Curriculum vitae - University at Albany


Curriculum vitae - University at Albany
nicolas bencherki
education and
research positions
[email protected]
(518) 442-4874
Since September 2013
University at Albany – SUNY | Department of Communication
Assistant Professor
September 2012 – June 2013
The Polytechnic Institute of New York University | Dept. of Technology Management and Innovation
Postdoctoral fellow
Working on the Culture Practice Project, studying organizational culture across the sites of a large fast
moving consumer goods (FMCG) multinational company.
September 2011 – May 2012
École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) | Centre de sociologie de l’innovation
Postdoctoral fellow
Project: Doing good: The place of the body and of materiality in medical and organizational ethics.
With funding from the Language, organization and governance research group
Université de Montréal | under the supervision of François Cooren
Sciences Po Paris | Centre de sociologie des organisations | under the supervision of Bruno Latour
Ph.D. in communication studies and sociology of action
Dissertation: Avoir ou ne pas être : La constitution possessive de l’organisation
[To Have or Not to Be: The possessive constitution of organization]
With funding from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Fonds
québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture
Université de Montréal |under the supervision of Chantal Benoit-Barné
M.Sc. in communication sciences
Thesis: La stabilisation des faits : le cas de l’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia
[The stabilization of facts: the case of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia]
With funding from the Bell Canada Chair for interdisciplinary research on emergent technologies
2004 Université de Montréal – B.Sc. in politics and communication
Secrétariat à l’action communautaire autonome et aux initiatives sociales [Secretariat for autonomus
community action and social initiatives] – Government of Québec – $6999 – Consultancy project on
strategic planning with the Côte-des-Neiges tenants’ association
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture [Québec Research Fund – Society and Culture] –
$32000 – Faire le bien. La place du corps et du matériel dans l'éthique humanitaire et médicale [Doing
good. The place of the body and of materiality in humanitarian and medical ethics] – Declined
Social Sciences Research Council of Canada – $40000 – Avoir ou ne pas être: La constitution possessive de
l'organisation [To have or not to be: The possessive constitution of organization]
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture – $20000 – La constitution et le maintien du réseau
du logement au Québec dans les interactions [The constitution and the endurance through interaction of
the Québec housing network]
other teaching
2011-2012 | École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) | Tutor
Participation to the teaching of methodology class Description of controversies.
2007 – 2011 | U. de Montréal, Dépt. de communication | Adjunct
Master’s level:
Théories générales de la communication [General communication theories]
Théories de la communication [Communication theories]; Communication
organisationnelle [Organizational communication] ; et Technologie et travail en
collaboration [Technology and collaborative work]
November 25, 2011 Two-part presentation: “Enseigner la communication organisationnelle? ” [Teaching
organizational communication?] and “Nietzsche et l’organisation” [Nietzsche and the
organization], Organicom, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.
November 18, 2011 “Faire l’organisation – l’organisation se faisant” [Doing the organization – The
organization doing itself], Laboratoire PREFics, Université de Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne, Rennes.
November 10, 2011 “L’ethnométhodologie et l’École de Montréal” [Ethnomethodology and the Montreal
School], Séminaire Méthodes de recherche sur l’information et la communication [Information
and Communication Research Methods Seminar], Institut du mangement de l’information, Paris
April 8, 2010 “La possession comme modalité de constitution de l’organisation” [Possession as a
constitutive modality of organization], Groupe Approches communicationnelles de l’organisation
(ACO) – Maison des sciences de l’homme Paris Nord, Paris
Published articles
Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). The hybrid performance of a district, the limits of speech acts and the
possibility of a material ethics. Collegium,13, 28-44
Bencherki, Nicolas (2012). Dialogue and Representation: Report on the 13 conference of the
International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Montreal 2011. Language and Dialogue, 1(2).
Bencherki, Nicolas (2011). Quel mode d’existence pour l’organisation? [What mode of existence for the
organization?], Revue internationale de communication sociale et publique, 5, 75-92.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Cooren, François (2011). Having to Be: The Possessive Constitution of
Organization. Human Relations, 64(12), 1579-1607.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2011). Mediators and the Material Stabilization of Society. Communication and
Critical/Cultural Studies, 9(1), 1-6.
Cooren, François and Bencherki, Nicolas (2011). How Things do Things With Words: Ventriloquism,
Passion and Technology. Encyclopaideia, journal of phenomenology and education, 28, 35-61.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2008). À la recherche d'une ontologie de l'organisé [In search of an ontology of the
organized]. Commposite, 11(1), 87-99.
Published book and encyclopedia chapters
Bartels, Gerald and Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). Actor-Network-Theory and Creativity Research. In Elias G.
Carayannis (Ed.), Springer Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
(pp. 29-35). Berlin: Springer.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Cooren, François (2013). Philosophy of communication. In Communication. Oxford
Bibliographies Online. doi: 10.1093/obo/9780199756841-0123
Published book reviews
Bencherki, Nicolas (2010). N. Llewellyn, J. Hindmarsh, Organisation, Interaction and Practice. Studies in
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (2010) Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 978-0521-88136-4 268 pp., price: £55, $99. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 26(3), 336-337.
Book chapters and encyclopedia chapters in press
Bencherki, Nicolas (in press). L’ethnométhodologie et l’École de Montréal [Ethnomethodology and the
Montreal School]. In Hélène Bourdeloie et David Douyère (dirs.), Méthodes de recherche sur
l'information et la communication [Research methods on information and communication]. Éditions
Mare & Martin: Paris.
Cooren, François; Bencherki, Nicolas; Chaput, Mathieu and Vasquez, Consuelo (in press). The role of text
and talk in strategizing. In Damon Golsorkhi, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl et Eero Vaara (Dirs.) The
Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice.
Submitted articles
Bourgoin, Alaric and Bencherki, Nicolas (submitted Feb. 2014). The performance of authority in
organizations. Submitted to Organization Science.
Articles in preparation
Bencherki, Nicolas (in preparation). Membership and Partial Inclusion: A Communicative Perspective on
Organizational Membership. For submission to Management Communication Quarterly.
Bencherki, Nicolas (in preparation). The Role of Possession and Language in the Constitution of
Organizations. For submission to Communication Theory.
Bencherki, Nicolas (in preparation). Dispossession of action and partial membership: the case of Army
Bencherki, Nicolas (in preparation). “Yeah, it’s doable.” The material and conversational constitution of
ethical action.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Fauré, Bertrand (in preparation). The constitution of organizations and
professions through medical disciplinary decisions.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Douyère, David (in preparation). Une approche idéaliste de l’organisation ? Corps,
langage et matérialité dans les approches communicationnelles de l’École de Montréal. [An idealist
approach to organization? Bodies, language and materiality in the Montreal School communicational
Book chapters in preparation
Bencherki, Nicolas (in preparation). Action and Agency. International Encyclopedia of Communication
Theory and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell.
conferences and
Presentations to come
Bencherki, Nicolas (2014, accepted). The organizing of a photograph. Art of Management and
Organization Conference 2014 – Organizing creativity as ‘sensemaking’. Copenhagen, August 28-31.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2014, accepted). The pre-individual and the constitution of organizations. EGOS2014
– Sub-theme 49: Affective Ontologies for Performative Organizations. Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
July 3-5.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2014, accepted). Membership and Partial Inclusion: A Communicative Perspective on
Organizational Membership. Organizational Communication Division. The 64th Annual Conference of
the International Communication Association. Seattle, WA, May 22-26.
Bencherki, Nicolas; Cooren, François; Chaput, Mathieu and Vasquez, Consuelo (2014, accepted). A
Communicational Approach to Strategy-Making: Exploring the Constitution of Matters of Concerns.
Organizational Communication Division. The 64th Annual Conference of the International
Communication Association. Seattle, WA, May 22-26.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2014, accepted). "La narration comme découverte de l’organisation" [Narration as
the discovery of the organization]. Association francophone pour le savoir - Colloque "Les discours
organisationnels sous toutes leurs formes" [The French language association for knowledge Colloquium "All the forms of organizational discourse"]. Montréal, Canada, May 15-16.
Presentations given
Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). The conversational performance of property – or, how organizations act.
EGOS2013 – Sub-theme 42: The Communicative Constitution of Organizations: Organizations as
Precarious Accomplishments. Montréal, Canada, July 4-6. “That’s interesting” award nominee.
Bourgoin, Alaric and Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). The performance of authority in organizations. Academy
of Management. Orlando, Florida, August 9-13. Winner of the Management Consulting Division
Outstanding Field Report Paper Award.
Fayard, Anne-Laure and Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). Language Games and the Study of Organizational
Culture. Academy of Management. Orlando, Florida, August 9-13.
Fayard, Anne-Laure and Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). Making Culture Visible. Submitted to 8 Organization
Studies Workshop. Mykonos, Greece, May 23-26.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2013). L’autovidéoethnographie : une exploration méthodologique [Self-
videoethnography: a methodological exploration]. Submitted to L’ethnographie organisationnelle :
pratiques émergentes et contributions [Organizational ethnography : emergent practies and
contributions]. Québec City, Canada, May 7-8.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2012). Organizational ontogenesis and ethics in medical disciplinary decisions.
Design!?– European Group for Organizational Studies, Understanding Organization as Process Track.
Helsinki, July 5-7 [Paper read by Bertrand Fauré]
Bencherki, Nicolas (2012). The Role of Possession and Language in the Constitution of Organizations. 4th
International Process Symposium. Kos, Greece, June 21-23.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2012). Body Talks: A Pragmatic Look at Ethics in Medical Contexts. 6th Łódź
Symposium on New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics. Łódź, Poland, May 26-28.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2011). Performing a district into being. Urban Symbolic Landscapes: Power, Language,
Memory. Helsinki, May 3-5, 2011.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2011). Spacing Dialogue: On the Productivity of the Void. Dialogue and
Representation, 13 Conference of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Montréal,
April 26-30.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2010). The Advent of the Organization as a Subject. Building Bridges. National
Communication Association 96 Convention, San Francisco, November 14-17, 2010.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2010). On Organizations, Planning, Desire and (In)existence. How Organizations Act
on Their Own Constitution. EURAM 2010 – Back to the Future, Rome, May 19-22.
Pelletier, Émilie and Bencherki, Nicolas (2010). “We maybe have to speak in Swahili”: Language issues in
organizational contexts. The 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication
Association, Singapore, June 22-26.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2009). Avoir ou ne pas être : le langage et le matériel [To have or not to be: language
and materiality]. Colloque CERSIC PREFICS / ORG&CO, Rennes, June 11-12.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Pelletier, Émilie (2009). To Have or Not to Be: Possession of Action as
Organizational Mode of Being. The 59th Annual Conference of the International Communication
Association, Chicago, May 21-22.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Cooren, François (2009). Having to Be: The Possessive Constitution of
Organization. European Academy of Management, EURAM 2009 – Renaissance and Renewal in
Management Studies, Liverpool, May 11-14. Selected best paper of its track.
Bencherki, Nicolas and Uwatowenimana, Jeanne d'Arc (2008). “Writing a Wikipedia Article: Data Mining
and Organizational Communication to Explain the Practices by which Contributors Maintain the
Article's Coherence.” Communicating for Social Impact, The 58th Annual Conference of the
International Communication Association, Montréal, May 22-26.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2008). Stabilization of facts on Wikipedia as the interplay of text and conversation.
What is an Organisation? Materiality, agency and discourse, HEC Montréal, Montréal, May 21-22.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2008). Passer au niveau supérieur : Réflexion autour des notions d'individuation et de
concrescence. Le lien social : De l'individu à la communauté colloquium, Université du Québec à
Montréal, March 13, 2007.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2008). Nous n’avons jamais vécu ensemble [We have never lived together]. Comment
vivre ensemble ? La rencontre des subjectivités dans l’espace public [How to live together? The
meeting of subjectivities in public space], Université du Québec à Montréal, October 20-21, 2007.
Bencherki, Nicolas (2007). L’organisation immatérielle ? Le Web social comme lieu d’émergence de
l’organisation [The immaterial organization? The social web and the emergence of organization].
Approche communicationnelles de l’organisation, 75 congrès de l’Association francophone pour le
savoir (ACFAS), Trois-Rivières, May 2007.
Benoit-Barné, Chantal et Bencherki, Nicolas (2006). La stabilisation des connaissances : le cas de
l’encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia. Gestion de l’information et des connaissances [Information and
knowledge management], Séminaire annuel du Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les
technologies émergentes, Université de Montréal, November, 2006.
event organizing
2011 Dialogue and Representation: 13th Conference of the International Association for Dialogue
Analysis. Montréal, April 26-30 2011
Member of the organizing committee (organizers François Cooren and Alain Létourneau)
2009 Guest lecture and workshop with Andrew Pickering (professor of sociology and philosophy,
University of Exeter) at Université de Montréal and Concordia University.
Co-organizer, with Marie-Pierre Boucher and Ghislain Thibault
2008 What is an organization? Materiality, Agency and Discourse. Montréal, May 21-22 2008.
Member of the org. committee (org. Language, organization and governance research group)
2007 24 congress of the Association intern. de pédagogie universitaire. Montréal, May 16-18 2007.
Management of volunteers (org. Higher education research and training center, U. de M.)
other skills
Fluently spoken languages: French, English | Other languages: Spanish, Polish