6
5. La culture
4. Homework =
Thursday: Offer food; ask an opinion
1. Bellwork: Practice
2. Intro. To Chapitre 6 vocabulaire 1
3. Exprimons – Nous!
4. Practice Practice!
5. Work on Partner skits
Friday: Use the partitive; use –ir verbs
1. Bellwork: Review
3. Intro. To Grammaire 1
4. Practice practice practice!
5. Work on Partner Skits
7. Homework: Have a great weekend!