MY Program Information Handbook - Institut Collégial St. Paul St
MY Program Information Handbook - Institut Collégial St. Paul St
Institut Collégial St. Paul’s Collegiate Elie, Manitoba, R0H 0H0 Telephone: 204-353-2084 Fax: 204-353-2624 Program Information Handbook English and French Immersion Programs Grade 7 & 8 2014-2015 Institut Collégial St. Paul’s Collegiate English Program/French Immersion Manitoba Education recognizes the English and French Immersion programs as two of the four official school programs. Middle Years Students in Grades 7 to 8 are expected to demonstrate learning in the four foundation skill areas. Literacy and communication Human Relations Problem Solving Technology Instruction, skill development, and practice in these four areas are required in all subject areas. Compulsory subject areas in Grades 7 and 8 English Program French Immersion Program English Language Arts English Language Arts et Français Mathematics Mathématiques Sciences Sciences de la nature Social Studies Sciences humaines Physical education/Health Éducation physique/santé Arts Education Éducation artistique Optional subjects areas Optional subject areas are offered to expand/challenge a student’s educational and learning experiences. Among the choices in grade 7 and 8 in both programs we offer the following: Basic French (English program), Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Band, Drama and Art. Currently students are required to take on a rotational basis (20 weeks each) in both grades, Industrial Art and Home Economics. Additionally, students can choose pending on option subject choices, 1 or more additional options. We will review our optional subject offerings on a yearly basis. 2 This booklet contains information which will be useful to all students in grades 7 or 8 at St. Paul’s Collegiate. It provides the students with a basic outline of the subjects required and the options available at each level. GRADE 7 ENGLISH PROGRAM COMPULSORY COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 7 The grade 7 Language Arts course will allow students to understand and appreciate language. The course will be divided into 4 major areas: spelling, grammar, reading, and writing. The language strands of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing will be developed in each area. Students will also enhance communication by exploring thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. MATHEMATICS 7 Patterns and Relations : Use expressions containing unknowns to represent patterns and to make prediction. Solve problems by using unknowns and equations. Statistics and Probability: Develop and defend a plan to collect, display and analyze data (using median, mode, mean range, extremes and quartiles). Create and solve problems using probability. Shape and Space: Solve problems involving circles, time zones, perimeter and area. Link angles and properties of parallel lines. Create and analyze patterns and designs, using congruence, symmetry, slides, flips and turns. Number Sense: Demonstrate a number sense for decimals, fractions, integers and whole numbers. Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals and integers to solve problems. Use rates, ratios and percentages to solve problems. SOCIAL STUDIES 7 Students focus on environmental, social, and cultural factors that affect quality of life for people in various places in the world. There are four clusters of study: Cluster 1: World Geography Cluster 2: Global Quality of Life Cluster 3: Ways of Life in Asia, Africa, or Australia Cluster 4: Human Impact in Europe or the Americas 3 SCIENCE 7 This course is designed to provide students with many opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, appreciate and understand the interrelationships between science technology, society and the environment that will affect their personal lives, careers, and their future. Clusters: 1) Interactions with Ecosystems 2) Particle Theory of Matter 3) Forces and Structure 4) Earth’s Crust PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7 The Physical Education program at St. Paul’s Collegiate places an emphasis on active participation and the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. The Physical Education program focuses on five essential learning outcomes, as outlined by Manitoba’s K-S4 Physical Education/Health Education curriculum. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Movement Fitness Management Safety Personal and Social Management Healthy Lifestyle Practices Students are expected to change into proper attire for Phys. Ed. Class. This should include running shoes, t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, or tracksuit. Some of the activities students may participate in as part of the Physical Education program include touch football, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, badminton, low-organized games, soccer, track and field, fitness testing, baseball/softball, golf, curling, floor hockey, team handball, soft lacrosse, first aid/CPR, touch rugby, and weight training. 4 GRADE 7 IMMERSION PROGRAM COMPULSORY COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 7 The grade 7 Language Arts course will allow students to understand and appreciate language. The course will be divided into 4 major areas: spelling, grammar, reading, and writing. The language strands of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing will be developed in each area. Students will also enhance communication by exploring thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. MATHÉMATIQUES 7 Le programme de mathématiques en septième année comprend 4 principales catégories de compétence: 1) les nombres 2) la forme et l’espace 3) les régularités 4) la statistique et la probabilité Le programme a pour but d’augmenter les habiletés de l’élève à résoudre des problèmes dans chacune de ces catégories. Les élèves doivent être capables de bien exécuter le calcul mental sans ignorer la nécessité de faire les grands calculs avec la calculatrice. The grade 7 math course will reinforce basic mathematical skills, such as multiplication facts, through the use of mental math strategies and drill. In addition, this course will encourage the development of creative thinking, logical thinking, problem solving skills, data analysis skills and co-operative interaction. Strands of Study: 1) Patterns and Relations 2) Statistics and Probability 3) Shapes and Space 4) Number SCIENCES HUMAINES 7 L’élève de la septième année se concentrera sur les facteurs écologiques, sociaux et culturels qui ont une incidence sur la qualité de vie des gens de divers endroits du monde. Il étudiera la géographie physique et humaine du monde, et les tendances démo-graphiques mondiales. Il prendra avantage conscience des peuples indigènes et des modes de vie d'ailleurs. Il étudiera les facteurs qui 5 influencent les modes de vie dans les sociétés contemporaines d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Australasie. Il se concentrera sur les sociétés contemporaines en Europe et en Amérique en examinant l’incidence des changements technologiques et de l’urbanisation. Il prendra conscience des points communs et des divergences entre les cultures et les sociétés. En étudiant les défis et les opportunités à l’échelle mondiale, il prendra conscience de l’importance de la cooperation internationale et commencera à comprendre son rôle de citoyen dans un monde de plus en plus interdépendant. • • • • Regroupement 1- La géographie du monde Regroupement 2- La qualité de vie dans le monde Regroupement 3- Les modes de vie en Asie, en Afrique ou en Australasie Regroupement 4- Les incidences humaines en Europe ou en Amérique Grade 7 students focus on environmental, social, and cultural factors that affect quality of life for people in various places in the world. They study physical and human geography and global demographic trends. Students enhance their awareness of indigenous peoples and explore ways of life in other places. They examine how various factors shape ways of life in a contemporary society of Asia, Africa, or Australasia*. They also focus on a contemporary society in Europe or the Americas as they consider the human impact of urbanization and technological change. Students become aware of the commonalities that link cultures and societies and the disparities that divide them. As they explore global challenges and opportunities, students become aware of the importance of international cooperation and begin to understand their roles as citizens in an increasingly interdependent world. • • • • Cluster 1: World Geography Cluster 2: Global Quality of Life Cluster 3: Ways of Life in Asia, Africa, or Australasia Cluster 4: Human Impact in Europe or the Americas SCIENCES DE LA NATURE 7 Le programme de Sciences de la Nature de la 7e année présente un ensemble des 3 disciplines scientifiques, soit les sciences de la vie, les sciences physiques et les sciences de la Terre et l’espace. Certains de ces concepts seront étudiés en profondeur, mais les concepts scientifiques plus complexes seront l’objet d’études spécialisées au niveau secondaire. Un des buts principaux de l’étude de sciences de la nature au niveau présecondaire est de présenter à l’élève le plus de contact possible avec le monde des sciences, ce qui le préparera à entreprendre des études plus avancées au niveau secondaire. Le programme des sciences de la nature est basé sur l’expérience. Il doit tenir compte non seulement du “quoi” mais aussi du “comment” dans l’enseignement des sciences naturelles. C’est aussi un programme qui passera donc des notions relativement simples à des notions plus complexes, du concret à l’abstrait. 6 Il y a 4 regroupements: 1) Les interactions au sein des écosystèmes 2) La théorie particulaire de la matière 3) Les forces et les structures 4) La croûte terrestre The grade 7 Science program presents a grouping of the 3 scientific disciplines: life sciences, physical science and the science of earth and space. Although some topics are explored in great detail, in depth study of other topics is reserved for specialized study at the senior level. One of the main purposes of studying the sciences at the middle years level is to introduce the students to these concepts thus preparing them for more advanced study at the senior level. This is an experience based program which focuses not only on the “what” but also the “how” of the science world. It is a program that takes students from simple concepts to more complex ones, from concrete to abstract. The 4 clusters include: 1) Interactions within Ecosystems 2) Particle Theory of Matter 3) Forces and Structure 4) Earth’s Crust FRANÇAIS 7 Le programme vise à développer un bilinguisme fonctionnel chez les élèves qui désirent apprendre le français comme langue seconde. Ce programme comprend de quatre domaines d’apprentissage: compréhension orale et écrite, production orale et écrite. L’apprentissage se fait à travers des produits médiatiques (moyens de communication et technologies), courtes histoires, étude de roman, discours, écritures, grammaire, vocabulaire et activités culturelles. The aim of the program is to provide the students who wish to learn French as a Second Language with the opportunity to become functionally bilingual. The program consists of four interrelated units: oral and written comprehension, oral and written messages. The learning process is accomplished through mass media products (means of communication and technology), short stories, novel study, speech, writing, grammar, vocabulary and cultural activities. 7 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7 The Physical Education program at St. Paul’s Collegiate places an emphasis on active participation and the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. The Physical Education program focuses on five essential learning outcomes, as outlined by Manitoba’s K-S4 Physical Education/Health Education curriculum. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Movement Fitness Management Safety Personal and Social Management Healthy Lifestyle Practices Students are expected to change into proper attire for Phys. Ed. Class. This should include running shoes, t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, or tracksuit. Some of the activities students may participate in as part of the Physical Education program include touch football, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, badminton, low-organized games, soccer, track and field, fitness testing, baseball/softball, golf, curling, floor hockey, team handball, soft lacrosse, first aid/CPR, touch rugby, and weight training. OPTIONS COURSES / FORMATION PERSONELLE INDUSTRIAL ARTS 7 The grade 7 course will focus on woodworking and the basic concepts and processes involved. There will be a huge emphasis placed on safety. Students will learn about different aspects involved in woodworking. These include: the safe use of hand tools, power tools and machines, measurement, lumber defects, wood types, and finishing. Students will use the knowledge and skills gained to construct a project. HOME ECONOMICS 7 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Students will develop an appreciation, understanding, and the skills needed for the selection and use of textiles. They will be provided with opportunities to construct a textile project. FOODS AND NUTRITION Students gain an understanding of how food and food choices affect their overall health. Canada's Food Guide is emphasized as a model for making food choices. Students will have an opportunity to prepare and consume nutritious and healthy foods, while working as part of a kitchen group. 8 BAND 7 The instrumental music (band) program offers students the opportunity to play a musical instrument in a group setting. The program focuses on group performance, both in the classroom and in community concerts. Students also gain an appreciation and knowledge of many musical styles through the band repertoire studied, which ranges from classical to popular compositions. (Entry: Grade 7 – no musical experience required). DRAMA 7 The drama section involves students in a variety of dramatic activities such as skits, improv and team building activities. ART 7 The art course enables students to use and experience a variety of art mediums and styles. Grades are based mainly on participation, attitude and growth. BASIC FRENCH 7 (English program) The purpose of the Basic French curriculum is to encourage the students to learn how to communicate and manipulate the French language. The program is not designed to make students bilingual. French is not only the subject matter, but also the language of instruction; this encourages a multidimensional approach consisting of four components: experience/communication, culture, language and general language education. Students may explore topics such as: School, food, animals, sports, pass-times, festival du voyageur, intricacies of language, etc. Students will be asked to participate in: speaking activities, read aloud, skits, games, crafts, independent reading, journal writing, etc. 9 GRADE 8 ENGLISH PROGRAM COMPULSORY COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 8 The aim of the Language Arts program is to increase each student’s ability to read, write, speak, listen, view and represent. This is done through a thematic approach incorporating short story, grammar, poetry, writing, vocabulary and novel study. A wide range of instruction strategies and assessment techniques will be incorporated. MATHEMATICS 8 This course takes a hands-on practical approach to Mathematics. The core topics are problem-solving, algebra, data management, geometry, measurement, number concepts and number operations. Mental math is stressed, however most large calculations are done with the calculator. SCIENCE 8 This course is designed to provide students with many opportunities to explore, analyze, evaluate, appreciate and understand the interrelationships between science technology, society and the environment that will affect their personal lives, careers, and their future. Topics covered will be: 1) Cells and Organ System 2) Optic 3) Fluids 4) Water Systems SOCIAL STUDIES 8 Grade 8 students explore societies of the past and make connections between the past and present. They examine the origins of human societies from early hunter-gatherer ways of life to societies of the nineteenth century. They study significant people, ideas, and events of historical periods that have shaped the modern world and consider the implications of contact between diverse societies. As student explore selected past societies, they become aware of different world views and the factors that influence change in societies. They assess the influence of the past on the present and develop an appreciation for the historical significance of past societies and civilizations. Cluster 1: Understanding Societies Past and Present Cluster 2: Early Societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, or the Indus Valley Cluster 3: Ancient Societies of Greece and Rome Cluster 4: Transition to the Modern World (Circa 500 to 1400) Cluster 5: Shaping the Modern World (Circa 1400 to 1850) 10 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8 The Physical Education program at St. Paul’s Collegiate places an emphasis on active participation and the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. The Physical Education program focuses on five essential learning outcomes, as outlined by Manitoba’s K-S4 Physical Education/Health Education curriculum. 1) Movement 2) Fitness Management 3) Safety 4) Personal and Social 5) Management 6) Healthy Lifestyle Practices Students are expected to change into proper attire for Phys. Ed. Class. This should include running shoes, t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, or tracksuit. Some of the activities students may participate in as part of the Physical Education program include touch football, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, badminton, low-organized games, soccer, track and field, fitness testing, baseball/softball, golf, curling, floor hockey, team handball, soft lacrosse, first aid/CPR, touch rugby, and weight training. 11 GRADE 8 IMMERSION PROGRAM COMPULSORY COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 8 The aim of the Language Arts program is to increase each student’s ability to read, write, speak, listen, view and represent. This is done through a thematic approach incorporating short story, grammar, poetry, writing, vocabulary and novel study. A wide range of instruction strategies and assessment techniques will be incorporated. MATHÉMATIQUES 8 Le programme de mathématiques en huitième année comprend 4 principales catégories de compétence: 1) les nombres 2) la forme et l’espace 3) les régularités 4) la statistique et la probabilité Le programme a pour but d’augmenter les habiletés de l’élève à résoudre des problèmes dans chacune de ces catégories. Les élèves doivent être capables de bien exécuter le calcul mental sans ignorer la nécessité de faire les grands calculs avec la calculatrice. This course takes a hands-on practical approach to Mathematics. The core topics are problem-solving, algebra, data management, geometry, measurement, number concepts and number operations. Mental math is stressed and most large calculations are done with the calculator. SCIENCES DE LA NATURE 8 Le programme vise à aider les élèves à acquérir une culture scientifique basée sur des habiletés à faire de la recherche, à résoudre des problèmes et à prendre des décisions afin de poursuivre l’apprentissage tout au long de leur vie. Il y a 4 regroupements: 1) Des cellules aux systèmes organiques 2) Les fluides 3) L’optique 4) Les systèmes hydrographiques Les quatre composantes du programme permettent aux élèves de comprendre et d’acquérir des habiletés pour ce qu'est la recherche scientifique et aussi d’établir des liens entre les sciences, la technologie, la société et l’environnement. 12 This program aims to help the students acquire a scientific culture based on the ability to do research, resolve problems and make decisions in order to pursue lifelong learning. Acquiring a scientific culture is accomplished through study of the four units of the program: 1) Cells and organ systems 2) Fluids 3) Optics 4) Water systems This enables the students to understand and acquire abilities to do research and also establishes links between science, technology, society and the environment. SCIENCES HUMAINES 8 L’élève de la huitième année étudiera les sociétés anciennes et établira des liens entre le passé et le présent. Il examinera les origines des sociétés humaines, depuis les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs jusqu’à celles du XIXe siècle. Il étudiera des personnes, des idées et des événements historiques qui ont marqué le monde moderne et examinera l’incidence des contacts interculturels entre différentes sociétés. En étudiant des sociétés choisies du passé, il prendra conscience de visions du monde divergentes et des facteurs qui influencent les changements dans les sociétés. Il évaluera l’influence du passé sur le présent et appréciera la signification historique des sociétés et des civilisations du passé. • • • • • Regroupement 1- Comprendre les sociétés passées et actuelles Regroupement 2- Les premières sociétés de la Mésopotamie, de l’Égypte et de vallée de l’Indus Regroupement 3- Les sociétés anciennes de la Grèce et de Rome Regroupement 4- La transition vers le monde moderne Regroupement 5- La formation du monde moderne Grade 8 students explore societies of the past and make connections between the past and present. They examine the origins of human societies from early hunter-gatherer ways of life to societies of the nineteenth century. They study significant people, ideas, and events of historical periods that have shaped the modern world and consider the implications of contact between diverse societies. As students explore selected past societies, they become aware of different world views and the factors that influence change in societies. They assess the influence of the past on the present and develop an appreciation for the historical significance of past societies and civilizations. Cluster 1: Understanding Societies Past and Present Cluster 2: Early Societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, or the Indus Valley Cluster 3: Ancient Societies of Greece and Rome Cluster 4: Transition to the Modern World (Circa 500 to 1400) Cluster 5: Shaping the Modern World (Circa 1400 to 1850) 13 FRANÇAIS 8 Le programme vise à développer un bilinguisme fonctionnel chez les élèves qui désirent apprendre le français comme langue seconde. Ce programme comprend quatre domaines d’apprentissage: compréhension orale et écrite, production orale et écrite. L’apprentissage se fait à travers des produits médiatiques (moyens de communication et technologies), courtes histoires, étude de roman, discours, écritures, grammaire, vocabulaire et activités culturelles. The aim of the program is to provide the students who wish to learn French as a Second Language with the opportunity to become functionally bilingual. The program consists of four interrelated units: oral and written comprehension, oral and written messages. The learning process is accomplished through mass media products (means of communication and technology), short stories, novel study, speech, writing, grammar, vocabulary and cultural activities. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8 The Physical Education program at St. Paul’s Collegiate places an emphasis on active participation and the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. The Physical Education program focuses on five essential learning outcomes, as outlined by Manitoba’s K-S4 Physical Education/Health Education curriculum. 1) Movement 2) Fitness Management 3) Safety 4) Personal and Social Management 5) Healthy Lifestyle Practices Students are expected to change into proper attire for Phys. Ed. Class. This should include running shoes, t-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweatpants, or tracksuit. Some of the activities students may participate in as part of the Physical Education program include touch football, ultimate, volleyball, basketball, badminton, low-organized games, soccer, track and field, fitness testing, baseball/softball, golf, curling, floor hockey, team handball, soft lacrosse, first aid/CPR, touch rugby, and weight training. 14 OPTIONS COURSES / FORMATION PERSONELLE HOME ECONOMICS 8 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Students will develop an appreciation, understanding, and the skills needed for the selection, use and care of textiles. Students will use a sewing machine and serger to complete a textile project. FOODS AND NUTRITION Students will understand how food and the nutrients they contain impact their health and well-being. They will have an opportunity to plan, prepare and consume nutritious foods. INDUSTRIAL ARTS 8 Students will continue to expand their knowledge in the field of woodworking. This course will also have a great emphasis placed on safety. Students will be expected to demonstrate a greater understanding of the concepts and processes involved in woodworking. They will use of the tools and machines to construct a project. BAND 8 The instrumental music (band) program offers students the opportunity to play a musical instrument in a group setting. The program focuses on group performance, both in the classroom and in community concerts. Students also gain an appreciation and knowledge of many musical styles through the band repertoire studied, which ranges from classical to popular compositions. The program builds on the skills learned in grade 7 band. DRAMA 8 The drama section involves students in a variety of dramatic activities such as skits, improv and team building activities. ART 8 The art course enables students to use and experience a variety of art mediums and styles. Grades are based mainly on participation, attitude and growth. 15 BASIC FRENCH 8 (English program) The purpose of the Basic French curriculum is to encourage the students to learn how to communicate and manipulate the French language. The program is not designed to make students bilingual. French is not only the subject matter, but also the language of instruction; this encourages a multidimensional approach consisting of four components: experience/communication, culture, language and general language education. Students may explore topics such as: School, food, animals, sports, pass-times, festival du voyageur, intricacies of language, etc. Students will be asked to participate in: speaking activities, read aloud, skits, games, crafts, independent reading, journal writing, etc. 16 At St. Paul's Collegiate we believe that our students' quest for lifelong learning is facilitated through challenging experiences that develop knowledge, skills, and values in a positive environment. A l'Institut Collégial Saint Paul, nous croyons que la poursuite de l'apprentissage continu chez les élèves est facilitée par la présentation de défis qui visent le développement des connaissances, des habiletés et des valeurs dans un environnement positif. 17